GitLab integration with Bugzilla in year 2020 - gitlab

I tried to configure GitLab integration with Bugzilla but without success. Can somebody provide an example of:
Project url (e.g. http://bugzilla/describecomponents.cgi?product=MY_PROD&component=MY_COMP)
Issues url (e.g. http://bugzilla/buglist.cgi?id=:id)
New issue url (http://bugzilla/enter_bug.cgi?product=MY_PROD&component=MY_COMP)?
I tried to provide that, but I cannot see any changes in neither GitLab nor Bugzilla.
How references in commit should look like? GitLab documentation states in one place that it should be CODE-123, where code is some unknown tracker identifier, while in another place they state it should be #123.
What functionality should I expect? Will it just provide a reference from commit to issue, or will it also add a reference to Bugzilla and maybe resolve/assign bugs?


How Do I Query GitLab (issues, milestones, etc) from within a GitLab Pipeline

Problem Summary
I am creating my first GitLab pipeline and setting it up to do a release. I would like to add a change log to the published release information. (found in Deployments -> Releases in the GitLab UI).
I would like to, from the pipeline, query the project for something like "closed issues since the date of the last release" and add those tickets to the published release.
Planned Approach
I am successfully using the "release-cli" tool from GitLab to create the release. I followed the example: "Create release metadata in custom script" on this page.
I found the description tag in the release element can be given a .md file, which seemed perfect for posting my change log. I have made a test .md file and added it as the release description and it looks great. It shows up right under "Evidence Collection" and so I planned to do "Change Log" as the header in my .md file. In the above example, GitLab is clearly using an .md file in their description element for extra information such as this.
Where I'm Stuck
I just can't figure out how to query the gitlab project from the pipeline (for issues or whatever).
I have been looking at GitLab's cli project and see likely has all the tools I need. I can not find any examples of using it in a pipeline. I cannot find for sure that its in a docker image that I can use similar to the release-cli tool.
I am stuck. The lack of information makes me wonder if I'm going down a dead end path. Is there anybody that has done something similar that can give me a basic example? Or an alternative?

Is it possible to change action's version in github marketplace?

Given that action's versions derive from their repo's tags.
Can one change an already published version by moving the tag to another commit?
If so, it's a serious security problem.. but I can't find any source to reassure me.
Anyway, it is always possible to use commit id instead of version:)
Yes, that's possible. When a tag is moved to point to a different commit, the corresponding release becomes a draft and it disappears from the Marketplace, but it can be published again.
Notice that an action doesn't need to be published on the marketplace to be used anyway.
Moving tags is actually the official recommendation for major versions and it has been debated; that discussion mentions that versioning will improve when moving to using the GitHub Package Registry for Actions, but that hasn't happened yet and the GitHub roadmap doesn't mention it, as far as I can tell.

gitlab API - how can I create a branch from an issue

In git lab, you can create an issue, then within the issue you can create a branch. This branch is linked to the issue (I think because of the issue number at the start of the branch name), such that when you do a merge request on that branch it automatically closes the issue.
So my question is - how can you do this via the API? I can create the issue, but there is no control (as far as I can see) within the issue API to create the related branch.
Is that possible?
It would be nice to be able to create an issue with branch in one go - but I don't think that is possible?
Ok - its not perhaps the best answer, but here is what I came up with for a interim solution (in linux bash):
Raise the issue store response in cmd_resp
Extract the issue ID: echo $cmd_resp | grep -o -P '(?<=iid":).*(?=,"project_id)'.
Where the issue ID is found by looking for: iid":<ISSUE-ID>,"project_id
Create a branch with the name: <ISSUE-ID>-some-branch-name - by having the issue ID at the start of the branch name, gitlab automatically makes a relation to that issue.
So - its quite a simple approach, but it does not feel very integrated. I would still prefer to do that from the point of view of the issue.
It is not possible to create a branch related to an issue via the issues API.
However, this is in line with how RESTful APIs should be designed. If you want to create a branch, you need to make a POST request to the branches API.
POST /projects/:id/repository/branches
As you have already found out, GitLab is quite good at automatically linking issues, MRs and branches together.
For a branch to be linked to an issue, simply start the branch with the issue ID. However, usually it is enough if a merge request is linked to an issue. In my opinion, you shouldn't really be concerned with the branch. You can later access the branch via issue->MR->branch
Merge requests are linked to issues whenever a MR's description text links to an issue (e.g. #1). If you add an issue ID to the Closes statement, the issue will also be closed upon MR resolution.
Therefore, you could simply create a branch via the API, name it however you want. Then, create a MR from that issue and include Closes #1 in your MR description, where 1 is your issue ID.
Further, I would recommend using a more sophisticated REST client. You shouldn't have to parse the issue ID yourself. It is properly set as a field in the JSON response.

Gitlab markdown links to artifacts

Is it possible in Gitlab to have source controlled markdown that contains a link to an artifact?
My runner generates metrics that are saved to a file. This output, of course, does not belong in version control. If it was in version control, I could just link to it, no problem. Instead, I mark the output as an artifact so that it is saved after the build is complete.
Currently, our devs can click the [passed] icon for the build that generates the metrics, then click 'Build Artifacts'|'Browse'|dir1|... down to the generated output metric. This is complicated, and you have to know exactly where to look.
It would be way more convenient to have a link to the artifact in the
These docs say that I can choose to store my artifacts in a different location, but that seems like a heavy solution, and it does not generalize to artifacts from different projects.
These docs say that I can embed build numbers in the artifact filename, but that's not really what I'm after. I just want the artifacts from the most recent build.
What I want is a persistent URL for the artifact, but I am unable to find anything of this nature.
Update February 2018:
Since Gitlab 8.12, the link is https://gitlabInstance/myNamespace/repository/master/ (e.g:
There are also other formats.
You can see all the formats clicking on the little cloud in the top right of the homepage of your project.
They are working on it right now.
Since GitLab 8.10, there is an API to do that:
curl -H "PRIVATE-TOKEN: 9koXpg98eAheJpvBs5tK" ""
Unfortunately you still cannot use the web interface, but there is already a MR to implement it (and a related bug with discussion).
After that MR you can link the build in your README

Gitlab: how to view all issues resolved in a commit

Short version: In gitlab how do I view all issues resolved in a commit (or merge request) given that I close issues using git comments (e.g. 'fix #10')?
Long version: In case there is an alternative solution what I'm ultimately trying to accomplish is this. Let's say developer fixes 10 issues, commits, creates merge request and deploys to the staging server. Now QA team needs to know the list of issues that were released so that they can test them. I know this can be done by manually labeling each issue(or assigning a milestone). But since gitlab already knows what issues were resolved in a commit it should be easy to view all issues associated with a commit/merge request. Is it possible to view them?
