ResNet50 and VGG16 for data with 2 channels - keras

Is there any way that I can try to modify ResNet50 and VGG16 where my data(spectograms) is of the shape (64,256,2)?
I understand that I can take some layers out and modify them(output, dense) but I am not really sure for input channels.
Can anyone suggest a way to accommodate 2 channels in the models? Help is much appreciated!

You can use a different number of channels in the input (and a different height and width), but in this case, you cannot use the pretrained imagenet weights. You have to train from scratch. You can create them as follows:
from tensorflow import keras # or just import keras
vggnet = keras.applications.vgg16.VGG16(input_shape=(64,256,2), include_top=False, weights=None)
Note the weights=None argument. It means initialize weights randomly. If you have number of channels set to 3, you could use weights='imagenet', but in your case, you have 2 channels, so it won't work and you have to set it to None. The include_top=False is there for you to add final classification layers with different categories yourself. You could also create vgg19.VGG19 in the same way. For ResNet, you could similarly create it as follows:
resnet = keras.applications.resnet50.ResNet50(input_shape=(64, 256, 2), weights=None, include_top=False)
For other models and versions of vgg and resnet, please check here.


What do units and layers do in neural network?

model = keras.Sequential([
# the hidden ReLU layers
layers.Dense(units=4, activation='relu', input_shape=[2]),
layers.Dense(units=3, activation='relu'),
# the linear output layer
The above is a Keras sequential model example from Kaggle. I'm having a problem understanding these two things.
Are the units the number of nodes in a hidden layer? I see some people put 250 or what ever. What does the number do when it gets changed higher or lower?
Why would another hidden layer need to be added? What does it actually do the data to add more and more layers?
Answers in brief
units is representing how many neurons in a particular layer.When you have higher number,model has higher parameters to update during learning.Same thing goes to layers as well.(more layers and more neurons take more time to train the model).selecting how many neurons is depend on the use case and dataset and model architecture.
When you have more hidden layers, you have more parameters to update.More parameters and layers meaning model is able to understand complex relationships hidden in the data. For example when you have a image classification(multiple), you need more deep layers with neurons to understand the features in the image, which use to classify in final layer.
play with tensorflow playground,it will give great idea when you change the layers and neurons.

Find top layers for a fine-tuned model

I want to use a fine-tuned model, based on MobileNetV2 (pre-trained on Keras). But I need to add top layers in order to classify my images into 2 classes. I would like to know how to choose the "architecture" of layers that I need ?
In some examples, people use SVM Classifer or series of Dense layer with a specific number of neurons as top layers.
The following code (by default), it works :
self.base_model = base_model
x = self.base_model.output
x = GlobalAveragePooling2D()(x)
x = Dense(1024, activation='relu')(x)
predictions = Dense(2, activation='softmax')(x)
Is there any methodology to find the best solution ?
I'll recommend either Dropout or BatchNormalization. Dense can be easily overfitted because it has too many parameters in a layer. Both layers can regularize the model well. GlobalAveragePooling2D is a good choice because it also acts like regularizer itself.
I'll also suggest that, for the binary classification problem, you can change the output layer to be Dense(1, activation='sigmoid') to predict only P(class1), where you can calculate P(class2) by 1-P(class1). The loss you should use in this case will be binary_crossentropy instead of categorical_crossentropy.

Use pre-trained ResNet 50 in Keras for images with 4 channels

Is there any way I can use the ImageNet weights for ResNet50 for my project which has images of shape (224,224,4)? The image has R,G,B,Y channels.
At the moment, I am simply using
model = ResNet50(include_top=True, weights=None, input_tensor=None, input_shape=input_shape, pooling=None, classes=num_classes)
Now, if I need to use the ImageNet weights, I need to always set the number of classes to 1000. I tried doing that, and then popping the last layer, and adding my own Dense(num_classes) layer. However, now, the number of channels is an issue.
Can anyone suggest a way to accommodate 4 channels in the model while using the ImageNet weights?

Keras Model - Functional API - adding layers to existing model

I am trying to learn to use the Keras Model API for modifying a trained model for the purpose of fine-tuning it on the go:
A very basic model:
inputs = Input((x_train.shape[1:]))
x = BatchNormalization(axis=1)(inputs)
x = Flatten()(x)
outputs = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(x)
model1 = Model(inputs, outputs)
model1.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=1e-5), loss='categorical_crossentropy', metrics=['categorical_accuracy'])
The architecture of it is
InputLayer -> BatchNormalization -> Flatten -> Dense
After I do some training batches on it I want to add some extra Dense layer between the Flatten one and the outputs:
x = Dense(32,activation='relu')(model1.layers[-2].output)
outputs = model1.layers[-1](x)
However, when I run it, i get this:
ValueError: Input 0 is incompatible with layer dense_1: expected axis -1 of input shape to have value 784 but got shape (None, 32)
Could someone please explain what is going on and how/if can I add layers to an already trained model?
Thank you
A Dense layer is made strictly for a certain input dimension. That dimension cannot be changed after you define it (it would need a different number of weights).
So, if you really want to add layers before a dense layer that is already used, you need to make sure that the outputs of the last new layer is the same shape as the flatten's output. (It says you need 784, so your new last dense layer needs 784 units).
Another approach
Since you're adding intermediate layers, it's pointless to keep the last layer: it was trained specifically for a certain input, if you change the input, then you need to train it again.
Well... since you need to train it again anyway, why keep it? Just create a new one that will be suited to the shapes of your new previous layers.

Is it possible to save a trained layer to use layer on Keras?

I haven't used Keras and I'm thinking whether to use it or not.
I want to save a trained layer to use later. For example:
I train a model.
Then, I gain a trained layer t_layer.
I have another model to train which consists of layer1, layer2, layer3 .
I want to use t_layer as layer2 and not to update this layer(i.e. t_layer does not learn any more).
This may be an odd attempt, but I want to try this. Is this possible on Keras?
Yes, it is.
You will probably have to save the layer's weights and biases instead of saving the layer itself, but it's possible.
Keras also allows you to save entire models.
Suppose you have a model in the var model:
weightsAndBiases = model.layers[i].get_weights()
This is a list of numpy arrays, very probably with two arrays: weighs and biases. You can simply use to save these two arrays and later you can create a similar layer and give it the weights:
from keras.layers import *
from keras.models import Model
inp = Input(....)
out1 = SomeKerasLayer(...)(inp)
out2 = AnotherKerasLayer(....)(out1)
model = Model(inp,out2)
#above is the usual process of creating a model
#supposing layer 2 is the layer you want (you can also use names)
weights = numpy.load(...path to your saved weights)
biases = numpy.load(... path to your saved biases)
You can make layers untrainable (must be done before the model compilation):
model.layers[2].trainable = False
Then you compile the model:
And there you go, a model, whose one layer is untrainable and has weights and biases defined by you, taken from somewhere else.
Yes, it is a common practice in transfer learning, see here.
Thjs piece_to_share below can be one or more layers.
piece_to_share = tf.keras.Model(...)
full_model = tf.keras.Sequential([piece_to_share, ...])
