Anyone used "Print to PDF" option in Transform designer ??? (Bottomline) - transform

Anyone used "Print to PDF" option in Transform designer ??? (Bottomline)
The PDF output obtained from this is having very big file size. I want to reduce it. Anybody knows about this??
By reducing the DPI, I'm getting the output Pdf with lower size. But this will reduce the clarity of the output.

If you intend to use "Print to PDF" object I am afraid that this is your only option.
What is working good for me when I want to reduce the size of the PDF is to use - "Advanced printer" Object and then you need to choose "Microsoft print to PDF" in Use Specific printer option. Normally this reduces for me around 40% of the PDF size without the need to sacrifice the quality.


Creating a multi layered psd file with "editable text" using command line

I am trying to create a PSD file using command line (linux/osx).
I have 5 blocks of text
I need a way to take these 5 blocks of text and generate a psd that will have 5 different layers for each text block and i need them to be editable after the psd has been generated and opened in photoshop.
Are you guys familiar with any software that can do this?
I tried GIMP and ImageMagick and i was able to generate a psd with 5 layers with the text blocks in there but unfortunately imageMagick seems to turn the text into an actual image so this makes the text non editable once opened up in photoshop.
You can use Applescript or Extendscript to script Photoshop itself - there is a guide available here.
You can do something like this using the Applescript version:
tell application "Finder" to set thePath to (home as string) & "TestText.tif"
set thePosix to quoted form of POSIX path of thePath
display dialog thePosix
do shell script "touch " & thePosix
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CC"
make new document with properties {name:"Testtextlayers"}
make new art layer at current document with properties {kind:text layer}
make new art layer at current document with properties {kind:text layer}
tell text object of art layer 1 of current document
set {contents, size, stroke color} to {"Hello", 30.0, {class:RGB hex color, hex value:"913b8e"}}
end tell
tell text object of art layer 2 of current document
set {contents, size, stroke color, position} to {"World", 48.0, {class:RGB hex color, hex value:"339966"}, {3, 4}}
end tell
set myOptions to {class:TIFF save options, image compression:none, byte order:Mac OS, save alpha channels:true, save spot colors:true, embed color profile:true}
save current document in file thePath as TIFF with options myOptions appending no extension without copying
end tell
The Extendscript version may be more portable across Linux and Windows.
Indeed - most software able to manipulate PSD images can only work with a subset of it. GIMP itself will only open text PSD layers as pixels.
My hint for your workflow would be to script this from inside photoshop, and create another kind of file, with text-markup, that would be rendered there. Doing that would not be possible through the command line, though -
(maybe it could be automated with GUI automation tools).
Ah - it just hit me - maybe you could work with the SVG file format, and have it converted to PSD later (the conversion would still require manual interaction inside Photoshop though - but maybe the SVG file is close enough you can ship it directly to your final users, isntead of a PSD)
As for an SVG approach: create a new template file in Inskcape, and possition
your 5 blocks of text wherever you like. The final result will contain your text in XML blocks looking like this:
y="123.79075">MyText here</tspan></text>
Replace the actual text (My text here) whtih a markup such as {}, and then you can create your svg files with a python oneliner such as:
python -c "import sys; open(sys.argv[2], 'wt').write(open(sys.argv[1]).read().format(*sys.argv[3:]) )" template.svg drawing.svg My other text file shines
The advantage of this approach is that you can actually style and format the template in very detailed ways. (hmm..browsing around, it looks like photoshop can't simply open SVG files...too bad anyway - maybe you can swithch your needed workflow away from it?)

Visio - Convert ".svg" to ".emf" format

My goal is to convert pictures from .svg format into .emf, remaining the size, resolution, etc!!
The best solution that I found was using Visio, because of the quality after conversion and also if I need to resize the pictures, they don’t lose quality.
Please check the picture that I am sending on the link.
This picture shows the appearance when I open a .svg file in Visio 2010. As you can see, the image is very clear and the limits well defined!
(picture. 1)
I have already fit the drawing to the page using this tip
(picture. 2)
To get the emf format I save this file as .emf format:
(picture. 3)
The quality is good when it is opened with Microsoft Picture Manager, but the problem is detectable when this picture is inserted on the software that I want to use. The .emf file looks well, but when I convert from svg to .emf, Visio inserts an invisible frame around the image, if I open this emf file with paint it looks like it is inserted 1 pixel size for all borders!
(picture. 4)
As you can see here, the size image from Visio should looks like this (Inkscape) but it’s inserted a frame like this:
(picture. 5)
(picture. 6)
Does anybody know how to get a solution to this, using either Visio or other software?
Please do the download of the files.
(Link is no longer valid.)
I appreciate all feedback.
Thank you for preparing so much for this question and providing the ZIP. It was a very thorough job.
I don't have definitive knowledge here but my experience is this is very common EMF which - as I understand it always require a bounding box to be stored in the file.
The only option I can think of is using another format for example EPS - but it depends on what the final program you are using supports. Exporting to a bitmap format works better for some applications - though it may not be desirable for your needs.
One solution would be to use inkscape to convert from svg to emf.
In the Inkscape GUI: Menu File -> Save As -> Select emf as Target
Or in the command line mode: inkscape -z src.svg -M target.emf

A PDF viewer for PDF with large vector images on linux?

I need to view some PDF with large vector images (they can be really large) on linux (I am on Debian Wheesy). I need also to zoom on theses images with more than 400% (infinite zoom would be great, more than 800% would be good). I have tested several PDF viewers but they have the following problems :
Evince : cannot zoom more than four or five increase of zoom ("+"), the image is so big that it doesn't even display the percentage of zoom.
Okular : cannot display the image (all is blank) after a certain degree of zoom (~70%-80%).
muPDF (last version from git and debian repository version) : cannot open a too large image. Error message : "Interger overflow" (last version) or "Out of memory" (debian version).
Xara LX : cannot import PDF in the open source version. Convert PDF to SVG for importing into Xara LX does not fit my needs because my PDF contains several pages.
Inkscape : can open PDF and its zoom is powerful, but it's not a PDF viewer so the navigation is slow.
Xournal : cannot open correctly the image (all is black).
Do you know others open source PDF viewer that could open and zoom on PDF with large vector images ?
Thank you in advance,
Both Ubuntu's Evince reader and Linux Mint's Xreader will increase their max level of zoom if their cache size is increased. You can use gsettings to view or change these settings.
Evince reader's zoom can be increased with:
gsettings set org.gnome.Evince page-cache-size 200
Xreader with:
gsettings set org.x.reader page-cache-size 200
In both cases you'll need to select an appropriate cache size in megabytes. You can first look at what your current setting's value is by instead using the gsettings get command.
xpdf is the open-source viewer that works efficiently on very large vector images.
The only drawback is that it has an old interface and is not well integrated into gnome; I have to start it from the commandline as it doesn't show up in my Nautilus "open with" list.
For example Evince failed in opening the map (size is 197MB) attached to this paper
EVANS, David JA; EWERTOWSKI, Marek; ORTON, Chris. Eiríksjökull plateau icefield landsystem, Iceland. Journal of Maps, 2016, 12.5: 747-756.
on the other hand qpdfview succeded (but no more of 500% zoom).
Try Foxit-Reader:
Only drawback is not being open-source but it works just fine.

GhostScript render without text

I would like to know, сan GhostScript render pdf on image (such as jpeg) without text? If not, advise the free library for .net, that it will make.
Sorry for my English. Thx!
What do you mean by 'render without text' ? Do you mean that you want all the content of a PDF page rendered to a format which doesn;t contain text (such as JPEG), or do you mean you want all the content of a PDF page except the text rendered, to a file format such as JPEG.
Its possible to elide the text, but its not a command line switch or anything like that, because its pretty hard to see why you want to do this.
If you really do want to do it, then your best bet is to modify the text handling procedures in the PDF interpreter, I would suggest that you don't alter the processing but set the text rendering mode to mode 3 (neither stroke nor fill) to prevent any problems with the current point not being correct.

How can I convert several .ai files to various sized .png files automatically?

I am making a deck of cards in Adobe Illustrator. Each card is saved as it's own .ai file so I can change it later if I want to. When using these images in an iOS app, I must convert everything to .png files. Then I must re-size those .png files to have retina and non retina versions. I'm hoping there is a way that will allow me to automatically take a folder of all my .ai files and give .pngs of 200px x 400px and 100 x 200px. Also I'd like the larger ones to automatically be named #2xNameOfOrginalFile.png and the others to be named nameOfOrginalFile.png. I see stuff about batch automated scripting that does stuff like that. I'm curious how simple that is to implement. Is what I'm suggesting possible? Is this an easy process?
Seems pretty easy to do. Someone has posted a script that will do what you want:
You'll have to change these lines,
pngExportOpts.horizontalScale = 250.0;
pngExportOpts.verticalScale = 250.0;
to calculated values. The scale is a percentage (see: the docs). You can use sourceDoc.width and sourceDoc.height to get the width and height of the original .ai file (in pixels? docs don't say).
You'll also want to modify the getNewName function.
