blank screen appears when using remmina via vnc protocol - vnc

I have installed tightvncserver on a remote server and can run it. I use Remmina to access the server via vnc protocol and it works, my only problem is the desktop does not show. The screen that shows up is just blank
Please reference the picture. Don't mind the background just the window shown.I have no idea why its showing like this


Ubuntu 20.04 x11vnc blank (not black) screen after session login

I have a remote headless server without a monitor attached with SSH access.
From what I found out the hard way, the default install does not support VNC (using vino) without a monitor attached.
Tried several things to get this working this without success.
I followed this guide on setting up x11vnc and lightdm:
I then also tried to install xubuntu-desktop, which did not help.
The issue is:
VNC asks for password and connects. All good.
I see the session login window (with the panel at the top), everything looks ok. All good.
After login I only see a blank screen. Nothing responds. Right click on the desktop does not open a context menu. Not good.
Expected would be to see the desktop, panels, menus...etc.
How would one solve this? And what exactly is happening here. The session logs show everything is ok, no errors. But the computer is unresponsive on VNC, only the background is visible.
Note: I do not have physical access to this server. A solution via SSH would be best.

VNC connection doesnt show toolbar

I am trying to connect my windows 10 computer with a ubuntu16.04 by a vnc by following this introduction.
I'm able to conect but what I see there is not very usefull, since I only see one folder opend where I can navigate and open files. But I'm not able to open a terminal nor anything else. Like you can see in the screenshot.
Does somebody knows how to realy get use of the vnc, like I'm really using it?

typewrite(),press() on pyautogui is not working on Remote Desktop

I am using my host where i used to connect to the Remote machine where i want to fetch some data.
I am using pyautogui for press operation and typewrite() to enter some values.
The remote server is configured and application i want to operate will be always open when i connect to remote machine.
I am able to login through pyautogui.
after that when i write below code:'esc')'f1')
Its not typing T on the application that is opened on remote server.
Please suggest me some python way so that i can overcome from this issue.
go and change the type of the keyboard , i faced the same situation by typing a full url in ubuntu terminal , i solved by changing the type of keyboard in the system to US

Running a GUI app on linux, without showing the gui?

I'm working with an api that requires an app to be started, the app runs a GUI on linux.
I need to punsh in some login information and then hide the app.
Is there a way I can go to the machine start the GUI and then hide it, log out, and have other users log in with out having the GUI shown, but still having the app running?
You can take a look at Xvfb
it's a framebuffer version of X.
It will launch an X11 server without displaying it (useful with selenium for example)
Xdotool can send input to anyb xwindow, including xvfb

VNC on CentOS 5.5 + Gnome

I have successfully started a vncserver and can connect to it through the browser via
It looks like it's working because I do see the Gnome cursor (X).
However, apart from the cursor I just have a black screen. No taskbar or anything. Right click provides nothing either.
Does anyone have any idea what I need to do to get the full desktop ? I have created a new user and wondered if there is any settings that need changing.
Thanks in advance,
Your VNC server is running, but there is nothing running in it. No window manager, no desktop environment (GNOME), nothing. The cursor you are seeing is a Xserver cursor, not a GNOME cursor.
That probably means you ran the VNC server directly without using some of the friendly wrapper scripts such as vncserver. For example, if you have tightvnc installed and you run Xtightvnc directly, that's what you'll get.
For example, I usually start a VNC session (or port 5901) like this:
vncserver -geometry 1024x768 :1
Alternately, you can use x11vnc to serve your existing X desktop (instead of starting a new one in the background).
