SoftEther VPN Setup: Multiple NIC configuration - azure

Windows Server 2019 (VM on Azure)
2 Virtual NICs (Each with a static private address and corresponding public IP address on Azure)
Managed to install and configure SoftEther VPN Server and it works great!
But I am unable to achieve the following configuration:
Let's say I have
first NIC with IP, and
second NIC with IP yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
Now, client A, when connected should have his public IP Address as
And, client B, when connected should have his public IP Address as yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy
I have tried to create multiple Virtual Hubs but couldn't find any option to make this mapping.
Please advise. Thanks in advance.

For achieving VPN server which assigns multiple IPs to clients you can try Clustering function with multiple servers.
But if you only have 2 clients and dont want to use multiple servers then with your above setup create client1 on VirtualHub1 and client2 on VirtualHub2.
I haven't tried it ever but i think it should work.
Ofcourse make sure VHub1 and VHub2 are bridged to different Network Adapter


Assign multiple IP addresses to existing virtual machines access web server

We have Azure Virtual Machine (VM) has one network interface (NIC) attached to it one NIC and have one or more static public IP associated it.
Reasons for Attaching Multiple static Public IPS
Hosting multiple websites or services with different IP addresses on a single server
Hosting the Wildcard Entry domains on a single server
Problem with the second IP we cont access the IIS server in Azure Virtual Machine (VM)
How to attach the second IP to access the IIS in VM?
To connect and sign in to a VM you created with multiple private IP addresses. You must manually add all the private IP addresses (including the primary) that you added to the VM. You can get the detailed steps here.
Main steps:
Type ncpa.cpl in the CMD to pen the Network connections window and add the following values manually.
Add all the private IP addresses to that VM Advanced TCP/IP settings.
Save it then restart your Azure VM, reestablish a RDP connection, then you can see the valid private IP addresses in the ipconfig/all.
Then, you should access your websites via the secondary public IP address.

Connect to Azure Resource under VPN P2S

I'm trying to setup a Point-to-Site (P2S) VPN from my Windows 10 machine to my Azure Server and, even successfull connect to the VPN, I cannot connect to the server.
My Azure server has 2 network interfaces:
1st has private IP (and an associated Public IP, that allow me to connect with Remote Desktop normally, but off the VPN).
2nd has private IP, without Public IP. (the other public IP is used with the virtual network gateway to use the VPN).
I've added the net/subnet "" as addresses pool in my virtual network gateway.
* When I connect, an IP /32 address is assignet to my local machine, like /, and I can ping
(no code to be displayed)
The certificate setting is ok, the connection to the VPN is OK. I only cannot connect to my Azure Server on my second interface
Any idea that I've forgot to do?
Thank you.
The solution: My Private IP range on Azure local network Gateway has been wrong on setup. I've fixed specifying my correct local IP range, but, not only this, a new route table was created, associating this with the GatewaySubnet (in the Virtual Network).
Thanks to Nancy Xiong and msrini-MSIT for help.

DHCP server providing two IP addresses to the same Host

I have two subnets (A and B) in the same local area network where all IP addresses are static. I just created a DHCP server to solve the problem of IP address conflict.
The problem that there are Hosts that must belong to both Subnets and therefore have two IP addresses.
The router solution is not accepted because if a subnet A station wants to access a station in network B, it must go through the router, but the traffic is very important (SQL queries for statistics) which can cause the flood of the router.
Short: Can I configure my DHCP server to provide two IP addresses to the same Host?
Server operating system: Linux Suse (DHCPD)
This is not a DHCP problem, it's a routing problem.
AFAICT DHCP only lets you specify one IP address per client, but it also lets you push static routes.
You do not need your client to have an IP on both networks, you just need it to know which route to use to reach peers on network A and B (ie direct route in both cases).
See to specify static routes for DHCP.

Allow Mobile internet to ssh in AWS EC2 instance

I've set up security group for more security to allow only known Ip address to access my EC2 instance. So for that, I have added know IP address in the inbound rule to allow ssh access. But it's not allowing ssh connection when trying to connect through mobile internet. because mobile internet IP address continuously changes. so how can I get the public IP address when connecting net through mobile?
Thank you in advance !!
Generally your mobile gives you IP address dynamically and every time you will get a new IP. But all these IPs usually fall within a range. So you can ALLOW a CIDR which contains your IP in the inbound rule. For example your IP is A.B.C.D then you can give a CIDR A.B.C.D/24 which will match all IPs that start with A.B.C.(1-255). But if you really need to get a public IP you will need to talk to your Mobile company

How do I configure an IIS site on an Azure VM to accept requests from an additional external IP Address?

I'm hoping someone can help with this.
I have an existing Azure Virtual Machine which has been running fine for ages. It has a single NIC with both a static Private and static Public IP Address.
I have been hosting a site in IIS for a long time bound to the (only) private IP Address on the machine, and everything has been dandy.
However, I wanted to add a second site, and because I'm using SSL and different certificates I wanted to use an alternative public IP Address.
I have created a new Public IP (static private and public address) and associated it with a new NIC. I have then added that NIC to my virtual machine.
I ALSO added Inbound rules on the Virtual Machine Networking settings to accept inbound traffic on ports 80 and 443 for BOTH NICs.
When I login to the VM I can see the new network adapter, and IPCONFIG is showing it has the correct static private IP address which I specified. So I setup the new IIS site, and added the bindings. For this "Hello World" proof of concept I have left the hostname and SSL bindings out. I just basically have it bound to the Private IP Address on Port 80.
Note - the "site" itself at this point is just a static "Hello World" HTML page. There is no managed code or any server-side or client-side funkiness of any kind.
So I basically have the following setup:
Private IP:
Public IP: X.X.X.X
Private IP:
Public IP: Y.Y.Y.Y
IIS Site 1
Bindings: : 80
IIS Site 2
Bindings: : 80
I can happily access BOTH sites locally on the machine (using and respectively).
However, accessing from the internet (i.e. from my home or work computers) if I try to access the original site on http://X.X.X.X it works fine.
But trying to access http://Y.Y.Y.Y just times out. I never get any kind of response.
I have tried using host name binding (with local HOSTS entries) but still get the same problem.
Phew .. ok I know that was a long(ish) post but is there some secret setting I'm missing somewhere? Or being stupid about this?
I always assumed that for a single NIC that the Public IP would route directly to the corresponding Private IP. Is this not the case??
Thanks in advance!!
Moving the public IP to a second IP Configuration on the first NIC seemed to do the trick.
As I don't have any real need to have more than one NIC this did the trick, although it did require me to manually add both fixed IP addresses to the IPv4 configuration of the network adapter in Windows
Here a article about assign multiple IP addresses to VM, please refer to it.
Follow this article step by step, you can use two public IP addresses to RDP that VM.
Here is the screenshot of that VM, I can RDP that VM with two public IPs:
Maybe you can use this to achieve it.
