Use ReactPHP Socket to open a ws:// socket - reactphp

I've been trying to get ReactPHP socket up and running for a bit now, once up, I can telnet to it on the specified port but I cannot use websocat or any js lib to connect via ws:// protocol. Any help would be appreciated.
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
$socket = new React\Socket\Server('', $loop);
$socket->on('connection', function(ConnectionInterface $connection) use ($colors) {
$connection->write("Hello " . $connection->getRemoteAddress() . "!\n");
$connection->on('data', function($data) use ($connection){
$connection->write('received: ' . strtoupper($data));
echo "Listening on {$socket->getAddress()}\n";
Listening on tcp://
websocat ws://localhost:8000
websocat: WebSocketError: HTTP failure
websocat: error running

For anyone struggle with this. React opens a low-level tcp socket which cannot be used with type ws:// connections. You will need to use a wrapper like Ratchet php.


Loopback3 calling remote method or API periodically

Basically, my requirement is to keep looking for new files in the folder, read the contents of the file and call the loopback API.
To achieve that I am trying to do something like below:
I have a remote method in loopback which needs to be called periodically i.e. after every 2 minutes. I read about the asynchronous boot scripts in the official loopback documentation here:
So far I have been able to write the following code:
module.exports = function(app, callback) {
setInterval(function() {
console.log('Hello world');
}, 120000);
But this throws an error below.
error: uncaughtException: listen EADDRINUSE :::443
Also, is there a way to call remote methods from the bootscripts ? Does loopback support cron/schedular or polling like functionality. Do I need to write a separate nodejs application which will call the API periodically.
Your error states that your address(port number) if the server is already in use.
error: uncaughtException: listen EADDRINUSE :::443
You can try to listen on some other port number
app.listen(3000, function() {
console.log('listening on 3000')
Kill process running on same port
First, you would want to know which process is using port 3000
sudo lsof -i :3000
this will list all PID listening on this port, once you have the PID you can terminate it with the following:
kill -9 {PID}
Check if your code is not calling multiple listen on the same port
Let me know if this isn't resolving your problem

How to write and test dynamic server for Office.js add-in?

I'm developing an Office.js add-in for Excel, and I'm kind of lost on how to create the server side of the application and test it on localhost.
I've created the add-in project/structure using Yo Generator, and I'm using gulp to test it on localhost (port:8443). Using this approach, I was able to successfully load my add-in and test the client-side of the same. Also, I've tested a http request to a static json file and it worked fine.
The issue is that I need to run code on server side for dealing with files and doing some processing, and I simply can't find a way to do that.
I've already tried to start a localhost server on a different port (port:8000) using the code bellow and node command:
var https = require('https');
var fs = require('fs');
var httpsOptions = {
key: fs.readFileSync('key.pem'),
cert: fs.readFileSync('cert.pem')
var app = function (req, res) {
res.end("hello world\n");
https.createServer(httpsOptions, app).listen(8000);
The server started ok, but as my application is running on port:8443, I'm unable to do cross origin requests (which I understand would also not work on a production environment).
I also tried to start add-in server on port:8443 using gulp serve-static command, and then start a server listening on the same port:8443 using node command, but this results on the error bellow:
Error: listen EADDRINUSE
at Object.exports._errnoException (util.js:870:11)
at exports._exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:893:20)
at Server._listen2 (net.js:1234:14)
at listen (net.js:1270:10)
at net.js:1379:9
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.asyncCallback [as callback] (dns.js:64:16)
at GetAddrInfoReqWrap.onlookup [as oncomplete] (dns.js:83:10)
May someone please help on how to get this working?
Please let me know if any further information is required.
Thanks in advance.
First, you can't have two servers listening on the same port simulateneously. That's why you're getting the Address in Use error.
Second, I am in a similar situation like you and my thinking here was, that the way to go would be writing a server that provides an API (e.g. REST). Then, the javascript code that get's loaded into office (for starters the App.js in your yo office generated project) makes requests to this API. on openshift with angular-fullstack

I generated a node.js app using Yeomans angular-fullstack generator.
Everything worked fine except the use of After uploading my app to openshift using angular-fullstack:openshift, I got informed that I have to:
Openshift websockets use port 8000, you will need to update the client
to connect to the correct port for sockets to work.
in /client/app/components/socket/socket.service: var ioSocket = io.connect('')"
I dont know where to do this. I am using version 1.0.6 which is shown inside package.json file.
==> app-root/logs/nodejs.log <==
socket.address = socket.handshake.address.address + ':' +
TypeError: Cannot read property 'address' of null
at Namespace. (/var/lib/openshift/xxx/app-root/runtime/repo/server/config/socketio.js:41:46)
at Namespace.EventEmitter.emit (events.js:95:17)
at Namespace.emit (/var/lib/openshift/xxx/app-root/runtime/repo/node_modules/
at /var/lib/openshift/xxx/app-root/runtime/repo/node_modules/
at process._tickCallback (node.js:415:13)
DEBUG: Program node server/app.js exited with code 8
DEBUG: Starting child process with 'node server/app.js'
By the way, the app, including, works fine on my local development machine!
Thanks for any help!
My working solution is now:
I changed the creation of the openshift app to "not create a scalable app" (I disabled the -s switch in the yo angular-fullstack:openshift command)
After that, I changed the connection of to:
var ioSocket = io('', {
// Send auth token on connection, you will need to DI the Auth service above
// 'query': 'token=' + Auth.getToken()
in the "/client/components/socket/socket.service.js" file. works now fine!
I'm not sure why openshift requires this, but you just need to modify your client code.
In your client side code, you should have something like this:
var socket = io();
You'll apparently need to update it to:
var socket = io('');
It's worth noting that there are plenty of other hosting providers (even free) which don't require you to jump through these hoops.

Can't Connect To A Telnet Server From Node.js

I have a telnet server embedded in a C++ app that I can connect to with no problem
using telnet.
I want to write a node application that will connect to my server and I have tried
var net = require('net');
var port = 6502
var host = ''
var socket = net.connect(port,host, function() {
console.log("Sending data");
socket.on("data", function (data) {
console.log("received data");
console.log( data.toString() );
socket.on("error", function(err) {
Unfortunately what I get back is this
> node test.js
{ [Error: connect ECONNREFUSED]
syscall: 'connect' }
What's really odd is if I set up a simple echo server with node everything works
fine. Here's the working echo server code:
var net = require('net');
var server = net.createServer(function (socket) {
socket.write('Echo server\r\n');
server.listen(6502, '');
and from that I get
Sending data
received data
Echo server
Is there any reason why:
I can telnet into my app fine
I can connect from node to my node echo server on the same port
I get a connection refused if I connect from my node app to my app
Extra Info
On OSX (mavericks)
Node version 0.10.28
Telnet server in C++ is provided via embedded lua and luasocket (lua 5.1)
The issue is the code in my app server was binding to localhost and by default
that binds to the IPV6 address of ::1
Passing a host of localhost to net.connect assumes IPV4 and doesn't work.
The mac command line telnet and nc both work fine with this and connect correctly.
Two solutions:
App binds to and localhost in node works fine
Set host address to ::1 in test.js and it connects via ipv6
All fixed now though :)
Looks like you forgot to tell the server to listen in your code. It throws a connection refused error because there is nothing to connect to...
Add this at the end: server.listen(port);
The prototype for net.connect is (options, callback)
I would then suggest to test your code against a standard telnet server to see how it behaves, and finally I would strongly recommend the use of jshint or jslint.

Redis in Nodejs on Cloud9 IDE: [Error: Auth error: undefined]

Here is my code:
var express = require("express"),
app = express(),
server = require("http").createServer(app),
io = require("").listen(server),
redis = require("redis"),
env = {PORT: process.env.PORT || 8080, IP: process.env.IP || "localhost"};
client = redis.createClient(env.PORT , env.IP);
client.on("error", function(err) {
console.log("Server started # " + env.IP + ":" + env.PORT);
After trying to run, I received the followings on the console:
Running Node Process
Your code is running at ''.
Important: use 'process.env.PORT' as the port and 'process.env.IP' as the host in your scripts!
info: started
Server started # modified.ip.address.1:8080
[Error: Auth error: undefined]
I tried establishing the connection, and it connects to the IP and PORT perfectly. However, the error [Error: Auth error: undefined] appears and stops there. I Googled the error, the supports from the IDE I used..., and surprisingly, there are only 7 links to my problems. So I think it may be a hole in my knowledge or it is not really a problem yet a thing I don't know to work it out. All I could pull out from those Google results were (I was not sure) I need to use client.auth(pass) right after creating it. But where should I find the password? When I installed it npm install redis I didn't configure anything and wasn't told to set password whatsoever. So I reach the impasse.
I use Cloud9 IDE (, and the modules used as shown in the code above.
----With best regards,
I've found out what was wrong.
I did install Redis, but that is a Redis library that acts like a bridge between Redis driver and NodeJS. On Cloud9, I have to manually install Redis, too.
So it would take 2 commands to actually install Redis:
Install the Redis Driver on Cloud9
nada-nix install redis
Install Redis library for NodeJS
npm install redis
Thanks for anyone who was trying to help me.
You can run the redis-server using your own config file.You can create your own config like below.
//port and ip of ur redis server
port 6371
//password for this server
requirepass ucanmentionurpwd
//storing snapshots of the data
save 60 1
dbfilename dump.rdb
dir /tmp/db
//starting redis server
redis-server //ur config file location
See this link for redis configuration
If you mention requirepass with your password means only you need to do
Otherwise no need to call the client.auth method.
