How can I print my MongoDB queries from loopback - node.js

I want to print all the queries executed on MongoDB from my loopback 3 application when in debug mode. I tried setting "DEBUG" : "loopback:connector:mongodb"

I am using Loopback 2 and I also had to check the MongoDB queries for my APIs. I just used DEBUG=loopback:connector:mongodb node . command to start my loopback server with debugging enabled.
There is one more alternative way to do this. You can add a key debug and set it true in your datasource config file datasource.json files.
If the above two methods don't work for you, Please check the values of debug property in MongoDB function in node_modules/loopback-connector-mongodb/lib/mongodb.js file.


SoftDelete works on typeorm with dropSchema true?

I'm implementing a test database which uses typeorm with dropSchema activated.
And I noticed... my delete routes which calls a softdelete method just remove the row(until the dabase drops). But it works fine at normal database (dropSchema off).
From TypeOrm Connection Options :
dropSchema - Drops the schema each time connection is being
established. Be careful with this option and don't use this in
production - otherwise you'll lose all production data. This option is
useful during debug and development.
So when you run with dropSchema: true all the data gets deleted including the soft-deleted rows.

How to debug presto server project?

I am trying to debug presto server on eclipse with following steps,
com.facebook.presto.PrestoServer class > set debug break point inside main method.
but, following errors are coming.
1) Explicit bindings are required and com.facebook.presto.execution.TaskManager is not explicitly bound.
while locating com.facebook.presto.execution.TaskManager
for the 1st parameter of com.facebook.presto.server.GracefulShutdownHandler.(
at com.facebook.presto.server.GracefulShutdownModule.setup(
The simplest is to follow the
In case if you would like attach a debugger to a server from existing Presto installation, please add the below to jvm.config file (see, restart Presto server and then attach the debugger:

Log all Operations of MongoDB 3.6 on Windows 10

I want to see ALL queries which are processed by my local MongoDB instance.
I tried to set db.setProfilingLevel(2) but I still only get access information, but no queries.
Does anybody now how I can log EVERY query?
db.setProfilingLevel(2) causes the MongoDB profiler to collect data for all operations.
Perhaps you are expecting the profiler docs to turn up in the MongoDB server logs? If so, then bear in mind that the profiler output is written to the system.profile collection in whichever database profiling has been enabled.
More details in the docs but the short summary is:
// turn up the logging
// ... run some commands
// find all profiler documents, most recent first
db.system.profile.find().sort( { ts : -1 } )
// turn down the logging

NodeJS/Express: ECONNRESET when doing multiples requests using Sequelize/Epilogue

I'm building a webapp using the following the architecture:
a postgresql database (called DB),
a NodeJS service (called DBService) using Sequelize to manipulate the DB and Epilogue to expose a REST interface via Express,
a NodeJS service called Backend serving as a backend and using DBService threw REST calls
an AngularJS website called Frontend using Backend
Here are the version I'm using:
PostgreSQL 9.3
Sequelize 2.0.4
Epilogue 0.5.2
Express 4.13.3
My DB schema is quite complex containing 36 tables and some of them contains few hundreds of records. The DB is not meant to write data very often, but mostly to read them.
But recently I created a script in Backend to make a complete check up of datas contained inside the DB: basically this script retrieve all datas of all tables and do some basic checks on datas. Currently the script only does reading on database.
In order to achieve my script I had to remove the pagination limit of Epilogue by using the option pagination: false (see
But now when I launch my script I randomly obtained that kind of error:
The request failed when trying to retrieve a uniquely associated objects with URL:http://localhost:3000/CallTypes/178/RendererThemes.
Code : -1
Message : Error: connect ECONNRESET
The error randomly appears during the script execution: then it's not always this URL which is returned, and even not always the same tables or relations. The error message before code is a custom message returned by Backend.
The URL is a reference to the DBService but I don't see any error in it, even using logging: console.log in Sequelize and DEBUG=express:* to see what happens in Express.
I tried to put some setTimeout in my Backend script to slow it, without real change. I also tried to manipulate different values like PostgreSQL max_connections limit (I set the limit to 1000 connections), or Sequelize maxConcurrentQueries and pool values, but without success yet.
I did not find where I can customize the pool connection of Express, maybe it should do the trick.
I assume that the error comes from DBService, from the Express configuration or somewhere in the configuration of the DB (either in Sequelize/Epilogue or even in the postgreSQL server itself), but as I did not see any error in any log I'm not sure.
Any idea to help me solve it?
After further investigation I may have found the answer which is very similar to How to avoid a NodeJS ECONNRESET error?
: I'm using my own object RestClient to do my http request and this object was built as a singleton with this method:
var NodeRestClient : any = require('node-rest-client').Client;
static getClient() {
if(RestClient.client == null) {
RestClient.client = new NodeRestClient();
return RestClient.client;
Then I was always using the same object to do all my requests and when the process was too fast, it created collisions... So I just removed the test if(RestClient.client == null) and for now it seems to work.
If there is a better way to manage that, by closing request or managing a pool feel free to contribute :)

How to unit test a method which connects to mongo, without actually connecting to mongo?

I'm trying to write a test to test a method that connects to mongo, but I don't actually want to have to have mongo running and actually make a connection to it to have my tests pass successfully.
Here's my current test which is successful when my mongo daemon is running.
describe('with a valid mongo string parameter', function() {
it('should return a rejected promise', function(done) {
var con = mongoFactory.getConnection('mongodb://localhost:27017');
mongoFactory.getConnection code:
getConnection: function getConnection(connectionString) {
// do stuff here
// Initialize connection once
MongoClient.connect(connectionString, function(err, database) {
if (err) {
return def.promise;
There are a couple of SO answers related to unit testing code that uses MongoDB as a data store:
Mocking database in node.js?
Mock/Test Mongodb Database Node.js
Embedded MongoDB when running integration tests
Similar: Unit testing classes that have online functionality
I'll make an attempt at consolidating these solutions.
First and foremost, you should want MongoDB to be running while performing your tests. MongoDB's query language is complex, so running legitimate queries against a stable MongoDB instance is required to ensure your queries are running as planned and that your application is responding properly to the results. With this in mind, however, you should never run your tests against a production system, but instead a peripheral system to your integration environment. This can be on the same machine as your CI software, or simply relatively close to it (in terms of process, not necessarily network or geographically speaking).
This ENV could be low-footprint and completely run in memory (resource 1) (resource 2), but would not necessarily require the same performance characteristics as your production ENV. (If you want to performance test, this should be handled in a separate environment from your CI anyway.)
Install a mongod service specifically for CI. If repl sets and/or sharding are of concern (e.g. write concern, no use of $isolated, etc.), it is possible to mimic a clustered environment by running multiple mongod instances (1 config, 2x2 data for shard+repl) and a mongos instance on the same machine with either some init.d scripts/tweaks or something like docker.
Use environment-specific configurations within your application (either embedded via .json files, or in some place like /etc, /home/user/.your-app or similar). Your application can load these based on a node environment variable like NODE_ENV=int. Within these configurations your db connection strings will differ. If you're not using env-specific configs, start doing this as a means to abstract the application runtime settings (i.e. "local", "dev", "int", "pre", "prod", etc.). I can provide a sample upon request.
Include test-oriented fixtures with your application/testing suite. As mentioned in one of the linked questions, MongoDB's Node.js driver supports some helper libraries: mongodb-fixtures and node-database-cleaner. Fixtures provide a working and consistent data set for testing: think of them as a bootstrap.
Clean the associated database using something like node-database-cleaner.
Populate your fixtures into the now empty database with the help of mongodb-fixtures.
Perform your build and test.
On the other hand...
If you still decide that not running MongoDB is the correct approach (and you wouldn't be the only one), then abstracting your data store calls from the driver with an ORM is your best bet (for the entire application, not just testing). For example, something like model claims to be database agnostic, although I've never used it. Utilizing this approach, you would still require fixtures and env configurations, however you would not be required to install MongoDB. The caveat here is that you're at the mercy of the ORM you choose.
You could try tingodb.
TingoDB is an embedded JavaScript in-process filesystem or in-memory database upwards compatible with MongoDB at the API level.
