How to create a user in azure ad using email address - azure

I am working on creating a user in azure ad. For this, I am using microsoft graph API Below is the json post I am using:
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "test",
"mailNickname": "test",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordProfile" : {
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": false,
"password": "<password>"
Using above data, I am able to create user in azure ad. User is also able to sign in using I wanted to know if is there any way I can save the external email id of the user for ex in azure, so that he can use to sign in. Please help. Thanks

If the domain, e.g. is not in your tenant's verified domains, you cannot "create" the user.
You will need to use the B2B invitation features to invite the user.
That's this API:
So you will need to make a POST to /invitations with a request body like:
"invitedUserEmailAddress": "",
"inviteRedirectUrl": ""
Note these are the 2 mandatory properties, you can check what others are supported in the docs.
The redirect URI is where the user will be sent after they accept the invitation through the link they receive.
When you call this API, an email is sent to the user with a standard content.


Invite external user to Azure B2C using email address as their username

I want to be able to create a new user in our Azure B2C instance using their preferred email address as the username they will use when accessing our web portal.
I'm using the Invitation Microsoft Graph API to invite new users This sends them an email and they then signup with us. This however assigns them a unique username using a combination of their email and our domain i.e.
This leads to a terrible UX as users need to remember this very unmemorable username. Remembering passwords is enough of a challenge for users as it is.
If I create a user inside the Azure B2C portal I can give them any email address I want and not one of our verified domains using Create Azure AD B2C user
I want to be able to use this method but via an API.
The first 2 options, Create and Invite user, are available via the Microsoft Graph Inviations API
and the Create User API but I can't find a way to do option 3.
The Create API won't allow unverified domains and the Invite API creates the unique username which is very user unfriendly.
Does anyone know how I can do this?
The other option is to get them to signup themselves via a signup user flow but I'd rather avoid this as I want control over who is allowed to sign up.
• You can surely create a user in Azure AD B2C tenant through Microsoft Graph API by following the below documentation link for that purpose: -
Ensure that you have ‘User.ReadWrite.All’ and ‘Directory.ReadWrite.All’ permissions for ‘Application’ and ‘Delegated’ permissions type and the same permissions are consented for Microsoft Graph API in the explorer also with ‘Admin Consent’. Once, these are done, then execute the below command in Graph API as shown below: -
Content-type: application/json
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "Adele Vance",
"mailNickname": "AdeleV",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"passwordProfile" : {
"forceChangePasswordNextSignIn": true,
"password": "xWwvJ]6NMw+bWH-d"
As you can see, I don’t have sufficient privileges, so I can’t create a user in Azure AD B2C tenant.
The output will be as below after successful execution of the above Graph API command: -
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-type: application/json
"#odata.context": "$metadata#users/$entity",
"id": "87d349ed-44d7-43e1-9a83-5f2406dee5bd",
"businessPhones": [],
"displayName": "Adele Vance",
"givenName": "Adele",
"jobTitle": "Product Marketing Manager",
"mail": "",
"mobilePhone": "+1 425 555 0109",
"officeLocation": "18/2111",
"preferredLanguage": "en-US",
"surname": "Vance",
"userPrincipalName": ""

Azure AD Graph API - How you can get the IssuerAssignedId for Google and Facebook

I'm following the Microsoft tutorial Create a user (local or social account). So I'm trying to create a user from HTTP call, for this I'm sending a similar payload to the tutorial:
"accountEnabled": true,
"creationType": "LocalAccount",
"displayName": "Alex Wu",
"passwordProfile": {
"password": "Test1234",
"forceChangePasswordNextLogin": false
"signInNames": [
"type": "userName",
"value": "AlexW"
"type": "emailAddress",
"value": ""
"userIdentities": [
"issuer": "",
"issuerUserId": "MATxTNg5MzYyMzMyMNY1Njc="
My question is how I can generate the issuerUserId as it is necessary for the Google supplier to recognize the user. I'm trying with a random value encode with base64 but when I run the user flow the user it's created again with a duplicate email. I suppose Google don't recognize the issuerUserId.
Base on Allen Wu answer:
issuerUserId is a unique user identifier for the issuer. You can set any valid string (don't be duplicate) for it.
I create this issuerUserId with a valid string: 12345678909823456789
As before, I create successfully the user and the source show as Google:
But when I want to log in the account with Google provider
The user is duplicated:
I assume instead of launch Sign in process Azure/Google don't recognize the account's issuerUserId and launch the Sign-up process, for that reason that's why I think issuerUserId might be created by Google.
Some notes:
I'm changed the emails for demo emails, but that is the current
I'm only using Google authentication, I don't using email and password fields of the login, because the purpose of the app is only for Social Authentication (Google specifically)
I'm using Sign up and sign in (Recommended) user type flow.
If you have more thoughts about issuerUserId that can help me, let me know, I'll really appreciate.
It's not true.
Based on my test, the user flow won't create a new user which has a duplicate email. (the previous user is created via AAD Graph)
issuerUserId is a unique user identifier for the issuer. You can set any valid string (don't be duplicate) for it.
And Google / Facebook or any other social idp won't verify it, because this user is created in B2C. It's an B2C local account. ("creationType": "LocalAccount")
Create an B2C local account doesn't mean this user has been created in Google.
I guess that you add Google idp into the user flow and are trying to create a new user in Google rather than B2C.
You should click on the "Sign up now" in user flow to create the local account. Kindly check it.
As I have mentioned above, the user you created with Azure AD graph is an B2C local account. You should use the default sign in feature to log into that user. B2C will verify your credential.
But when you click on the "Google" to sign in, in fact the Google will verify your credential and will associate your Google account to a new B2C account. It's not a local account.
So they are two different accounts. You can verify this by changing the password of the B2C local account. After changing the password, you still need to use the old password to sign in with the "Google" option. But you will need to use the new password to sign in with the first user (B2C local account).
You can use GET to get the two users and find that the issuerUserId of them are different.

User Provisioning on Azure Portal using REST APIs. Is it possible?

To add users to our Azure Organization, we go to this page and then create or invite a new user.
Is it possible to do it via a REST API? I looked into their REST API docs but I couldn't find this information anywhere.
You can do this using Azure Graph API. In this link you can find an example for creating a user using the Graph API and here is the quick start guide for this API.
Basically, it looks like follows:
Authorization: Bearer {token}
Content-type: application/json
"accountEnabled": true,
"displayName": "Alex Wu",
"mailNickname": "AlexW",
"passwordProfile": {
"password": "Test1234",
"forceChangePasswordNextLogin": false
"userPrincipalName": ""
You can find the Grprah API reference to create users here. The Graph API quick-start can help you with sample codes on how to do it.
You would need to make sure that you have user creation rights in azure AD where you are trying to create users. generally, our account must have user account administrator role or global admin role in the directory.

How to add a User as a Member from another IDP?

We have ADB2C tenant with a Identity Provider setup to an Okta setup in another Organization via Open ID Connect.
We have a Admin UI to add users. I see that GraphAPI has a createUser which takes a json with Password and changePwdOnFirstUse setting. This is fine to add a direct member to ADB2C.
The problem I have is that, how can I add the User from the other Okta
Organization so that when this user logs in to my App (and is authenticated by Okta), can login to my App.
At present, after authentication from Okta, we see User not found Error.
I suppose, I cannot add this user via Graph API using same createUser method as this user password is not something we are supposed to manage.
How do I add this other Organization user to ADB2C, so that I do not see this "User not found" issue?
Using Azure AD Graph API, you can create an external account user, with the userIdentities property of the user object being set to the sub (subject) claim of Okta's ID token:
"accountEnabled": false,
"displayName": "John Smith",
"mailNickname": "john.smith",
"otherMails": [
"userIdentities": [
"issuer": "{okta-id-token-iss-claim-value}",
"issuerUserId": "{okta-id-token-sub-claim-value}"
"userPrincipalName": "{guid}#{your-tenant-name}"
where issuerUserId must be set to the base64 encoding for the sub claim of Okta's ID token.

Refresh JWT tokens on each request

I'm setting up a document esigning process using Docusign. Since we have multiple associations, We have setup multiple accounts (around 20 APIAccountID under one organization (or you can say as one INTEGRATOR_KEY_ID)) one for each association. Can someone please let me know on how do we switch to different APIAccountID based on the request we get. Also, is it the right way to create a new DocuSignConnection every time when we get the request for different association ?
Your integration should use just one INTEGRATOR_KEY for the entire integration. When using one of the DocuSign OAuth flows such as JWT as you mention.
After the user grants access by providing their credentials and clicking Accept an access token will be sent back to your app (at the redirect URI you specify on your integrator key).
You then use that access token to call the User Info API which will return account ID for that given user.
User Info API
Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eX...MrhIddzBAQ
"sub": "4799e5e9-1559-4915-9862-cf4713bbcacc",
"name": "Susan Smart",
"given_name": "Susan",
"family_name": "Smart",
"created": "2015-08-13T22:03:03.45",
"email": "",
"accounts": [
"account_id": "a4ec37d6-04aa-4f37-86c2-143885c220e1",
"is_default": true,
"account_name": "Susan Smart",
"base_uri": "",
"organization": {
"organization_id": "9c5fb8e1-b0bf-4970-8e0e-054ff8a249bf",
"links": [
"rel": "self",
"href": ""
You have one application which sends signing requests on behalf of multiple associations (organizations)?
As Ergin says, your application will have one integration key which will be used for all associations.
When a human logs into you app using OAuth Auth Code Grant, your app receives an access token. You can use that access token to look up the user's account and site (API URL).
Your application can make sending requests for any number of people and their associations. Each API request includes the user's individual access token, their account_id, and uses the site data to create the URL.
