Power Apps Canvas - import data from excel sheet - excel

I'm developing an application by using Powerapps canvas. I have a problem while importing data from the excel sheet, the first issue that some of the rows not been displayed on the page, second on all dates and time are not displayed correctly especially time. the table name Arrival and there are two columns STA for both date&time-"custom data type" and Arrival Time - "Time data type". I think I have a problem with zone time. I tried (TimeValue, DateVale, and DateTimeValue) functions and all of them didn't work or maybe I'm using these functions wrong way. look at the pictures to understand my problem more
I need help guys

You are correct that Excel times need to be adjusted for time zone. You can do that using the following expression:
DateAdd(ThisItem.Time; TimeZoneOffset(ThisItem.Time); Minutes);
The DateAdd expression will take the time from Excel and adjust it to your local time; the Text will then convert it into a text so that you can display on a label in your gallery.
Hope this helps!


Excel adds "1/1/1900" to my time duration entries and changes the time as it appears in formula box. Usual fixes not working

I have a column of time durations in an Excel sheet that is destroying my week. I wish I could make a custom hhh:mm format for this column, but I am only allowed to edit this sensitive document on SharePoint and Sharepoint does not support custom formats. Consequently, this is the best I can do for time duration:
Works fine. Most of the rows use this format. But inexplicably, many of the rows have this format instead:
This format difference messes with formulas, and as you can you see in the picture the time "duration" is different in the formula box. The time as it appears on the sheet is correct This format resists all attempts at change, and I've looked up quite a few solutions. Reformatting the whole column has no effect. Copy pasting the values in various ways either retains the problem or produces incorrect results. The Text to Columns fix I've read about in a few places gives me the time as it appears in the formula bar, not the (correct) time as it appears in the sheet.
I am extremely desperate for a fix. I appreciate whatever help you can provide. Please keep in mind that I cannot use custom formats on Sharepoint and I cannot edit this document elsewhere.

Excel Line Chart with separate data points for a single line

I have a weird problem that google's not being too kind on results (mostly basic things on how to create a line chart, or combination charts, neither of which I'm after).
I'm trying to automate a report we do each month, I've managed pretty well so far by having a linked excel chart and objects, I have a single sheet in excel I paste my formatted data (set format is consistent each month) then excel picks out the data, creates the charts and when opening powerpoint it reads it all in from there.
Great! Until I was given a new piece of information, there's monthly data and a yearly tally in my data, monthly data is shown with a particular "weighting" applied, year with a different one and it's this that's caused a problem.
The package that's exporting the data can't show these figures contiguously, so we have an export with all the monthly weights, then with annual weights.
So say originally we were looking at C83 to O83 for our data for this year, we're now looking at C83 to N83 and O1364.
I've tried to look at how I would add this to the chart, which currently has the reference:
='Monthly Data to Update'!$C$83:$O$83
But doing anything + or & doesn't seem to work.
So, I decided to just pull all my data in to contiguous set to reference, (so ='Monthly Data to Update'!C83 one cell, ='Monthly Data to Update'!C84 next cell and so on).
This caused a problem for future months that're empty, having 0's in them, so I updated my code to check:
=IF('Monthly Data to Update'!C83=0,NA(),'Monthly Data to Update'!C83)
And this works, my table below my chart is blank for the empty months, my chart doesn't try and plot these empty months. Hurrah!
Now, the wrinkle. The Yearly nets aren't charted but are displayed in the table (I'm not up on Excel charts so how this was originally setup, I just copied the charts from Powerpoint in to Excel and reset the data to where it needed to be before copying it back to Powerpoint as a data linked chart).
First chart I did, works fine, second chart I did it's decided to start plotting the annual net for two of the three lines = \
So, this is how my chart looks like, running off the contiguous (but wrong) data:
And this is how it looks running off the fetched contiguous (correct) data:
It's really baffling, Exceeded and Met now plot the Year to Date figure, whereas Not Met behaves as it should, and they all have the same data layout (on the right) using the same formulas (just pointing at different cells).
I am confused..
I'm hoping to keep this light and simple so have avoided using any macro's to date, so that down the line when I hand this project over to someone any maintenance should be easy to do (say add a chart) without them asking me and me then having to remember what the hell I did a few months ago.. - so if this is doable without going down that line (which, seems like it should be, given my first chart the two lines there worked fine, and one of the three in this is behaving itself).
Apologies for the long winded description, I've given full history so if there's a step further back I could've done better, then happy to fix it up there rather than where I got to.
Ah, so apparently I could've had non-contiguous data with a comma, not a plus or ampersand, so the chart data would be:
=('Monthly Data to Update'!$C$83:$N$83,'Monthly Data to Update'!$O$1404)
So I don't need to rebuild the data in to a contiguous set, and my charts don't cock up when selecting the data this way, win's all around.
Thank you for your time, hopefully this helps someone in the future. (as a saving grace for my lost morning)

Is it possible to format numbers in Azure Powerapps chart?

I am working on Powerapp application. Want to show the Cost (In $) for the last 12 months in a Powerapp bar chart. But I don't see any option to format the numbers to add $ symbol at the end.
I feel this is a very basic requirement in charts and can't find a way to do it in powerapps.
Is there any workaround for this?
Short Answer NO,It is not possible !
You are looking to format the series value in the Chart Features of the PowerApps.
Column Chart Properties --> Advanced
As far As I have researched only the, Labels ( The X - axis) feature can be will be formatted where as the series will always a numerical value. (Despite adding the Currency Format)
You can add the currency format using the below code :
AddColumns(<TableName>,"currency",Text(<numbervalue>,"[$-en-US]$###,###.00") )
However, this will not be helpful in formatting the Series Value
If you use the updated column as label :
Understand , this may not suit the requirement - but sharing just in case you get alternate ideas.
Other workaround :
If you are persisting the data outside - you use Power BI Embed to Visually represent the data. If real time visualization of data is not a requirement - this would be your Solution.
Unfortunately, you cannot use PowerBI Embed to Visualize the In-Memory Powerapp Collection (Live data).Also,the data might not be near real time ( the sync will have to take place in order to reflect the new data).
If visualizing a real time data is mandatory for you, you could use streaming dataset to get real time data & display in the POwer BI embed Visuals - but then it has its downsides.
Note :
There is an idea submitted for the same below :

Excel Timesheet Matrix to Listed entries

I'm tying to convert a matrix of data into a list of entries. I have found a few solutions that are close but nothing that I can get working completely. My challenges are I need 4 pieces of information from each row and I want it to be automatic. This Solution was close, but I need something That brings an extra two columns with it.I don't want to have to process the data once it's entered into the Grid.
I created something that works but I feel it's clumsy and there has to be a better way to do it. I have added a Sample Time sheet to my Google drive of what I have created. Essentially I enter the work order, description and pay code on the left. The dates are up top and hours hours worked are entered into the grid. I use a few simple formulas to make a list of every grid cell in the format my finance department needs and then bring it back into the main sheet to sort it. I feel this setup is fragile and it requires manual sort every time info is updated.
Can you help me get from the format on the left to the format on the right with 0 steps. The data arrangement on the left can be modified but the data on the right has to be exactly as show. Mostly I don't know what I'm trying to do is called. It took me longer than I care to admit to find the term "matrix to list." All suggestions are welcome.
A Screenshot of the excel sheet for when the google drive link stops working.

Converting Excel rows to columns (smarter than transpose)

I have some data that has been output by an accounting system, but needs massaging.
Each Invoice is output on a row, but the categories of the products on the invoice are output as a column - I want all the data to be on a row.
(I've just discovered that as a new user to here I can't post an image, so this link links to a jpg that explains what I mean)
So the image shows how the data is currently output and how it needs to be. I assume that I need to use VBA to do this (there's actually 1000's of rows of data and a new sheet is generated every day), but I'm interested in any other ideas or samples of what functions to use in VBA (I'm a delphi developer and haven't written anything in VBA for many years, but I'm sure I can turn my hand to it with a few hints!)
Many Thanks
