Octopus tentacle not connecting to Octopus server in polling mode - polling

I’m changing Octopus Tentacle Server to a windows 2016 server using Polling mode (same as on the current server).
However, I keep getting this exception below during the Tentacle setup on the server after providing the username and password. What am I doing wrong?
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Octopus.Client.OctopusAsyncClient.d__14.MoveNext()
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at Octopus.Manager.Tentacle.TentacleConfiguration.SetupWizard.TentacleSetupWizardModel.d__198.MoveNext() in C:\buildAgent\work\e5cfddd118f4e691\source\Octopus.Manager.Tentacle\TentacleConfiguration\SetupWizard\TentacleSetupWizardModel.cs:line 563

The most likely reason for an error at this point is the server you are installing the Tentacle on does not have a route to the Octopus Server endpoint.
Ensure that you can browse to the Octopus UI from this server and that there are no proxies required to connect.
Also, ensure that your credentials are correct, but if the server is accessible, the message should tell you that you have incorrect credentials.


How to get "Redirect" connection policy working when hitting Azure SQL DB from Azure app service website?

I have a website hosted in an Azure app service, which connects to a SQL Server DB hosted (serverless) on Azure.
When I set the Azure SQL firewall Connection Policy to "Proxy" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/connectivity-architecture) everything works as expected.
When I set it to "Redirect" it works for read-only queries but fails on inserts and updates with the message, "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" and an obscure HResult (-2146232060). Stack trace below.
When set to "Default" it fails the same way, but it works from my locally-hosted version of the site (as expected, since that scenario apparently defaults to Proxy).
Per the link above, I would prefer to get Redirect working. I see the bullet points beginning with "Allow outbound communications..." but I'm not sure (A) how to do that in an app service and (B) whether it is relevant here anyway. This seems like one of those things that ought to just work when you set the SQL server firewall to allow access from Azure services, but alas.
Details that may or may not be relevant:
The web app is .NET 5.0, F#, built on the SAFE Stack.
SQL connectivity is provided by F# SqlDataProvider.
As promised, full stack trace gobbledygook:
{"HelpLink.BaseHelpUrl":"https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink","HelpLink.EvtID":"10054","HelpLink.EvtSrc":"MSSQLServer","HelpLink.LinkId":"20476","HelpLink.ProdName":"Microsoft SQL Server","SqlError 1":"System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)"},"Errors":null,"ExceptionMethod":null,"HResult":-2146232060,"HelpURL":null,"InnerException":{"ClassName":"System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception","Data":null,"ExceptionMethod":null,"HResult":-2147467259,"HelpURL":null,"InnerException":null,"Message":"An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.","NativeErrorCode":10054,"RemoteStackIndex":0,"RemoteStackTraceString":null,"Source":null,"StackTraceString":null,"WatsonBuckets":null},"Message":"A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)","RemoteStackIndex":0,"RemoteStackTraceString":null,"Source":"Core .Net SqlClient Data Provider","StackTraceString":" at Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QueryModule.CallGenericStaticMethod#374.Invoke(Tuple2 tupledArg) in D:\workspace_work\1\s\src\fsharp\FSharp.Core\Query.fs:line 379 at Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.QueryModule.cloanonymous user-18.Microsoft.FSharp.Linq.ForwardDeclarations.IQueryMethods.Execute[a,b](FSharpExpr1 q) in D:\workspace_work\1\s\src\fsharp\FSharp.Core\Query.fs:line 1928 at RoundTable.Data.SqlDataProvider.updateKisPlanIndividualResult#455.Invoke(Object context) at RoundTable.Data.SqlDataProvider.runWritableQuery[a](ConnectionString cs, FSharpFunc2 f) at RoundTable.Data.SqlDataProvider.runWritableQueryResult#107.Invoke(FSharpFunc2 f) at RoundTable.Validation.ErrorRecordModule.runWithErrorCatchingResult[a,b](FSharpFunc`2 f, a x)","WatsonBuckets"
(Final note: Apologies to any who have seen this twice. No answers were forthcoming from Microsoft Docs, so I thought I'd try this forum.)

HTTP 502 from one instance of an Azure Web App

We suddenly began experiencing HTTP 502 errors (The specified CGI application encountered an error and the server terminated the process) from one of the instances of our web app. I was able to determine this using Kudu's "Support" tab whereby you can drill down to metrics per instance.
After restarting w3wp for the instance everything continued successfully as normal. There were no problems with resource usage (CPU/RAM) and the odd thing is that the 502s were returning instantly. So, requests weren't timing out for the client.
What are the possible steps to investigate why this happened?
Our application logs wouldn't have anything and our web server logs only have the record of these 502 but with no further details.
In our case it seems to have come down to port exhaustion on the app service plan. Read here for more details on the limitations for each of the plans available.

CRM with Azure: Time zone Sync issue (An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party)

I have an API project created in AP.Net MVC and hosted in Azure. This portal is using a CRM environment as back end. When we connect our portal to our azure server environment (from a location in same time zone, but some hours difference because of DST), we get the below error:
An unsecured or incorrectly secured fault was received from the other party. See the inner FaultException for the fault code and detail.
Innerexception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException: At least one security token in the message could not be validated.
Any help?

azure error 502 - Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server

I'm trying to host an azure website and tried troubleshooting for a few hours, but still keep getting the same error 502 Web server received an invalid response while acting as a gateway or proxy server.
I tried enabling logging errors on azure, but all it gives me are 404 not found errors
502 errors won't be visible in your IIS logs because they are returned by the front end server which basically fowards the requests to the worker hosting your site and there are many reasons why the front end can return 502 error.
Please follow https://azure.microsoft.com/en-in/documentation/articles/app-service-web-troubleshoot-http-502-http-503/ to troubleshoot the issue and see if you can identify which one you are running into
I had a setup with web servers behind a azure application gateway, some servers works properly and traffic to one of the server is having the 502 issue. So I take the following steps:
Check the Backend health on the application gateway, the server can't be reached.
Open the backend server url on a cloud VM http://hostname, the root website can't be reached. But the http://hostname/app is running.
It turns out the gateway will ping the port 80 of the target machine and somehow I disabled the root website on the target server. So the gateway assumes the server is dead and refused to do the redirect.
We were getting a 502 response with an Azure function. The Function App was started, and all of our functions inside here were marked as "good". But when we checked the azure function process explorer, there were no java proceses (this was written in java... pity me)
When checking the Azure function logs, it turned out that someone had deployed a dynatrace integration and this was crashing the function on startup.
So 502 basically means "I can see you are triggering me but when I try to pass that trigger back to the actual function app, I can't see anything"

Connecting Umbraco backend with on premise AD authentication from Azure

We are migrating our web applications from an on premise environment to Azure app services.
One of the webapps is causing a little bit of trouble, it's an Umbraco website that uses LDAP for connecting with an external AD for backend authentication.
It appears the authentication server is not being called.
The client receives the following message (after a while of waiting):
"Message":"An error has occurred.",
"ExceptionMessage":"The server is not operational.\r\n",
"StackTrace":" at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind(Boolean throwIfFail)\r\n at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.Bind()\r\n at System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry.RefreshCache()\r\n at System.Web.Security.DirectoryInformation..ctor(String adspath, NetworkCredential credentials, String connProtection, Int32 clientSearchTimeout, Int32 serverSearchTimeout, Boolean enablePasswordReset)"
Unfortunately I'm not an Azure expert and searching for this problem didn't result in any solutions.
From the error message I can conclude that the on premise cannnot be reached from Azure, but I don't understand why.
Is Azure blocking the 636 port?
Is this setup even possibly in Miscrosoft Azure?
Any pointers in the right direction are greatly appreciated.
