Beginner having a problem with matplotlib - python-3.x

I am using the book Python Crash Course as a textbook. I was doing pretty well until I tried to use the Matplotlib library. The book gave the following command to install the library:
python -m pip install --user matplotlib
I entered this in the terminal window in Pycharm (the IDE I am using). It appeared to work, in that I got a series of messages indicating that files were being downloaded and installed on my computer. However when I attempted to import matplotlib.pyplot into an example piece of code I was trying to write, I got a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'matplotlib'
I assumed that the downloaded module went to the wrong directory, so I searched my hard drive to find a file or folder named matplotlib. I found several folders in different locations, but when I tried copying them into folders where I knew Pycharm could find it, it didn't seem to help. Can someone please clue me in to how I can use this module.
I am using windows 10 on an MS Surface 6.


Python Packages Not Working From Same Directory As Working Packages

I am using Python38.
I am trying to create a script to create/modify google sheets. So I came across several articles detailing how to accomplish this: article1, article2, article3.
Essentially it boils down to using two python packages: GSPREAD and OAUTH2CLIENT.
The problem is trying to import either of these returns the Module Not Found Error.
Running this:
import sys
I see the site-packages directory is returned in the list.
I have many other packages installed in the same directory that do work (e.g. bs4, Django, Flask, matplotlib, etc, etc), so why are these two packages not being found? Does the PATH variable need to be updated?
Thanks in advance!!
So I failed to mention in the question that I was trying to do the pip install from the command line (cmd on windows). Which successfully installed the packages, but did not allow visibility to the rest of the python environments.
The way to get this to work was to run the pip install command from the Anaconda Prompt (Anaconda's command line).

"DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found" error on using wordcloud in Jupyter notebook

I installed the word cloud library in python to use wordcloud. I am able to successfully use it in all editors like sublime, etc but when I am trying to use it in Jupyter notebook then it is giving me error:
DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found
I have been trying to solve this issue from last 2 days but not getting success. I would appreciate any kind of help.
I too faced this issue.
the problem was when wordcloud is installed it gets python modules and stores in
**C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages** folder (in my case this is the python executable path this may vary for you) so when you import from jupyter it tries to find it in this path , but wordcloud creates one more folder with same name and downloads all wordcloud module in side this , this is one more level in directory so jupyter is unable to find. so the hack what i did is copied all modules from inner wordclod folder to one level outside i.e
copy all from C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\wordcloud\wordcloud ->
so this made the trick and no more error.

PyCharm 2017.1, No module named 'kivy'

I could use (troubleshooting)help with getting Kivy imported in PyCharm. I am using:
Anaconda with Python 3 on 64-bit Windows 10 Pro
PyCharm 2017.1
Packages: NumPy, SciPy, BeautifulSoup, Pandas, Scrapy, Pattern, NetworkX, NLTK, scikit-learn, Selenium
I have installed Kivy following the instructions at
As evident from the screen shot, no errors occurred.
Still, when I run "import kivy" from PyCharm I get "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'kivy'".
I ran through the installation with someone on the #kivy channel and was assured that kivy is successfully installed.
When I pass import kivy; print(kivy.file) to the interpreter (opened from the CMD command line), I get returned among others:
Someone on #kivy suggested I check where PyCharm looks for kivy. How do I figure that out?
I'd appreciate any suggestions to identify the problem / resolve my issue.
Indeed, the installation of Kivy went fine. The problem turned out to be that I had to select the correct (updated) interpreter in the PyCharm settings.

Python 3.6 cx_freeze ModuleNotFoundError: No module named Tkinter

I froze a python 3.6 program with cx_freeze, and it worked just fine. But as soon as I tried to run it, I got this error message.
Does anyone know what to do? Please help!
try using
import tkinter
(small 't' instead of capital)
Try checking the dir names in the 'lib' folder (in my case it was 'build\\lib'). I had a similar issue (without the 'ImportError: DLL load failed...') and found that the 'lib' directory contained a "Tkinter" folder. Changing its name to lowercase 'tkinter' did the trick and made the .exe run just fine.
If you read the error more clearly, it stated in a comment that if importing _tkinter failed, your computer isn't configured to use tkinter. You should download tk and ttk to make it work.
And According to :
If it fails with "No module named _tkinter" or "Tkinter", your Python configuration
needs to be modified to include this module (which is an extension
module implemented in C). Do not edit Modules/Setup (it is out of
date). You may have to install Tcl and Tk (when using RPM, install the
-devel RPMs as well) and/or edit the script to point to the right locations where Tcl/Tk is installed. If you install Tcl/Tk in
the default locations, simply rerunning "make" should build the
_tkinter extension.

PyCharm Import Error: Claims 'matplotlib' is not a package, but works successfully in IDLE

Happy October everyone,
I've successfully downloaded modules before using either the pycharm installer or pip through the command screen, but for some reason when installing matplotlib pycharm cannot recognize it. I've uninstalled and reinstalled, I've installed through both methods, I've followed past similar questions asked on this site which make sure that you have the same interpreter and that it was installed in the right folder (pycharm error while importing, even though it works in the terminal).
So, here's the whole problem. Here's is the simple code, submitted into both pycharm and IDLE:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
When submitted into IDLE, my plot appears. When submitted into pycharm, the following error appears:
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/PythonProject/", line 1, in <module>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
File "C:\PythonProject\", line 1, in <module>
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ImportError: No module named 'matplotlib.pyplot'; 'matplotlib' is not a package
I am currently running Python 3.4, PyCharm 2016.2.3, and my matplotlib folders are indeed in my site-packages folder inside my Python34 folder. Also for further verification:
PyCharm installation
Please help I've become frustrated since this is the only module I've run into trouble with. I've scoured StackOverflow and related websites to help, I've made sure I have all the requirements, etc.
I guess if you named your current writing python module as cause the python load your current writing module instead of the actual, which triggers an error.
I recommend you to use virtualenv. Is not strictly necessary but is good for dividing your project environments.
This is how I tested matplotlib on my Windows 10 installation, hope it helps.
Be sure that you have the python 3 installation folder listed in your Windows PATH environment variable, should be already listed if you checked "Add Python 3.5 to PATH":
You need also to set the Scripts folder in your PATH environment variable usually should be this path:
C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35\Scripts
If you don't do that you have to prepend python -m to every command below like this: python -m <command>, so the command below would be python -m pip install virtualenv. I prefer the first solution.
To test matplotlib on Pycharm I've used virtualenv, here is how; first install virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
Then you create your virtual environment in a folder of your choice, in my case I used python_3_env_00:
virtualenv python_3_env_00
After that you can activate you python 3 virtual environment:
Now you should see in your command line the active virtual environment (python_3_venv_00), like this:
Now you can install matplotlib:
pip install matplotlib
Fire up PyCharm and add your virtual environment as you project interpreter, go to File->Settings search for Project Interpreter click on the gear icon and Add Local and set the path of your virtual environment, should look like something like this:
Test it:
import sys
run this code in where the import worked, and run it in the Pycharm project. Compare the lists. Find out which path that is not present in Pycharm sys.path.
Before importing pyplot, append the missing path to sys.path.
import sys
sys.path.append("the path")
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Does this work?
Please follow below steps if you are still getting an error:
If you are using PyCharm, it automatically create virtualenv.
Ensure Scripts path is set into PATH
Then open PyCharm and go to File-> settings. Search for Project Interpreter. You will see window like this
sample image
Click on setting icon -> Existing Environment -> click on ... give below path
Click on Apply -> ok and you are good to go.
After installing matplotlib When I was trying to use matplotlib.pyplot it was giving error module not found.
I browsed some white papers and found out that we also need to install scipy library to use the matplotlib so I used the below in my command prompt
python -mpip install scipy
Restarted my kernel session.
It worked!!!
I was also facing issue while importing matplotlib but it got resolved and now I am able to use it from pycharm as well.
Please make sure you should have visual c++ 14 installed in your system.
2.If you have more than two python version installed on your system then please install matplotlib from both the version.
Eg. pip install matplotlib
pip3 install matplotlib
If matplotlib is working from python idle then please check whether you are using correct interpreter in pycharm or not and try to choose pythonw.exe path from your installed location.
Hope this will help, Please do let me know if you are still facing issue.
I had similar issue but I solved it very easily on pycharm 2019.3.2. In case anyone looking for an easier solution:
I just opened the terminal window on pycharm and typed pip install matplotlib and it was all good to go. Every project has its own virtual environment. Opening terminal window of IDE cds to project directory by default. So the installing command was enough.
