Entry Descriptor Syntax Invalid Configuration - node.js

So i'm trying to configure my webpack config to use the entry descriptor syntax as described here.
This is an example of my config:
entry: {
shared: [
index: { import: './src/index.js', dependOn: 'shared' },
However, when I run my build I'm constantly seeing errors saying this syntax doesn't match their API.
Start Command: "dev": "webpack --watch --config webpack.client.js"
Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialised using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
- configuration.entry should be one of these:
function | object { <key>: non-empty string | [non-empty string] } | non-empty string | [non-empty string]
-> The entry point(s) of the compilation.
* configuration.entry['index'] should be a string.
-> The string is resolved to a module which is loaded upon startup.
* configuration.entry['index'] should be an array:
[non-empty string]
-> A non-empty array of non-empty strings
* configuration.entry['index'] should be one of these:
[non-empty string]
-> All modules are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.
* configuration.entry['index'] should be one of these:
non-empty string | [non-empty string]
-> An entry point with name
Has anyone seen this before? Any ideas?

Entry descriptors are a feature introduced in Webpack v5 which is currently in beta. This syntax is not available in Webpack v4. The webpack documentation seems to have switched to v5 already, documentation for v4 can be found here.


Webpack error after upgrading Node: "Module parse failed: Unexpected token"

I'm troubleshooting a webpack error.
Command: bin/webpack --colors --progress
Produces this error:
ERROR in ./node_modules/#flatfile/sdk/dist/index.js 351:361
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (351:361)
File was processed with these loaders:
* ./node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js
You may need an additional loader to handle the result of these loaders.
| class v extends i {
| constructor(e, t) {
> super(e), r(this, "code", "FF-UA-00"), r(this, "name", "UnauthorizedError"), r(this, "debug", "The JWT was not signed with a recognized private key or you did not provide the necessary information to identify the end user"), r(this, "userMessage", "There was an issue establishing a secure import session."), e && (this.debug = e), this.code = t ?? "FF-UA-00";
| }
| }
# ./app/javascript/src/app/pages/content_assets/Index.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts& (./node_modules/babel-loader/lib??ref--8-0!./node_modules/vue-loader/lib??vue-loader-options!./app/javascript/src/app/pages/content_assets/Index.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&) 22:0-41 125:6-14
# ./app/javascript/src/app/pages/content_assets/Index.vue?vue&type=script&lang=ts&
# ./app/javascript/src/app/pages/content_assets/Index.vue
# ./app/javascript/packs/app.js
I found what appears to be an identical issue reported in the Flatfile project: https://github.com/FlatFilers/sdk/issues/83
Looks like ES2020 was emitted to the /dist folder so my cra babel loader is not able to parse it, in order to fix it I need to include the path on my webpack config.
Node v16.13.1
We're using webpack with a Rails project via the webpacker package (#rails/webpacker": "5.4.3") which is depending on webpack#4.46.0.
When I change to Node v14x and rebuild node_modules (yarn install) webpack compiles successfully.
The line referenced in the error (351:361) does not exist when I go check the file in node_modules/
We have a yarn.lock file, which I delete and recreate before running yarn install. I also delete the node_modules directory to ensure a "fresh" download of the correct packages.
We have a babel.config.js file...
module.exports = function(api) {
var validEnv = ['development', 'test', 'production']
var currentEnv = api.env()
var isDevelopmentEnv = api.env('development')
var isProductionEnv = api.env('production')
var isTestEnv = api.env('test')
if (!validEnv.includes(currentEnv)) {
throw new Error(
'Please specify a valid `NODE_ENV` or ' +
'`BABEL_ENV` environment variables. Valid values are "development", ' +
'"test", and "production". Instead, received: ' +
JSON.stringify(currentEnv) +
return {
presets: [
isTestEnv && [
targets: {
node: 'current'
(isProductionEnv || isDevelopmentEnv) && [
forceAllTransforms: true,
useBuiltIns: 'entry',
corejs: 3,
modules: false,
exclude: ['transform-typeof-symbol']
["babel-preset-typescript-vue", { "allExtensions": true, "isTSX": true }]
plugins: [
isTestEnv && 'babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node',
loose: true
useBuiltIns: true
helpers: false,
regenerator: true,
corejs: false
async: false
Ultimately I want to get webpack to compile. If you had advice about any of the following questions, it would help a lot.
Why would changing the Node version (only) cause different webpack behavior? We aren't changing the the webpack version or the version of the #flatfile package that's causing the error.
Why is the error pointing to a line that doesn't exist in the package? Is this evidence of some kind of caching problem?
Does the workaround mentioned in the linked GitHub issue shed light on my problem?
I'll take a stab at this.
I believe your issue is that webpack 4 does not support the nullish coalescing operator due to it's dependency on acorn 6. See this webpack issue and this PR comment.
You haven't specified the exact minor version of Node.js 14x that worked for you. I will assume it was a version that did not fully support the nullish coalescing operator, or at least a version that #babel/preset-env's target option understood to not support ??, so it was transpiled by babel and thus webpack didn't complain. You can see what versions of node support nullish coalescing on node.green.
I don't fully understand the point you are making here, so not focusing on this in the proposed solution.
I'm not sure what the proposed workaround is in the linked issue, maybe the comment about "include the path on my webpack config", but yes the issue does seem relevant as it is pointing out the nullish coalescing operator as the source of the issue.
You can try to solve this by
adding #babel/plugin-proposal-nullish-coalescing-operator to your babel config's plugins
updating your webpack config to run #flatfile/sdk through babel-loader to transpile the nullish coalescing operator:
test: /\.jsx?$/,
exclude: filename => {
return /node_modules/.test(filename) && !/#flatfile\/sdk\/dist/.test(filename)
use: ['babel-loader']
Another possibility is to upgrade webpacker to a version that depends upon webpack v5.
One final remark, when you say
We have a yarn.lock file, which I delete and recreate before running yarn install.
you probably should not be deleting the lock file before each install, as it negates the purpose of a lock file altogether.

CRA + Yarn 2 + jsconfig.json = Can't run unit tests

I have the following configuration in my jsconfig.json file:
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": "./src"
"include": ["src"]
Which lets me do this:
import { App } from 'components'
import * as actions from 'actions/app.actions'
Instead of this:
import { App } from '../components'
import * as actions from '../actions/app.actions'
To get started with unit testing, I've created a simple App.test.jsx in src/components/tests
import { render } from '#testing-library/react'
import { App } from 'components'
it('renders without crashing', () => {
render(<App />)
However, when I run yarn test (which is sugar for react-scripts test), it throws with this ugly error:
FAIL src/components/tests/App.test.jsx
● Test suite failed to run
Your application tried to access components, but it isn't declared in your dependencies;
this makes the require call ambiguous and unsound.
Required package: components (via "components")
Required by: C:\Users\Summer\Code\sandbox\src\components\tests\
23714 | enumerable: false
23715 | };
> 23716 | return Object.defineProperties(new Error(message), {
| ^
23717 | code: { ...propertySpec,
23718 | value: code
23719 | },
at internalTools_makeError (.pnp.js:23716:34)
at resolveToUnqualified (.pnp.js:24670:23)
at resolveRequest (.pnp.js:24768:29)
at Object.resolveRequest (.pnp.js:24846:26)
It seems like Jest (or Yarn?) thinks components is a node package, because it's not aware of the absolute imports setting in my jsconfig.json. Is there a way to make it aware? Or do I have to choose between 0% coverage and relative imports?
I've tried entering "moduleNameMapper" under "jest" in my package.json like the documentation explains, but it didn't help. I got the same error + one more after it.
I've also tried changing components in the test file to ../components but then it complains about actions/app.actions which is inside the <App /> component.
Module name mapper config:
/* package.json */
/* ... */
"jest": {
"moduleNameMapper": {
"actions(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/actions$1",
"assets(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/assets$1",
"components(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/components$1",
"mocks(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/mocks$1",
"pages(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/pages$1",
"reducers(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/reducers$1",
"scss(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/scss$1",
"store(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/store$1",
"themes(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/themes$1",
"api": "<rootDir>/src/api.js",
This is because Yarn takes control of the resolution pipeline, and thus isn't aware of resolution directives coming from third-party configuration (like moduleNameMapper).
This isn't to say you have no options, though - specifically, the fix here is to avoid moduleNameMapper, and instead leverage the builtin link: dependency protocol. This has other advantages, such as being compatible with all tools (TS, Jest, ESLint, ...) without need to port your aliases to each configuration format.
See also: Why is the link: protocol recommended over aliases for path mapping?

Why does "eslint --print-config blah.js > outfile.json" result in invalid configuration rules?

Following this guide, I have tried to create an extracted rule set except I am extending from eslint-config-airbnb-typescript-prettier instead of eslint-config-airbnb-typescript: -
module.exports = {
extends: "airbnb-typescript-prettier"
When I run eslint --print-config blah.js > outfile.json I indeed get the output file but when I try to use the config in that output file in my .eslintrc.js, I get errors such as the following: -
Error: .eslintrc.js:
Configuration for rule "import/no-cycle" is invalid:
Value null should be integer.
Which refers to the rule config from the --print-config command of: -
"import/no-cycle": [
"maxDepth": null
So why is --print-config outputting invalid configs and is there any way to stop it from happening so I have a valid rule set? Thanks.
It seems that this is a bug in ESLint v7.3.0
A temporary fix would be to downgrade ESLint to v7.2.0
- "eslint": "^7.3.0"
+ "eslint": "7.2.0"
Reference: GitHub

Jest testcase failed due to unexpected token while parsing a flow type in react-native

I am trying to setup jest with my react-native app. I created a simple test case and while running npm test, I get the following error
FAIL __tests__/actionsSpecs.js
● Test suite failed to run
/Users/abc/Projects/MyApp/node_modules/react-native/Libraries/Renderer/src/renderers/shared/hooks/ReactHostOperationHistoryHook.js: Unexpected token (20:4)
18 | & {instanceID: DebugID}
19 | & (
> 20 | | {type: 'mount', payload: string}
| ^
21 | | {type: 'insert child', payload: {toIndex: number, content: string}}
22 | | {type: 'move child', payload: {fromIndex: number, toIndex: number}}
23 | | {type: 'replace children', payload: string}
Basically, it is failing on a flow type declaration. I have tried using flow babel preset and transform-flow-strip-types but that didn't help.
Below is my jest configuration in package.json
"jest": {
"preset": "react-native",
"setupFiles": [
"transformIgnorePatterns": [ "node_modules/(?!react-native)" ]
This is the .babelrc file
"presets": ["react-native", "flow"]
It looks like the flow preset didn't get rid of the flow types during transpilation but I don't know how to get it to work now.
Please let me know if you know what is wrong.
You need more than just presets, you also need a transform that strips flowtypes. Usually this is done with with the babel plugin babel-plugin-transform-flow-strip-types.
Your .babelrc file should look something like this:
"presets": [
"plugins": [
Edit: Another possibility is that your flow syntax is incorrect, and the transform doesn't know how to handle it. It looks to me from the snippet you've pasted that there's an extra | preceding the object definition on line 20. Does removing that change the output at all?

Separating app and vendor css in Brunch

My Brunch template compiles all my code into app.js and all third party dependencies into vendor.js (a pretty standard approach). I'd like to do the same with CSS and it used to work but as I moved to using Bower something stopped working and I now get the following error:
Error: couldn't load config /path-to-root/config.coffee. SyntaxError: unexpected {
at Object.exports.loadConfig (/usr/local/share/npm/lib/node_modules/brunch/lib/helpers.js:448:15)
from a configuration file (config.cofee) that looks like this:
'javascripts/app.js': /^app/
'javascripts/vendor.js': /^(bower_components|vendor)/
'test/javascripts/test-vendor.js': /^test(\/|\\)(?=vendor)/
'stylesheets/app.css': /^app/
'stylesheets/vendor.css': /^(bower_components|vendor)/
If I instead just strip out the two lines for stylesheets and put this single line in its place it works without error:
'stylesheets/vendor.css': /^(app|bower_components|vendor)/
I've been sort of living with this but this is causing more and more problems and I'd like to get it sorted. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In case the question comes up ... the version of brunch I'm using is 1.7.6.
I am baffled but I think Paul's suggestion that maybe a special character had gotten into the file seems likely. I now have it working with a configuration that appears to be identical to what was NOT working earlier. Here's the full configuration file:
sysPath = require 'path'
exports.config =
# See http://brunch.io/#documentation for documentation.
'javascripts/app.js': /^app/
'javascripts/vendor.js': /^(bower_components|vendor)/
'test/javascripts/test-vendor.js': /^test(\/|\\)(?=vendor)/
'stylesheets/app.css': /^app/
'stylesheets/vendor.css': /^(bower_components|vendor)/
precompile: true
root: 'templates'
joinTo: 'javascripts/app.js' : /^app/
addSourceURLs: true
# allow _ prefixed templates so partials work
ignored: (path) ->
startsWith = (string, substring) ->
string.indexOf(substring, 0) is 0
sep = sysPath.sep
if path.indexOf("app#{sep}templates#{sep}") is 0
startsWith sysPath.basename(path), '_'
It's pretty weird but I had to do the following (add / at the end) for the same case
stylesheets: {
joinTo: {
'css/vendor.css': /^(vendor|bower_components)\//,
'css/styles.css': /^app\/css\//
I had the same problem as Ken. What solved it for me is just deleting the offending lines from the config.coffeefile and simply just re-typing them again from scratch. This ensures no hidden characters are present and makes the script running again.
