Plotting Average Length of Brownian Motion Realization - python-3.x

I have a function for a brownian motion:
mu , sig = 0 , 1 # normal dist
mu_s = 0 # mu in SDE
sig_s = 1 #sig in SDE
S0 = 10 # starting price of stock
n , m = 1000, 20 # paths = n = how many simulations, m for discritization
T = 1 # year
dt = 1 # each dt is one day
def ABM(n,m,S0,mu,sigma,dt):
mu_s = mu # mu in SDE
sig_s = sigma #sig in SDE
S0 = S0 # starting price of stock
n , m = n, m # paths = n = how many simulations, m for discritization
sig_db = sig_s*np.sqrt(dt)*np.random.normal(mu, sigma, (n,m+1))
mu_dt = mu_s*dt*np.ones([n,m+1])
sig_db[:,0] = 0 # set first column to zero
mu_dt[:,0] = 0
dS = mu_dt + sig_db
S = S0 + np.cumsum(dS,axis=1)
return n,m,S
n,m,S = ABM(1000,20,10,0,1,1)
Which works fine for plotting separate realizations on one plot:
index = np.arange(0,m+1)*np.ones([n,m+1]) # create indices as S_0, S_1, S_2
but now I'd like to plot the average path length of those realizations for each time step and I'm not sure how to go about it. The expectation of arithmetic brownian motion is E(S)=S_0 + \mu*t which leads me to think I should be using np.mean() in some way but I can't seem to get it.

The matrix S consists of n realizations, you get the E(S(t)) by averaging along the realizations, i.e.
EE = np.mean(S, axis = 0)
Similarly, you can get the variance, also a function of time, via
np.mean((S - EE)**2, axis = 0)


Optimizing asymmetrically reweighted penalized least squares smoothing (from matlab to python)

I'm trying to apply the method for baselinining vibrational spectra, which is announced as an improvement over asymmetric and iterative re-weighted least-squares algorithms in the 2015 paper (doi:10.1039/c4an01061b), where the following matlab code was provided:
function z = baseline(y, lambda, ratio)
% Estimate baseline with arPLS in Matlab
N = length(y);
D = diff(speye(N), 2);
H = lambda*D'*D;
w = ones(N, 1);
while true
W = spdiags(w, 0, N, N);
% Cholesky decomposition
C = chol(W + H);
z = C \ (C' \ (w.*y) );
d = y - z;
% make d-, and get w^t with m and s
dn = d(d<0);
m = mean(d);
s = std(d);
wt = 1./ (1 + exp( 2* (d-(2*s-m))/s ) );
% check exit condition and backup
if norm(w-wt)/norm(w) < ratio, break; end
that I rewrote into python:
def baseline_arPLS(y, lam, ratio):
# Estimate baseline with arPLS
N = len(y)
k = [numpy.ones(N), -2*numpy.ones(N-1), numpy.ones(N-2)]
offset = [0, 1, 2]
D = diags(k, offset).toarray()
H = lam * numpy.matmul(D.T, D)
w_ = numpy.ones(N)
while True:
W = spdiags(w_, 0, N, N, format='csr')
# Cholesky decomposition
C = cholesky(W + H)
z_ = spsolve(C.T, w_ * y)
z = spsolve(C, z_)
d = y - z
# make d- and get w^t with m and s
dn = d[d<0]
m = numpy.mean(dn)
s = numpy.std(dn)
wt = 1. / (1 + numpy.exp(2 * (d - (2*s-m)) / s))
# check exit condition and backup
norm_wt, norm_w = norm(w_-wt), norm(w_)
if (norm_wt / norm_w) < ratio:
w_ = wt
Except for the input vector y the method requires parameters lam and ratio and it runs ok for values lam<1.e+07 and ratio>1.e-01, but outputs poor results. When values are changed outside this range, for example lam=1e+07, ratio=1e-02 the CPU starts heating up and job never finishes (I interrupted it after 1min). Also in both cases the following warning shows up:
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/ 144: SparseEfficencyWarning: spsolve requires A to be CSC or CSR matrix format warn('spsolve requires A to be CSC or CSR format',
although I added the recommended format='csr' option to the spdiags call.
And here's some synthetic data (similar to one in the paper) for testing purposes. The noise was added along with a 3rd degree polynomial baseline The method works well for parameters bl_1 and fails to converge for bl_2:
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from scipy.sparse import spdiags, diags, identity
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
from numpy.linalg import cholesky, norm
import sys
x = numpy.arange(0, 1000)
noise = numpy.random.uniform(low=0, high = 10, size=len(x))
poly_3rd_degree = numpy.poly1d([1.2e-06, -1.23e-03, .36, -4.e-04])
poly_baseline = poly_3rd_degree(x)
y = 100 * numpy.exp(-((x-300)/15)**2)+\
200 * numpy.exp(-((x-750)/30)**2)+ \
100 * numpy.exp(-((x-800)/15)**2) + noise + poly_baseline
bl_1 = baseline_arPLS(y, 1e+07, 1e-01)
bl_2 = baseline_arPLS(y, 1e+07, 1e-02)
pyplot.plot(x, y, 'C0')
pyplot.plot(x, poly_baseline, 'C1')
pyplot.plot(x, bl_1, 'k')
All this is telling me that I'm doing something very non-optimal in my python implementation. Since I'm not knowledgeable enough about the intricacies of scipy computations I'm kindly asking for suggestions on how to achieve convergence in this calculations.
(I encountered an issue in running the "straight" matlab version of the code because the line D = diff(speye(N), 2); truncates the last two rows of the matrix, creating dimension mismatch later in the function. Following the description of matrix D's appearance I substituted this line by directly creating a tridiagonal matrix using the diags function.)
Guided by the comment #hpaulj made, and suspecting that the loop exit wasn't coded properly, I re-visited the paper and found out that the authors actually implemented an exit condition that was not featured in their matlab script. Changing the while loop condition provides an exit for any set of parameters; my understanding is that algorithm is not guaranteed to converge in all cases, which is why this condition is necessary but was omitted by error. Here's the edited version of my python code:
def baseline_arPLS(y, lam, ratio):
# Estimate baseline with arPLS
N = len(y)
k = [numpy.ones(N), -2*numpy.ones(N-1), numpy.ones(N-2)]
offset = [0, 1, 2]
D = diags(k, offset).toarray()
H = lam * numpy.matmul(D.T, D)
w_ = numpy.ones(N)
i = 0
N_iterations = 100
while i < N_iterations:
W = spdiags(w_, 0, N, N, format='csr')
# Cholesky decomposition
C = cholesky(W + H)
z_ = spsolve(C.T, w_ * y)
z = spsolve(C, z_)
d = y - z
# make d- and get w^t with m and s
dn = d[d<0]
m = numpy.mean(dn)
s = numpy.std(dn)
wt = 1. / (1 + numpy.exp(2 * (d - (2*s-m)) / s))
# check exit condition and backup
norm_wt, norm_w = norm(w_-wt), norm(w_)
if (norm_wt / norm_w) < ratio:
w_ = wt
i += 1

Speed Up a for Loop - Python

I have a code that works perfectly well but I wish to speed up the time it takes to converge. A snippet of the code is shown below:
def myfunction(x, i):
y = x + (min(0, target[i] - data[i, :]x))*data[i]/(norm(data[i])**2))
return y
rows, columns = data.shape
start = time.time()
iterate = 0
iterate_count = []
norm_count = []
res = 5
x_not = np.ones(columns)
while res > 1e-8:
for row in range(rows):
y = myfunction(x_not, row)
x_not = y
iterate += 1
res = abs(norm_count[-1] - norm_count[-2])
print('Converge at {} iterations'.format(iterate))
print('Duration: {:.4f} seconds'.format(time.time() - start))
I am relatively new in Python. I will appreciate any hint/assistance.
Ax=b is the problem we wish to solve. Here, 'A' is the 'data' and 'b' is the 'target'
Ugh! After spending a while on this I don't think it can be done the way you've set up your problem. In each iteration over the row, you modify x_not and then pass the updated result to get the solution for the next row. This kind of setup can't be vectorized easily. You can learn the thought process of vectorization from the failed attempt, so I'm including it in the answer. I'm also including a different iterative method to solve linear systems of equations. I've included a vectorized version -- where the solution is updated using matrix multiplication and vector addition, and a loopy version -- where the solution is updated using a for loop to demonstrate what you can expect to gain.
1. The failed attempt
Let's take a look at what you're doing here.
def myfunction(x, i):
y = x + (min(0, target[i] - data[i, :] # x)) * (data[i] / (norm(data[i])**2))
return y
You subtract
the dot product of (the ith row of data and x_not)
from the ith row of target,
limited at zero.
You multiply this result with the ith row of data divided my the norm of that row squared. Let's call this part2
Then you add this to the ith element of x_not
Now let's look at the shapes of the matrices.
data is (M, N).
target is (M, ).
x_not is (N, )
Instead of doing these operations rowwise, you can operate on the entire matrix!
1.1. Simplifying the dot product.
Instead of doing data[i, :] # x, you can do data # x_not and this gives an array with the ith element giving the dot product of the ith row with x_not. So now we have data # x_not with shape (M, )
Then, you can subtract this from the entire target array, so target - (data # x_not) has shape (M, ).
So far, we have
part1 = target - (data # x_not)
Next, if anything is greater than zero, set it to zero.
part1[part1 > 0] = 0
1.2. Finding rowwise norms.
Finally, you want to multiply this by the row of data, and divide by the square of the L2-norm of that row. To get the norm of each row of a matrix, you do
rownorms = np.linalg.norm(data, axis=1)
This is a (M, ) array, so we need to convert it to a (M, 1) array so we can divide each row. rownorms[:, None] does this. Then divide data by this.
part2 = data / (rownorms[:, None]**2)
1.3. Add to x_not
Finally, we're adding each row of part1 * part2 to the original x_not and returning the result
result = x_not + (part1 * part2).sum(axis=0)
Here's where we get stuck. In your approach, each call to myfunction() gives a value of part1 that depends on target[i], which was changed in the last call to myfunction().
2. Why vectorize?
Using numpy's inbuilt methods instead of looping allows it to offload the calculation to its C backend, so it runs faster. If your numpy is linked to a BLAS backend, you can extract even more speed by using your processor's SIMD registers
The conjugate gradient method is a simple iterative method to solve certain systems of equations. There are other more complex algorithms that can solve general systems well, but this should do for the purposes of our demo. Again, the purpose is not to have an iterative algorithm that will perfectly solve any linear system of equations, but to show what kind of speedup you can expect if you vectorize your code.
Given your system
data # x_not = target
Let's define some variables:
A = data.T # data
b = data.T # target
And we'll solve the system A # x = b
x = np.zeros((columns,)) # Initial guess. Can be anything
resid = b - A # x
p = resid
while (np.abs(resid) > tolerance).any():
Ap = A # p
alpha = (resid.T # resid) / (p.T # Ap)
x = x + alpha * p
resid_new = resid - alpha * Ap
beta = (resid_new.T # resid_new) / (resid.T # resid)
p = resid_new + beta * p
resid = resid_new + 0
To contrast the fully vectorized approach with one that uses iterations to update the rows of x and resid_new, let's define another implementation of the CG solver that does this.
def solve_loopy(data, target, itermax = 100, tolerance = 1e-8):
A = data.T # data
b = data.T # target
rows, columns = data.shape
x = np.zeros((columns,)) # Initial guess. Can be anything
resid = b - A # x
resid_new = b - A # x
p = resid
niter = 0
while (np.abs(resid) > tolerance).any() and niter < itermax:
Ap = A # p
alpha = (resid.T # resid) / (p.T # Ap)
for i in range(len(x)):
x[i] = x[i] + alpha * p[i]
resid_new[i] = resid[i] - alpha * Ap[i]
# resid_new = resid - alpha * A # p
beta = (resid_new.T # resid_new) / (resid.T # resid)
p = resid_new + beta * p
resid = resid_new + 0
niter += 1
return x
And our original vector method:
def solve_vect(data, target, itermax = 100, tolerance = 1e-8):
A = data.T # data
b = data.T # target
rows, columns = data.shape
x = np.zeros((columns,)) # Initial guess. Can be anything
resid = b - A # x
resid_new = b - A # x
p = resid
niter = 0
while (np.abs(resid) > tolerance).any() and niter < itermax:
Ap = A # p
alpha = (resid.T # resid) / (p.T # Ap)
x = x + alpha * p
resid_new = resid - alpha * Ap
beta = (resid_new.T # resid_new) / (resid.T # resid)
p = resid_new + beta * p
resid = resid_new + 0
niter += 1
return x
Let's solve a simple system to see if this works first:
2x1 + x2 = -5
−x1 + x2 = -2
should give a solution of [-1, -3]
data = np.array([[ 2, 1],
[-1, 1]])
target = np.array([-5, -2])
print(solve_loopy(data, target))
print(solve_vect(data, target))
Both give the correct solution [-1, -3], yay! Now on to bigger things:
data = np.random.random((100, 100))
target = np.random.random((100, ))
Let's ensure the solution is still correct:
sol1 = solve_loopy(data, target)
np.allclose(data # sol1, target)
# Output: False
sol2 = solve_vect(data, target)
np.allclose(data # sol2, target)
# Output: False
Hmm, looks like the CG method doesn't work for badly conditioned random matrices we created. Well, at least both give the same result.
np.allclose(sol1, sol2)
# Output: True
But let's not get discouraged! We don't really care if it works perfectly, the point of this is to demonstrate how amazing vectorization is. So let's time this:
import timeit
timeit.timeit('solve_loopy(data, target)', number=10, setup='from __main__ import solve_loopy, data, target')
# Output: 0.25586539999994784
timeit.timeit('solve_vect(data, target)', number=10, setup='from __main__ import solve_vect, data, target')
# Output: 0.12008900000000722
Nice! A ~2x speedup simply by avoiding a loop while updating our solution!
For larger systems, this will be even better.
for N in [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]:
data = np.random.random((N, N))
target = np.random.random((N, ))
t_loopy = timeit.timeit('solve_loopy(data, target)', number=10, setup='from __main__ import solve_loopy, data, target')
t_vect = timeit.timeit('solve_vect(data, target)', number=10, setup='from __main__ import solve_vect, data, target')
print(N, t_loopy, t_vect, t_loopy/t_vect)
This gives us:
N t_loopy t_vect speedup
00010 0.002823 0.002099 1.345390
00050 0.051209 0.014486 3.535048
00100 0.260348 0.114601 2.271773
00500 0.980453 0.240151 4.082644
01000 1.769959 0.508197 3.482822

Hyperbolic sin and cos of an array

I'm trying to define some function for an eady stream function model as shown in the next line:
# Geometry of the wave / domain / mean state:
Lx = 3800 # Zonal Wavelength in km
H = 10000 # tropopause height in meters
Shear = 30/H # shear in sec^-1
k = 2*np.pi/(Lx*1000) # wavenumber (zonal)
l = np.pi/3.e6 # meridional wavenumber in 1/m
# Constants:
cor = 2*(7.292e-5)*np.sin(np.pi/4) # Coriolis parameter
bv2 = 1.e-4 # buoyancy frequency squared
sigma = 2.e-6 # static stability parameter
R = 287 # gas constant
# Grid points on which fields are computed:
xx = np.linspace(0,1.5*Lx,151) # gridpoints in x
yy = np.linspace( -1500,1500,101) # gridpoints in y
zz = np.linspace(0,H,51) # gridpoints in z
# Set array for grid system in x, y, and z
x,y,z = np.meshgrid(xx*1000, yy*1000, zz)
# Define coefficients for the model
mu2 = ((bv2*(H**2))/cor**2)*(k**2 + l**2)
mu = np.sqrt(mu2)
c = (Shear*H/2) + ((Shear*H)/mu)*np.sqrt((mu/2 - coth(mu/2))*(mu/2 - tanh(mu/2)))
# Note: try switching this to (Shear*H/2) - (Shear*H/mu)*...
ci = np.imag(c)
cr = np.real(c)
t = 0*np.pi/(10*cr*k)
A = 2.e7 # streamfunction amplitude (arbitrary)
B = -A*Shear*H/(mu*c)
Psi_z = A*cosh(mu*z/H) + B*sinh(mu*z/H)
I noticed that I'm getting an error when it comes to taking the hyperbolic sin and cos of the array with the following message:
TypeError: cannot create mpf from array (mu*z/H) for both sin and cos.
I've never encountered this error message before, so I'm not familiar enough to try and figure out an approach to this error.

How do i fix this error when converting a Matlab code to Python

I converted a Matlab code into python by manually typing it out. However i keep getting an error message which i still have not been able to fix. what am i doing wrong and how do i get the plot as that in Matlab? Just is little information about the code; this is a Explicit finite difference method for solving pressure distribution in an oil reservoir with production from the middle block only. Its similar to the heat equation, Ut=Uxx. I was told to add more text because my question is mostly code so had to add all these details. I think that notification has vanished now.
[P_new[N] = 4000 #last blocks at all time levels equals 4000
IndexError: index 9 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 9]
The Matlab code which runs ok is below: The python code follows.
% Solution of P_t = P_{xx}
L = 1000 ; %ft length of reservoir
W = 100 ; %ft reservoir width
h = 50 ;%ft pay thickness
poro = 0.25; % rock porosity
k_o = 5; %md effective perm to oil
P_i = 4000; %psia initial pressure
B_o = 1.25; %oil formation vol fact
mu = 5; %cp oil visc
c_t = 0.0000125; %1/atm total compressibility
Q_o = 10;%stb/day production rate from central well
alpha = c_t*mu*poro/k_o;
T = 1;
N_time = 50;
dt = T/N_time;
% % Number of grid cells
N =9; %number of grid cells
%N =11;%number of grid cells
dx = (L/(N-1)); %distance between grid blocks
x = 0+dx*0.5:dx:L+dx; %points in space
for i=1:N
FPT((N+1)/2)=-Q_o*B_o*mu/1.127/W/dx/h/k_o; %source term at the center block of grid cell
P_new = P_old;
for j = 1:N_time
for k = 1: N
if k<2
elseif k > N-1
P_new(k) = 4000;%P_old(k)+dt/alpha*((P_old(k)-2*P_old(k)+P_old(k-1))/dx^2+FPT(k));
P_new(k) = P_old(k)+dt/alpha*((P_old(k+1)-2*P_old(k)+P_old(k-1))/dx^2+FPT(k));
plot(x,P_new, '-x')
hold on
grid on
%%update "u_old" before you move forward to the next time level
P_old = P_new;
hold off
Python Code:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Solution of P_t = P_{xx}
L = 1000 #ft length of reservoir
W = 100 #ft reservoir width
h = 50 #ft pay thickness
poro = 0.25 # rock porosity
k_o = 5 #md effective perm to oil
P_i = 4000 #psia initial pressure
B_o = 1.25 #oil formation vol fact
mu = 5 #cp oil visc
c_t = 0.0000125 #1/atm total compressibility
Q_o = 10 #stb/day production rate from central well
alpha = c_t * mu * poro / k_o
T = 1
N_time = 20
dt = T / N_time
# % Number of grid cells
N = 9 #number of grid cells
dx = (L / (N - 1)) #distance between grid blocks
x= np.arange(0.0,L+dx,dx)
P_old = np.zeros_like(x) #pressure at previous time level
P_new = np.zeros_like(x) #pressure at previous time level
FPT = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(0,N):
P_old[i]= P_i
FPT[int((N + 1) / 2)]= -Q_o * B_o * mu / (1.127 * W * dx * h * k_o) # source term at the center block of grid cell
P_new = P_old
for j in range(0,N_time):
for k in range(0,N):
P_new[0] = 4000 #pressure at first block for all time levels equals 4000
P_new[N] = 4000 #pressure at last block for all time levels equals 4000
P_new[k]= P_old[k] + dt / alpha * ((P_old[k+1] - 2 * P_old[k] + P_old[k - 1]) / dx ** 2 + FPT[k])
plt.plot(x, P_new)
P_old = P_new
Matlab uses 1 based indexing , Python arrays use "0" based indexing. If you define an array of length N in python, the indices are from 0 to N-1.
So just replace the index N to index N-1 in your code as below and it works.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Solution of P_t = P_{xx}
L = 1000 #ft length of reservoir
W = 100 #ft reservoir width
h = 50 #ft pay thickness
poro = 0.25 # rock porosity
k_o = 5 #md effective perm to oil
P_i = 4000 #psia initial pressure
B_o = 1.25 #oil formation vol fact
mu = 5 #cp oil visc
c_t = 0.0000125 #1/atm total compressibility
Q_o = 10 #stb/day production rate from central well
alpha = c_t * mu * poro / k_o
T = 1
N_time = 20
dt = T / N_time
# % Number of grid cells
N = 9 #number of grid cells
dx = (L / (N - 1)) #distance between grid blocks
x= np.arange(0.0,L+dx,dx)
P_old = np.zeros_like(x) #pressure at previous time level
P_new = np.zeros_like(x) #pressure at previous time level
FPT = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in range(0,N):
P_old[i]= P_i
FPT[int((N + 1) / 2)]= -Q_o * B_o * mu / (1.127 * W * dx * h * k_o) # source term at the center block of grid cell
P_new = P_old
for j in range(0,N_time):
for k in range(0,N-1):
P_new[0] = 4000 #pressure at first block for all time levels equals 4000
P_new[N-1] = 4000 #pressure at last block for all time levels equals 4000
P_new[k]= P_old[k] + dt / alpha * ((P_old[k+1] - 2 * P_old[k] + P_old[k - 1]) / dx ** 2 + FPT[k])
plt.plot(x, P_new)
P_old = P_new

Why isn’t NUTS sampling with or

I am trying to implement parts of Facebook's prophet with some help from this example.
This goes well :), but I am having some problems with the dot product I don't understand. Note that I am implementing the linear trends.
ds = pd.to_datetime(df['dagindex'], format='%d-%m-%y')
m = pm.Model()
changepoint_prior_scale = 0.05
n_changepoints = 25
changepoints = pd.date_range(
periods=n_changepoints + 2
)[1: -1]
with m:
# priors
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', 10, testval=1)
growth = pm.Normal('growth', 0, 10)
prior_changepoints = pm.Laplace('changepoints', 0, changepoint_prior_scale, shape=len(changepoints))
y = np.zeros(len(df))
# indexes x_i for the changepoints.
s = [np.abs((ds - i).values).argmin() for i in changepoints]
g = growth
x = np.arange(len(ds))
# delta
d = prior_changepoints
regression = x * g
base_piecewise_regression = []
for i in s:
local_x = x.copy()[:-i]
local_x = np.concatenate([np.zeros(i), local_x])
piecewise_regression = np.array(base_piecewise_regression)
# this dot product doesn't work?
piecewise_regression =, d)
# If I comment out this line and use that one as dot product. It works fine
# piecewise_regression = (piecewise_regression.T * d[None, :]).sum(axis=-1)
regression += piecewise_regression
y += regression
obs = pm.Normal('y',
mu=(y - df.gebruikers.mean()) / df.gebruikers.std(),
observed=(df.gebruikers - df.gebruikers.mean()) / df.gebruikers.std())
start = pm.find_MAP(maxeval=10000)
trace = pm.sample(500, step=pm.NUTS(), start=start)
If I run the snippet above with
piecewise_regression = (piecewise_regression.T * d[None, :]).sum(axis=-1)
the model works as expected. However I cannot get it to work with a dot product. The NUTS sampler doesn't sample at all.
piecewise_regression =, d)
Ive got a minimal working example
The problem still occurs with theano.shared. I’ve got a minimal working example:
n_changepoints = 10
t = np.arange(1000)
s = np.sort(np.random.choice(t, size=n_changepoints, replace=False))
a = (t[:, None] > s) * 1
real_delta = np.random.normal(size=n_changepoints)
y =, real_delta) * t
with pm.Model():
sigma = pm.HalfCauchy('sigma', 10, testval=1)
delta = pm.Laplace('delta', 0, 0.05, shape=n_changepoints)
g =, delta) * t
obs = pm.Normal('obs',
mu=(g - y.mean()) / y.std(),
observed=(y - y.mean()) / y.std())
trace = pm.sample(500)
It seems to have something to do with the size of matrix a. NUTS doesnt’t sample if I start with
t = np.arange(1000)
however the example above does sample when I reduce the size of t to:
t = np.arange(100)
