Packet capturing in l3fwd - linux

I am performing a dpdk experiment. In my setup, I have two physical machines, Host1 and Host2 with 2 10Gbps NICs on each. One interface of Host1 is bounded with dpdk and generating traffic using pktgen. Both interfaces of Host2 are bounded with dpdk and l3fwd is running as packet forwarding application. Second NIC of Host2 is used to capture the packets. I want to breakdown the delay experienced by a packet by seeing the time spent in each interface of Host2.
Is there any way to capture packets of dpdk interfaces using l3fwd as packet forwarding applications?

For DPDK interfaces you can make use DPDK-PDUMP capture to get packets from DPDK bonded nic. Refer
Application l3fwd is to be modified with rte_pdump_init API call right after rte_eal_init. This will enable multi-proecss communication channel, there by when dpdk-pdump (secondary) application is run rte_ring and packet copy is enabled to copy the content over.
Note: please check DPDK PDUmp App on usage. FOr example to copy packets from port 0 and queue 1 use sudo ./[path to applciation]/dpdk-pdump -- --pdump 'port=0,queue=1,rx-dev=/tmp/port0_queue1.pcap'

pdump is good tool to capture packets at any port binded to dpdk. Launch the pdump tool as follows:
sudo ./build/app/dpdk-pdump -- --pdump 'port=0,queue=*,rx-dev=/tmp/capture.pcap'
and after packets are received, run the following command in home/temp directory to view them
tcpdump -nr ./capture.pcap


(DPDK)how to send a pcap file to the reciever, and generate a exact pcap file on the reciever side?

I'm doing this project, where I have to send a bunch of packets (using rte_eth_tx_burst) ,from one network card, to another network card. these 2 network cards are linked(by Fiber I guess? it was not me who linked them.), so if I just use tcpdump to listen to the other network card, I can capture the whole thing, and store them into a pcap file.
My test environment:
1.a Linux machine, with 2 pairs of linked network cards: eth1 and eth2 are linked, eth3 and eth4 are linked also. program, listens to eth1.
3.I send a pcap file using eth2 (cmd: tcpreplay -i eth2 test.pcap) program gets the packet stream, frame by frame, for every frame it recieves, it sends it out, from eth3, using rte_eth_tx_burst() provided by dpdk.
5.I run tcpdump to listen to eth4(cmd:tcpdump -i eth4 -w recieve.pcap -B 1000)
My current problem is:
1. the frames are not in their original orders. (but the contents are the same.)
2. the time gap between frames are not the original gaps.(but I guess this is inevitable).
1.does dpdk guarantees the send order for packets you put in the send queue.
2.perhaps it's because that tcpdump doesn't guarantee the order?
3.or is this problem unsolvable?
Yes, the order of packets send by tx_burst should be guaranteed, provided you're just using one queue.
The out of place packet you are seeing is a reply from eth4, as tcpdump also records outgoing traffic. Remember that the TCP stack is still working as usual on eth4.
Why not use DPDK to capture the packets too? It'd be more reliable and you'd only see incoming packets. Theres an utility for that: pdump. Or you can choose only incoming direction in tcpdump using -Q in.
Also, maybe you already know this, but there's an example app bundled with DPDK that does exactly what you're trying to do: L2FWD.

Tun interface and IPv6

I'd like to ask you a question about tun interfaces, but without OpenVPN.
I have two applications that tunnel traffic:
"sgsn userspace app" reads IP packets from the tun interface "tun sgsn", sends them to "ggsn userspace app", this app writes them to "tun ggsn".
It works the other way too, so I can have a working ssh session, copy files, etc.
So, the packets go this way:
scp client --> sgsn tun interface ---> tunneling through my app -----> ggsn tun interface (dropped here) ----------> sshd
Now, I've tried it with IPv4 and it works, but when I switch to IPv6 the IP packet is written to "tun ggsn" and the IP stack discards it. I've seen it with dropwatch, which says the discard is in ip_rcv+c0.
The routes must be correct because otherwise the packet wouldn't have made it into tun_sgsn in the first place.
I've tried this in both CentOS 6.7 and 7.1 with same result. However, in the 7.1 I only have a single host, so I've done a few tricks with ip6tables to NAT addresses, so the traffic from each user space app (scp and sshd) goes through the tun interfaces. I'm saying this just so it's clear from the beginning, but with the 6.7 I have two machines and no NAT (I'm aware that NAT doesn't work in CentOS 6.7 for IPv6). I've used tcpdump in the tun ggsn interface and the IPv6 datagram seems all right.
Another hint: If I scp to the tun_ggsn interface directly, it works, but I don't think this discards anything with the tun driver, since being in the same machine that means the IP packets don't go down the TCP/IP stack to reach the tun driver (in fact, tcpdump does not capture the packet if I do this).
Any help would be appreciated, thank you very much in advance.

Linux sends a packet from a source IP of one interface but a source MAC of another

My Linux (Debian) server has eth0 and eth1, and both are on the same subnet.
It receives packets from both interfaces, but it only replies from eth0.
Packets that are sent to eth1 are replied from eth0, and the reply has eth0's src mac and eth1's src IP.
I verified this by sending a ping to eth1 while running tcpdump on the Linux server.
This is a problem because:
Since no packets are sent with a source mac of eth1 (with the exception of the initial arp), the switch forgets the eth1 mac. Then, every packet with the destination mac of eth1 that is received by the switch is broadcasted across the network, flooding it which makes us sad.
I want:
My Linux server to send packets out from both eth0 and eth1. I think the nicest solution is that for each packet we get, we reply from the same interface. Another way to put it is that I want to bind each interface to its IP and MAC - so that it will only send packets from these addresses.
More details:
My Linux server is an ISCSI Target communicating with an ESX which is an ISCSI Initiator - though a Cisco switch. The switch forgets MACs after 5 minutes, and the ESX probably remembers them for 20 minutes (as discussed here and here). So while the ESX remembers the mac of the Linux, the ESX keeps sending ISCSI requests which flood the network, while my server sends ISCSI replies through only one of the interfaces.
This isn't what you asked for, but if you just set up a cron job on the box that did
ping -c 1 -I eth1 <address of eth1's default gateway>
every minute, then you would have at least one packet per minute leaving eth1 with eth1's MAC address on it. -I tells ping to bind to a specific interface, so it won't use eth0 even if that's the preferred route.

Cannot send or receive packets from my VirtualBox debian linux VM using UDP

For the sake of simplicity, I will refer you to and the UDP server and client source code there.
I am trying to send a packet using UDP protocol to a linux VirtualMachine server program. Both my host and VM ping well; all packets sent are received in both directions. However my server program is either not receiving any packets, or it is simply not printing. Either way, it isn't printing the confirmation or contents of any packets I send to it from the host.
I do not have another PC handy, but both programs communicate well enough if I stage them on the same computer and Wireshark reports that the packets are being sent.
Mine is a three part question: first, how can I fix this. Second, why would the host and VM receive each others ping messages, but not pass these on to the open sockets of both ends of my UDP system? Finally, do you have any suggestions about the form or intent of this question?
EDIT: I've tried running my VM with the NAT and bridged adapter network setups. However, I can't conceptualize the relationship between those setups and my problems right now.
With NAT networking, the VM gets a private IP address (usually 192.168.x.y) and the host does NAT translation of outgoing packets, and translates reply packets back to the VM. In this mode, all communication must be initiated by the VM -- outside machines can only send packets to the VM in reply to packets the VM sent to them. On the network, the packets will look like they're coming from/going to the host on some unrelated port.
With bridged networking, the VM gets a device that connects directly to the host's network device. In this mode, the VM appears as a separate machine on the same network LAN as the host, with its own IP address. You need to allocate an IP address for it, the same as the host get allocated an IP address (usually via DHCP).
In either case, to debug what is going on, use tcpdump/wireshark on the host to monitor the host's network device. Send packets from the VM, and you should see them in the trace -- they'll appear to come from the host and a different port in the NAT case, and will appear to come from the VM's IP address (and unchanged ports) in the bridged case.
Once you see that, you should be able to send packets back to the VM, though in the NAT case, they must come FROM the address/port the original packet(s) were sent to.
There are known issues with VirtualBox bridged networking not working properly on wifi devices; in general you can only use bridged networking with wired networks.
Oracles VB manual page clear all the terminology used in settings.
I've had similar problem, where my VB program didn't receive any packets, which I solved by setting "Bridged Networking" and setting up proper source/destination IP address in my program by analyzing WLAN interface with wireshark and using ifconfig (or ipconfig) in terminal.

tcpdump returns 0 packets captured, received and dropped

I am currently trying to debug a networking problem that has been plaguing me for almost three weeks. I'm working with openstack and can create virtual machines and networks fine but cannot connect to them at all. When I run this command from the server, i have to ctrl+c to stop the time-out and it returns:
[root#xxxxxx ~(keystone_admin)]# tcpdump -i any -n -v 'icmp[icmptype] = icmp-echoreply or icmp[icmptype] = icmp-echo'
tcpdump: listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 65535 bytes
0 packets captured
0 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel
I'm not sure if this is exclusively and OpenStack problem or just a networking problem in general, but i know that 'tcpdump' is supposed to return something other than 0 packets captured, received or dumped. I am new to networking and therefore do not have much experience so please be gentle. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
tcpdump is the right tool to dump ip packets. But if your openstack security group rules blocks ICMP, 0 ICMP packets are expected.
I just want to understand what do you mean by "cannot connect to the virtual machines at all". ping command doesn't work? or other protocol like ssh or HTTP.
Generally the first common problem when connecting to OpenStack VM is the security group rules. the default one disallow ICMP protocol. You can run the following command to see the rules:
nova secgroup-list: it usually returns a default one
nova secgroup-rules-list default: it will show the defined rules. where there must be at least one rule to allow ICMP protocol.
Here's the official doc to tell how to add rules allowing ICMP and SSH.
