I am trying to Push my GIT version onto heroku and i am finding the current version of node js 13.12.0 is not supported. what version is supported and how can i deploy .
It is giving deployment error and rejecting the deployment to my application in heroku
Hello I run into the same problem and I write
"engines": {
"node": "13.x.x"
The last version supported by heroku right now is 13.11.0
You can see for yourself in
I have a react app, the npm install and npm start operations to run it on node v12.18.2 work perfectly but gives error on node v17.3.0. So how to know what versions of node can i use for the app to run successfully.
The React application has a package.json file and in this file, it is usually specified the version of node it needs to run successfully. This information can be found in the section called engines
"engines": {
"node": ">=0.10.3 <15"
The above code says that the application runs successfully if the version of node is higher than 0.10.3 but lower than 15.
Following the instructions here:
I have already changed my package.json engine to 12:
"engines": {
"node": "12"
and my Firebase CLI version is:
firebase -V
However even after deploying functions it says I am still on Node 10:
node -v
Any idea what the problem is?
The node found in your command line doesn't have anything to do with the config for your firebase CLI in package.json. Changing package.json does not affect your node installation in any way. If you are working with Cloud Functions, the only thing that happens when you change "engines" is the target version of node used by the cloud service (not your machine) after you deploy your functions.
If you want to update the node version on your machine, you will have to do that independently of the Firebase CLI. You will need to follow whatever instructions are relevant for your machine to do that (apt? homebrew? nvm? we don't know) - Firebase will not be able to help.
I have a Meteor application deployed to Heroku. To prevent the Denial of Service (DoS) vulnerability, Heroku suggested updating the Node.js version
for my application. I want to update the meteor version to 1.2.1 and node version to 4.8.4 on Heroku. I have set the node version in packages.json as well but it was not updated after deployment.
How can I update meteor and node on Heroku? I tried the following command:
heroku run meteor update --release 1.2.1 -a myappname
but it throws the following error:
bash: meteor: command not found
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
To update my application's node version to 4.8.4, I updated Meteor version to 1.5.1 on my local machine, fixed the dependencies issues and pushed code to the Heroku application which solved the issue.
I used the following command to update Meteor version to 1.5.1 which updated the node package version to 4.8.4 as well:
meteor update --release 1.5.1
After committing and pushing code to Heroku, there were a few babel-runtime and bcrypt crashes. I executed the following commands to fix those issues:
meteor npm install --save babel-runtime
meteor npm install --save bcrypt
meteor update iron:middleware-stack.
Pushing these updates to Heroku solved my issue.
You can use the following command to update Meteor version to 1.5.1
meteor update --release 1.5.1
Command like heroku run meteor update will not work because Meteor is not installed (and is not meant to be) in the Heroku environment.
It is used in the buildpack (assuming you use the Meteor buidpack horse) to build your Meteor project source code into production version. It then becomes a "standard" node app. The buildpack also reads the node version required by the project Meteor version (not the one specified in your package.json file unfortunately) and configures your Heroku environment accordingly.
The buildpack does everything automatically from your Meteor project source code, but that also means that it is tied to Meteor (which is also understandable because any arbitrary node version may not work with Meteor).
I am trying to add a Meteor.Js project to an OpenShift Gear by following this tut:
I had to use mongoDB-2.4 other than that I followed the rest of the tut.
upon pushing my project to the Gear and getting a success status from the rhc cli, I went to the URL and got a 503. Then I restarted the app, with the same results. Then I used the command:
rhc tail <appName> #<appName> is the actual name of my app
And got the error code:
Meteor requires Node v0.10.26 or later.
DEBUG: Program node meteorshim.js exited with code 1
DEBUG: Starting child process with 'node meteorshim.js'
After that I destroyed the gear and tried again this time changing the created package.json created by the meteor-shim to node version to '0.10.29' (it had originally said 0.10.9), I run 0.10.29 on my machine.
I bundled and pushed this one, with the same results. So I ssh'ed into the Gear and typed 'node -v' and it outputted
How do I at least get node version 0.10.26?
Note: The Cartridge in the Application web interface says node.js 0.10
The answer is you can't get v0.10.26 or later on OpenShift currently. At least not that I know of. v0.10.25 seems to be the latest version you can get on OpenShift at the moment.
Although it shows v0.6.20 doing "node -v" while you're on their system, it's actually running v0.10.25 if you created your app as node v0.10. When you push your code on there, check the output, one of those lines should be:
remote: npm info using node#v0.10.25
I've tried changing the version in package.json as below to see if it works but v0.10.25 is the latest version OpenShift is currently providing:
"engines": {
"node": ">= 0.10.26", <<<<< it's not taking this version
"npm": ">= 1.0.0"
Meteor 0.7.0 now uses 0.10.22 version of Node.js but Heroku installs 0.10.21 by default.
Is there any way to specify custom version of Node.js for Heroku because as far as I know we can't create package.json file in Meteor apps.
Won't meteor just ignore the package.json? Try creating one that only specified Node version.