Talk to an Azure Cognitive services bot with a phone - azure

I created an Azure bot with cognitive services, and enabled the direct speech client and skype channels.
I can talk to the bot using the Direct Speech Client application, but I would like to talk to it from my phone, via Skype. I mean place a call to it not text.
I know MS is deprecating the Skype and all its associated components but they are still available.
When I place a call to the bot i hear a MS Azure message saying "You cannot talk to this bot yet but we are working on it" Is there a way I can get it to work ?
I cannot find the documentation on Github either.

As said in the error message, they are working on it, so currently it is not available


How to integrate dialogflow chatbot with Microsoft Teams?

I am a newbie to chatbots, and built one agent in dialogflow and written a node server to connect it with my custom UI. Now my next requirement is to integrate this bot with my Microsoft Teams Channel.
For what I have searched there seem to be similar steps being followed as with skype but those didn't make sense to me. Though I am not really clear about it, if anyone can give a step wise points to follow to do the same, it will be great help.
Also just to be clear, can someone confirm if it's really possible to integrate Google's dialogflow with Microsoft's Teams?
I don't know of any official instructions explaining how to connect a Dialogflow bot to Teams, but Skype and Teams both communicate through the Azure Bot Service using the Bot Framework protocol. When a Dialogflow bot connects to Skype what it's really connecting to is the Azure Bot Service, so you should be able to follow the same instructions for any ABS channel, Teams included.

Does Cortana azure bot channel needs speech to text services?

I am developing an Azure bot, and I am intending to link it to Cortana channel. But not sure if that need the speech to text to be part of the services needed to create that bot. or Cortana client handles the communication between cortana and the bot with the text?
Responding via speech is completely under your control. The entire Cortana experience can be driven via text entry on Windows 10 and mobile app. However, your skill may not pass certification if published because of screen-less devices like the Invoke and best practice of responding with voice is triggered by voice. You can pull DeviceInfo and fail gracefully if there is no display.

Bot Framework bot randomly doesn't answer messages

I have a bot that consists of a Facebook Messenger connected to my bot code via the Microsoft Bot Framework. The bot works fine in the webchat, however on Facebook Messenger only about 1/3 of my messages get delivered to the bot.
That means that I have to send "hi" three or four times before the bot answers me once. Before it answers, the message shows as undelivered. There is nothing in the Bot Framework log in the web interface at, and my bot code (running on Azure) doesn't even receive anything from the bot framework - no HTTPS request whatsoever. When it does receive something (which, again, is about 1/3 of the times), the bot answers properly.
In facebook settings, I am using the standard endpoint ([my bot name]).
It just seems that most messages are somehow lost between Facebook and Bot Framework, and never reach my bot code.
There is no logging on the Facebook side so I'm out of ideas how to debug - there are no traces of any errors anywhere.
Update: the problem seems to occur only with bots registered using the Microsoft's new method of registering bots via Azure Portal. Bots registered at don't seem to be affected.
In case the application is hosted in an Azure WebApp or Azure Function App, please turn on Always On for the application. Might be when you call the Bot API, it switches it from stand by mode to On, that might come with some latency since Microsoft idles it's WebApp by default. And by default, Always On is kept to OFF.
Refer here to turn On , Always ON.
If you have not hosted the Bot Framework in Azure, then it might be a different issue altogether.

Sideloading VS Custom Bot in Microsoft Teams

Im trying to make a custom bot in MS Teams.
My Admin has not yet enabled "Sideloading", but I have the option to "Create a Custom Bot", yet I cannot find any information between the differences of these 2 options?
Has the "Custom Bot" replaced sideloading? In which case, how can i connect my bot to my team? Its hosted on azure, but it kept saying "Sorry, there was a problem encountered with your request", when I had it set up using the Custom Bot.
The bot works perfectly, using both the emulator and the bot framework.
A custom bot is not a Bot Framework bot - it's really designed as a simple way to send information from Teams to an external application (Slack calls them "Outgoing Webhooks"). It's not designed for real bot conversations in the Bot Framework sense. The feature (and its limitations) are documented in detail here.
You can't use bots in a team without sideloading - that's what sideloading is for. When you sideload an app that contains a bot - more info here - it registers additional information needed for a bot to work in a team, as well as a record of the consent for that bot to operate in a team.

How to develop skype calling functionality using Azure Bot Service

I am working on Bot technology, I had developed one simple skype bot with skype calling feature using calling controller template through this below link.
Before posted question here I read the below documentation about azure bot service.
In the above link, all samples are related to only Messages but I want the Skype calling functionality using azure bot service.
Can you please tell me how to develop on simple bot with skype calling functionality using azure bot service concept?
Here is the documentation for voice calling using the Azure Bot Framework. It states:
If you are building a bot for Skype, your bot can communicate with
users via audio call. Audio calls are useful when the user does not
want to or cannot provide input by typing, tapping, or clicking. A bot
may support other user controls such as rich cards or text in addition
to audio calls, or communicate through audio calls only.
This involves instantiating a CallingController which then registers an event for ProcessIncomingCallAsync. Once you have answered the call using this method you can do things like play an audio file over the call, record what the caller says, or capture dialpad number entry.
