How to deploy a phaser game to the web or how to export it - phaser-framework

I am developing a mini game in phaser but I do not understand how to export or upload it to a server, in fact I do not understand very well how phaser works in that aspect.
If someone can help me, I would appreciate it

unfortunately your question is equivelant to asking, "How do you drive a car?" as there's lots of pre-requisites to the task.
But to point you in the right direction, here is a simple deployment summary:
Install an FTP program to communicate with your server. Try FileZilla - free and easy.
Browse to your local phaser game files, it should look something like this:
Then you will select everything in this folder, and upload them to your server.
That's a high level summary. But deploying Phaser games is quite easy. Good Luck!


react and node js - consultation

this is more of a question in free flow rather than code examples, because I need some guidance before I proceed with my project.
I did a quick udemy course on node, express, react and mongo back in March. The course was roughly about a month long. My effort was to start a project for a squash league community that I own in my city. Before starting the project, I did my research and decided to go with Node, express and mongo(mongoose). After 3 months, I am done with my project and pretty proud :).
While working along, I also had some ideas on how to add some social media aspects to my web app. So as Phase 2 I want to build that out.
Now the question. REACT obviously is a much better tool to build the social media website. So I was thinking to learn REACT a little more and then use it to build the social media aspect of my web app.
Is this a good approach? All the front ends of my app currently are built using HTML/css, node and ejs.
I basically dont want to rework on anything that I have built so far.
I am just trying to ask the experts if this approach is viable or will I run into any issues later. Please guide.

How can I continue working on my code on another device?

I'm new to programming in general, and I'm currently working on a little game project in Python + pygame. One day I might want to work on my laptop, and the other day on my desktop.
How could I make it so that I can continue on my code from whatever computer I'll be working on?
You could compare it to working in the same document in Google Drive, from whatever device you want.
I've seen services like Github, Google Cloud Code, Microsoft Azure... could they be what I'm looking for?
Would it work storing my project folder in something like Microsoft Onedrive?
GitHub is exactly what you are looking for :)
Google: Version Control Systems
Try github desktop.
It works very well for me.

Is there a way to deploy my app on a hosted platform?

Dear Stackoverflow people,
I am facing the following problem:
For an internship in a company I have created a leaflet map with several custom features such as custom popups, markerstyle etc. The thing is, in the end they are supposed to manage the whole thing. Since they don´t know anything about code they asked for the easiest possible way for them to add data to the map.
So I came across the serverside tutorial by CodingTrain using Node.js and thought its perfect for me. Now I created basically a webform that takes up all information, converts it into a geoJSON feature, stores it in a database and sends it to the map to be displayed, great easy GUI to add new features...
Now comes the bummer which I didnt know would be a problem: The website is on a hosted service called Bitrix. I uploaded my project and it does not recognize the routes and cant write to the database or anything. I actually dont know whether I can run node on this platform?
I had the idea to launch the whole thing on a Service like Heroku or Glitch and just take the map from there and include it into the other website via an Iframe or something like that. Do you guys think thats feasible? Are there any other better ways?
Sorry for my obvious cluelessness but I´m completely new to serverside programming and thought I´d found an easy way out... I am grateful for any kind of suggestions or help!

How do you connect the frontend and the backend?

I'm still kind of new in programming and I'm not quite sure that this is the place to ask this question, but I can't find anything worthy on the Internet. Sorry on first place but I'm truly lost. All I can find is "just use wordpress" and things like that.
I'm trying to make a website from zero with HTML and CSS, and there I would have the front end. I know a little bit of backend but I'm still learning. The real question is: how do you mesh up all of this and put it on the Internet so others can see it? I know you have to buy a domain and so, but how do you put it all together? What do you exactly do with your server-side code if what you "upload" is the HTML code? Are there any good books on the subject or something so I can study it on my own?
Thanks in advance.
Read about web frameworks like Spring in Java or Django in Python. Start with a lecture of these to grasp a notion of backend and frontend working together:
And don't forget to read about the MVC pattern.
If all you want to know is how to publish an html/css project to make your website live then you need a domain, hosting account, your project files, and an FTP program.
Buy a domain and hosting account through a website like godaddy. Once you have that then you basically have your own little server. A server is just a machine thats on 24/7 which holds your project and makes the files live on the internet for people to view.
Once you create your project, then use ftp software such as filezilla to connect to your server. Drag your project into the public_html folder and your website will be live!
I think the word you are looking for is "web server." Examples of web servers are Apache, nginx, and IIS. A web server is a computer program.
A simple web server is sometimes called a "static web server."
To see a bit how this works, you can install a static web server like http-server on your computer (which requires Node.js to run), point it at a directory, and browse the site on your own PC.
So if you have a folder called "my-site" and a file in it called "index.html" and you ran the http-server in the my-site folder, and you went to http://localhost:8080, you would see "index.html" in your browser.
To put all this on the internet:
First, if you have an internet connection at home then you could technically set something up on your laptop that people could connect to. I won't get into it here because it's a little involved, but I think it's important conceptually to understand that you could do it if you wanted to.
You need to get access to a web server. A relatively fast way to set this up would be with zeit.

Switching from desktop development to web-based development

I was thinking recently about changing my main profile as a developer and I want some opinions and insights about this.
I don’t live in Silicon Valley, I’m in an eastern European country where the valley’s buzz arrives about 5 years later, if it does at all. Python, Rails, node.js is not as mainstream or “hip” at all, everything revolves around PHP, Java, .NET.
I’m not saying that we produce crappy code, there are many great developers, I’m just saying that technology-wise, we’re a little behind.
My experience is with C# desktop mainly, but I worked with PHP and Java as well, 2/3 part desktop applications. As of recently, I’m digging deep in JavaScript technologies and Python — and I really like it!
I decided that I want to shift towards web technologies primarily, involving technologies which can be transmitted to desktop area as well.
For example:
Recently I got a project which involved a desktop app. The customer doesn’t really care what technology I use, but I choose C# WinForms as I have most experience from it. However, this could be done easily with anything else and I was thinking that maybe there’s a solution for a JavaScript-based app, or something else, I don’t know.
My question is what languages do you guys suggest which can be applied to both desktop and web.
I was playing around with node.js and Python but not very familiar with the possibilities to be honest. I see the future in cloud applications and mobile development, so my decision is a strategical one.
Please omit the “if you like desktop development, stick with it”, because I like web development as well, I just want to shift to it primarily.
If you are doing app that can be done as web app, but you just want it to sit on user desktop and work without Internet connection, then you should go web development IMHO
The main challenge will be packing web server application in a way that is easy for desktop user.
There are 2 solutions I know:
Package your web application with all dependencies into single Java EE .war file, and put it on desktop with simple Tomcat web server (this can be done with JRuby/warbler).
Alternative could be to create VMware Image with web server (web server will start in server start scripts, so user needs just to start the VMware instance).
