Do processes terminate when terminal is closed? - linux

In the parent > child process relationship, done with fork(), I have read the following:
If the parent is killed, children become children of the init process (that has the process id 1 and is launched as the first user process by the kernel).
When I run a program using the terminal it forks and executes a new binary.
Why is that when I close the terminal the child process also terminates? According to the above
info, why does it not become a child of the root process?
I have also read:
When you close bash with normal exit it triggers SIGHUP hangup signal to all its jobs.
So what happens at the end of the day? it becomes child of root process or dies? These statements contract each other.

When a terminal is closed, then shell, which is running in the terminal, receives a SIGHUP. This signal is 'broadcasted' to all processes (child processes) started in that shell. As SINGHUP is by default a Termination Signal, the program is aborted, if no addition actions are taken.
An application can be started with nohup (man nohup) command to be SIGHUP resistant, or set it's own signal handler.


Soft kill vs hard kill in unix

Can anyone knows internals/ difference between executing these two commands in unix? I have been told soft kill will wait for all threads to terminate started by this process. My process is a tomcat server.
Kill -9 pid
Kill pid
Invoking kill command sends a signal to the process or process group.
When we invoke kill -9 PID. The signal sent to process / process group is to exit with no blocking.
When no signal is passed to kill viz. kill PID, the default signal is passed to kill.
The default signal for kill is TERM, and in such cases the command is interpreted as kill -15 PID.
More detailed information on kill is surely available in Linux man pages.
Another good description available in this document which says;
The command kill sends the specified signal to the specified process
or process group. If no signal is specified, the TERM signal is sent.
The TERM signal will kill processes which do not catch this signal.
For other processes, it may be necessary to use the KILL (9) signal,
since this signal cannot be caught.
Which means that though usual kill PID can do your job for all those processes where TERM signal is uncaught. Using -9 becomes imperative where TERM signal is tolerated.

Fork child process to die when parent exits? (bash)

I'm working with parallel processing and rather than dealing with cvars and locks I've found it's much easier to run a few commands in a shell script in sequence to avoid race conditions in one place. The new problem is that one of these commands calls another program, which the OS has decided to put into a new process. I need to kill this process from the parent program, but the parent program only knows the pid of the parent (shell script), so this process keeps executing on its own.
Is there a way in bash to set a subprocess to die when the parent dies? I've tried to figure out how to execute it as a daemon because I read daemons exit when the parent dies, but it's tricky and I can't quite get it right. Thanks!
Found the problem, and this fixed it (except for some pesky messages that somehow cannot be redirected to /dev/null).
trap "trap - SIGTERM && kill -- -$$" SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT

Is changing parent process necessary when daemonize a process?

I am reading about daemonizing a process at
In a strictly technical sense, a Unix-like system process is a daemon
when its parent process terminates and the daemon is assigned the init
process (process number 1) as its parent process and has no
controlling terminal. However, more commonly, a daemon may be any
background process, whether a child of the init process or not.
On a Unix-like system, the common method for a process to become a
daemon, when the process is started from the command line or from a
startup script such as an init script or a SystemStarter script,
Dissociating from the controlling tty
Becoming a session leader
Becoming a process group leader
Executing as a background task by forking and exiting (once or twice). This is required sometimes for the process to become a session
leader. It also allows the parent process to continue its normal
Setting the root directory (/) as the current working directory so that the process does not keep any directory in use that may be on
a mounted file system (allowing it to be unmounted).
Changing the umask to 0 to allow open(), creat(), and other operating system calls to provide their own permission masks and not
to depend on the umask of the caller
Closing all inherited files at the time of execution that are left open by the parent process, including file descriptors 0, 1 and 2
for the standard streams (stdin, stdout and stderr). Required files
will be opened later.
Using a logfile, the console, or /dev/null as stdin, stdout, and stderr
If the process is started by a super-server daemon, such as inetd,
launchd, or systemd, the super-server daemon will perform those
functions for the process[5][6][7] (except for old-style daemons not
converted to run under systemd and specified as Type=forking[7] and
"multi-threaded" datagram servers under inetd[5]).
Is there a step there that changes the parent process of a process
to be daemonized? It seems to me none of the steps does that?
Is changing parent process necessary when daemonize a process?
After changing the parent process of a process (a process not necessarily
to be daemonized), can the process be associated to the controlling
tty of the new parent process? (The purpose of the question is to
see whether "keeping a process disassociated from the the
controlling tty of the new parent process" is a necessary condition
of "changing the parent process of the process".)
See my related question
The parent of a Unix process can't be changed by the process itself. The typical method of creating a daemon involves a fork call (which creates the process that will become the daemon). The initial process then exits, and the newly-orphaned child process will be inherited by the init process which becomes it's new parent. That's handled in step 4. The only thing init will do is wait for all it's children to exit. init doesn't have a controlling TTY, so once inherited by init the daemon can't become associated with a controlling TTY anymore. The main reason to become disassociated is to prevent signals generated from the TTY (hangups and control-C's etc.) from getting to the daemon.
There are two ways daemons are usually run:
From a shell script. The script runs the daemon's executable with the & operator at the end of the command to put the daemon into the background, possibly with I/O redirection to set the daemon's stdin, stdout and/or stderr, and then exits leaving the daemon without a parent. Running an executable from the shell involves the shell doing a fork followed by an exec in the child process of the executable to be run.
The daemon program has an option to daemonize itself. When run with that option it does a fork followed in the child process by an exec of itself with an appropriate set of arguments. The parent will normally exit after the fork since the work it's been asked to do is done. If it doesn't, the child process needs an extra fork to give it a parent that can exit. NB: this is why so many programs that normally run as daemons can be run directly without becoming a daemon, the "become a daemon" option causes the child process to close stdin/stdout/stderr and then just exec it's own executable without the "become a daemon" option.
I would suggest to use daemon(3). See also credentials(7)
Your list does not mention explicitly setsid(2).
MUSL libc has a legacy/daemon.c which forks twice and do setsid

What would cause a SIGTERM to not propagate to child processes?

I have a process on Linux that starts up 20 child processes via fork. When I kill the parent process, it will often kill all of the child processes, but sometimes it doesn't kill all of them, and I'm left with some orphaned processes. This isn't a race condition on startup, this is after the processes have been active for several minutes.
What sort of things could cause SIGTERM to not propagate to some child processes properly?
There is no automatic propagation of signals (SIGTERM or otherwise) to children in the process tree.
Inasmuch as killing a parent process can be observed to cause some children to exit, this is due to ancillary effects -- such as SIGPIPEs being caused when the child attempts to read or write to a pipeline with the dead parent on the other side.
If you want to ensure that children are cleaned up when your process receives a SIGTERM, install a signal handler and do it yourself.
If you use process group id (pgid) when sending a signal, the signal would be propagated to parent process and all its children.
To know pgid, use ps a -o pgid,command.

Why child process still alive after parent process was killed in Linux?

Someone told me that when you killed a parent process in linux, the child would die.
But I doubt it. So I wrote two bash scripts, where father.shwould invoke
Here is my script:
Now I run bash, you could check it ps -alf
Then I killed the by kill -9 24588, and I guessed the child process should be terminated but unfortunately I was wrong.
Could anyone explain why?
No, when you kill a process alone, it will not kill the children.
You have to send the signal to the process group if you want all processes for a given group to receive the signal
For example, if your parent process id has the code 1234, you will have to specify the parentpid adding the symbol minus followed by your parent process id:
kill -9 -1234
Otherwise, orphans will be linked to init, as shown by your third screenshot (PPID of the child has become 1).
-bash: kill: (-123) - No such process
In an interactive session the foreground process group id number and background process group id number are different by design when job control/monitor mode is enabled. In other words, if you background a command in a job-control enabled session, the $! pid of the backgrounded process is in fact a new process group id number (pgid).
In a script having no job control enabled, however, this may not be the case! The pid of the backgrounded process may not be a new pgid but a normal pid! And this is, what causes the error message -bash: kill: (-123) - No such process, trying to kill a process group but only specifying a normal pid (instead of a pgid) to the kill command.
# the following code works in because $! == $pgid
sleep 100 &
IFS=" " read -r pgid <<EOF
$(ps -p $! -o pgid=)
echo $$ $! $pgid
sleep 10
kill -HUP -- -$!
#kill -HUP -- -${pgid} # use in script
pkill -TERM -P <ProcessID>
This will kill both Parent as well as child
Generally killing the parent also kills the child.
The reason that you are seeing the child still alive after killing the father is because the child only will die after it "chooses" (the kernel chooses) to handle the SIGKILL event. It doesn't have to handle it right away. Your script is running a sleep() command (i.e. in the kernel), which will not wake up to handle any events whatsoever until the sleep is completed.
Why is PPID #1? The parent has died and is no longer in the process table. isn't linked inexplicably to init now. It simply has no running parent. Saying it is linked to init creates the impression that if we somehow leave init, that init has control over shutting down the process. It also creates the impression that killing a parent will make the grandparent the owner of a child. Both are not true. That child process still exists in the process table and is running, but no new events based upon it's process ID will be handled until it handles SIGKILL. Which means that the child is a pre-zombie, walking dead, in danger of being labeled .
Killing in the process group is different, and is used to kill the siblings, and the parent by the process group #. It's probably also important to note that "killing a process" is not "killing" per se, in the human way, where you expect the process to be destroyed and all memory returned as though it never was. It just sends a particular event, among many, to the process for it to handle. If the process does not handle it properly, then after a while the OS will come along and "clean it up" forcibly.
It (killing) doesn't happen right away because the child (or even the parent) could have written something to disk and be waiting for I/O to complete or doing some other critical task that could compromise system stability or file integrity.
