Azure Devops custom extension and current release context - azure

With Azure Devops Services, I need to get azure devops user id which triggered a release, from task.json.
I've got a datasourcebinding with Azure API Management service. This has to get Azure API Management tag based on user id. I've tried different approach :
"target": "TEST",
"endpointId": "$(ConnectedServiceName)",
"endpointUrl": "{{endpoint.url}}/subscriptions/{{endpoint.subscriptionId}}/resourceGroups/$(ResourceGroupName)/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/$(APIM)/products?tags=**$(Release.RequestedForId)**&api-version=2019-12-01",
"resultSelector": "jsonpath:$.value[*]",
"resultTemplate": "{\"Value\" : \"{{{id}}}\", \"DisplayValue\" : \"{{{properties.displayName}}}\" }"
I tried also with {{Release.RequestedForId}} but it didn't work.
I saw different resources for datasourcebinding support :
tfs:teamfoundation – Any micro service hosted within TFS (e.g. Build, Test etc.)
tfs:packaging – Packaging service
tfs:feed – Feed service
tfs:rm – Release Management service
tfs:governance - Governance service
tfs:ems - Extension Management service
I found examples for tfs:feed and tfs:teamfoundation only.
Is there any section for users ? Is there any additional information apart from Azure Devops Services REST API ?
Quite few examples in but none for user request.
Is it possible to get current context release variables or azure devops user id directly in task.json ?
This would be a huge help.
Thank you !

You made a small misatke. Instead of Release.RequestedForId please give a try for Release.Deployment.RequestedFor of Release.Deployment.RequestedForId
Docs for Release.Deployment.RequestedFor says:
The display name of the identity that triggered (started) the
deployment currently in progress. Not available in TFS 2015.
Example: Mateo Escobedo
Docs for Release.Deployment.RequestedForId says:
The ID of the identity that triggered (started) the deployment
currently in progress. Not available in TFS 2015.
Example: 2f435d07-769f-4e46-849d-10d1ab9ba6ab
You have this written here.


roleAssignment with current user id

I'm using Azure AD app registration principles to deploy resources via Azure Resource Manager to deploy via Pipelines.
During the deployment I need to set some permissions to the deployment user to ensure it has enough permission to - for example - upload files.
As I'm using different principles, and I'm not managing those in the code, I would like to know if there is a way to reference the "current user-principals - ID" during the deployment.
Something like:
Otherwise, I would need to inject this information via parameter, I think. I could get that information by script - or there is a variable even present from azure dev ops.
Any ideas, help appreciated. Thanks.
Currently, it's not possible to get the objectId of the user deploying the template... we do have a backlog item for it.

How to create standard type Logic Apps using ARM templates

I can create consumption type logic apps with sample workflow using ARM templates. I want to create standard type logic apps with sample workflows using ARM templates.
But, I’m unable to find any reference documentations for the above one.
So, can anyone help me out on this one.
Sorry, in my earlier answer I misunderstood what you were actually asking. Now I believe I got you. But unfortunately what you want to achieve is not possible. And that is by design:
Standard logic apps are fundamentally different to consumption logic apps.
The old logic apps (now called consumption or multi-tenant) make no distinction between the workflow that you execute within a logic app and the logic app as an azure resource. Your logic app really IS your workflow and it runs on an dedicated ISE that you can not configure. That is why you will find all that workflow information in the arm template.
The new logic apps (now called standard or single-tenant) are build upon the same system that function apps are. Now your logic app is an azure resource that provides the runtime for one or more workflows. It is analogous to a function app that can run one or more functions. There is therefore a clear separation between the logic resource that is described in the arm template and the "application code" (your workflow) that is run within this azure resource.
Like function apps you can only create the azure infrastructure resources with arm templates. Azure Resource Manager has no means to deploy application code.
Your workflow definition will be a separate json file to the arm template that defines your logic app infrastructure and the deployment of the workflow is a step that happens after the provisioning of the infrastructure.
See this project for an example of how this can be setup in a CI/CD pipeline:
To add on Manuel answer, additional useful CI/CD info can be found here -
And we had to use different App Service SKU for App Service Plan section. Haven't had time to deep-dive in to SKU Topic, but for us only Workflow Standard (WS1 - for example)plans are available.
If you need to parameterize your connections.json - just refer the values to the appsettings like this:
"managedApiConnections": {
"documentdb": {
"api": {
"id": "/subscriptions/#appsetting('WORKFLOWS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID')/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/norwayeast/managedApis/documentdb"
"authentication": {
"type": "ManagedServiceIdentity"
"connection": {
"id": "/subscriptions/#appsetting('WORKFLOWS_SUBSCRIPTION_ID')/resourceGroups/INT010/providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/documentdb-test10A"
"connectionRuntimeUrl": "#appsetting('connection_runtimeUrl')"

Create Azure Devops environment from script

I would like to create an Azure DevOps Pipeline Environment from Powershell.
Using Azure CLI or the Azure REST API however, I can not find any information on this.
There are some notions about the environments in the release but that's not what I need.
When using the portal following URL is called "/_apis/distributedtask/environments" but can't find any information about this REST API endpoint.
Does anyone know how to automate this?
You're right, If I check the network section when I create a new environment I can see it uses this api:{org}/{project}/_apis/distributedtask/environments
With this JSON body:
I don't see it domunetd but it should work :)

How can I programatically (C#) read the autoscale settings for a WebApp?

I'm trying to build a small program to change the autoscale settings for our Azure WebApps, using the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Monitoring and Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.WebSites NuGet packages.
I have been roughly following the guide here.
However, we are interested in scaling WebApps / App Services rather than Cloud Services, so I am trying to use the same code to read the autoscale settings but providing a resource ID for our WebApp. I have already got the credentials required for making a connection (using a browser window popup for Active Directory authentication, but I understand we can use X.509 management certificates for non-interactive programs).
This is the request I'm trying to make. Credentials already established, and an exception is thrown earlier if they're not valid.
AutoscaleClient autoscaleClient = new AutoscaleClient(credentials);
var resourceId = AutoscaleResourceIdBuilder.BuildWebSiteResourceId(webspaceName: WebSpaceNames.NorthEuropeWebSpace, serverFarmName: "Default2");
AutoscaleSettingGetResponse get = autoscaleClient.Settings.Get(resourceId); // exception here
The WebApp (let's call it "MyWebApp") is part of an App Service Plan called "Default2" (Standard: 1 small), in a Resource Group called "WebDevResources", in the North Europe region. I expect that my problem is that I am using the wrong names to build the resourceId in the code - the naming conventions in the library don't map well onto what I can see in the Azure Portal.
I'm assuming that BuildWebSiteResourceId is the correct method to call, see MSDN documentation here.
However the two parameters it takes are webspaceName and serverFarmName, neither of which match anything in the Azure portal (or Google). I found another example which seemed to be using the WebApp's geo region for webSpaceName, so I've used the predefined value for North Europe where our app is hosted.
While trying to find the correct value for serverFarmName in the Azure Portal, I found the Resource ID for the App Service Plan, which looks like this:
That resource ID isn't valid for the call I'm trying to make, but it does support the idea that a 'serverfarm' is the same as an App Service Plan.
When I run the code, regardless of whether the resourceId parameters seem to be correct or garbage, I get this error response:
<string xmlns="">
{"Code":"SettingNotFound","Message":"Could not find the autoscale settings."}
So, how can I construct the correct resource ID for my WebApp or App Service Plan? Or alternatively, is there a different tree I should be barking up to programatially manage WebApp scaling?
The solution below got the info I wanted. I also found the Azure resource explorer at extremely useful to browse existing resources and find the correct names. For example, the name for my autoscale settings is actually "Default2-WebDevResources", i.e. "{AppServicePlan}-{ResourceGroup}" which I wouldn't have expected.
There is a preview service where you can inspect all your resources easily. If you search for autoscale in the UI you will easily find the settings for your resource. It will also show you how to call the relevant REST Api endpoint to read or update that resorce.
It's a great tool for revealing a lot of details for your deployed resources and it will actually give you an ARM template stub for the resource you are looking at.
And to answer your question, you could programmatically call the REST API from a client with updated settings for autoscale. The REST API is one way of doing this, the SDK another and PowerShell a third.
The guide which you're following is based on the Azure Service Management model, aka Classic mode, which is deprecated and only exists mainly for backward compatibility support.
You should use the latest
Microsoft.Azure.Insights nuget package for getting the autoscale settings.
Sample code using the nuget above is as below:
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Insights;
using Microsoft.Rest;
//... Get necessary values for the required parameters
var client = new InsightsManagementClient(new TokenCredentials(token));
client.AutoscaleSettings.Get(resourceGroupName, autoScaleSettingName);
Besides, the autoscalesettings is a resource under the "Microsoft.Insights" provider and not under the "Microsoft.Web" provider, which explains why you are not able to find it with your serverfarm resourceId.
See the REST API Reference below for getting the autoscale settings.

change the value of instances count programmatically in azure

I downloaded AutoScale from
and followed the instructions there.
I added it as reference to my existing azure project. But I am not sure what exactly I should pass as the user defined parameters for the 6 parameters required for auto scale.
I want to only change the instance count of my worker role depending on the number of documents to be processed.
Those parameters are all from the management API and the Silverlight Management UI
There are several more samples/tools for the Management API available - e.g.
There's also a commercial third party service available to assist - see
Maarten's tool has parameters:
Console.WriteLine(" AutoScale.exe <certificatefile> <subscriptionid> <servicename> <rolename> <slot> <instancecount>");
To generate the certificate file, see the instructions from that cmdlet article or see the instructions in
The subscription ID is available via the silverlight azure management UI
the ServiceName and RoleName are what you choose when you create the service in the UI and when you create the role in code
the Slot is "Production" or "Staging"
the instanceCount is how many instances you want to run
