creation of CREDITS errored: Error: [ethjs-rpc] rpc error with payload {"id":291279815469,"jsonrpc":"2.0","params" - erc20

Error in code I built yesterday
I'm using remix -> METAMASK Ropsten testnet
pragma solidity >=0.4.19
Error content:
creation of CREDITS pending...
creation of CREDITS errored: Error: [ethjs-rpc] rpc error with payload
{"id":291279815469,"jsonrpc":"2.0","params":["..."],"method":"eth_sendRawTransaction"} [object Object]
Can you help me with this?

Log out of "MetaMask" after deleting cache from setup
Reboot your computer later.
I succeeded like this.
But I don't know why I'm so successful.. :(

Error occurred again today :(
Reinstall "metamask" deletion
I think it's an interlocking error. :)
Try to work after the
Delete "metaMASK" -> Reinstall -> Log in to "metamask" ->Restart "remix"->
Interlink check -> deploy


Error while depolying contract in near ECONNREFUSED

So I'm fairly new to Near protocol. I created a near app using
npx create-near-app#latest
hello-near was the default name of the near app and folder so i just pressed enter.
npm install -g near-cli
cd hello-near
npm run build:contract
So, everything above ran smoothly. But when I went to deploy it using the command
near dev-deploy build/hello-near.wasm
And gives this output.
Starting deployment. Account id: dev-1660902746796-39871857513719, node:, helper:, file: contract/build/hello_near.wasm
Transaction Id F7FWUEbKFqoWs9yNvk156bdmzWhHfnJ9exhWNHPREMAb
To see the transaction in the transaction explorer, please open this url in your browser
Done deploying to dev-1660902746796-39871857513719
The transaction has succeeded. But right after this, it throws a long error :
in short, it says ECONNREFUSED
The problem was with my DNS. was not getting connected because I had adguardDNS. I changed my DNS to / and that solved the Issue and authentication was successful.

Serverless Lambda with NestJS + Typeorm

I try to run serverless offline with NestJS + Typeorm. First time I call to get all users, it worked. But second time, I got an error:
ERROR [ExceptionHandler] No repository for "User" was found. Looks like this entity is not registered in current "default" connection?
I added keepConnectionAlive: true but it doesn't work. Please help me, thank you!
Try --allowCache option.
I'd got exactly same issue with you
This command worked for me.
npx sls offline --allowCache start

Why am I getting this error code in devtools, Error: Failed to construct 'WebSocket' in my console log when i am trying to run a javaScript file?

I am getting an error code in my dev tools.
Error handling response: Error: Failed to construct 'WebSocket': The URL 'ws/ws' is invalid.
at init (chrome-extension://fiegdmejfepffgpnejdinekhfieaogmj/reload.js:22:18)
at chrome-extension://fiegdmejfepffgpnejdinekhfieaogmj/reload.js:65:13
What does this mean and how do I fix it?
I had the same problem and like Aleksey Razbakov said, it's probably from one of your extensions. In my case I had to disabled : Live Server Web Extension. And now this error is gone.

Unknown Path Foxx PUT service

When I try PUTing my Foxx service in ArangoDB I get this error:
"error": true,
"code": 404,
"errorNum": 404,
"errorMessage": "unknown path '/_api/foxx/service?teardown=false&setup=true&legacy=false&mount=/upload&name=upload&version=1&development=true&manifest={%20%20%22engines%22:%20{%20%20%20%20%22arangodb%22:%20%22^3.0.0%22%20%20},%20%20%22main%22:%20%22index.js%22,%20%20%22scripts%22:%20{%20%20%20%20%22setup%22:%20%22scripts/setup.js%22%20%20}}'"
This is a call from Postman and within Postman it is a copy/paste from a working call to an other server. That is why this confuses me.
Also, using the Web Interface, I can upload this fine.
What does this error message mean exactly?
Arango: 3.0.12
Log stays empty.
This was probably a bug in Arango. I run CentOS7 and there is more than 1 (!!) repo at for CentOS7, also probably a bug. After reinstalling the repo for CentOS7 the software upgraded, completely destroyed SSL but the deployment is working now :)

Odd Websocket Error at Build Time - "Unable to Resolve websocket/lib/BufferUtil"?

Even though I have Websocket installed, at build time, using the Meteor build tool, I’m getting this console error:
Unable to resolve some modules:
"../build/Release/bufferutil" in /Volumes/RAM Disk/myWebApp/node_modules/websocket/lib/BufferUtil.js (os.osx.x86_64)
"../build/default/bufferutil" in /Volumes/RAM Disk/myWebApp/node_modules/websocket/lib/BufferUtil.js (os.osx.x86_64)
"../build/Release/validation" in /Volumes/RAM Disk/myWebApp/node_modules/websocket/lib/Validation.js (os.osx.x86_64)
"../build/default/validation" in /Volumes/RAM Disk/myWebApp/node_modules/websocket/lib/Validation.js (os.osx.x86_64)
What might be causing this?
It looks like this is just a warning, not a fatal error.
