Excel file synced from OneDrive showing online filepath, not local - excel

This just started this morning. I run power queries on my files, so I need an absolute local path. For ease, I have a cell with =CELL("filename",A1) to provide said local path, from which I can run the relevant queries. Today, they all broke. The filepath is showing the online path (https://xxxx-my.sharepout.com/personal/...) rather than the local file path.
I thought it might be an issue with where the file is stored, so I went to the OneDrive folder on my computer and set everything to "Always store on this device" then let everything download, but it's still pulling through the online path, rather than the local.
How can I get it back to local path so the Queries can work?

Reading discussions of similar problems on some Microsoft support site suggests that this is by design. One workaround that I've seen discussed is to go into your OneDrive settings and disable "Use Office applications to sync Office files that I open". I think this will work BUT there is a downside (TANSTAAFL).
As I understand it, with this disabled, you are no longer guaranteed that the document is being updated if someone else modifies that file and there may be problems merging changes made in multiple places. I've not seen any good discussion of the negatives although the "More info" link in the settings might be helpful to others (they don't help me much).


Source Control on Domino Designer: Files not getting deleted on on-disk project

A weird one here. I've noticed that the 'Team Development - Sync with On-Disk Project' is not deleting files on my ODP. I'm not using automatic updating.
I've looked at the permissions on the odp/nsf folder, and I've noticed a little grey out checkbox which I can remove, but it pops back up immediately.
I've also tried opening up the security on the folder (right-click/properties/Security) and giving most groups superpowers, but no bananas.
Any help or hint would be appreciated.
Update: the deletions happen, but not immediately. I'm confused.
We have had issues not just with deletion but newly added files received via git, the only solution is to refresh both projects a few times and sync them both.
Another issue: I often lose some project settings, i.e. an additional source folder and a .jar file. It probably has something to do with replication, but it's impossible for me to find out exactly why this is happening.

Sync Android Studio projects across multiple workstations

I want to be able to work across multiple workstations synchronously jumping from one to the other without having to worry about committing.
I have windows personal and work desktop and a Mac OSX laptop. At the moment, I point my project to a cloud directory and have the local install of Android Studio pointing to a gradle offline cache in another cloud directory. This keeps failing as it tells me that the path to gradle is invalid. Which I understand because gradle is referenced in different locations on different machine (considering the differing file management system in MACOSX and Windows7).
Edit: When I try to open the project, it brings up the "Import Project from Gradle" screen. To which it has the option for me to select "Use local gradle distribution" and select the Gradle home directory. I pointed it to the cache directory, and it tells me:
Cannot Save Settings
Gradle location is incorrect.
All my research (include these answers here, and here) suggest that VCS is the way to go. However, I don't see this as a solution to my problem. I'm not looking to version control, I'm looking to transition seamlessly across workstations. Of course I will still use Version Control System for the purpose of saving a working version of my code, or sharing it with other developers, but there has to be a better way when I simply just want to keep all workstations synced.
I come from web development, and I synchronise local environment on AMPPS across multiple computers without any issue. This meant I can transition from my personal desktop, laptop, and work desktop instantly. It frustrates me if I have to remember to commit every time I move around. If I have to do this 20 times a day, and it takes about a minute to do this, that's 20 minutes that could have been spent writing a couple of functions. And what if I forget to commit, then I get to work, or home, that would be a day wasted because I won't actually have the current up to date code...
So the question remains, is there a way to instantly synchronise Android Studio projects? How do I keep all my code base (ie gradle) in sync?
Ok thanks to the comments above which pointed me in the right direction.
Android Studio create some local files that are specific to the machine that you are on. Following on this principle, to sync the "source" files (files that are specific to your application only), you must ignore all these local files. This is similar to what you would store on github. I followed the answer for this question to apply the ignore rules.
Having ignored all the "local files", when I create a new project, the source files are synchronised across all my workstations. In order to establish a local version, I need to "import" the project first. Once it has been imported, "local files" will be created for that particular machine. From then on, I can "open" the project locally.
To summarise:
Set your sync to ignore files as per .gitignore or refer to this question.
Create a project on one of your workstation and save it in the cloud.
When you are ready to work on the project for the first time on another workstation, "import" the project.
Once the project has been imported, all local files should have been created.
From then on, use the "open" option to continue working on the project.
I hope this helps somebody else, saving hours on googling.

VS2012 detects change made outside VS and mark files checked out

On my VS2012 I noticed that if i edit a file that is not checked out in a notepad and save it, in TFs it will be marked as checked out and edited. So far we haven't found too much of a problem of it, but potentially people can get careless and make/save changes unintended.
Is there anyway to turn off that feature?
What you're seeing is now default behavior for Local Workspaces. One way to 'undo' this is to set your workspace to a server workspace once more. But I suggest you first investigate the benefits of local workspaces before deciding to turn it off. People still have to check in files, so there is a gate between changing the file and actually committing them to source control.

How do I move ExpressionEngine (EE) to another server?

What are the best steps to take to prevent bugs and/or data loss in moving servers?
EDIT: Solved, but I should specify I mean in the typical shared hosting environment e.g. DreamHost or GoDaddy.
Bootstrap config is the smartest method (Newism has a free bootstrap config module). I think it works best on fresh installs myself, but ymmv.
If you've been given an existing EE system and need to move it, there are a few simple tools that can help:
REElocate: all the EE 2.x path and config options, in one place. Swap one URL for another in setup, check what's being set and push the button.
Greenery: Again, one module to rule them all. I've not used this but it's got a good rating.
So install, set permissions, move files and and DB, and then use either free module. If you find that not all the images or CSS instantly comes back online, check your template base paths (in template prefs) and permissions.
I'm also presuming you have access to the old DB. If not, and you can't add something simple like PHPMyAdmin to back it up, try:
Backup Pro(ish): A free backup module for files and db. Easy enough that you should introduce it to the site users (most never consider backups). All done through the EE CP. The zipped output can easily be moved to the new server.
The EE User Guide offers a reasonably extensive guide to Moving ExpressionEngine to Another Server and if you follow all of these steps then you will have everything you need to try again if any bugs or data loss occur.
Verify Server Compatibility
Synchronize Templates
Back-up Database and Files
Prepare the New Database
Copy Files and Folders
Verify File Permissions
Update database.php
Verify index.php and admin.php
Log In and Update Paths
Clear Caches
As suggested by Bitmanic, a dynamic config.php file helps with moving environments tremendously. Check out Leevi Graham's Config Bootstrap for a quick and simple solution. This is helpful for dev/staging/prod environments too!
I'd say the answer is the same as any other system -- export your entire database, and download all of your files (both system and anything uploaded by users - images, etc). Then, mirror this process by importing/uploading to the new server.
Before I run my export, I like to use the Deeploy Helper module to change all of my file paths in EE to the new server's settings.
Preventing data loss primarily revolves around the database and upload directories.
Does your website allow users to interact with the database? If so at some point you'll need to turn off EE to prevent DB changes. If not that you don't have too much to worry about as you can track and changes on the database end between the old and new servers.
Both Philip and Derek offer good advice for migrating EE. I've also found that having a bootstrap config file helps tremendously - especially since you can configure your file upload directories directly via config values now (as of EE2.4, I think).
For related information, please check out the answers to this similar Stack Overflow question.

Win32: HtmlHelp doesn't work from a network share. What's the alternative?

Since 2005, when Microsoft prevented HtmlHelp functioning off a network share, e.g.:
What are we supposed to do instead?
(Given that the application is not installed locally.)
To rephrase: What is Microsoft's intended, supported, out-of-the-box, help solution?
You can allow access via the Registry setting described here:
If you don't want to open any security vulnerabilities by modifying Registry settings your application could also create a local copy of the .chm file, e.g. in the users temp folder (%TMP%) and open the help from there. You can remove the file again when your application exits (in case you don't want to leave anything behind on the user's workstation)
I started with the registry change mentioned by divo. Eventually I moved from network folder based chm files to actual "html help". This was easy for me since I use RoboHelp which can generate either format from the same source code.
