Linux - Print only filenames for the directory and sub-directories - linux

I'm very new at Linux world.
I've the following directories on my linux (centos rhel fedora"):
I'm trying to make a print of all the files in all the directories. Basically I am trying to get the following list:
I already try 'ls' command and 'ls -al': but it prints also the direcotry name.
I also try to use 'ls -lR | more': but it prints a lot of details that I don't want to use.
Do you recommend any command?

How about using:
find . -type f -exec basename {} \;
or even:
find . -type f -printf "%f\n"
There is a similar question asked here and it has many answers, hope this helps:
List only file names in directories and subdirectories in bash

How about using find:
find /root/main -type f


See if directory rec is used as symlink in Linux

I want to see, if a symlink points to a directories in a specific dir - recursively.
Of course, I clould use
find / -type l -ls 2>/dev/null |grep /targetpath
But I do not want type all the (recurse) paths.
So I put all symlinks on my system into a file once.
find / -type l -ls 2>/dev/null >~/symlinks.txt
Then I list the directories recursively.
find /targetpath to start/ -maxdepth 2 -type d
And that is my question:
Can I pipe these paths from the last command to grep?
Grep should look into my file symlinks.txt and show the linecontent of matching lines (could be more symlinks pointing to this DIR)
I tried something like
find /targetpath to stat/ -maxdepth 2 -type d | xargs -0 -ifoo grep foo symlinks.txt
But it does not do, what I expect.
Or maybe an other, better solution?
From man find:
-lname pattern
File is a symbolic link whose contents match shell pattern pattern. [...]
find / -lname '*/targetpath/*'
See find-all-symlinks-to-a-directory-and-change-target-to-another-directory.

Bash Command for Finding the size of all files with particular filetype in a directory in ubuntu

I have a folder which contains several file types say .html,.php,.txt etc.. and it has sub folders also .Sub folders may contain all the file types mentioned above.
Question1:- I want to find size of all the files having the file type as '.html' which are there in both root directory and in sub- directories
Question2:- I want to find size of all the files having the file type as '.html' which are there only in root directory but not in sub folders.
I surfed through the internet but all i am able to get is commands like df -h, du -sh etc..
Are there any bash commands for the above questions? Any bash scripts?
You can use the find command for that.
#### Find the files recursively
find . -type f -iname "*.html"
#### Find the files on the r
find . -type f -maxdepth 1 -iname "*.iml"
Then, in order to get their size, you can use the -exec option like this:
find . -type f -iname "*.html" -exec ls -lha {} \;
And if you really only need the file size (I mean, without all the other stuff that ls prints):
find . -type f -iname "*.html" -exec stat -c "%s" {} \;
iname search of files without being case sensitive
maxdepth travels subdirectories recursively up to the specify level (1 means only the immediate folder)
exec executes an arbitrary command using the found paths, where "{}" represents the path of the file
type indicates the type of file (a directory is a file in Linux)

Move and rename the files - bash script

I'm new to unix shell/bash scripting . My requirement is as follows :
The current directory contains a lot of dynamic folders and the data file is available only in the last sub folder.
I need to move the data file to the home folder and rename the datafile's name as the current directory's name.
Could you please help in writing the bash script for the same.
I tried the following to move file to the parent directory:
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -print -exec mv {} . \;
After trying out many options , the following worked
find . -mindepth 2 -type f -print -exec mv {} . \;
fileName=`echo $dirFullPath | awk -F"/" '{print $(NF)}'`
mv *.0 $
Any other better solutions is appreciated, Thanks.!!

Search for text files in a directory and append a (static) line to each of them

I have a directory with many subdirectories and files with suffixes in those subdirectories (e.g FileA-suffixA FileB-SuffixB FileC-SuffixC FileD-SuffixA, etc).
How can I recursively search for files with a certain suffix, and append a user-defined line of text to those files? I feel like this is a job for grep and sed, but I'm not sure how I would go about doing it. I'm fairly new to scripting, so please bear with me.
You can do it like
find /where/to/search -type f -iname '*.SUFFIX' -exec echo "USER DEFINED STRING" >> \{\} \;
find searches in the suplied path
-type f finds only files
-iname '*.SUFFIX' find the .SUFFIXed names, case ignored
find ./ -name "*suffix" -exec bash -c 'echo "line_to_add" >> $1' -- {} \;
Basically you use find to get a list of the files. Then you use bash to echo append your line to that list.

Remove files for a lot of directories - Linux

How can I remove all .txt files present in several directories
Dir1 >
In my example I want to run the remove command from Dir1.
I know the linux command rm, but i don't know how can I make this works to my case.
PS.: I'm using ubuntu.
To do what you want recursively, find is the most used tool in this case. Combined with the -delete switch, you can do it with a single command (no need to use -exec (and forks) in find like other answers in this thread) :
find Dir1 -type f -name "*.txt" -delete
if you use bash4, you can do too :
( shopt -s globstar; rm Dir1/**/*.txt )
We're not going to enter sub directories so no need to use find; everything is at the same level. I think this is what you're looking for: rm */*.txt
Before you run this you can try echo */*.txt to see if the correct files are going to be removed.
Using find would be useful if you want to search subfolders of subfolders, etc.
There is no Dir1 in the current folder so don't do find Dir1 .... If you run the find from the prompt above this will work:
find . -type f -name "*.txt" -delete
