So for a project, I have to create, as said a list of lists of all combinations from 0 to 9 but is limited to a list of 6 numbers.
So that the result looks something like this:
Solutions ==> [[0,0,0,0,0,0], [0,0,0,0,0,1], ... [9,9,9,9,9,9]]
The text of your question seem to imply that you want to get all possibilities, with digit repetitions allowed and reordered versions being regarded as distinct. That is, you want the Cartesian product of 6 times [0..9].
If so, you are led to expect 106 = 1 million possibilities. As mentioned in the comment by Will Ness, you can use either mapM (const [0..9]) [1..6] or the equivalent expression replicateM 6 [0..9].
Checking under the ghci interpreter:
λ> import Control.Monad (replicateM)
λ> length $ mapM (const [0..9]) [1..6]
λ> length $ replicateM 6 [0..9]
λ> length $ sequence (replicate 6 [0..9])
λ> replicateM 6 [0..9] == sequence (replicate 6 [0..9])
However, there is a performance caveat.
Library function replicateM is highly polymorphic. Acting as the list cartesian product is not its sole role in life. Unfortunately, this happens to have the sad side effect that its peak memory consumption can become quite large (exponentially large) if you go beyond toy-sized examples.
Fortunately, there is a known workaround based on an idea by K. A. Buhr:
cartesianProduct :: [[α]] -> [[α]]
cartesianProduct xss =
map reverse (helper (reverse xss))
helper :: [[α]] -> [[α]]
helper [] = [[]]
helper (ys:zss) = [y:zs | zs <- helper zss, y <- ys]
λ> length $ cartesianProduct (replicate 6 [0..9])
λ> cartesianProduct (replicate 6 [0..9]) == replicateM 6 [0..9]
Alternatively, let's now assume you do need actual combinations. That is, you no longer allow repeated digits, and you want to regard [1,2,3,4,5,6] as identical to [6,5,4,3,2,1]. The number of possibilities thus becomes much smaller.
In such a case, you can use a more restrictive version of the code for cartesianProduct:
combis :: Ord α => Int -> [α] -> [[α]]
combis k xs =
let xss = replicate k xs
helper1 :: [[α]] -> [[α]]
helper1 [] = [[]]
helper1 (ys:zss) = [y:zs | zs <- helper1 zss, y <- ys,
(null zs) || (head zs < y)]
map reverse (helper1 xss)
λ> cb = combis 6 [0..9]
λ> length cb
λ> div (10*9*8*7*6*5) (6*5*4*3*2*1)
λ> take 10 cb
Check it out:
ghci> [ [x,y] | x <- [1..3], y <- [1..3] ]
Your move.
First of all, what your asking about is not a list of permutations but a list of all possible combinations. In a permutation each digit would appear only once.
Basing on the example you gave one can write a recursive function, generating all combinations for lists of n elements:
combinationsMaker n = if n == 1 then [[digit] | digit <- [0..9]] else [sublist ++ [digit] | digit <- [0..9], sublist <- combinationsMaker (n-1)]
My Haskell is quite rusty, so it might not be the most idiomatic. Possibly one would like to factor out the allowed elements, so its not only all digits.
Prelude> let a = 3
Prelude> :sprint a
a = _
Prelude> let c = "ab"
Prelude> :sprint c
c = _
Why does it always print a _? I don't quite get the semantics of the :sprint command.
Haskell is a lazy language. It doesn't evaluate results until they are "needed".
Now, just printing a value causes all of it to be "needed". In other words, if you type an expression in GHCi, it will try to print out the result, which causes it all to be evaluated. Usually that's what you want.
The sprint command (which is a GHCi feature, not part of the Haskell language) allows you to see how much of a value has been evaluated at this point.
For example:
Prelude> let xs = [1..]
Prelude> :sprint xs
xs = _
So, we just declared xs, and it's currently unevaluated. Now let's print out the first element:
Prelude> head xs
Prelude> :sprint xs
xs = 1 : _
Now GHCi has evaluated the head of the list, but nothing more.
Prelude> take 10 xs
Prelude> :sprint xs
xs = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : _
Now the first 10 elements are evaluated, but more remain. (Since xs is an infinite list, that's not surprising.)
You can construct other expressions and evaluate them a bit at a time to see what's going on. This is really part of the GHCi debugger, which lets you step through your code one bit at a time. Especially if your code is getting caught in an infinite loop, you don't want to print anything, because that might lock up GHCi. But you still want to see what's going on... hence sprint, which lets you see what's evaluated so far.
I'm a bit late, but I had a similar issue:
λ: let xs = [1,2,3]
xs :: Num t => [t]
λ: :sprint xs
xs = _
λ: print xs
λ: :sprint xs
xs = _
This issue is specific to polymorphic values. If you have -XNoMonomorphismRestriction enabled ghci will never really evaluate/force xs, it'll only evaluate/force specializations:
λ: :set -XMonomorphismRestriction
λ: let xs = [1,2,3]
xs :: [Integer]
λ: print xs
λ: :sprint xs
xs = [1,2,3]
Haskell is lazy. It doesn't evaluate things until they are needed.
The GHCi sprint command (not part of Haskell, just a debugging command of the interpreter) prints the value of an expression without forcing evaluation.
When you write
let a = 3
you bind a new name a to the right-hand side expression, but Haskell won't evaluate that thing yet. Therefore, when you sprint it, it prints _ as the value to indicate that the expression has not yet been evaluated.
Try this:
let a = 3
:sprint a -- a has not been evaluated yet
print a -- forces evaluation of a
:sprint a -- now a has been evaluated
I am trying to generate a list of all strings that consist of 6 Xs and 3 Qs.
A subset of the list I am trying to generate is as follows:
What is a good way to go about this?
Here is a dynamic programming solution using Data.Array. mem just stores memoized values.
import Data.Array
strings :: Int -> Int -> [String]
strings n m = strings' n m
mem :: Array (Int,Int) [String]
mem = array ((0,0),(n,m)) [ ((i,j), strings' i j) | i <- [0..n], j <- [0..m] ]
strings' 0 m = [replicate m 'X']
strings' n 0 = [replicate n 'Q']
strings' n m = (('Q':) <$> mem ! (n-1,m)) ++ (('X':) <$> mem ! (n,m-1))
The naive solution is to recursively choose one of X or Q until we run out of choices to make. This is especially convenient when using the list monad to model the nondeterministic choice, and leads to quite short code:
stringsNondet m 0 = [replicate m 'X']
stringsNondet 0 n = [replicate n 'Q']
stringsNondet m n = do
(char, m', n') <- [('X', m-1, n), ('Q', m, n-1)]
rest <- stringsNondet m' n'
return (char:rest)
The disadvantage of this approach is that it does a lot of extra work. If we choose an X and then choose a Q, the continuations are the same as if we had chosen a Q and then an X, but these continuations will be recomputed in the above. (And similarly for other choice paths that lead to shared continuations.)
Alec has posted a dynamic programming solution which solves this problem by introducing a recursively-defined array to share the subcomputations. I like this solution, but the recursive definition is a bit mind-bending. The following solution is also a dynamic programming solution -- subcomputations are also shared -- but uses no hand-written recursion. It does make use of standard recursive patterns (map, zip, iterate, ++, and !!) but notably does not require "tying the knot" as Alec's solution does.
As a warmup, let's discuss the type of the function of interest to us:
step :: [[String]] -> [[String]]
The final result of interest to us is [String], a collection of strings with a fixed number m of 'X's and a fixed number n of 'Q's. The step function will expect a collection of results, all of the same length, and will assume that the result at index m has m copies of 'X'. It will also produce a result with these properties, and where each result is one longer than the input results.
We implement step by producing two intermediate [[String]]s, one with an extra 'X' compared to the input results and one with an extra 'Q'. These two intermediates can then be zipped together with a little "stutter" to represent the slight difference in 'X' count between them. Thus:
step css = zipWith (++)
([[]] ++ map (map ('X':)) css)
(map (map ('Q':)) css ++ [[]])
The top-level function is now easy to write: we simply index into the iterated version of step by the length of the final string we want, then index into the list of results we get that way by the number of 'X's we want.
strings m n = iterate step [[[]]] !! (m+n) !! m
A bonus of this approach is the single, aesthetically pleasing base case of [[[]]].
Use permutations and nub functions from Data.List:
Prelude Data.List> nub $ permutations "XXXXXXQQQ"
We can have a faster implementation as well:
insertAtEvery x [] = [[x]]
insertAtEvery x (y:ys) = (x:y:ys) : map (y:) (insertAtEvery x ys)
combinations [] = [[]]
combinations (x:xs) = nub . concatMap (insertAtEvery x) . combinations $ xs
Comparison with the previous solution in ghci:
Prelude Data.List> (sort . nub . permutations $ "XXXXXXQQQ") == (sort . combinations $ "XXXXXXQQQ")
Prelude Data.List> :set +s
Prelude Data.List> combinations "XXXXXXQQQ"
(0.01 secs, 3,135,792 bytes)
Prelude Data.List> nub $ permutations "XXXXXXQQQ"
(0.71 secs, 161,726,128 bytes)
Prelude> let a = 3
Prelude> :sprint a
a = _
Prelude> let c = "ab"
Prelude> :sprint c
c = _
Why does it always print a _? I don't quite get the semantics of the :sprint command.
Haskell is a lazy language. It doesn't evaluate results until they are "needed".
Now, just printing a value causes all of it to be "needed". In other words, if you type an expression in GHCi, it will try to print out the result, which causes it all to be evaluated. Usually that's what you want.
The sprint command (which is a GHCi feature, not part of the Haskell language) allows you to see how much of a value has been evaluated at this point.
For example:
Prelude> let xs = [1..]
Prelude> :sprint xs
xs = _
So, we just declared xs, and it's currently unevaluated. Now let's print out the first element:
Prelude> head xs
Prelude> :sprint xs
xs = 1 : _
Now GHCi has evaluated the head of the list, but nothing more.
Prelude> take 10 xs
Prelude> :sprint xs
xs = 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : 5 : 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10 : _
Now the first 10 elements are evaluated, but more remain. (Since xs is an infinite list, that's not surprising.)
You can construct other expressions and evaluate them a bit at a time to see what's going on. This is really part of the GHCi debugger, which lets you step through your code one bit at a time. Especially if your code is getting caught in an infinite loop, you don't want to print anything, because that might lock up GHCi. But you still want to see what's going on... hence sprint, which lets you see what's evaluated so far.
I'm a bit late, but I had a similar issue:
λ: let xs = [1,2,3]
xs :: Num t => [t]
λ: :sprint xs
xs = _
λ: print xs
λ: :sprint xs
xs = _
This issue is specific to polymorphic values. If you have -XNoMonomorphismRestriction enabled ghci will never really evaluate/force xs, it'll only evaluate/force specializations:
λ: :set -XMonomorphismRestriction
λ: let xs = [1,2,3]
xs :: [Integer]
λ: print xs
λ: :sprint xs
xs = [1,2,3]
Haskell is lazy. It doesn't evaluate things until they are needed.
The GHCi sprint command (not part of Haskell, just a debugging command of the interpreter) prints the value of an expression without forcing evaluation.
When you write
let a = 3
you bind a new name a to the right-hand side expression, but Haskell won't evaluate that thing yet. Therefore, when you sprint it, it prints _ as the value to indicate that the expression has not yet been evaluated.
Try this:
let a = 3
:sprint a -- a has not been evaluated yet
print a -- forces evaluation of a
:sprint a -- now a has been evaluated