Laravel activity log does not update properties column - laravel-7

I am learning to log an activity in Laravel(7.1) using spatie/laravel-activitylog package. But when I update an user, it does not update properties column in activity_log table, I set $logAttributes attribute on model (protected static $logAttributes = ['name', 'email'];)
When I update an user like
>>> $user = User::find(1);
=> App\User {#3104
id: 1,
name: "John",
email: "",
email_verified_at: "2020-03-12 13:35:19",
created_at: "2020-03-12 13:35:19",
updated_at: "2020-03-12 13:41:34",
>>> $user->update(['name' => 'James']);
=> true
and it logs that activity but returns with an empty properties column.
id: 8,
log_name: "default",
description: "updated",
subject_id: 1,
subject_type: "App\User",
causer_id: null,
causer_type: null,
properties: [ ],
created_at: "2020-03-12T14:58:10.000000Z",
updated_at: "2020-03-12T14:58:10.000000Z"

In your model add these field name which you want to update:
protected static $logAttributes = ['xxx', 'yyy', 'zzz'];
protected static $logOnlyDirty = true;
php artisan config:cache

do this for each log activity update, since all log activities are cached
php artisan config:clear


Using raw bulk update query with Sequelize

I would like to use this type of request with sequelize to make large number of updates in one request (for performance reasons) :
UPDATE employee
SET address = new.address,
name =
from (values :updateStack) AS new(address, name, employeeId)
WHERE = new.employeeId
Here is the value of updateStack :
address: 'France',
name: 'Chris',
employeeId: 21
}, {
address: 'UK',
name: 'Steve',
employeeId: 42
I'm not sure how sequelize can properly parse the updateStack array.
Any idea ?
This SQL query is working fine :
UPDATE employee
SET address = new.address,
name =
from (values ('France', 'Chris', 21), ('UK', 'Steve', 42)) AS new(address, name, employeeId)
WHERE = new.employeeId
Thank you and have a good day.
I've discovered how to do it !
UPDATE employee
SET address = new.address,
name =
from (values ?) AS new(address, name, employeeId)
WHERE = new.employeeId
replacements: [['France', 'Chris', 21], ['UK', 'Steve', 42]],
type: models.models.sequelize.QueryTypes.INSERT

What is the best way to store constant strings in MongoDB?

In my nodejs app I have collection - football_players. Docs in this collection have information about role of the player. For example:
id: 'some_id_1',
name: 'Player1',
role: 'FORWARD',
id: 'some_id_2',
name: 'Player2',
role: 'DEFENDER',
id: 'some_id_3',
name: 'Player3',
role: 'FORWARD',
All types of role are constants. What is the best way to store it in MongoDB:
as strings (like in my example)
make declaration:
const roles = { FORWARD: 1, DEFENDER: 2 };
store as numbers and use this declaration in my nodejs app? Like: player.role === roles.FORWARD ? 'Great!' : 'He cann\'t score a goal'; ?
Is there any performance reason to use second way? Are there any other reasons to use first way?

Create subscription with addon using node-recurly

Using node-recurly, I can create a subscription object and pass it to recurly.subscriptions.create call:
const subscription = {
plan_code: plan.code,
currency: 'USD',
account: {
account_code: activationCode,
first_name: billingInfo.first_name,
last_name: billingInfo.last_name,
billing_info: {
token_id: paymentToken,
I would also like to add subscription_add_ons property, which, looking at the documentation, supposed to be an array of add-ons. I tried passing it like this:
subscription_add_ons: [
add_on_code: shippingMethod.servicelevel_token,
unit_amount_in_cents: parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount) * 100,
The server returned an error:
Tag <subscription_add_ons> must consist only of sub-tags named
I attempted this:
subscription_add_ons: [
subscription_add_on: {
add_on_code: shippingMethod.servicelevel_token,
unit_amount_in_cents: parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount) * 100,
Got back this error:
What's the proper format to pass subscription add on in this scenario?
The proper format is:
subscription_add_ons: {
subscription_add_on: [{
add_on_code: shippingMethod.servicelevel_token,
unit_amount_in_cents: parseFloat(shippingMethod.amount) * 100,
I ended up doing this which works whether you have 1 add-on or multiple add-ons. subscription_add_ons is an array which can contain 1 or more subscription add ons. I then send over the details (along with other info) in the subscription update call. This is similar to what you attempted in your original post so I'm not sure why that didn't work for you.
details.subscription_add_ons = [
{ subscription_add_on: {add_on_code: "stream", quantity: 3} },
{ subscription_add_on: {add_on_code: "hold", quantity: 2} }

Get value from results which be query from collection in MongoDB

When I query from collection in MongoDB and it has results:
[ { details:
[ { owner: '57f52829bcc705bb1c37d611',
nameprd: 'fsfsdaf',
price: 15000000,
descrice: 'sfsdfsdaf',
number: 4,
dateOff: '2016-06-12T17:00:00.000Z',
_csrf: 'CPlxeLpq-vYfTTWTgSpR6bsyapbDVgDCKzTc',
image: 'samsung-galaxy-note-7.png',
createdAt: '2016-10-06T16:43:11.109Z',
updatedAt: '2016-10-06T16:43:13.061Z',
id: '57f67f1f7ab99e5824652208' } ],
name: 'Máy tính bảng',
_csrf: 'Ze6OhtgL-2hZvG7TuP9NO4fjY90rA7x46bWA',
createdAt: '2016-10-05T16:19:53.331Z',
updatedAt: '2016-10-06T16:43:13.021Z',
id: '57f52829bcc705bb1c37d611' },
Now, how to get value which called details in this result.
You should add the query the following syntax: ,{'details':1}
For example:
If that is the original query:
Than the following query returns only the details value of the query:
The addition of the ,{'details':1} means that you want to get only the data for the details. It is uses as a filter to the extensive query.

Azure Storage Table Query - result vs response

I'm using node.js as my Server and have an account on Azure where my storage table resides. I'm retrieving all records for a specific partition by using the following :
var query= new azure.TableQuery().where('PartitionKey eq ?',username);
tableSvc.queryEntities(localTableName,query, null, function(error, result, response) {
When this call comes back, I want to access the values for the rest of the fields of table. But when I do that using result.entries, it kinda looks weird. Alternatively I think I can access the results via response.body.value.userID.
Here is how the structure of "result.entries" vs "response" object looks like:
result.entries :
[ { PartitionKey: { '$': 'Edm.String', _: '048tfbne' },
RowKey: { '$': 'Edm.String', _: '145610564488450166' },
{ '$': 'Edm.DateTime',
_: Mon Feb 22 2016 01:47:26 GMT+0000 (UTC) },
username: { _: '048tfbne' },
userID: { _: '145610564488450166' },
deleteAfter: { _: 'not set yet' },
'.metadata': { etag: 'W/"datetime\'2016-02-22T01%3A47%3A26.4394133Z\'"' } } ]
response :
{ isSuccessful: true,
statusCode: 200,
{ 'odata.metadata': '$metadata#userIdentifier',
[ { 'odata.etag': 'W/"datetime\'2016-02-22T01%3A47%3A26.4394133Z\'"',
PartitionKey: '048tfbne',
RowKey: '145610564488450166',
Timestamp: '2016-02-22T01:47:26.4394133Z',
username: '048tfbne',
userID: '145610564488450166',
deleteAfter: 'not set yet' } ] },
I thought results.entries would be a better way to access the records, but I am sort of weirded out by the nested objects and Edm.String here.
Which is a better way to access the records ?
Table Node Sample shows how to access entities in a table as result of a query. See method "runPageQuery".
Actually, according the official Section: Query a set of entities, there is a paragraph as following:
If successful, result.entries will contain an array of entities that match the query. If the query was unable to return all entities, result.continuationToken will be non-null and can be used as the third parameter of queryEntities to retrieve more results.
And we also can refer to the sample at Azure-storage-for-node repository on GitHub. Which has told us the answer.
