How to apply a function fastly on the list of DataFrame in Python? - python-3.x

I have a list of DataFrames with equal length of columns and rows but different values, such as
data = [df1, df2,df3.... dfn] .
How can I apply a function function on each dataframe in the list data? I used following code but it doe not work
data = [df1, def2,df3.... dfn]
def maxloc(data):
data['loc_max'] = np.zeros(len(data))
for i in range(1,len(data)-1): #from the second value on
if data['q_value'][i] >= data['q_value'][i-1] and data['q_value'][i] >= data['q_value'][i+1]:
data['loc_max'][i] = 1
return data
df_list = [df.pipe(maxloc) for df in data]

Seems to me the problem is in your maxloc() function as this code works.
I added also the maximum value in the return of maxloc.
from random import randrange
import pandas as pd
def maxloc(data_frame):
max_index = data_frame['Value'].idxmax(0)
maximum = data_frame['Value'][max_index]
return max_index, maximum
# create test list of data-frames
data = []
for i in range(5):
temp = []
for j in range(10):
df = pd.DataFrame({'Value': temp}, index=(range(10)))
df_list = [df.pipe(maxloc) for df in data]
for i, (index, value) in enumerate(df_list):
print(f"Data-frame {i:02d}: maximum = {value} at position {index}")


How to create a DataFrame from a list that each column is created by a regex expression

I have a list as such:
lst = ['2021_01_21__11_10_54_1__13928_snapshot.jpg',
I want to create a DataFrame so that each column will be represented by:
def by_number(path):
base_name = os.path.basename(path)
return re.findall('[\_]{2}(\d{5})',lst)
And the rows will be represented by:
def by_index(path):
base_name = os.path.basename(path)
return re.findall('\_(\d)[\_]{2}',lst)
So eventually I'll get a DataFrame that looks something like this:
name_list = ['2021_01_21__11_10_54_1__13928_snapshot.jpg',
import re
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[0]], columns=['count']) # initialize dataframe
for name in name_list:
count ='\_(\d)[\_]{2}',name).group(1)
col ='[\_]{2}(\d{5})',name).group(1)
if ((df['count'] == count)).any():
df.loc[df['count'] == count, col] = name
new_row = pd.DataFrame([[count,name]], columns=['count',col])
df = df.append(new_row)
df.set_index('count', inplace=True)

multiple nested functions output

I'm trying to get the result of multiple functions as nested functions from a dataframe
For example, 2 functions:
def carr(df):
df['carr'] = df[['end_value_carr','arr']].max(axis=1)
return df
def date(df):
df['date_id'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_id'])
df['renewal_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['renewal_date'])
df['next_renewal_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['next_renewal_date'])
return df
When I use each one separately I get the right output
However, trying to have them nested in one function gives me a NoneType:
def cleanup(data):
df = data.copy()
def carr(df):
df['carr'] = df[['end_value_carr','arr']].max(axis=1)
return df
def date(df):
df['date_id'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_id'])
df['renewal_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['renewal_date'])
df['next_renewal_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['next_renewal_date'])
return df
return df
Appreciate your help!
Define all three functions separately
def carr(df):
df['carr'] = df[['end_value_carr','arr']].max(axis=1)
return df
def date(df):
df['date_id'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date_id'])
df['renewal_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['renewal_date'])
df['next_renewal_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['next_renewal_date'])
return df
Call the first two functions in your third one.
def cleanup(data):
df = data.copy()
df = carr(df)
df = date(df)
return df
Then you can call your cleanup function, which will call carr and date on its own.
df = cleanup(df)

How do I add a dynamic list of variable to the command pd.concat

I am using python3 and pandas to create a script that will:
Be dynamic across different dataset lengths(rows) and unique values - completed
Take unique values from column A and create separate dataframes as variables for each unique entry - completed
Add totals to the bottom of each dataframe - completed
Concatenate the separate dataframes back together - incomplete
The issue is I am unable to formulate a way to create a list of the variables in use and apply them as arg in to the command pd.concat.
The sample dataset. The dataset may have more unique BrandFlavors or less which is why the script must be flexible and dynamic.
import pandas as pd
import warnings
excel_file = ('testfile.xlsx')
df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
df = df.sort_values(by='This', ascending=False)
colarr = df.columns.values
arr = df[colarr[0]].unique()
for i in range(len(arr)):
globals()['var%s' % i] = df.loc[df[colarr[0]] == arr[i]]
for i in range(len(arr)):
if globals()['var%s' % i].empty:
globals()['var%s' % i] = globals()['var%s' % i].append({'BrandFlavor':'Total',
'This':globals()['var%s' % i]['This'].sum(),
'Last':globals()['var%s' % i]['Last'].sum(),
'Diff':globals()['var%s' % i]['Diff'].sum(),
'% Chg':globals()['var%s' % i]['Diff'].sum()/globals()['var%s' % i]['Last'].sum() * 100}, ignore_index=True)
globals()['var%s' % i]['% Chg'].fillna(0, inplace=True)
globals()['var%s' % i].fillna(' ', inplace=True)
I have tried this below, however the list is a series of strings
vararr = []
count = 0
for x in range(len(arr)):
vararr.append('var' + str(count))
count = count + 1
df = pd.concat([vararr])
pd.concat does not recognize a string. I tired to build a class with an arg defined but had the same issue.
The desired outcome would be a code snippet that generated a list of variables that matched the ones created by lines 9/10 and could be referenced by pd.concat([list, of, vars, here]). It must be dynamic. Thank you
Just fixing the issue at hand, you shouldn't use globals to make variables, that is not considered good practice. Your code should work with some minor modifications.
import pandas as pd
import warnings
excel_file = ('testfile.xlsx')
df = pd.read_excel(excel_file)
df = df.sort_values(by='This', ascending=False)
def good_dfs(dataframe):
if dataframe.empty:
this = dataframe.This.sum()
last = dataframe.Last.sum()
diff = dataframe.Diff.sum()
data = {
'BrandFlavor': 'Total',
'This': this,
'Last': last,
'Diff': diff,
'Pct Change': diff / last * 100
dataframe.append(data, ignore_index=True)
dataframe['Pct Change'].fillna(0.0, inplace=True)
dataframe.fillna(' ', inplace=True)
return dataframe
colarr = df.columns.values
arr = df[colarr[0]].unique()
dfs = []
for i in range(len(arr)):
temp = df.loc[df[colarr[0]] == arr[i]]
final_dfs = [good_dfs(d) for d in dfs]
final_df = pd.concat(final_dfs)
Although I will say, there are far easier ways to accomplish what you want without doing all of this, however that can be a separate question.

How to write from loop to dataframe

I'am trying to calculate 33 stock betas and write them to dataframe.
Unfortunately, I have an error in my code:
cannot concatenate object of type ""; only pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, and pd.Panel (deprecated) objs are vali
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
stock1=pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\Кир\Desktop\Uni\Master\Nasdaq\Financials 11.05\Nasdaq last\clean data\01.xlsx", '1') #read second sheet of excel file
stock2=pd.read_excel(r"C:\Users\Кир\Desktop\Uni\Master\Nasdaq\Financials 11.05\Nasdaq last\clean data\01.xlsx", '2') #read second sheet of excel file
stock2['stockreturn']=np.log(stock2.AdjCloseStock / stock2.AdjCloseStock.shift(1)) #stock ln return
stock2['SP500return']=np.log(stock2.AdjCloseSP500 / stock2.AdjCloseSP500.shift(1)) #SP500 ln return
stock2 = stock2.iloc[1:] #delete first row in dataframe
betas = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(0,(len(stock2.AdjCloseStock)//52)-1):
betas = betas.append(stock2.stockreturn.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52].cov(stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52])/stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52].cov(stock2.SP500return.iloc[i*52:(i+1)*52]))
My data looks like weekly stock and S&P index return for 33 years. So the output should have 33 betas.
I tried simplifying your code and creating an example. I think the problem is that your calculation returns a float. You want to make it a pd.Series. DataFrame.append takes:
DataFrame or Series/dict-like object, or list of these
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randn(33*53, 2),
columns=['a', 'b'])
betas = pd.DataFrame()
for year in range(len(df['a'])//52 -1):
# Take some data
in_slice = pd.IndexSlice[year*52:(year+1)*52]
numerator = df['a'].iloc[in_slice].cov(df['b'].iloc[in_slice])
denominator = df['b'].iloc[in_slice].cov(df['b'].iloc[in_slice])
# Do some calculations and create a pd.Series from the result
data = pd.Series(numerator / denominator, name = year)
# Append to the DataFrame
betas = betas.append(data) = 'years'
betas.columns = ['beta']
0 0.107669
1 -0.009302
2 -0.063200
3 0.025681
4 -0.000813

pandas dataframe output need to be a string instead of a list

I have a requirement that the result value should be a string. But when I calculate the maximum value of dataframe it gives the result as a list.
import pandas as pd
def answer_one():
df_copy = [df['# Summer'].idxmax()]
return (df_copy)
df = pd.read_csv('olympics.csv', index_col=0, skiprows=1)
for col in df.columns:
if col[:2]=='01':
df.rename(columns={col:'Gold'+col[4:]}, inplace=True)
if col[:2]=='02':
df.rename(columns={col:'Silver'+col[4:]}, inplace=True)
if col[:2]=='03':
df.rename(columns={col:'Bronze'+col[4:]}, inplace=True)
if col[:1]=='№':
df.rename(columns={col:'#'+col[1:]}, inplace=True)
names_ids = df.index.str.split('\s\(')
df.index = names_ids.str[0] # the [0] element is the country name (new index)
df['ID'] = names_ids.str[1].str[:3] # the [1] element is the abbreviation or ID (take first 3 characters from that)
df = df.drop('Totals')
But here the answer_one() will give me a List as an output and not a string. Can someone help me know how this came be converted to a string or how can I get the answer directly from dataframe as a string. I don't want to convert the list to a string using str(df_copy).
Your first solution would be as #juanpa.arrivillaga put it: To not wrap it. Your function becomes:
def answer_one():
df_copy = df['# Summer'].idxmax()
return (df_copy)
>>> 1
Another thing that you might not be expecting but idxmax() will return the index of the max, perhaps you want to do:
def answer_one():
df_copy = df['# Summer'].max()
return (df_copy)
>>> 30
Since you don't want to do str(df_copy) you can do df_copy.astype(str) instead.
Here is how I would write your function:
def get_max_as_string(data, column_name):
""" Return Max Value from a column as a string."""
return data[column_name].max().astype(str)
get_max_as_string(df, '# Summer')
>>> '30'
