How to plot support vectors for support vector regression? - svm

I am trying to solve hard margin support vector regression and plot hyperplane and support vectors for a dataset.
As you know, hard margin is solved with the below assumption:
I solved the problem but when I want to plot decision boundaries and support vectors, I face the below problem. All of point should be located between two decision boundaries and support vectors should be drawn on the decision boundaries. Can you help me to find the problem?
Here is the full code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn import metrics
Data = pd.read_csv("Data.txt",delimiter="\t")
# Plot Data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,constrained_layout=True,figsize=(8, 4))
ax.plot(X, y,'k.')
ax.set_title('Urmia lake Area versus Level')
ax.set_xlabel('Water level (M)',fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('Area (km^2)',fontsize=15)
#plt.axis([0, 25, 0, 25])
# find max and min values of predictor variables (here X) to use it to specify initial values of w and b
w_optimum = max_feature_value*0.5
w = [w_optimum for i in range(1)] # w shoulb be a vector with dimension of the independent features (here:1)
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
b_step_size_lower = 0.9
b_step_size_upper = 0.2
b_multiple = 500 # step size for b
b_range = np.arange((b_ini*b_step_size_lower), -b_ini*b_step_size_upper, b_multiple)
# Estimate w and b using stochastic gradient descent and trial and error
n_epoch = 250
epsilon=150 # acceptable error
for i in range (len(b_range)):
correctly_regressed = True
for j in range(X.shape[0]):
if (y[j]-(,X[j])+b_range[i]) > epsilon) or (y[j]-(,X[j])+b_range[i]) < -epsilon)==True:
correctly_regressed = False
wt_b = np.asarray(wt_b) - l_rate
if correctly_regressed==True:
if wt_b[0] < 0:
norms = sorted([n for n in length_Wvector_list])
# Predict using the optimized values of w and b
for i in range (X.shape[0]):,X[i])+b
print('Root Mean Squared Error:', np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y, y_predict)))
print('Coefficient of determination (R2):', metrics.r2_score(y, y_predict))
# plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(8, 5.2))
ax.scatter(y, y_predict, cmap='K', edgecolor='b',linewidth='0.5',alpha=1, label='testing points',marker='o', s=12)
ax.set_xlabel('Observed Area(km $^{2}$)',fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Simulated Area(km $^{2}$)',fontsize=14)
# find support vectors
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
if y[i]-y_pre<=epsilon:
elif y[i]-y_pre>=-epsilon:
sort_positive=sorted([n for n in positive_instances])
sort_negative=sorted([n for n in negative_instances])
# visualize the data-set
colors = {1:'r',-1:'b'}
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# plot support vectors
ax.scatter(model_support_vectors[0, :],model_support_vectors[1, :],s=200, linewidth=1,facecolors='none', edgecolors='b')
# hyperplane = x.w+b
# 0 = x.w+b
# psv = epsilon
# nsv = -epsilon
# dec = 0
def hyperplane_value(x,w,b,e):
return (,x)+b+e)
datarange = (min_feature_value*1.,max_feature_value*1.)
hyp_x_min = datarange[0]
hyp_x_max = datarange[1]
# (w.x+b) = epsilon
# positive support vector hyperplane
psv1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, wt_b, b, epsilon)
psv2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, wt_b, b, epsilon)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min,hyp_x_max],[psv1,psv2], 'k')
# (w.x+b) = -epsilon
# negative support vector hyperplane
nsv1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, wt_b, b, -epsilon)
nsv2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, wt_b, b, -epsilon)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min,hyp_x_max],[nsv1,nsv2], 'k')
# (w.x+b) = 0
# positive support vector hyperplane
db1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, wt_b, b, 0)
db2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, wt_b, b, 0)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min,hyp_x_max],[db1,db2], 'y--')

I improved the program and the problem was solved. As you can see, decision boundaries and support vectors are drawn in the correct position.
Here is the full code:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame
from sklearn import metrics
Data = pd.read_csv("Data.txt",delimiter="\t")
# Plot Data
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,constrained_layout=True,figsize=(8, 4))
ax.plot(X, y,'k.')
ax.set_title('Urmia lake Area versus Level')
ax.set_xlabel('Water level (M)',fontsize=15)
ax.set_ylabel('Area (km^2)',fontsize=15)
#plt.axis([0, 25, 0, 25])
# find max and min values of predictor variables (here X) to use it to specify initial values of w and b
w_optimum = max_feature_value*0.5
w = [w_optimum for i in range(1)] # w shoulb be a vector with dimension of the independent features (here:1)
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
b_step_size_lower = 0.9
b_step_size_upper = 0.1
b_multiple = 500 # step size for b
b_range = np.arange((b_ini*b_step_size_lower), -b_ini*b_step_size_upper, b_multiple)
# Estimate w and b using stochastic gradient descent and trial and error
n_epoch = 250
epsilon=500 # acceptable error
for i in range (len(b_range)):
optimized = False
while not optimized:
correctly_regressed = True
for j in range(X.shape[0]):
# every data point should be satisfies the constraint yi-(,xi)+b) <=epsilon or yi-(,xi)+b)>=-epsilon
if (y[j]-(,X[j])+b_range[i]) > epsilon) or (y[j]-(,X[j])+b_range[i]) < -epsilon)==True:
correctly_regressed = False
wt_b = np.asarray(wt_b) - l_rate
if correctly_regressed==True:
length_Wvector_list.append([wt_b[0],wt_b,b_range[i]]) #store w, b for minimum magnitude , magnitude or length of a vector w_t is called the norm
optimized = True
if wt_b[0] < 0:
optimized = True
norms = sorted([n for n in length_Wvector_list])
# Predict using the optimized values of w and b
for i in range (X.shape[0]):,X[i])+b
print('Root Mean Squared Error:', np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y, y_predict)))
print('Coefficient of determination (R2):', metrics.r2_score(y, y_predict))
# plot
fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 1,figsize=(8, 5.2))
ax.scatter(y, y_predict, cmap='K', edgecolor='b',linewidth='0.5',alpha=1, label='testing points',marker='o', s=12)
ax.set_xlabel('Observed Area(km $^{2}$)',fontsize=14)
ax.set_ylabel('Simulated Area(km $^{2}$)',fontsize=14)
ax.set_xlim([min(y)-100, max(y)+100])
ax.set_ylim([min(y)-100, max(y)+100])
# find support vectors
for i in range(X.shape[0]):
if ((y[i]-y_pre>0) and (y[i]-y_pre<=epsilon))==True:
elif ((y[i]-y_pre<0) and (y[i]-y_pre>=-epsilon))==True:
sort_positive=sorted([n for n in positive_instances])
sort_negative=sorted([n for n in negative_instances])
# visualize the data-set
colors = {1:'r',-1:'b'}
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
# plot support vectors
ax.scatter(model_support_vectors[0, :],model_support_vectors[1, :],s=200, linewidth=1,facecolors='none', edgecolors='b')
# hyperplane = x.w+b
# 0 = x.w+b
# psv = epsilon
# nsv = -epsilon
# dec = 0
def hyperplane_value(x,w,b,e):
return (,x)+b+e)
datarange = (min_feature_value*1.,max_feature_value*1.)
hyp_x_min = datarange[0]
hyp_x_max = datarange[1]
# (w.x+b) = epsilon
# positive support vector hyperplane
psv1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, wt_b, b, epsilon)
psv2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, wt_b, b, epsilon)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min,hyp_x_max],[psv1,psv2], 'k')
# (w.x+b) = -epsilon
# negative support vector hyperplane
nsv1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, wt_b, b, -epsilon)
nsv2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, wt_b, b, -epsilon)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min,hyp_x_max],[nsv1,nsv2], 'k')
# (w.x+b) = 0
# positive support vector hyperplane
db1 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_min, wt_b, b, 0)
db2 = hyperplane_value(hyp_x_max, wt_b, b, 0)
ax.plot([hyp_x_min,hyp_x_max],[db1,db2], 'y--')


How to compute the distance of data points to decision boundary when using the EllipticEnvelope of sklearn?

How can I compute the euclidean distance to the boundary decision of the EllipticEnvelope? Here is my code :
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.covariance import EllipticEnvelope
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
feature, output = "temperature", "consumption"
data = pd.DataFrame(np.random.normal(0,15, size=(2355,2)), columns=[feature, output])
X = data[[feature, output]]
X_train, X_test = train_test_split(X, shuffle=True, train_size=0.8)
model = EllipticEnvelope(contamination=0.18)
# extract the model predictions
y_pred = pd.Series(model.predict(X), index=X.index, name="anomaly")
# define the meshgrid : X = (u,v).T
u_min, u_max = X_train.iloc[:, 0].min() - 1.5, X_train.iloc[:, 0].max() + 1.5
v_min, v_max = X_train.iloc[:, 1].min() - 1.5, X_train.iloc[:, 1].max() + 1.5
n_points = 500
u = np.linspace(u_min, u_max, n_points)
v = np.linspace(v_min, v_max, n_points)
U, V = np.meshgrid(u, v)
# evaluate the decision function on the meshgrid
W = model.decision_function(np.c_[U.ravel(), V.ravel()])
W = W.reshape(U.shape)
a = plt.contour(U, V, W, levels=[0], linewidths=2, colors="black")
b = plt.scatter(X.loc[y_pred == 1].iloc[:, 0], X.loc[y_pred == 1].iloc[:, 1], c="yellowgreen", edgecolors='k')
c = plt.scatter(X.loc[y_pred == -1].iloc[:, 0], X.loc[y_pred == -1].iloc[:, 1], c="tomato", edgecolors='k')
plt.legend([a.collections[0], b, c], ['learned frontier', 'regular observations', 'abnormal observations'], bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1))
I am able to get the decision boundary points using the following code. Now, the problem can be solved by computing numerically the distance.
for item in a.collections:
for i in item.get_paths():
v = i.vertices
x = v[:, 0]
y = v[:, 1]
I have an obvious solution. Getting all data points d and compute the euclidean distance between d and e=(x,y). But, it is a brute-force technique.. :D I will continue my research !
Another solution would be to fit an ellipse and compute the distance using the formula described by #epiliam there :
I will provide one solution tomorrow based on the brute-force. It seems to work well for small dataset (n_rows < 10000). I did not test for larger ones.

Using the linear_model perceptron module from sklearn to separate points

I am trying to use this sklearn module for a binary classification problem and my data is clearly linearly separable.
what I dont understand is why the green area of my plot does not include the five red circles.
I have tried to vary the number of iterations parameter(max_iter) from 100 to 10000, however it does not make any difference.
here is my code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.linear_model import Perceptron
def learn_and_display_Perceptron(datafile):
#taking data reading this from the above functions
data = np.loadtxt(datafile)
n,d = data.shape
x = data[:,0:2]
y = data[:,2]
clf = Perceptron(max_iter=10000), y)
sv = np.zeros(n,dtype=bool) ## all False array
notsv = np.logical_not(sv) # all True array
# Determine the x1- and x2- limits of the plot
x1min = min(x[:,0]) - 1
x1max = max(x[:,0]) + 1
x2min = min(x[:,1]) - 1
x2max = max(x[:,1]) + 1
# Plot the data points, enlarging those that are support vectors
plt.plot(x[(y==1)*notsv,0], x[(y==1)*notsv,1], 'ro')
plt.plot(x[(y==1)*sv,0], x[(y==1)*sv,1], 'ro', markersize=10)
plt.plot(x[(y==-1)*notsv,0], x[(y==-1)*notsv,1], 'k^')
plt.plot(x[(y==-1)*sv,0], x[(y==-1)*sv,1], 'k^', markersize=10)
# Construct a grid of points and evaluate classifier at each grid points
grid_spacing = 0.05
xx1, xx2 = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x1min, x1max, grid_spacing), np.arange(x2min, x2max, grid_spacing))
grid = np.c_[xx1.ravel(), xx2.ravel()]
Z = clf.predict(grid)
# Quantize the values to -1, -0.5, 0, 0.5, 1 for display purposes
for i in range(len(Z)):
Z[i] = min(Z[i],1.0)
Z[i] = max(Z[i],-1.0)
if (Z[i] > 0.0) and (Z[i] < 1.0):
Z[i] = 0.5
if (Z[i] < 0.0) and (Z[i] > -1.0):
Z[i] = -0.5
# Show boundary and margin using a color plot
Z = Z.reshape(xx1.shape)
plt.pcolormesh(xx1, xx2, Z,, vmin=-2, vmax=2, shading='auto')
my datafile, data_1.txt can be found on here,
What can I change in my code to adjust the green/purple borderline to include the five red circles?
Nice code. You need to change the eta0 value,
clf = Perceptron(max_iter=10000, eta0=0.1)

How to build Sparse Matrix from Another by summation of rows in the first column, and zeroing the other columns?

After I had read the code of the random walkerAlgorithm on scikit-image library website, I tried to implement the Omega, Laplacian, and A matrices from scratch which is mathematically defined as follows:
Where CI::I mean the neighbourhood, which is 4 connected neighbours (i-1,i+1,j-1,j+1), eij is the edge between two pixels, which is nothing except the difference between their intensities, alpha and beta are arbitrary scalars.
I have implemented the Laplacian and Omega in the attached code down, but I didn't know how to implement Matrix A, since I don't know how to assign values to slices of the sparse matrices.
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy import sparse
def make_graph_edges(image):
n_x, n_y = image.shape
vertices = np.arange(n_x * n_y ).reshape((n_x, n_y))
edges_horizontal = np.vstack(( vertices[:, :-1].ravel(), vertices[:, 1:].ravel())) # X *(Y-1)
edges_vertical = np.vstack(( vertices[ :-1].ravel(), vertices[1: ].ravel())) #(X-1)* Y
edges = np.hstack((edges_horizontal, edges_vertical))
return edges
weights Function:
def compute_weights(image,mask,alpha, beta, eps=1.e-6):
intra_gradients = np.concatenate([np.diff(image, axis=ax).ravel()
for ax in [1, 0] ], axis=0) ** 2 # gradient ^2
# 5-Connected
inter_gradients = np.concatenate([np.diff(mask, axis=ax).ravel()
for ax in [1, 0] ], axis=0)**2
# inter_gradients = np.concatenate((inter_gradients,(mask-image).ravel()),axis=0)**2 # gradient ^2
# print('inter_gradients shape',inter_gradients.shape)
# 1-Connected
# inter_gradients = (image - mask)**2
# Normalize gradients
intra_gradients = (intra_gradients - np.amin(intra_gradients))/(np.amax(intra_gradients)- np.amin(intra_gradients))
inter_gradients = (inter_gradients - np.amin(inter_gradients))/(np.amax(inter_gradients)- np.amin(inter_gradients))
intra_scale_factor = -beta / (10 * image.std())
intra_weights = np.exp(intra_scale_factor * intra_gradients)
intra_weights += eps
inter_scale_factor = -alpha / (10 * image.std())
inter_weights = np.exp(inter_scale_factor * inter_gradients)
inter_weights += eps
return -intra_weights, inter_weights
Building Matrices:
def build_matrices(image, mask, alpha=90, beta=130):
edges_2D = make_graph_edges(image)
intra_weights,inter_weights=compute_weights(image=image,mask=mask,alpha=alpha ,beta=beta, eps=1.e-6 )
# Matrix Laplace
# Build the sparse linear system
pixel_nb = edges_2D.shape[1] # N = n_x * (n_y - 1) * + (n_x - 1) * n_y
print('Edges Shape: ',edges_2D.shape,'intra-Weights shape: ',intra_weights.shape)
i_indices = edges_2D.ravel() # Src - Dest
j_indices = edges_2D[::-1].ravel() # Same list in reverse order ( Dest - Src)
stacked_intra = np.hstack((intra_weights, intra_weights)) # weights (S-->D, D-->S) are same because graph is undirected
lap = sparse.coo_matrix((2*stacked_intra, (i_indices, j_indices)), shape=(pixel_nb, pixel_nb))
Laplace = lap.tocsr()
# Matrix Omega
# Build the sparse linear system
stacked_inter = np.hstack((inter_weights, inter_weights)) # weights (S-->D, D-->S) are same because graph is undirected
Omeg = sparse.coo_matrix((2*stacked_inter, (i_indices, j_indices)), shape=(pixel_nb, pixel_nb))
Omega = Omeg.tocsr()
# Matrix A
# Build the sparse linear system
Mat_A = 0
return Laplace, Omega, Mat_A
The Answer is:
weights = Omega.copy()
firstColumn = weights.sum(axis=1)/2
otherColumns = sparse.csr_matrix((weights.shape[0],weights.shape[1]-1))
Mat_A = sparse.hstack((firstColumn, otherColumns))

How to determine by which model my curve should be and approximate it?

I have a curve: enter image description here
and its digitized data.
How should I choose a suitable function for the least squares method and how this approximation can be implemented on Python?
I tried to do it like that
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
x = np.loadtxt("x_data.txt", delimiter='\t', dtype=np.float)
y = np.loadtxt("y_data.txt", delimiter='\t', dtype=np.float)
plt.plot(x, y, 'ro',label="Original Data")
x = np.array(x, dtype=float)
y = np.array(y, dtype=float)
def func(x, a, b, c, d):
return a*x**3 + b*x**2 +c*x + d
popt, pcov = curve_fit(func, x, y)
xs = sym.Symbol('\lambda')
tex = sym.latex(func(xs,*popt)).replace('$', '')
plt.title(r'$f(\lambda)= %s$' %(tex),fontsize=16)
plt.plot(x, func(x, *popt), label="Fitted Curve")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
I extracted data from your plot for analysis, and here is my first cut at the problem. Since your plot used decade-log scaling, I took the anti-decade-log of the "left-side" Y data for fitting. My peak equation search on this "extracted" data turned up a log-normal type of equation, and here is a graphical python fitter reading in data files and fitting to this equation. This fitter uses the scipy differential_evolution genetic algorithm module to determine initial parameter estimates for the non-linear fitter, which requires parameter ranges within which to search. In this code the data maximum and minimum values are used along with my range estimates. It is much easier to estimate ranges on initial parameter values than specific values. This fitter should be able to directly read your data files. If you can post or link to the actual data I might be able to make a better fit than is shown here.
import numpy, scipy, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
import warnings
with open('./x_data.txt', 'rt') as f:
x_file =
with open('./y_data.txt', 'rt') as f:
y_file =
xlist = []
for line in x_file.split('\n'):
if line: # this allows blank lines in file
ylist = []
for line in y_file.split('\n'):
if line: # this allows blank lines in file
if len(xlist) != len(ylist):
print(len(xlist), len(ylist))
raise Exception('X and Y habe different length')
xData = numpy.array(xlist)
yData = numpy.array(ylist)
def func(t, a, b, c, d): # Log-Normal Peak A Shifted from
return a * numpy.exp(-0.5 * numpy.power((numpy.log(t-d)-b) / c, 2.0))
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xData, *parameterTuple)
return numpy.sum((yData - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xData)
minX = min(xData)
maxY = max(yData)
minY = min(yData)
parameterBounds = []
parameterBounds.append([minY, maxY]) # search bounds for a
parameterBounds.append([0.0, 2.0]) # search bounds for b
parameterBounds.append([-1.0, 0.0]) # search bounds for c
parameterBounds.append([-maxX, 0.0]) # search bounds for d
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
geneticParameters = generate_Initial_Parameters()
# now call curve_fit without passing bounds from the genetic algorithm,
# just in case the best fit parameters are aoutside those bounds
fittedParameters, pcov = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, geneticParameters)
print('Fitted parameters:', fittedParameters)
modelPredictions = func(xData, *fittedParameters)
absError = modelPredictions - yData
SE = numpy.square(absError) # squared errors
MSE = numpy.mean(SE) # mean squared errors
RMSE = numpy.sqrt(MSE) # Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE
Rsquared = 1.0 - (numpy.var(absError) / numpy.var(yData))
print('RMSE:', RMSE)
print('R-squared:', Rsquared)
# graphics output section
def ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight):
f = plt.figure(figsize=(graphWidth/100.0, graphHeight/100.0), dpi=100)
axes = f.add_subplot(111)
# first the raw data as a scatter plot
axes.plot(xData, yData, 'D')
# create data for the fitted equation plot
xModel = numpy.linspace(min(xData), max(xData), 1000)
yModel = func(xModel, *fittedParameters)
# now the model as a line plot
axes.plot(xModel, yModel)
axes.set_xlabel('X Data') # X axis data label
axes.set_ylabel('Y Data') # Y axis data label
plt.close('all') # clean up after using pyplot
graphWidth = 800
graphHeight = 600
ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight)
EDIT: use actual data
With the actual data now available I found that a Pulse peak equation gives a good fit to the data, here is an updated fitter. I recommend taking additional data from time 0 to 5 if possible, this will yield data that better characterizes the region at the beginning of the peak.
import numpy, scipy, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
import warnings
with open('./x_data.txt', 'rt') as f:
x_file =
with open('./y_data.txt', 'rt') as f:
y_file =
xlist = []
for line in x_file.split('\n'):
if line: # this allows blank lines in file
ylist = []
for line in y_file.split('\n'):
if line: # this allows blank lines in file
if len(xlist) != len(ylist):
print(len(xlist), len(ylist))
raise Exception('X and Y have different length')
xData = numpy.array(xlist)
yData = numpy.array(ylist)
def func(t, a, b, c, Offset): # Pulse Peak With Offset from
return 4.0 * a * numpy.exp(-1.0 * (t-b) / c) * (1.0 - numpy.exp(-1.0 * (t-b) / c)) + Offset
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xData, *parameterTuple)
return numpy.sum((yData - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xData)
minX = min(xData)
maxY = max(yData)
minY = min(yData)
parameterBounds = []
parameterBounds.append([minY, maxY]) # search bounds for a
parameterBounds.append([-5.0, 0.0]) # search bounds for b
parameterBounds.append([1.0, 10.0]) # search bounds for c
parameterBounds.append([minY, maxY]) # search bounds for Offset
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
geneticParameters = generate_Initial_Parameters()
# now call curve_fit without passing bounds from the genetic algorithm,
# just in case the best fit parameters are aoutside those bounds
fittedParameters, pcov = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, geneticParameters)
print('Fitted parameters:', fittedParameters)
modelPredictions = func(xData, *fittedParameters)
absError = modelPredictions - yData
SE = numpy.square(absError) # squared errors
MSE = numpy.mean(SE) # mean squared errors
RMSE = numpy.sqrt(MSE) # Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE
Rsquared = 1.0 - (numpy.var(absError) / numpy.var(yData))
print('RMSE:', RMSE)
print('R-squared:', Rsquared)
# graphics output section
def ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight):
f = plt.figure(figsize=(graphWidth/100.0, graphHeight/100.0), dpi=100)
axes = f.add_subplot(111)
# first the raw data as a scatter plot
axes.plot(xData, yData, 'D')
# create data for the fitted equation plot
xModel = numpy.linspace(min(xData), max(xData), 1000)
yModel = func(xModel, *fittedParameters)
# now the model as a line plot
axes.plot(xModel, yModel)
axes.set_xlabel('X Data') # X axis data label
axes.set_ylabel('Y Data') # Y axis data label
plt.close('all') # clean up after using pyplot
graphWidth = 800
graphHeight = 600
ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight)

Error in Scipy curve fit for more than two parameters

I am quite new to Scipy. I have a data file ( and want to fit the function aexp(bx^c). The problem is when I give manually the value of c (say c = 0.75), the code works perfectly, but if I want to find the 'a', 'b' and 'c' from the fit, the code does not work and producing a flat line. Sorry if the problem is too silly. The code reads as:
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math as math
filename = sys.argv[1]
data = np.loadtxt(filename)
x = np.array(data[:,0])
y = np.array(data[:,1])
def func(x, a, b, c):
return a*np.exp(b*x**c)
params = curve_fit(func, x, y)
[a, b, c] = params[0]
perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(params[1]))
x_new = []
y_new = []
for i in np.linspace(1.00003e-05, 0.10303175629999914, num=1000):
j = func(i, a, b, c)
x1 = np.array(x_new)
y1 = np.array(y_new)
print ("a = ", a, "error = ", perr[0], "error % = ", (perr[0]/a)*100, '\t' "b = ", b, "error = ", perr[1], "error % = ", (perr[1]/b)*100), '\t' "c = ", c, "error = ", perr[2], "error % = ", (perr[2]/c)*100,
#np.savetxt('fit.dat', np.c_[x1, y1])
plt.plot(x, y, label='data')
plt.plot(x1, y1, label = 'a*np.exp(b*x**c)')
Exponential equations can be quite sensitive to the non-linear solver's initial parameter estimates. By default, many non-linear solvers - including scipy's curve_fit - use default initial parameter values of 1.0 for these initial parameter estimates if none are supplied, and in this particular case those values were not good initial estimates for your combination of data and equation. Scipy does include a genetic algorithm which can be used to determine the initial parameter estimates, and their implementation requires bounds within which to search. Here is an example graphical solver using the scipy differential_evolution genetic algorithm module for this purpose, note the ranges that I have used for the genetic algorithm to search within. It is much easier to give ranges for the parameters in this way rather than explicit values, though this is not always true it worked here. You will need to change the file path that I used to load the data.
import numpy, scipy, matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from scipy.optimize import differential_evolution
import warnings
filename = '/home/zunzun/Downloads/data.dat'
data = numpy.loadtxt(filename)
xData = numpy.array(data[:,0])
yData = numpy.array(data[:,1])
def func(x, a, b, c):
return a*numpy.exp(b*x**c)
# function for genetic algorithm to minimize (sum of squared error)
def sumOfSquaredError(parameterTuple):
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # do not print warnings by genetic algorithm
val = func(xData, *parameterTuple)
return numpy.sum((yData - val) ** 2.0)
def generate_Initial_Parameters():
# min and max used for bounds
maxX = max(xData)
minX = min(xData)
maxY = max(yData)
minY = min(yData)
minData = min(minX, minY)
maxData = min(maxX, maxY)
parameterBounds = []
parameterBounds.append([-maxData * 10.0, maxData * 10.0]) # search bounds for a
parameterBounds.append([-maxData * 10.0, maxData * 10.0]) # search bounds for b
parameterBounds.append([-maxData * 10.0, maxData * 10.0]) # search bounds for c
# "seed" the numpy random number generator for repeatable results
result = differential_evolution(sumOfSquaredError, parameterBounds, seed=3)
return result.x
# by default, differential_evolution completes by calling curve_fit() using parameter bounds
geneticParameters = generate_Initial_Parameters()
# now call curve_fit without passing bounds from the genetic algorithm,
# just in case the best fit parameters are aoutside those bounds
fittedParameters, pcov = curve_fit(func, xData, yData, geneticParameters)
print('Fitted parameters:', fittedParameters)
modelPredictions = func(xData, *fittedParameters)
absError = modelPredictions - yData
SE = numpy.square(absError) # squared errors
MSE = numpy.mean(SE) # mean squared errors
RMSE = numpy.sqrt(MSE) # Root Mean Squared Error, RMSE
Rsquared = 1.0 - (numpy.var(absError) / numpy.var(yData))
print('RMSE:', RMSE)
print('R-squared:', Rsquared)
# graphics output section
def ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight):
f = plt.figure(figsize=(graphWidth/100.0, graphHeight/100.0), dpi=100)
axes = f.add_subplot(111)
# first the raw data as a scatter plot
axes.plot(xData, yData, 'D')
# create data for the fitted equation plot
xModel = numpy.linspace(min(xData), max(xData))
yModel = func(xModel, *fittedParameters)
# now the model as a line plot
axes.plot(xModel, yModel)
axes.set_xlabel('X Data') # X axis data label
axes.set_ylabel('Y Data') # Y axis data label
plt.close('all') # clean up after using pyplot
graphWidth = 800
graphHeight = 600
ModelAndScatterPlot(graphWidth, graphHeight)
