Threads issue in c language using pthread library - multithreading

I declare a global variable and initialize it with 0.
In main () function i create two threads. The first thread function increments the global variable upto the received arguments (function parameter) using a for loop, while the second function decrements the global variable same times using for loop.
When i pass 1000 as arguments the program works fine but when i pass 100000 the global variable value should be zero at the end but i found the value is not zero.
I also called the join function for both threads but doesn't works.
#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "pthread.h"
int globVar =0;
void *incFunct(void* val){
for (int i=0; i<val; i++)
void *decFunct(void* val){
for (int i=0; i<val; i++)
int main()
pthread_t tid[2];
int val = 1000000;
printf("Initial value of Global variable : %d \n", globVar);
pthread_create(&tid[0], NULL, &incFunct, (void*)val);
pthread_create(&tid[1], NULL, &decFunct, (void*)val);
pthread_join(tid[0], NULL);
pthread_join(tid[1], NULL);
printf("Final Value of Global Var : %d \n", globVar);
return 0;

Yeah, you can't do that. Reasonably, you could end up with globVar having any value between -10000000 and +1000000; unreasonably, you might have invited the compiler to burn down your home (ask google about undefined behaviour).
You need to synchronize the operations of the two threads. One such synchronization is with a pthread_mutex_t; and you would acquire the lock (pthread_mutex_lock()) before operating on globVar, and release the lock (pthread_mutex_unlock()) after updating globVar.
For this particularly silly case, atomics might be more appropriate if your compiler happens to support them (/usr/include/stdatomic.h).

One thing that might happen is that the inc thread and the dec thread don't see consistent values for globVar. If you increment a variable you think has a value of 592, and, at the same time, I decrement what I think is the same variable but with a value of 311 — who wins? What happens when it's all over?
Without memory synchronization, you can't predict what will happen when multiple threads update the same memory location. You might have problems with cache coherency, variable tearing, and even reordered operations. Mutexes or C11 atomic variables are two ways to avoid these problems.
(As an aside, I suspect you don't see this problem with one thousand iterations because the first thread finishes well before the second even looks at globVar, and your implementation happens to update memory for that latter thread's consistency.)


Where can PTHRED_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP be specified and how does it work?

I found that there's a macro called PTHRED_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP which is somehow given as a value to a mutex so that the mutex does an adaptive spinning, meaning that it spins in the magnitude of an immediate wakeup through the kernel would last. But how do I utilize this configuration-macro to a thread ?
And as I've developed an improved shared readers-writer lock (it needs only one atomic operation at best in contrast to the three operations given in the Wikipedia-solution) with relative writer-priority (further readers are stalled when there's a writer and the readers before are allowed to proceed) which could also make use of adaptive spinning: how is the number of spinning-cycles calculated ?
I found that there's a macro called PTHRED_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP
Some pthreads implementations provide a macro PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP (note spelling) that is one of the possible values of the kind_np mutex attribute, but neither that attribute nor the macro are standard. It looks like at least BSD and AIX have them, or at least did at one time, but this is not something you should be using in new code.
But how do I utilize this configuration-macro to a thread ?
You don't. Even if you are using a pthreads implementation that supports it, this is the value of a mutex attribute, not a thread attribute. You obtain a mutex with that attribute value by explicitly requesting it when you initialize the mutex. It would look something like this:
pthread_mutexattr_t attr;
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
int rval;
// Return-value checks omitted for brevity and clarity
rval = pthread_mutexattr_init(&attr);
rval = pthread_mutexattr_setkind_np(&attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_ADAPTIVE_NP);
rval = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, &attr);
There are other mutex attributes that you can set in analogous ways, which is one of the reasons I wrote this answer. Although you should not be using the kind_np attribute, you can follow this general model for other mutex attributes. There are also thread attributes, which work similarly.
I found the code in the glibc:
That's the "adaptive" mutex locking code of pthread_mutex_lock
in the glibc 2.31:
else if (__builtin_expect (PTHREAD_MUTEX_TYPE (mutex)
if (! __is_smp)
goto simple;
if (LLL_MUTEX_TRYLOCK (mutex) != 0)
int cnt = 0;
int max_cnt = MIN (max_adaptive_count (),
mutex->__data.__spins * 2 + 10);
if (cnt++ >= max_cnt)
atomic_spin_nop ();
while (LLL_MUTEX_TRYLOCK (mutex) != 0);
mutex->__data.__spins += (cnt - mutex->__data.__spins) / 8;
assert (mutex->__data.__owner == 0);
So the spin count is doubled up to a maximum plus 10 first (system configurable or 1000 if thre's no configuration) and after the locking the difference between the actual spins and the predefined spins divided by 8 is added to the next spin-count.

Thread scheduling/Data race conditions

In class, we are studying threads and race conditions. By my estimates, it should be possible for the below code to output the value 8 or 9, as it is possible that thread 1 is interrupted by thread 2 before the counter value is updated, but after it has been incremented in the eax register.
int counter = 10;
void *worker(void *arg) {
return NULL;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
pthread_t p1, p2;
pthread_create(&p1, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_create(&p2, NULL, worker, NULL);
pthread_join(p1, NULL);
pthread_join(p2, NULL);
printf("%d\n", counter);
However, when I run the code, I always receive the output 8. Is it a mechanism of the compiler that normalizes the output, or is it only possible for the code to output 8 (no race condition is created)?
There's no way for us to tell without knowing lots of complicated details about your platform, compiler, maybe even CPU. The code has a race condition in theory but it may be exceptionally difficult, maybe even impossible, to trigger.
Of course, if you upgrade your compiler or CPU, change compilation options, upgrade your OS, or do any number of other things, it may start behaving differently.
This is one of the reasons race conditions can be so insidious. They can be impossible to trigger under some conditions and then suddenly start happening all the time when some change is made elsewhere.
The code definitely has a race condition.
I don't find it surprising that you're seeing consistent results--starting a thread takes a little while, so there's a good chance that in your case, the first thread finishes before the second gets started.
Nonetheless, the code clearly has undefined behavior, because there's no question it has a race condition.
There definitely is a race condition. The reason you're not seeing it is because the increment happens so fast compared to the time it takes to start a thread that it's likely for the first thread to be done before the second thread even starts. You'll see the race condition if you make the amount of work sufficiently large that the first thread will still be running when the second one starts.
example: modify the worker function to decrement in a loop
int counter = 1000000000;
void* worker(void *arg)
for (int i = 0; i < 500000000; ++i)
return NULL;
Since counter starts at 1 billion, and you're running 2 threads that each decrement counter by 500 million, you would expect counter to be 0 when you are done if race conditions didn't exist.

Confusing result from counting page fault in linux

I was writing programs to count the time of page faults in a linux system. More precisely, the time kernel execute the function __do_page_fault.
And somehow I wrote two global variables, named pfcount_at_beg and pfcount_at_end, which increase once when the function __do_page_fault is executed at different locations of the function.
To illustrate, the modified function goes as:
unsigned long pfcount_at_beg = 0;
unsigned long pfcount_at_end = 0;
static void __kprobes
struct vm_area_sruct *vma;
pfcount_at_beg++; // I add THIS
pfcount_at_end++; // I add THIS
I expected that the value of pfcount_at_end is smaller than the value of pfcount_at_beg.
Because, I think, every time kernel executes the instructions of code pfcount_at_end++, it must have executed pfcount_at_beg++(Every function starts at the very beginning of the code).
On the other hand, as there are many conditional return between these two lines of code.
However, the result turns out oppositely. The value of pfcount_at_end is larger than the value of pfcount_at_beg.
I use printk to print these kernel variables through a self-defined syscall. And I wrote the user level program to call the system call.
Here is my simple syscall and user-level program:
// syscall
asmlinkage int sys_mysyscall(void)
printk( KERN_INFO "total pf_at_beg%lu\ntotal pf_at_end%lu\n", pfcount_at_beg, pfcount_at_end)
return 0;
// user-level program
#define __NR_mysyscall 223
int main()
return 0;
Is there anybody who knows what exactly happened during this?
Just now I modified the code, to make pfcount_at_beg and pfcount_at_end static. However the result did not change, i.e. the value of pfcount_at_end is larger than the value of pfcount_at_beg.
So possibly it might be caused by in-atomic operation of increment. Would it be better if I use read-write lock?
The ++ operator is not garanteed to be atomic, so your counters may suffer concurrent access and have incorrect values. You should protect your increment as a critical section, or use the atomic_t type defined in <asm/atomic.h>, and its related atomic_set() and atomic_add() functions (and a lot more).
Not directly connected to your issue, but using a specific syscall is overkill (but maybe it is an exercise). A lighter solution could be to use a /proc entry (also an interesting exercise).

Can I assign a per-thread index, using pthreads?

I'm optimizing some instrumentation for my project (Linux,ICC,pthreads), and would like some feedback on this technique to assign a unique index to a thread, so I can use it to index into an array of per-thread data.
The old technique uses a std::map based on pthread id, but I'd like to avoid locks and a map lookup if possible (it is creating a significant amount of overhead).
Here is my new technique:
static PerThreadInfo info[MAX_THREADS]; // shared, each index is per thread
// Allow each thread a unique sequential index, used for indexing into per
// thread data.
1:static size_t GetThreadIndex()
3: static size_t threadCount = 0;
4: __thread static size_t myThreadIndex = threadCount++;
5: return myThreadIndex;
later in the code:
// add some info per thread, so it can be aggregated globally
info[ GetThreadIndex() ] = MyNewInfo();
1) It looks like line 4 could be a race condition if two threads where created at exactly the same time. If so - how can I avoid this (preferably without locks)? I can't see how an atomic increment would help here.
2) Is there a better way to create a per-thread index somehow? Maybe by pre-generating the TLS index on thread creation somehow?
1) An atomic increment would help here actually, as the possible race is two threads reading and assigning the same ID to themselves, so making sure the increment (read number, add 1, store number) happens atomically fixes that race condition. On Intel a "lock; inc" would do the trick, or whatever your platform offers (like InterlockedIncrement() for Windows for example).
2) Well, you could actually make the whole info thread-local ("__thread static PerThreadInfo info;"), provided your only aim is to be able to access the data per-thread easily and under a common name. If you actually want it to be a globally accessible array, then saving the index as you do using TLS is a very straightforward and efficient way to do this. You could also pre-compute the indexes and pass them along as arguments at thread creation, as Kromey noted in his post.
Why so averse to using locks? Solving race conditions is exactly what they're designed for...
In any rate, you can use the 4th argument in pthread_create() to pass an argument to your threads' start routine; in this way, you could use your master process to generate an incrementing counter as it launches the threads, and pass this counter into each thread as it is created, giving you your unique index for each thread.
I know you tagged this [pthreads], but you also mentioned the "old technique" of using std::map. This leads me to believe that you're programming in C++. In C++11 you have std::thread, and you can pass out unique indexes (id's) to your threads at thread creation time through an ordinary function parameter.
Below is an example HelloWorld that creates N threads, assigning each an index of 0 through N-1. Each thread does nothing but say "hi" and give it's index:
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <vector>
inline void sub_print() {}
template <class A0, class ...Args>
sub_print(const A0& a0, const Args& ...args)
std::cout << a0;
static std::mutex m;
return m;
template <class ...Args>
print(const Args& ...args)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> _(cout_mut());
void f(int id)
print("This is thread ", id, "\n");
int main()
const int N = 10;
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i)
threads.push_back(std::thread(f, i));
for (auto i = threads.begin(), e = threads.end(); i != e; ++i)
My output:
This is thread 0
This is thread 1
This is thread 4
This is thread 3
This is thread 5
This is thread 7
This is thread 6
This is thread 2
This is thread 9
This is thread 8

Strange behavior of printk in linux kernel module

I am writing a code for linux kernel module and experiencing a strange behavior in it.
Here is my code:
int data = 0;
void threadfn1()
int j;
for( j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
printk(KERN_INFO "I AM THREAD 1 %d\n",j);
void threadfn2()
int j;
for( j = 0; j < 10; j++ )
printk(KERN_INFO "I AM THREAD 2 %d\n",j);
static int __init abc_init(void)
struct task_struct *t1 = kthread_run(threadfn1, NULL, "thread1");
struct task_struct *t2 = kthread_run(threadfn2, NULL, "thread2");
while( 1 )
printk("debug\n"); // runs ok
if( data >= 2 )
Basically I was trying to wait for threads to finish and then print something after that.
The above code does achieve that target but WITH "printk("debug\n");" not commented. As soon as I comment out printk("debug\n"); to run the code without debugging and load the module through insmod command, the module hangs on and it seems like it gets lost in recursion. I dont why printk effects my code in such a big way?
Any help would be appreciated.
You're not synchronizing the access to the data-variable. What happens is, that the compiler will generate a infinite loop. Here is why:
while( 1 )
if( data >= 2 )
The compiler can detect that the value of data never changes within the while loop. Therefore it can completely move the check out of the loop and you'll end up with a simple
while (1) {}
If you insert printk the compiler has to assume that the global variable data may change (after all - the compiler has no idea what printk does in detail) therefore your code will start to work again (in a undefined behavior kind of way..)
How to fix this:
Use proper thread synchronization primitives. If you wrap the access to data into a code section protected by a mutex the code will work. You could also replace the variable data and use a counted semaphore instead.
This link explains how locking in the linux-kernel works:
With the call to printk() removed the compiler is optimising the loop into while (1);. When you add the call to printk() the compiler is not sure that data isn't changed and so checks the value each time through the loop.
You can insert a barrier into the loop, which forces the compiler to reevaluate data on each iteration. eg:
while (1) {
if (data >= 2) {
Maybe data should be declared volatile? It could be that the compiler is not going to memory to get data in the loop.
Nils Pipenbrinck's answer is spot on. I'll just add some pointers.
Rusty's Unreliable Guide to Kernel Locking (every kernel hacker should read this one).
Goodbye semaphores?, The mutex API ( articles on the new mutex API introduced in early 2006, before that the Linux kernel used semaphores as mutexes).
Also, since your shared data is a simple counter, you can just use the atomic API (basically, declare your counter as atomic_t and access it using atomic_* functions).
Volatile might not always be "bad idea". One needs to separate out
the case of when volatile is needed and when mutual exclusion
mechanism is needed. It is non optimal when one uses or misuses
one mechanism for the other. In the above case. I would suggest
for optimal solution, that both mechanisms are needed: mutex to
provide mutual exclusion, volatile to indicate to compiler that
"info" must be read fresh from hardware. Otherwise, in some
situation (optimization -O2, -O3), compilers might inadvertently
leave out the needed codes.
