How can I access default colaboratory packages when running on local runtime? - remote-access

Is there a way I can access the default packages on Google Colaboratory when I am running on local runtime. I have connected my colab to a notebook server which is running on a remote server and the packages I need are not installed on that system. (My local runtime is the remote server in this case).
Basically the remote server has the gpu which I need to use apart from the datasets and other files and I want to use the default packages provided by Colab.


How can I open RDP using Ansible?

I am working on automating the installation of a custom, in-house software using Ansible on a windows host. During the automation process I have found that one of the msi installers is broken and as a result have to be run interactively on the machine.
I want to trigger the process to run interactively on the machine so the installation completes properly.
The challenge is to open a RDP session from Linux to the windows host to enable this to happen. I am using WSL.
I would like to keep the number of additional dependencies to a minimum.

How can I mount an aws linux instance locally?

I work on a windows machine but I ssh into an AWS linux box to do most of my work. I'm trying to figure out a way I can use my local tools (specifically Spyder) to open up files (python files) from the server so I can edit them in the IDE and then run them on the server. (Note: its not just for code, I also want to be able to open csv's I generate, etc...).
Many modern IDE's provide this option through SSH, looking at the documentation for Spyder, it seems to refer to this configuration as a 'remote kernel'.
I do not use Spyder, but I use a similar configuration to do development with Visual Studio Code on my laptop with remote execution over SSH to an EC2 instance. In VS Code it is referred to as Remote SSH, you open a folder on the remote server as your VS Code workspace.

How to use ec2 instance as personal dev box using intellij as IDE?

I have searched the questions and have not found an answer to this one:
I am developing an existing project (git repo) that runs only on Linux. For the time being I have at my disposal only a windows laptop which I cannot modify. This laptop has Intellij installed and internet access. I cannot, for example, create a Linux VM on this laptop.
Is there a way I can put the project code on an Amazon ec2 Linux instance and build the project on that instance, while viewing and developing the code in Intellij? All compilation and code execution has to be done remotely, on the ec2 Linux instance. I cannot build locally and push from the windows laptop.
2 possible configurations might be:
(1) install intellij on the ec2 instance and x-window in from windows to view the intellij screens;
(2) use the intellij on the Windows laptop and somehow point the intellij to the ec2 instance in order to view, edit, build, and run the project on that instance.
Any ideas are greatly appreciated!
ec2 with enough memory for development is billed / hour. For 32gb RAM it's >$80/month (always online ~450h).
You could use wls 2 under windows. You can install IDEA and use it trough X server like
VcXsrv and access to windows files. It's not the best idea to run full GNOME (even xfce4). Google chrome also works very well
Downsides are:
(still) slow access to drive compared to raw Linux
I cannot configure WSL to access same VPN as in Windows. It simply cuts off internet connection for WSL while I click connect in windows.

Download the Internet Explorer on SUSE-Linux server

I am interested in downloading the Internet Explorer on my SUSE-linux server which is telnet'd from my local linux machine.
I need to install the Wireshark and SNMP browsing tools on the server and would like to therefore have an internet explorer installed on the server.
Please help me with the installation.
Internet Exploder only runs on Windows machines. You might be wanting to install all of this on a Windows Server and then run these tools against a Linux machine, but you're not going to natively be successful loading IE on a Linux Server.
There is an option that I'll mention you can check out Crossover Office from Codeweavers, it's got the ability to run the appropriate WINE drivers and environment so that you could do what you are asking, but there is no guarantee that the overall scheme of running Wireshark will work.

Setting up Rsync to pull from Windows to Linux Box using cwrsync

I have a set of machines, a mixture of Linux and Windows Boxes.
I hav set up rsync to pull from the Linux Machines to a Linux Server box.
I am trying to accomplish the same using cwRsync, to pull to the Linux box from the windows machines. I have downloaded the free version from and also I have downloaded CopSSH. I have managed to install CopSSH fine and I am able to SSH between the Linux and Windows hosts no problem using keys rather than passwords.
However, for the life of me I can't get this cwRsync working, I've googled the matter to death, and your meant to unzip the directory, configure the environment settings in the batch file then install it. However, there is nothing to install it with! and the reason it isn't working is because it needs to install a windows service for it to run.
Any help would be much appreciated!
As described at itefix web page for the free edition, it allows to initiate rsync from your Windows machine, i.e. client functionality only (push data). Server functionality allowing you to set up an rsync server on Windows to pull data from it is not a part of the free edition.
