Dask apply with custom function - python-3.x

I am experimenting with Dask, but I encountered a problem while using apply after grouping.
I have a Dask DataFrame with a large number of rows. Let's consider for example the following
df = pd.DataFrame({'col_1':np.random.random(N), 'col_2': np.random.random(N) })
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=8)
I want to bin the values of col_1 and I follow the solution from here
bins = np.linspace(0,1,11)
labels = list(range(len(bins)-1))
ddf2 = ddf.map_partitions(test_f, 'col_1',bins,labels)
def test_f(df,col,bins,labels):
return df.assign(bin_num = pd.cut(df[col],bins,labels=labels))
and this works as I expect it to.
Now I want to take the median value in each bin (taken from here)
median = ddf2.groupby('bin_num')['col_1'].apply(pd.Series.median).compute()
Having 10 bins, I expect median to have 10 rows, but it actually has 80. The dataframe has 8 partitions so I guess that somehow the apply is working on each one individually.
However, If I want the mean and use mean
median = ddf2.groupby('bin_num')['col_1'].mean().compute()
it works and the output has 10 rows.
The question is then: what am I doing wrong that is preventing apply from operating as mean?

Maybe this warning is the key (Dask doc: SeriesGroupBy.apply) :
Pandas’ groupby-apply can be used to to apply arbitrary functions, including aggregations that result in one row per group. Dask’s groupby-apply will apply func once to each partition-group pair, so when func is a reduction you’ll end up with one row per partition-group pair. To apply a custom aggregation with Dask, use dask.dataframe.groupby.Aggregation.

You are right! I was able to reproduce your problem on Dask 2.11.0. The good news is that there's a solution! It appears that the Dask groupby problem is specifically with the category type (pandas.core.dtypes.dtypes.CategoricalDtype). By casting the category column to another column type (float, int, str), then the groupby will work correctly.
Here's your code that I copied:
import dask.dataframe as dd
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
def test_f(df, col, bins, labels):
return df.assign(bin_num=pd.cut(df[col], bins, labels=labels))
N = 10000
df = pd.DataFrame({'col_1': np.random.random(N), 'col_2': np.random.random(N)})
ddf = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=8)
bins = np.linspace(0,1,11)
labels = list(range(len(bins)-1))
ddf2 = ddf.map_partitions(test_f, 'col_1', bins, labels)
which prints out the problem you mentioned
0 NaN
1 NaN
2 NaN
3 NaN
4 NaN
5 0.550844
6 0.651036
7 0.751220
8 NaN
9 NaN
Name: col_1, Length: 80, dtype: float64
Here's my solution:
ddf3 = ddf2.copy()
ddf3["bin_num"] = ddf3["bin_num"].astype("int")
which printed:
9 0.951369
2 0.249150
1 0.149563
0 0.049897
3 0.347906
8 0.847819
4 0.449029
5 0.550608
6 0.652778
7 0.749922
Name: col_1, dtype: float64
#MRocklin or #TomAugspurger
Would you be able to create a fix for this in a new release? I think there is sufficient reproducible code here. Thanks for all your hard work. I love Dask and use it every day ;)


Add Column For Results Of Dataframe Resample [duplicate]

I have the following data frame in IPython, where each row is a single stock:
In [261]: bdata
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 21210 entries, 0 to 21209
Data columns:
BloombergTicker 21206 non-null values
Company 21210 non-null values
Country 21210 non-null values
MarketCap 21210 non-null values
PriceReturn 21210 non-null values
SEDOL 21210 non-null values
yearmonth 21210 non-null values
dtypes: float64(2), int64(1), object(4)
I want to apply a groupby operation that computes cap-weighted average return across everything, per each date in the "yearmonth" column.
This works as expected:
In [262]: bdata.groupby("yearmonth").apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
201204 -0.109444
201205 -0.290546
But then I want to sort of "broadcast" these values back to the indices in the original data frame, and save them as constant columns where the dates match.
In [263]: dateGrps = bdata.groupby("yearmonth")
In [264]: dateGrps["MarketReturn"] = dateGrps.apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
/mnt/bos-devrnd04/usr6/home/espears/ws/Research/Projects/python-util/src/util/<ipython-input-264-4a68c8782426> in <module>()
----> 1 dateGrps["MarketReturn"] = dateGrps.apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
TypeError: 'DataFrameGroupBy' object does not support item assignment
I realize this naive assignment should not work. But what is the "right" Pandas idiom for assigning the result of a groupby operation into a new column on the parent dataframe?
In the end, I want a column called "MarketReturn" than will be a repeated constant value for all indices that have matching date with the output of the groupby operation.
One hack to achieve this would be the following:
marketRetsByDate = dateGrps.apply(lambda x: (x["PriceReturn"]*x["MarketCap"]/x["MarketCap"].sum()).sum())
bdata["MarketReturn"] = np.repeat(np.NaN, len(bdata))
for elem in marketRetsByDate.index.values:
bdata["MarketReturn"][bdata["yearmonth"]==elem] = marketRetsByDate.ix[elem]
But this is slow, bad, and unPythonic.
In [97]: df = pandas.DataFrame({'month': np.random.randint(0,11, 100), 'A': np.random.randn(100), 'B': np.random.randn(100)})
In [98]: df.join(df.groupby('month')['A'].sum(), on='month', rsuffix='_r')
A B month A_r
0 -0.040710 0.182269 0 -0.331816
1 -0.004867 0.642243 1 2.448232
2 -0.162191 0.442338 4 2.045909
3 -0.979875 1.367018 5 -2.736399
4 -1.126198 0.338946 5 -2.736399
5 -0.992209 -1.343258 1 2.448232
6 -1.450310 0.021290 0 -0.331816
7 -0.675345 -1.359915 9 2.722156
While I'm still exploring all of the incredibly smart ways that apply concatenates the pieces it's given, here's another way to add a new column in the parent after a groupby operation.
In [236]: df
yearmonth return
0 201202 0.922132
1 201202 0.220270
2 201202 0.228856
3 201203 0.277170
4 201203 0.747347
In [237]: def add_mkt_return(grp):
.....: grp['mkt_return'] = grp['return'].sum()
.....: return grp
In [238]: df.groupby('yearmonth').apply(add_mkt_return)
yearmonth return mkt_return
0 201202 0.922132 1.371258
1 201202 0.220270 1.371258
2 201202 0.228856 1.371258
3 201203 0.277170 1.024516
4 201203 0.747347 1.024516
As a general rule when using groupby(), if you use the .transform() function pandas will return a table with the same length as your original. When you use other functions like .sum() or .first() then pandas will return a table where each row is a group.
I'm not sure how this works with apply but implementing elaborate lambda functions with transform can be fairly tricky so the strategy that I find most helpful is to create the variables I need, place them in the original dataset and then do my operations there.
If I understand what you're trying to do correctly first you can calculate the total market cap for each group:
bdata['group_MarketCap'] = bdata.groupby('yearmonth')['MarketCap'].transform('sum')
This will add a column called "group_MarketCap" to your original data which would contain the sum of market caps for each group. Then you can calculate the weighted values directly:
bdata['weighted_P'] = bdata['PriceReturn'] * (bdata['MarketCap']/bdata['group_MarketCap'])
And finally you would calculate the weighted average for each group using the same transform function:
bdata['MarketReturn'] = bdata.groupby('yearmonth')['weighted_P'].transform('sum')
I tend to build my variables this way. Sometimes you can pull off putting it all in a single command but that doesn't always work with groupby() because most of the time pandas needs to instantiate the new object to operate on it at the full dataset scale (i.e. you can't add two columns together if one doesn't exist yet).
Hope this helps :)
May I suggest the transform method (instead of aggregate)? If you use it in your original example it should do what you want (the broadcasting).
I did not find a way to make assignment to the original dataframe. So I just store the results from the groups and concatenate them. Then we sort the concatenated dataframe by index to get the original order as the input dataframe. Here is a sample code:
In [10]: df = pd.DataFrame({'month': np.random.randint(0,11, 100), 'A': np.random.randn(100), 'B': np.random.randn(100)})
In [11]: df.head()
month A B
0 4 -0.029106 -0.904648
1 2 -2.724073 0.492751
2 7 0.732403 0.689530
3 2 0.487685 -1.017337
4 1 1.160858 -0.025232
In [12]: res = []
In [13]: for month, group in df.groupby('month'):
...: new_df = pd.DataFrame({
...: 'A^2+B': group.A ** 2 + group.B,
...: 'A+B^2': group.A + group.B**2
...: })
...: res.append(new_df)
In [14]: res = pd.concat(res).sort_index()
In [15]: res.head()
A^2+B A+B^2
0 -0.903801 0.789282
1 7.913327 -2.481270
2 1.225944 1.207855
3 -0.779501 1.522660
4 1.322360 1.161495
This method is pretty fast and extensible. You can derive any feature here.
Note: If the dataframe is too large, concat may cause you MMO error.

groupby consecutive identical values in pandas dataframe and cumulative count of the number of occurences

I have a problem where I would like to count the number of times the current value has not changed in a dataframe over rolling periods.
For example:
df = pd.DataFrame({'col':list('aaaabbab')})
would somehow give output of
I have been trying something along the following
df['col'] = df['col'] == df['col'].shift(1)
df.rolling(window=3).sum().reset_index(drop=True, level=0)
I have added in the rolling as I will want to look at the full data set in terms of rolling periods but even without having it over rolling periods I can not quite figure out the logic.
I am not sure if I am missing something simple or this may not be possible using shift
You need to generate a grouper for the change in values. For this compare each value with the previous one and apply a cumsum. This gives you groups in the itertools.groupby style ([1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4]), finally group and apply a cumcount.
df['count'] = (df.groupby(df['col'].ne(df['col'].shift()).cumsum())
col count
0 a 0
1 a 1
2 a 2
3 a 3
4 b 0
5 b 1
6 a 0
7 b 0
edit: for fun here is a solution using itertools (much faster):
from itertools import groupby, chain
df['count'] = list(chain(*(list(range(len(list(g))))
for _,g in groupby(df['col']))))
NB. this runs much faster (88 µs vs 707 µs on the provided example)
I can't comment so just to add some more to #mozway answer.
My goal was to count consecutives value for an entire huge dataframe effectively.
The pb I encounter is that by construction
np.nan == np.nan
will return False so you could have a whole column full of only NaN and yet the counter will be at 0.
A simple workaround would be to replace all NaN in your df by a value not already in it.
For instance in the case of a float dataset you could do
which will work but by changing the dtype of your columns to Object the following code will be much slower (20x on my set up).
I would rather advised something like :
all_values = list(np.unique(np.array(df)))
all_values = [a for a in all_values if a==a]
unik_val = min(all_values)-1
temp = df.fillna(unik_val).copy()
from itertools import groupby, chain
for col in temp.columns:
temp[col] = list(chain(*(list(range(len(list(g))))
for _,g in groupby(temp[col]))))

Trying to divide two columns of a dataframe but get Nan

I deal with a dataframe and want to divide the two columns of this dataframe to get a new column. The code is shown below:
import pandas as pd
df = {'drive_mile': [15.1, 2.1, 7.12], 'price': [40, 9, 31]}
df = pd.DataFrame(df)
df['price/km'] = df[['drive_mile', 'price']].apply(lambda x: x[1]/x[0])
And I get the below result:
drive_mile price price/km
0 15.10 40 NaN
1 2.10 9 NaN
2 7.12 31 NaN
Why would this happen? And how can I fix it?
As pointed out in the comments, you missed the axis=1 parameter to perform the division on the right dimension using apply. This is because you end up with different indices when joining back in the DataFrame.
However, more importantly, do not use apply to perform a division!. Apply is often much less efficient compared to vectorial operations.
Use div:
df['price/km'] = df['drive_mile'].div(df['price'])
Or /:
df['price/km'] = df['drive_mile']/df['price']

Contructing new dataframe and keeping old one?

I am sorry for asking a naive question but it's driving me crazy at the moment. I have a dataframe df1, and creating new dataframe df2 by using it, as following:
import pandas as pd
def NewDF(df):
return df
df1 =pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[4,5,6]})
df2 =NewDF(df1)
which gives
a b
0 1 4
1 2 5
2 3 6
a b sum
0 1 4 5
1 2 5 7
2 3 6 9
Why I am loosing df1 shape and getting third column? How can I avoid this?
DataFrames are mutable so you should either explicitly pass a copy to your function, or have the first step in your function copy the input. Otherwise, just like with lists, any modifications your functions make also apply to the original.
Your options are:
def NewDF(df):
df = df.copy()
return df
df2 = NewDF(df1)
df2 = NewDF(df1.copy())
Here we can see that everything in your original implementation refers to the same object
import pandas as pd
def NewDF(df):
return df
df1 =pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[4,5,6]})
df2 = NewDF(df1)
The third column that you are getting is the Index column, each pandas DataFrame will always maintain an Index, however you can choose if you don't want it in your output.
import pandas as pd
def NewDF(df):
return df
df1 =pd.DataFrame({'a':[1,2,3],'b':[4,5,6]})
df2 =NewDF(df1)
print(df1.to_string(index = False))
Gives the output as
a b
1 4
2 5
3 6
a b sum
1 4 5
2 5 7
3 6 9
Now you might have the question why does index exist, Index is actually a backed hash table which increases speed and is a highly desirable feature in multiple contexts, If this was just a one of question, this should be enough, but if you are looking to learn more about pandas and I would advice you to look into indexing, you can begin by looking here https://stackoverflow.com/a/27238758/10953776

Python Pandas: Get index of rows which column matches certain value (max) [duplicate]

How can I find the row for which the value of a specific column is maximal?
df.max() will give me the maximal value for each column, I don't know how to get the corresponding row.
Use the pandas idxmax function. It's straightforward:
>>> import pandas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3),columns=['A','B','C'])
>>> df
0 1.232853 -1.979459 -0.573626
1 0.140767 0.394940 1.068890
2 0.742023 1.343977 -0.579745
3 2.125299 -0.649328 -0.211692
4 -0.187253 1.908618 -1.862934
>>> df['A'].idxmax()
>>> df['B'].idxmax()
>>> df['C'].idxmax()
Alternatively you could also use numpy.argmax, such as numpy.argmax(df['A']) -- it provides the same thing, and appears at least as fast as idxmax in cursory observations.
idxmax() returns indices labels, not integers.
Example': if you have string values as your index labels, like rows 'a' through 'e', you might want to know that the max occurs in row 4 (not row 'd').
if you want the integer position of that label within the Index you have to get it manually (which can be tricky now that duplicate row labels are allowed).
idxmax() used to be called argmax() prior to 0.11
argmax was deprecated prior to 1.0.0 and removed entirely in 1.0.0
back as of Pandas 0.16, argmax used to exist and perform the same function (though appeared to run more slowly than idxmax).
argmax function returned the integer position within the index of the row location of the maximum element.
pandas moved to using row labels instead of integer indices. Positional integer indices used to be very common, more common than labels, especially in applications where duplicate row labels are common.
For example, consider this toy DataFrame with a duplicate row label:
In [19]: dfrm
a 0.143693 0.653810 0.586007
b 0.623582 0.312903 0.919076
c 0.165438 0.889809 0.000967
d 0.308245 0.787776 0.571195
e 0.870068 0.935626 0.606911
f 0.037602 0.855193 0.728495
g 0.605366 0.338105 0.696460
h 0.000000 0.090814 0.963927
i 0.688343 0.188468 0.352213
i 0.879000 0.105039 0.900260
In [20]: dfrm['A'].idxmax()
Out[20]: 'i'
In [21]: dfrm.iloc[dfrm['A'].idxmax()] # .ix instead of .iloc in older versions of pandas
i 0.688343 0.188468 0.352213
i 0.879000 0.105039 0.900260
So here a naive use of idxmax is not sufficient, whereas the old form of argmax would correctly provide the positional location of the max row (in this case, position 9).
This is exactly one of those nasty kinds of bug-prone behaviors in dynamically typed languages that makes this sort of thing so unfortunate, and worth beating a dead horse over. If you are writing systems code and your system suddenly gets used on some data sets that are not cleaned properly before being joined, it's very easy to end up with duplicate row labels, especially string labels like a CUSIP or SEDOL identifier for financial assets. You can't easily use the type system to help you out, and you may not be able to enforce uniqueness on the index without running into unexpectedly missing data.
So you're left with hoping that your unit tests covered everything (they didn't, or more likely no one wrote any tests) -- otherwise (most likely) you're just left waiting to see if you happen to smack into this error at runtime, in which case you probably have to go drop many hours worth of work from the database you were outputting results to, bang your head against the wall in IPython trying to manually reproduce the problem, finally figuring out that it's because idxmax can only report the label of the max row, and then being disappointed that no standard function automatically gets the positions of the max row for you, writing a buggy implementation yourself, editing the code, and praying you don't run into the problem again.
You might also try idxmax:
In [5]: df = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.randn(10,3),columns=['A','B','C'])
In [6]: df
0 2.001289 0.482561 1.579985
1 -0.991646 -0.387835 1.320236
2 0.143826 -1.096889 1.486508
3 -0.193056 -0.499020 1.536540
4 -2.083647 -3.074591 0.175772
5 -0.186138 -1.949731 0.287432
6 -0.480790 -1.771560 -0.930234
7 0.227383 -0.278253 2.102004
8 -0.002592 1.434192 -1.624915
9 0.404911 -2.167599 -0.452900
In [7]: df.idxmax()
A 0
B 8
C 7
In [8]: df.loc[df['A'].idxmax()]
A 2.001289
B 0.482561
C 1.579985
Both above answers would only return one index if there are multiple rows that take the maximum value. If you want all the rows, there does not seem to have a function.
But it is not hard to do. Below is an example for Series; the same can be done for DataFrame:
In [1]: from pandas import Series, DataFrame
In [2]: s=Series([2,4,4,3],index=['a','b','c','d'])
In [3]: s.idxmax()
Out[3]: 'b'
In [4]: s[s==s.max()]
b 4
c 4
dtype: int64
argmax() would provide the index corresponding to the max value for the columnX. iloc can be used to get the row of the DataFrame df for this index.
A more compact and readable solution using query() is like this:
import pandas as pd
df = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3),columns=['A','B','C'])
# find row with maximum A
df.query('A == A.max()')
It also returns a DataFrame instead of Series, which would be handy for some use cases.
Very simple: we have df as below and we want to print a row with max value in C:
x 1 4
y 2 10
z 5 9
df.loc[df['C'] == df['C'].max()] # condition check
y 2 10
If you want the entire row instead of just the id, you can use df.nlargest and pass in how many 'top' rows you want and you can also pass in for which column/columns you want it for.
will give you the rows corresponding to the top 2 values of A.
use df.nsmallest for min values.
The direct ".argmax()" solution does not work for me.
The previous example provided by #ely
>>> import pandas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> df = pandas.DataFrame(np.random.randn(5,3),columns=['A','B','C'])
>>> df
0 1.232853 -1.979459 -0.573626
1 0.140767 0.394940 1.068890
2 0.742023 1.343977 -0.579745
3 2.125299 -0.649328 -0.211692
4 -0.187253 1.908618 -1.862934
>>> df['A'].argmax()
>>> df['B'].argmax()
>>> df['C'].argmax()
returns the following message :
FutureWarning: 'argmax' is deprecated, use 'idxmax' instead. The behavior of 'argmax'
will be corrected to return the positional maximum in the future.
Use 'series.values.argmax' to get the position of the maximum now.
So that my solution is :
This one line of code will give you how to find the maximum value from a row in dataframe, here mx is the dataframe and iloc[0] indicates the 0th index.
Considering this dataframe
[In]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(4,3),columns=['A','B','C'])
0 -0.253233 0.226313 1.223688
1 0.472606 1.017674 1.520032
2 1.454875 1.066637 0.381890
3 -0.054181 0.234305 -0.557915
Assuming one want to know the rows where column "C" is max, the following will do the work
[In]: df[df['C']==df['C'].max()])
1 0.472606 1.017674 1.520032
The idmax of the DataFrame returns the label index of the row with the maximum value and the behavior of argmax depends on version of pandas (right now it returns a warning). If you want to use the positional index, you can do the following:
max_row = df['A'].values.argmax()
import numpy as np
max_row = np.argmax(df['A'].values)
Note that if you use np.argmax(df['A']) behaves the same as df['A'].argmax().
data['A'].idxmax() -finds max value location in terms of row
data.iloc() - returns the row
If there are ties in the maximum values, then idxmax returns the index of only the first max value. For example, in the following DataFrame:
0 1 0 1
1 0 0 1
2 0 0 0
3 0 1 1
4 1 0 0
idxmax returns
A 0
B 3
C 0
dtype: int64
Now, if we want all indices corresponding to max values, then we could use max + eq to create a boolean DataFrame, then use it on df.index to filter out indexes:
out = df.eq(df.max()).apply(lambda x: df.index[x].tolist())
A [0, 4]
B [3]
C [0, 1, 3]
dtype: object
what worked for me is:
df[df['colX'] == df['colX'].max()
You then get the row in your df with the maximum value of colX.
Then if you just want the index you can add .index at the end of the query.
