Assignment files do not get deleted via course reset after cron execution in Moodle - cron

When I try to reset the assignments of a course, front-end wise all data get deleted. I tested this with a single file upload by myself in a test assignment. But when checking disk usage with
du moodledata/filedir
the same usage remains. I ensured execution of the cron task which printed
Cron script completed correctly
Cron completed at 17:40:03. Memory used 32.8MB.
Execution took 0.810698 seconds
The files also are not in moodledata/trashdir probably reason why the cron task does not clean it.
Removing file with
moosh file-hash-delete <hash>
seemed to work. I identified the hash with pre/after executing disk usage and checking hash in the folder that used up the size of the file I uploaded.
The hash was not in the mdl_files table in MySQL, but the draft of it was. This one I found out via
moosh file-check
and I also checked it with phpMyAdmin, which outputted the file(draft) alongside other files.
Logs for resetting the course show the following:
Core System, course reset finished, The reset of the course with id '4' has ended.
Core System, deadline updated, The user with id '2' updated the event 'test ist zur Bewertung fällig.' with id '4'.
Core System, deadline updated, The user with id '2' updated the event 'test ist fällig.' with id '3'.
Core System, course reset begin, The user with id '2' started the reset of the course with id '4'.
(note that I translated some of the messages, because my setup is in German).
Unfortunately I'm having to run this Moodle instance on a hoster with extremely low disk storage (hence backup/deletion requirement).
Some background infos:
Moodle - version 3.8.2+ stable, dbtype set to mariadb
MariaDB - version 10.3.19
Machine: CentOS Linux 7
UPDATE: It seems that after some days (I checked today, ~4 days later) the files have been deleted. I don't know why this happened after so many days even though I manually triggered the cron job (seems that it doesn't delete the files). It would be nice to check where the timer is set and which script finally deletes the files.

On the course reset page, if you scroll down, there is a drop down for Assignments
Did you check the box for Delete all submissions ?
In the code, $data->reset_assign_submissions will delete the files:
public function reset_userdata($data) {
global $CFG, $DB;
$componentstr = get_string('modulenameplural', 'assign');
$status = array();
$fs = get_file_storage();
if (!empty($data->reset_assign_submissions)) {


How to Clean Up the Camunda History

My application runs with Camunda 7.7. Until now, all the data was saved in the Camunda tables (ACT_XXX)- they become big. So now I want to clean up the tables and configure Camunda such, that the data is clean up after 14 days.
Until now I tries to set the TTL to 1 day (easier to test!)
List<ProcessDefinition> processDefinitions = processEngine.getRepositoryService()
for (ProcessDefinition processDefinition : processDefinitions) {
processDefinition.getId(), 1);
and the clean up window during the afternoon:
This, this does not work. Can someone help?
In my case, when running with Spring Boot, it just works by defining the following properties:
historyCleanupBatchWindowStartTime: "00:01"
historyCleanupBatchWindowEndTime: "23:59"
historyCleanupStrategy: endTimeBased
To be sure, can you check colum REMOVAL_TIME on objects you need to delete? It should be populated automatically by the engine if you set ttl on process definition.
P.s. I'm running 7.11.0

Right way to delete and then reindex ES documents

I have a python3 script that attempts to reindex certain documents in an existing ElasticSearch index. I can't update the documents because I'm changing from an autogenerated id to an explicitly assigned id.
I'm currently attempting to do this by deleting existing documents using delete_by_query and then indexing once the delete is complete:
index='%s_*' % base_index_name,
However, the index is massive, and so the delete can take several hours to finish. I'm currently getting a ReadTimeoutError, which is causing the script to crash:
WARNING:elasticsearch:Connection <Urllib3HttpConnection: X> has failed for 2 times in a row, putting on 120 second timeout.
WARNING:elasticsearch:POST X:9200/base_index_name_*/type_a/_delete_by_query?conflicts=proceed&wait_for_completion=true&refresh=true [status:N/A request:140.117s]
urllib3.exceptions.ReadTimeoutError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='X', port=9200): Read timed out. (read timeout=140)
Is my approach correct? If so, how can I make my script wait long enough for the delete_by_query to complete? There are 2 timeout parameters that can be passed to delete_by_query - search_timeout and timeout, but search_timeout defaults to no timeout (which is I think what I want), and timeout doesn't seem to do what I want. Is there some other parameter I can pass to delete_by_query to make it wait as long as it takes for the delete to finish? Or do I need to make my script wait some other way?
Or is there some better way to do this using the ElasticSearch API?
You should set wait_for_completion to False. In this case you'll get task details and will be able to track task progress using corresponding API:
Just to explain more in the form of codebase explained by Random for the newbee in ES/python like me:
ES = Elasticsearch(['http://localhost:9200'])
query = {'query': {'match_all': dict()}}
task_id = ES.delete_by_query(index='index_name', doc_type='sample_doc', wait_for_completion=False, body=query, ignore=[400, 404])
response_task = ES.tasks.get(task_id) # check if the task is completed
isCompleted = response_task["completed"] # if complete key is true it means task is completed
One can write custom definition to check if the task is completed in some interval using while loop.
I have used python 3.x and ElasticSearch 6.x
You can use the 'request_timeout' global param. This will reset the Connections timeout settings, as mentioned here
For example -
es.delete_by_query(index=<index_name>, body=<query>,request_timeout=300)
Or set it at connection level, for example
es = Elasticsearch(**(get_es_connection_parms()),timeout=60)

Jhipster auditing,wrong modified by name

I want to save 10k users from active directory and i am using auditing but I have a bug.
The column modified_by does not work well.
The error is
2016-04-04 14:49:27,353 DEBUG [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3] StateServiceImpl: Request to save userAD, 77879
2016-04-04 14:49:27,354 DEBUG [http-nio-80-exec-6] StateServiceImpl: Request to save userAD, 96459
As you can randomly it is using threads. When it is using ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-X in the modified_by column fill in with the name "system" and when it is called from http-nio-80-exec-X it filled by the name of the user who is logged in.
Please provide your .yo-rc.json file and JHipster version.
Indicate also how you load you 10k users: through REST API or something else?
Did you write/modify this code or is it the code generated by JHipster unmodified?
SecurityContextHolder probably uses a ThreadLocal variable to store current user and then if you start a thread you do not get this context copied to the execution thread which results in getting default user: system

Missing ETW EventSource table in Azure SDK 2.6

I'm trying to use ETW for logging with several custom EventSource classes in Azure SDK 2.6.
When testing locally with the compute/storage emulator, three of my custom WADMyEventXYZ tables show up; however, the final expected table "WADMyDataSets" never seems to be created. How should I determine what is causing this problem? I see no errors from the compute emulator when the debugger is attached and stepping through the code in the debugger shows that WriteEntry on the EventSource is definitely called. The other tables show up in SchemasTable in the developer storage account, but there is no entry there for WADMyDataSets.
I exported WADDiagnosticInfrastrureLogsTable into CSV and examined it in Excel and see the following messages that reference "MyDataSets":
Validating table MyDataSets; DiskMB:451; RequiredQuota:451 RetentionSeconds:7776000 Pri:2 MinQuotaMB:0 RunningTotal:3757
Table does not exist
table C:\Users\Caleb\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\b316f531-f673-4db3-ac1c-e4649e289871\WAD0104\Tables\MyDataSets does not exist, CreationDisposition = 4
Table MyDataSets does not exist, will create a new one
Delaying the creation of table MyDataSets until the schema is known
Later on:
Converted EventSource provider name "MyDataSets" to {74a2b9c9-0bd8-547f-6cad-453da47055be}
Matched task with query id MyDataSetsQuery and regex ^MyDataSets$ to source table MyDataSets
Registering query MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_XTableWadAccount:
Adding standard PkRk (MA) fields to 'MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets'
Successfully compiled the query 'MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets'
Added task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from MyDataSets - Partitions:-1 Pri:normal TSPolicy:start StoreType:Central Repeat:2147483647 Timeout:3600s Deadline:300s DelayRange:0.00
Later on:
No checkpoint found for task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount after time 2015-05-13T00:44:21.000Z; retry time out is 3600 seconds
First scheduled task for MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount is at 2015-05-13T01:44:00.000Z (plus a delay of 20s)
Later on:
Increasing query delay of task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from 20 to 40 seconds to introduce randomness to the upload schedule
Later on:
Starting scheduled task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from 2015-05-13T01:43:00.000Z to 2015-05-13T01:44:00.000Z; query delay 40 seconds
Table C:\Users\Caleb\AppData\Local\dftmp\Resources\b316f531-f673-4db3-ac1c-e4649e289871\WAD0104\Tables\MyDataSets does not exist
Ending scheduled task MyDataSetsQuery_MyDataSets_WADMyDataSets_PT1M_XTableWadAccount from 2015-05-13T01:43:00.000Z to 2015-05-13T01:44:00.000Z in 1ms
The EventSource in question had one event on it:
public void DataSetLoaded(string traceActivityId, string userId, string reportCode, long timeToLoadMs)
Removing the fourth parameter "timeToLoadMs" resulted in the WAD event table showing up as expected. I tried changing the last parameter to a string, and it failed to show up again. Is there a documented limit on the number of parameters for an event method? I'm pretty sure I've seen samples that have four parameters.
I upgraded my web project to .NET 4.5.1 and now the WAD table shows up as expected (I had been running on just .NET 4.5 before this).
It would seem that there might be a bug with having 4 parameters on an EventSource event when using .NET 4.5.0.
As a side note, with 4.5.1, I now have the System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource.SetCurrentThreadActivityId method which will let me get rid of manually including the CorrelationManager.ActivityId in my event output. video released today says full support for Azure table logging for ETW eventsources.

In H2 database, the auto_increment field is incremented by 32?

I have this simple Table (just for test) :
create table table
key int not null primary key auto_increment,
name varchar(30)
Then I execute the following requests:
insert into table values ( null , 'one');// key=1
insert into table values ( null , 'two');// key=2
At this Stage all goes well, then I close The H2 Console and re-open it and re-execute this request :
insert into table values ( null , 'three');// key=33
Finally, here is all results:
I do not know how to solve this problem, if it is a real problem...
pending a response from the author...
The database uses a cache of 32 entries for sequences, and auto-increment is internally implemented a sequence. If the system crashes without closing the database, at most this many numbers are lost. This is similar to how sequences work in other databases. Sequence values are not guaranteed to be generated without gaps in such cases.
So, did you really close the database? You should - it's not technically a problem if you don't, but closing the database will ensure such strange things will not occur. I can't reproduce the problem if I normally close the database (stop the H2 Console tool). Closing all connections will close the database, and the database is closed if the application is stopped normally (using a shutdown hook).
By the way, what is your exact database URL? It seems you are using jdbc:h2:tcp://... but I can't see the rest of the URL.
Don't close terminal. Terminal is parent process of h2-tcp-server. They are not detached. When you just close terminal, it's process closes all child processes, what means emergency server shutdown
This happens when a database "thinks" it got forced to close (an accident or emergency for example), and its related to "identity-cache"
In my case I was facing this issue while learning and playing with the H2 database with an SpringBoot application, the solution was that at the h2-console when finishing playing, execute the SHUTDOWN; command and after that you can safely stop your spring boot application without having this tremendous jump on your autogenerated fields.
Personal Note: This usually is not a problem if you are creating the new database on every application start, but when you persist the data (for example on a data.sql file like on the below properties) you are playing with on the h2 database and it persist even when restarting, then this happens, so close it safely with SHUTDOWN command.
Learn about identity-cache
