Direcline bot channel - How to change the botAvatarImage image background and initial background color - styles

Is there any styling options available to change the background-color of botAvatarImage / botAvatarInitials which we are using in our Directline bot channel. ?
Also, i need to remove the borders for the botAvatarImage.
Please guide me.

Yes, there is one option to change the background.
styleOptions: {
botAvatarBackgroundColor: "transparent",
botAvatarImage: 'YOUR URL',
I don't think it has a border by default but you could try override the css with these classess
.webchat__defaultAvatar .webchat__imageAvatar__image
You could find the entire list of style options in here defaultStyleOptions.js


OfficeJs - Get Font/Theme colors of excel/powerpoint file

How can i get excel/powerpoint theme colors in font settings via officeJs?
Is it possible at all?
I need first row, but if i get all rows it is not problem.
You may have a try Office.OfficeTheme API, see if this API works for you. the document can be found at https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/office/office.officetheme?view=word-js-preview,
function applyOfficeTheme(){
// Get office theme colors.
var bodyBackgroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.bodyBackgroundColor;
var bodyForegroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.bodyForegroundColor;
var controlBackgroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.controlBackgroundColor;
var controlForegroundColor = Office.context.officeTheme.controlForegroundColor;
// Apply body background color to a CSS class.
$('.body').css('background-color', bodyBackgroundColor);
if this doesnt work for you, that should be a new feature ask, and then you could submit your request in uservoice and upvote for this feature at https://officespdev.uservoice.com/forums/224641-feature-requests-and-feedback?category_id=163563. and upvote for this feature. thanks for your support

I need help moving the post /page title of my pages/posts BELOW my featured image, or hide it altogether

Currently, my title overlays my cover image on my pages and posts. I do not like this and want it either hidden or removed. I've tried plugins and they don't work. What code can I use to do this? I have a child theme.
My Site with example of this: https://intentionaldetours.com/example-laos-article/
Plugins that didn't work and messed up my menu. I just want this text deleted on the display, I need it to show up in other areas of the site
Don't have any
Titles either not displaying at all on pages, and for post below the featured image
Do you want remove the text "Example Laos Article 2 months ago"? Is it?
If so, you can add some CSS code to hide it.
Something like:
.entry-header {
display: none;

How to make Chrome Extension title bar like Google Hangouts?

This isn't working:
How to build an chrome extension like Google Hangouts
My question is similar to this:
How do I customize the title bar of a popup in a chrome extension?
I used chrome.windows.create({...type:panel}); but its appearance is like this:
Is it possible to customize 'Normal title bar' area ?
codes here.
var createWindow = function (tab) {
if (appWindow) {
tabId: tab.id,
url: 'http://localhost:8080',
left: Math.round(screen.width - 300),
top: Math.round(screen.height - 500),
width: 300,
height: 500,
type: 'panel'
}, function(win) {
appWindow = win;
chrome.tabs.executeScript(appWindow.tabs[0].id, { file: './js/app_inject.js'}, function(){
// console.log('inject executed');
"//localhost:8080" is my local server page.
I believe your (apparently simple) question implies a couple more questions, so I'll try to split that up and address each one separately:
1. Why does my "panel" look different than Hangouts ?
Hangouts opens as a panel (so it is styled as such).
Your "panel" opens as a popup (so it is styled as such).
2. Why does my "panel" open as a popup ?
In order for an extension to be able to open panel-windows, the user must have this (experimental) feature enabled (and of course the underlying OS must support it). If panels are not enabled, all windows of type 'panel' or 'detached_panel' open as type 'popup' (documentation).
3. How can a user enable panels ?
Navigate to chrome://flags/#enable-panels and click Enable.
4. How is it possible for Hangouts to open panel-windows when the flag is disabled ?
Short answer: It is white-listed in the source code.
Longer answer: Take a look at this answer.
5. Can I style the title-bar of a popup ?
Not really. The title-bar displays (among other things) the title of the page, so you can customize that part :)
6. Do I have an alternative ?
If you absolutely need to be able to style your window, you could use a Packaged App. Apps can open frameless windows, so you can create (and style) a title-bar using HTML/CSS.
If you just want to start a hangout and copy a link to that hangout with 1 click, check out this extension (this is apparently still not an easy thing to do with Google+):

How do you extend the menu css class for multi colors?

I have activated the extended menu via the Screen Options and in my menu item I have specified a class based on the css code added to the screeen.css file.
For example in the "Home" menu item I have specified a class of "red", and in the css I have added the following code.
.red { color: #FF0000}
Unfortunately this is not transposing to the template and I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
Checking this with firebug I notice the class is being added, however the color change is not appearing.
<li id="menu-item-154" class="red menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-
object-page current-menu-item page_item page-item-148 current_page_item menu-
item-154"> Home
Can anyone offer some suggestions to make this work?
The color might be specified in one of the other classes as well.
You can try to remove that or you can try to force the color via the CSS important attribute.
.red { color: #FF0000 !important;}

how to change color of phonenumber in uiwebview in iphone

I have parsed html content to display in a webview.
There are phone numbers which are detected by webview by default, but those links are displayed in blue color, I want to change it to white color, how is it possible?
If anyone know please tell me..
Thanks in advance.
According to this question all you need to do is to set the a (hyperlink) CSS properties. See the answer of David Thomas. Specifically, he proposes this solution for just phone URLs:
a[href^=tel] { /* css */ }
You can change style color of your html content on server side or in client side.
For doing it from client side you must get first the elementId or class of your html content (you can do it from chrome with right mouse click on the link and selecting inspect element)
Then on your uiwebview (once it finished being loaded) you execute javascript for changing element color:
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView
NSString *javascripString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"document.getElementById(\"linkId\").style.color=\"white\";", m_studyId];
[uiwebview stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:javascripString];
The iPhone uses the current color setting in the a:link property. It uses that value even if the phone number is plain text and not enclosed with the hyperlink tag. If no CSS definition is set, iPhone uses the default. For those who may not know, you can set the values like this.
a:link {
If you do not have a CSS style setting for hyperlink then add it or Change the color to the color that works best for your webpage.
Try DarkDust solution. From client side it would be something like that:
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView{
NSString *javascripString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"document.createElement('meta');meta.name='format-detection';meta.content='telephone=no';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(meta);"];
[webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:javascripString];
