Azure Speech: Usage reporting on free plan (F0) - azure

I have deployed a Speech resource (cognitive services) on Azure using the F0 plan (free tier). The free tier gives up to 5 hours per month.
How can I check the current usage, letting me know how many minutes/hours have been spent already this month?

Looks like you can see your free usage via the subscriptions page by following the instructions here:

I guess the only solution is to check on Cost Analysis on Azure Portal, then filter on your resource:
But you will not get the item by minutes, but by price, then you can convert given the cost / minute. There might also be a delay between your real consumption and the impact on cost analysis.


Where to find the total daily compute time for an Azure web app

Azure web apps have plans that can restrict their daily compute time e.g.
Shared infrastructure
1 GB memory
60 minutes/day compute
Where in the Azure Portal do I go to see the current and past days of compute time used?
Where in the Azure Portal do I go to see the current and past days of
compute time used?
You can find this information by looking at metrics of your web application in Azure Portal. The metric you're looking for is CPU Time.
More information about it can be found here:

What's the meaning of the daily memory-time quota in the context of Azure Function Apps?

Within an Azure Function App it is possible to define a daily memory-time quota.
Unfortunately I was not able to find an official resource from Microsoft stating what setting this value actually means.
What is a memory-time quota? What does it mean if I set the value e.g. to 1000?
Here is document(refer to Step 7 - Configure a Daily Use Quota for the details.) about daily memory-time quota.
In short, when using Azure Functions consumption plan, it offers near-infinite scale to handle huge spikes in load. But that does also leave you open to a "denial of wallet attack" where due to an external DoS attack or a coding mistake, you end up with a huge bill because your function app scaled out to hundreds of instances. The daily quota allows you to set a limit in terms of "Gigabyte seconds" (GB-s).
For "Gigabyte seconds", you can refer to this SO answer.
Hope it helps.

Explanation for CPU minutes/ day azure

Will I be charged if I host my application on Azure App Service more than 60 min even if my app does not do any processing?
The answer is NO.
Under App Service -> App Service Plan -> Quotas you can see a detailed breakdown of usage such as an example below for a website I created hours ago but showing only 1.11 minutes of usage:
I got the answer from AjayKumar-MSFT's answer from this post at a Microsoft forum, then proceeded to test it myself.
You could go serverless with Azure Functions, host in a Consumption plan and only pay for execution time. It's a bit more complicated than that but in essence you don't pay for idle code, which i believe is what you're after.
Functions are billed based on observed resource consumption measured in gigabyte seconds (GB-s). Observed resource consumption is calculated by multiplying average memory size in gigabytes by the time in milliseconds it takes to execute the function. Memory used by a function is measured by rounding up to the nearest 128 MB, up to the maximum memory size of 1,536 MB, with execution time calculated by rounding up to the nearest 1 ms. The minimum execution time and memory for a single function execution is 100 ms and 128 mb respectively. Functions pricing includes a monthly free grant of 400,000 GB-s.
A very detailed example is found under that URL.
My answer is NO. if CPU time exceeds no charge will cost rather site will be stopped and it will be working after a certain time next day. Under App Service -> App Service Plan -> Quotas you can get details of CPU time and memory. It is clearly mentioned in Quotas that Applications hosted in a free or shared App Service plan are subject to usage quotas. If any quota is exceeded the site will be stopped until that quota resets. You can remove quotas on your app by scaling up your App Service Plan.
The costs depend on the pricing plan you choose for your app. There are several plans available to choose from. You could choose the Free plan and you won't incur costs but this plan is mostly meant for experimenting with the platform. It doesn't provide any SLA.
You can find more details about the pricing at the following links
App Service pricing
App Service Plans
And yes, your app will incur costs even if it is not consuming any CPU since it is allocated resource (a VM) and is running.

Are there free websites on Windows Azure for more than the trial period

I did a lot of searching but I guess Windows Azure's trial offers are constantly changing and there is a lot of different information over the internet. I am looking to develop a small website for learning purposes using Azure. My questions are:
1) Are there still 10 free websites after my 30-day trial ends?
If yes,
2) Can I use Table/Blob store after the trial period?
3) Can I use Azure SQL instance after the trial period?
From the horses mouth, so to speak:
Web Sites Pricing Details
You can run up to 10 websites for Free in a shared environment.
Azure Table Storage will cost, but it's not all that much. Storage Pricing Details gives you a run down, but I find their Pricing Calculator to be quite useful.
As an example:
100GB of blob storage
100GB of tables and queues
10 million transactions per month
is a grand total of $9.90 USD per month.

What about expenses on unused resources in Windows Azure?

The main question is: do I have to pay for unused resources? For instance, Azure pricing calculator says approximately $30/month for XS box. This includes about 750 hours. What if I don't use them all? This is normal for early stage, while development is in progress.
This is just to make it clear if its cheaper to have a virtual hosting for development and beta-testing purposes.
Not exactly a programming question.
That said: Windows Azure Compute instances are metered by the hour, and metering happens when you have deployed instances (whether running or stopped). If you're doing dev work, deploy for an hour or two (or how long it takes you to test), then delete the deployment. Very easy to delete, very easy to redeploy. Just don't delete the actual hosted service definition (, associated certificates, affinity group, etc.). Following this pattern, it's easy to test with 5-10 concurrent instances in a deployment throughout the month - just remember to delete the deployment after each test cycle.
#Bart is partially right about SQL Azure being billed for the month. It's actually amortized daily. This also means: If you set up a 5GB db and only have 99MB on a given day (or days), you're billed at the $4.999 monthly rate / # of days in month). That's about 17 cents daily if you stay under 100MB. And if you delete the db, you're no longer billed.
Same goes for Cache - the cost is amortized daily.
I'd look at the full pricing page here.
You do not have to pay for unused resources in SOME of the services.
In your example, if you deploy a website for 10 hours you will be billed for the 10 hours of usage. PLUS any transactions/bandwidth associated with it.
However, some the services do have a flat fee. For example, if you deploy a 5 gig DB to SQL Azure and u do not use it...u will be billed the monthly rate even if it just sits there.
Also your definition of "use it" needs to be clear. Azure will bill you, if you have ANYTHING deployed. Even if the VM is stopped, you are getting billed. Therefore, the best solution is to:
- monitor your usage (its updated multiple times per day)
- use a free trial, MSDN account or promotion to see what the charges will be
- call MIcrosoft...Azure is the hot thing now and they WILL give you a break on charges if they are within reason.
