Trusted sites in web.config - iis

I'm working on an enterprise intranet .NET web application that needs several domains to be added to trusted sites to work properly (in Windows Internet Options). Is it possible to do this from web.config (rather than advising users to change their browser configuration)?

May I know why are you going to add trusted website for clients?Did you get anything blocked?
Trusted sites are totally client side configuration.Its dangerous if server side can control your trusted site list.
So we can't do this via remote IIS server. Please promote trusted websites from ADDS group policy.What you can do from server side is just use a valid CA certificate for your website to make the connection secure.


MVC 5 Intranet Application - your connection to this site is not private

I built out a few applications - published intranet environment - and all of them are prompting for a username and password in order to access the application (connection to this site is not private).
I am not sure if this is an IIS Setting that needs to be adjusted, I have tried adding everything on my end with the web config settings. Even explicitly turning authentication off and allowing anonymous users, does not do anything.
So my main question is could this security prompt feature be turned off through IIS since the application web.config is yielding no results?
I have the default settings that visual studio generates along with my database connection string.
There's two different things here. First, the prompt is because Anonymous Authentication is not enabled. If you don't want any sort of authentication or authorization, you can simply enable that. However, more likely, since this is an intranet, you do actually want people to be authenticated; you just don't want them to have to "login". For that, you should enable Windows Authentication.
The second piece, "Your connection to this site is not private", is either because you're running on HTTP, rather than HTTPS, or you are using HTTPS, but don't have a valid SSL cert. The latter is a very common issue in intranet scenarios, since there's usually not a public domain you can bind a cert to. In that scenario, you need to generate a self-signed cert and install it on all machines that need to access the site. Alternatively, you can set up your own internal CA, such that you can issue and validate your own internal certificates.
In either case, the message is there to let the user know that communication with this site will not be encrypted, so sensitive things, like say a username and password, will be transmitted in plain-text and can therefore be intercepted by monitoring the network traffic. That may or may not be a concern for your intranet environment, but the message is not internet/intranet-specific.

How to setup SSL on an IIS development server?

Our team has a Windows 2008 server which is used primary for a common IIS dev box.
I want to enable SSL on one of the websites on IIS, so that it can only be accessed via HTTPS.
I created a self-signing certificate in IIS and installed it. However when I access the website via the browser (Chrome, Firefox or IE - doesn't matter), it always gives the scary..."this is not secure" screen. I've tried installing the certificate on my own computer, rebooting and I still get that screen.
One thing that I noticed is when I create a self-signed certificate, it adds the domain name to it...for instance, the name of the box is webIIS and our login domain is COMPANYDOMAIN. So it will say that the certificate was created by This url resolves to nothing, since there is no such thing.
Am I going about it the wrong way?
I've answered a similar question here.
Few afterwords:
Your server should have a dns name. If it is in a domain (Active directory or something) it surely does. Find it, use it in CN of the SSL certificate.
CA that will issue SSL certificate should be trusted by clients accessing the server and by the server itself. Place CA certificate in Trusted Root Store (in LocalMachine store) on the server and all clients that will access it. If you have Active Directory it should be pretty simple to distribute it.
CRL that CA has to issue in defined intervals (it's up to you if the CRL will be issued one a day, month, year or lifetime) has to be accessible by clients and server. Either place it at http url that you gave when issuing SSL certificate or manually place in each certificate store (in Trusted Root Store).

providing SSL for Web Service that runs on IIS

I need to provide SSL to my Web Service that runs on IIS (ASMX web service).
As I understand there are 3 ways to do that:
1) create my own certificate using IIS
2) buy it
3) get some open source certificate
For instance my Web Service has constant IP and communicates with only one web site on client side (client is in PHP).
Can someone give an advice, what is the best way for me to provide it and what are advantages and disadvantages of 3 ways to do that, or just point to some article for complete beginners in SSL issue.
Thanx for assistance!
Creating your own cert is useful only if your end users are either completely uncaring about security or they have some other way of verifying the validity of your server - generally an internal network or something similar.
The free cert issuers tend to be unrecognized. This has the same effect as self-signing.... i.e. pointless since the end user will get the same warning messages.
There are very inexpensive options though. I've used GoDaddy before # USD $13 a year.
Here's a link to all the trusted certificate authorities that Mozilla adds to FireFox:
IE and Chrome have similar lists.

creating a secure registration web page w/o SSL?

Example, I go to the facebook webpage and see that the http URL is not https. Maybe they are hiding that it is https. I don't see a lock either on the browser.
In any case, how do websites provide secure registration web pages? I'm looking to create a registration and user login page.
Thanks for your help!
your hosting server should provide SSL services
You should purchase a SSL certificate from VeriSign, or generate a one using OpenSSL
Apply the SSL certificate to your web server
Create youe Login page normal as you do with your scripting language
access the page with
You provide secure registration with SSL. If you do a google search for HTTPS or SSL you will find resources. It is a bit of a large topic. How to go about it depends if you are running your own server or have hosting provided to you by a service. EIther way, you will need a certificate for your domain. If you have your own server you will need to do a lot more configuration.
Here is a link about how to go about it with Apache.

Hosting someone elses SSL cert in IIS to allow https hosting on their domain from your own server

Currently customers have sites on my domain like I'd like for them to be able to upload an SSL cert and then access my site via - how would one go about doing this programmatically in .NET/IIS 7?
So I might have an answer for you but it doesn't necessarily involve .NET/IIS 7.
I'm not quite sure what the end goal is here, but I'll take a stab at it. It sounds like you want customers to go and have it show's content? You don't simply want to redirect them? Do you have a trusted SSL certificate for If you do, then there's a way you can extend that trust to the websites.
Assuming your customers don't want to have to pay for SSL certificates for their websites, you could have them generate self-signed certificates (or create your own CA and sign their certificates) and upload them to your website. Then, using a combination of JavaScript and Flash you could do cross-domain requests from your website to theirs over SSL.
The way this would work:
A customer would go to your website From there (or from if you have a wildcard SSL certificate), they could login or just click on their name. Doing so would load a page with a JavaScript implementation of SSL, Flash swf, and the SSL certificate associated with that customer. Then the JavaScript SSL would do cross-domain ajax requests to the customer's site and show their content on This would enable a secure connection to their website via your website.
There's another bit of complexity that you might not be able to support in your use case, however. You need your customer's websites to be able to serve an XML file that contains a Flash cross-domain policy. This policy would specifically grant your site access to theirs.
The JavaScript TLS (SSL) and Flash you would host on your website are part of an opensource project called Forge. This blog post explains how it works in further detail and provides a link to Forge on github:
Most of this stuff is done using client-side JavaScript, but you'd use .NET/IIS 7 to provide your customers with the page to upload their SSL certificate.
