QT slot ignores while loop - multithreading

Hello i'm try to create an application in QT with two thread but i have an issue :
I have a slot which run when i click on a pushbutton, and on the click it is supposed to change the name of a label called lValeur. But it change the text only once . Play help me i want to die ...
Here is the interesting part of my code :
void IHM::ClicButtonPer()
ButtonDem->setEnabled(true) ;
ButtonPer->setEnabled(false) ;
QString val ;
QTimer attendre ;
val = "Valeur : " ;
val += valeur ;
lValeur->setText(val) ;
attendre.start(1000) ;
QApplication::processEvents() ;
break ;
}while(1) ;
and the connect function which execute the slot :
connect(ButtonPer, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(ClicButtonPer())) ;
EDIT : that's multithreading because i have another thread which communicate with a TCP server
EDIT 2 :
connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &IHM::on_timer);
this code just return me an error on &IHM::on_timer: cannot take the address of an rvalue of type 'void'
EDIT 3 (and the last one) :
I change connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &IHM::on_timer);
with connect(&m_timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(on_timer)) ;
Hope it will help someone

Very strange code. You need to learn the basics of programming. A timer is an entity that is not used in loops. Timers are usually used to repeatedly perform any action at predetermined equal intervals of time, but avoiding loops.
As for Qt and the QTimer class,
you need to create a QTimer object in a nonlocal scope. You can add the variable declaration to the IHM class header. In the simplest case, you also need to create a slot method.
class IHM : public...
QTimer m_timer;
private slots:
void on_timer();
Then in the IHM cpp file you need to connect the timeout signal of the timer the slot. It can be done in the IHM constructor.
connect(&m_timer, &QTimer::timeout, this, &IHM::on_timer);
Put the code you need to be called repeatedly, to the slot body. Start and stop the timer wherever you need. For example:
void IHM::ClicButtonPer()
void IHM::on_timer()
val += valeur;
As for the issue "it change the text only once" you need to read about Qt event loop. I can suggest
Signals & Slots
You can also set a breakpoint to the line attendre.start(1000); then go down the steps and see what conditions are actually met.
Read also:
Threading Basics
Multithreading Technologies in Qt
Threads and QObjects


Running methods on different threads

simply put for a hw problem I need to run a bubble sort with 3 million elements. Do this normally. and then sort 4 individual lists (not nearly accurate but is all thats required) of 750000 elements each on a different thread.
I have a class that extends thread that simply prints a line if im running the thread. But I'm not sure how to get it to run a method
class thread extends Thread{
override def run()
// Displaying the thread that is running
println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() +" is running.")
//this for loop is in an object
for (c <- 1 to 5)
var th = new thread()
I am going to stick to answering the question you asked instead of trying to do your homework for you. I hope that is enough to get your started trying things out for yourself.
Recall that class names should be capitalized. That is probably a good thing to remember as your instructor will probably mark you down if you forget that during an exam.
class MyThread extends Thread{
override def run() = {
// Displaying the thread that is running
println("Thread " + Thread.currentThread().getName() +" is running.")
def sort() = {
// my sorting code here
If your instructor has not restricted you to using Thread only, I would also, similar to Luis Miguel Mejía Suárez, recommend Future instead of Thread. The syntax it uses is cleaner and preferable for how I would do multithreading in a professional setting. However, the choice may not be yours, so if your teacher says use Thread, use Thread.
For a primer on using Futures, see here.
Good luck!

How to solve simultaneity bias in groovy

What is the best way of solving the simultaneity bias in groovy?
I have a issue with a queue. I select all queue with state wait and
update the state to running. Most of the time it goes okay, but sometimes by error state running get loaded from another thread.
I know from study time, I get illustrated to a way to solve through java. But I can't remember how.
Below should illustrate the problem.
Thread one:
List<Queue> elements = Queue.findAll { state = wait }
sleep(1000) //Illustration of a delay
elements.each {
it.state = running
Thread two (starts at same time as thread one):
List<Queue> elements = Queue.findAll { state = wait } //The error occur here, as thread one already begin executing same elements.
//Problem should be solved somehow here.
elements.each {
it.state = running
Thread two select same element as Thread one. But thread two should not go further with the element, as Thread one is the owner now.

Greenfoot Actor not in World error

When my enemy gets to the bottom of the screen I want to remove and if the enemy gets hit by bullets i want to remove it. The error is : java.lang.IllegalStateException: Actor not in world. An attempt was made to use the actor's location while it is not in the world. Either it has not yet been inserted, or it has been removed.
I think the problem is because there is two calls to removeObject or the getOneIntersectingObject method is causing an error. How do I fix this?
This is the code causing the error
public class Enemy extends Actor
public void act()
setLocation(getX(), getY() + 3);
if (getY() > getWorld().getHeight() + 30 )
Actor fire = getOneIntersectingObject(Fire.class);
if(fire != null)
Greenfoot doesn't allow any interactions with the world after an actor has been removed from it. If your Y coordinate causes this actor to be removed from the world in the first if statement, it is an error to call getOneIntersectingObject afterwards.
There's several ways to solve this: you could wrap the ensuing lines in an else clause, you could make an early return if you remove yourself in the first if, or you could use a boolean flag to keep track of whether you want to remove yourself, but only do the removal as the very last item in the act() method.

Master of threads under DigitalMicrograph

I have created two threads in DigitalMicrograph and they are executed as soon as the script is executed.
I want something different.
Let's imagine two buttons for the threads (start and stop thread).
How can I add code to activate the threads only when I push buttons ?
It would be very helpful if you had a code exemple for me.
There are a couple of things to consider:
You can not allocate new objects from within the UIframe object. (To be more precise: From a method invoked by a UI action. You can allocate f.e. in the constructor or with an Init() method at start.) Therefore you allocate them beforehand and then let the UIframe object know about them.
You often want the UIframe object to be aware of the thread object, but also the thread-object to be aware of the UIframe object. (So that the UI can change if something in the thread object wants it to.)
Having objects as member variables of objects is a bit dangerous, because those objects can only be released once the 'keeping' object gets released to. If two objects hold each-other as member variables, you're in a dead-locked situation! For this reason, it is save to use weak referencing: Keep only the objectID numbers as member variables and look objects up on need.
The following code-example should give you a starting point. It consists of 2 classes and a main call. The code is split in this answer, just copy & paste it into a single script file for testing.
First the thread object:
class myThread:Thread
number linkedDLG_ID
number externalBreak
myThread( object self )
result( self.ScriptObjectGetID() + " created.\n" )
~myThread( object self )
result( self.ScriptObjectGetID() + " destroyed.\n" )
void SetLinkedDialogID( object self, number ID ) { linkedDLG_ID = ID; }
void InterruptAtNextChance( object self ) { externalBreak = 1; }
void RunThread( object self )
number maxLoop = 30
object callDLG = GetScriptObjectFromID( linkedDLG_ID )
externalBreak = 0
for( number i=0; i<maxLoop; i++ )
sleep( 0.1 )
Result( i + "\n" )
if ( callDLG.ScriptObjectIsValid() )
callDLG.DLGSetProgress( "progress", (i+1)/maxLoop )
if ( externalBreak )
// Cleanup at end of thread
if ( callDLG.ScriptObjectIsValid() )
callDLG.DLGSetProgress( "progress", 0 )
callDLG.LookUpElement( "DBevel" ).DLGValue( 0 )
callDLG.ValidateView( )
Any threading class is derived from the class Thread.
The class has two member variables. One will hold the ID of the UI-object, the other is a simple Boolean to allow 'outside' calls to stop a running thread.
The first two methods are the constructor and the destructor. They are not really needed in this example, but it is good practice to put them in during script development, because they will indicate in the results-window when an object of that class gets created and when it gets destroyed. That helps tracking memory leaks and dead-lock situations.
The next two methods allow 'outside' calls to set the two member variables.
The RunThread method is the heart of any Thread class. It has to be of exactly this signature because it overrides the according method of the parent class Thread from which we derive our class MyThread. The RunThread method gets launched into a separate background thread, when the method StartThread() is called. ( StartThread() is a method of the class Thread. )
The actual code in RunThread is in two parts:
An 'action-loop' doing anything you want but allowing a quick-exit if the Boolean variable changes value. This is how external calls can interrupt. This is discussed a bit further down.
A 'clean-up' part where the object can influence the UI object, discussed below as well.
Next is the UI class:
class myDialog:UIframe
object callThread
myDialog( object self )
result( self.ScriptObjectGetID() + " created.\n" )
~myDialog( object self )
result( self.ScriptObjectGetID() + " destroyed.\n")
TagGroup CreateDLG( object self )
image i := IntegerImage( "", 1, 0, 25, 25)
i = 0; i[ 2 , 2 , 23 , 23 ] = 1;
image onImage, offImage
onImage = RGB( 0*i , 200*i , 0*i )
offImage = RGB( 200*i , 0*i , 0*i )
TagGroup tgItems, tg, button, label, progress
tg = DLGCreateDialog("Dialog",tgItems)
button = DLGCreateDualStateBevelButton( "DBevel", onImage, offImage, "StartPressed" )
progress = DLGCreateProgressBar( "progress" ).DLGfill( "X" )
label = DLGCreateLabel( "start/stop" )
tgItems.DLGAddElement( DLGGroupItems( button , label ).DLGTableLayout( 2 , 1 , 0 ) )
tgItems.DLGAddElement( progress )
return tg
object Init(object self, number callThreadID )
// Assign thread-object via weak-reference
callThread = GetScriptObjectFromID( callThreadID )
if ( !callThread.ScriptObjectIsvalid() )
Throw( "Invalid thread object passed in! Object of given ID not found." )
// Pass weak-reference to thread object
callThread.SetLinkedDialogID( self.ScriptObjectGetID() )
return self.super.init( self.CreateDLG() )
void StartPressed( object self )
number active = self.LookupElement( "DBevel" ).DLGGetValue()
if ( active )
Any dialog (UI) class is derived from the class UIframe.
This class has only one member variable: An object, which will be the thread-object.
Again there are a constructor/destructor method for easier debugging.
The CreateDLG method builds the tagGroup describing the dialog. I will not go into details here, but essentially it creates the following dialog when displayed:
The Init() method initializes the object. The Init() method of the base class UIframe requires a descriptive TagGroup and returns the UI object itself. We call on this in the last line of our extended Init() method, and use our class-method to create the tagGroup:
return self.super.init( self.CreateDLG() )
The code before is what links our thread-object to the UI-object. We pass in a number, which is the object-ID of our thread-object. We now get the according object from memory and assign it to our local member variable. (NB: The variable now holds the object itself, not a copy or clone of it! )
callThread = GetScriptObjectFromID( callThreadID )
Right away, we check if the lookup was successful and actually returned a valid object. If not, we stop our script with a thrown exception. From now on, the UI-object 'contains' the thread-object and can use it.
Now comes the back-link. Now that the UI object has been allocated, it also has an object-ID. We feed this number into our thread-object.
callThread.SetLinkedDialogID( self.ScriptObjectGetID() )
From now on, the thread object is nicely linked to the UI-object. Looking back to the myThread class, you will notice that we use the same trick of looking up and locally storing the object in the RunThread() method.
StartPressed() is the method linked to our dialog button. This button is a bevel button, so we query its state, which is the state after the bevel-button changed, and act accordingly. We either launch the RunThread() method of our thread object as a background-thread, or invoke the according 'interrupt' method, which simply sets the Boolean variable
Finally the main script:
void StartScript()
object threadObject = alloc( myThread )
object dlgObject = alloc( myDialog ).Init( threadObject.ScriptObjectGetID() )
dlgObject.display( "Dialog" )
Not a lot going on here. We first create the threadObject of the myThread class, and then the dialog UI object.
We initialize the dialog object with the ID of the existing threadObject, and then display it as a modeless dialog.
Some points to notice:
Whenever you use object variables in DigitalMicrograph scripting, you should put them into a structure block. This ensures that the objects get out-of-scope and deleted, when the structure block is left. Object variables defined and allocated in the main script are not destructed at the end of the script. For this reason, we have encapsulated the main script in a method itself.
We have used two different methods of linking in this example:
Direct: The myDialog class really keeps the thread-object itself as a member variable. Although we initialized it with the ID only, we immediately linked the object to a member variable.
Weak reference: The myThread class only holds the object-ID of the dialog-object as a member variable.
Why have we done this? If the myThread class would keep the dialog-object as a member, then the two objects would hold each-other in a dead-lock situation. Neither can be destructed because of the other. But why have we not used the same for the myDialog class? Because we want to display the dialog as a modeless dialog in a background thread itself!
Think of the main-script:
We create the thread-object
We create the dialog-object
We display the dialog-object (But we don't stop script execution here!)
The script ends
But when the script ends, the object variables threadObject and dlgObject go out of scope! They will be immediately destructed, unless something keeps them in memory. The dlgObject stays in memory, because we displayed it as modeless dialog. It will be released, when the according dialog window is closed. But what keeps the threadObject? Nothing! Once the RunThread() method has finished, it would be released and subsequently destructed. However, because it is a member of the dlgObject it will not be destructed.

how to use window title to get process id,and process name

I would like to get process id and process name via using window title
my develop environment is visual c++ 2008
how to do it.
It's not reliable to search window by title. But if you want to do so, first you need to find window handle for specified title. You can easily do this with EnumWindows function. When you find HWND you can use GetWindowThreadProcessId function to get process id.
UPD: To get process name you need to get process handle with OpenProcess and use GetProcessImageFileName.
HWND hw = FindWindow(NULL, L"Window Title");
if (hw)
DWORD dwProcessId = 0;
DWORD dwThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hw, &dwProcessId);
if (hProcess)
wchar_t *szExeName[1024] = {0};
if (QueryFullProcessImageName(hProcess, 0, szExeName, _countof(szExeName))
// ...
You should probably use the class argument as well (the one that is NULL in my first line) if you know it, so that it is less likely you will accidentally find some other program's window that happens to have the same title.
Of course, the class name is not guaranteed to be unique between programs either, but the combination is more reliable than just using the title by itself.
You can get the window class easily using Spy++.
Edit: QueryFullProcessImageName requires Vista, but you can swap that line for one which uses GetProcessImageFileName as per DReJ's answer.
Edit2: If you're not compiling for unicode, remove the "L" before "Window Title" and use a char buffer instead of wchar_t.
