Web service Automation through Karate Framework using Cucumber - cucumber

I am facing the following issue:
I am writing web service automation testing using Intuit Karate framework through BDD Cucumber in Eclipse.
We are using "Scenario Outline" and passing value by "Examples" like this:
Feature: Data Integration
* url baseUrl
* configure ssl = true
Scenario Outline: Generating csrf
Given url securityChkUrl
* print 'securityChkUrl in POST : ' , securityChkUrl
And param type = 'json'
And form field j_username = "<UserID>"
And form field j_password = "<Password>"
And header X-CSRF-TOKEN = csrf
When method POST
Then status 200
And def csrfAfterLogin = responseHeaders['X-CSRF-TOKEN'][0]
* print 'csrf token after successful login is : ' , csrfAfterLogin
I want to pass a value as a variable instead of passing the value itself.
For example: instead of sending Prosenjit123 and Prosenjit#123456 as above, I would like to send userName and PasswordForUserName which will contain these values.
This doesnt seem to work, How could I do it?

You can store the post response and CSRF token in the class/global variables(decide based on the language variable scope), then update your step to use the variable in the step def.


How to pass values from one test case into another in SOAP UI REST project?

I have 2 test-cases one will call a service and get a JSON response and in the second test-case, I would like to use the value received from the first test-case.Is it possible to do with Groovy scripts?
first service repose is like below:
token : "dddfds",
tokenExpiry : 10
I would like to get value of token from above JSON in another test case.

Getting "required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Scenario:'" error when using Background section in cucumber

I am writing a Karate DSL test to test a web service end point. I have defined my url base in karate-config.js file already. But when I try to use this in the Background section, I am getting the below error. Please help. Provided my feature file below.
Error: "required (...)+ loop did not match anything at input 'Scenario:'"
Feature: Test Data Management service endpoints that perform different operations with EPR
url dataManagementUrlBase
Scenario: Validate that the contractor's facility requirements are returned from EPR
Given path 'facilities'
And def inputpayload = read('classpath:dataManagementPayLoad.json')
And request inputpayload
When method post
Then status 200
And match $ == read('classpath:dataManagementExpectedJson.json')
You are missing a * before the url
* url dataManagementUrlBase

How to display actual value of a property which is using property expansion

I require some help on being able to get around displaying an endpoint from a SOAP Request.
Below I have a piece of code which retrieves an endpoint from a SOAP Request named 'TestAvailability' and outputs it to a file (the code is within a groovy script step).
def endpoint = testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName('TestStep').get
Now here is the catch, in the file it outputs the endpoint as so:
ENDPOINT: ${#Project#BASE_URL}this_is_the_endpoint
The reason it displays ${#Project#BASE_URL} is because this is a variable set at project level so that the user can select their relevant environment from a drop down menu and that value will be displayed for the variable: ${#Project#BASE_URL}
But I don't want the project variable to be displayed but instead its value like so if ${#Project#BASE_URL} is set to 'testenv'
ENDPOINT: testenv_this_is_the_endpoint
My question is how do I change the code in order to display the endpoint correctly when outputted to a file?
You have a trivial issue. Since it is using property expansion in the endpoint, it request to expand it.
All you need is to change below statement
testResult.append "\n\nENDPOINT: " +endpoint
testResult.append "\n\nENDPOINT: ${context.expand(endpoint)}"

How to verify if values are updated or not by API using groovy in soap ui

I am using soapui and groovy for api automation and assertion.
Have one API which updates user profile data. i.e update username,firstname,lastname etc.
What is best way to verify that if data is updated or not after run update api. In groovy is there any way by which I can store previous data from API response then run update api and again check response and finally compare previous response and latest one?
What I have tried it comparing values which I am going to sent via API and values which API returns. If both equal then assume that values update. But this seems not perfect way to check update function.
Define a test case level custom property, say DEPARTMENT_NAME and value as needed.
Add a Script Assertion for the same request test step with below script:
//Check if the response is received
assert context.response, 'Response is null or empty'
//Parse text to json
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText(context.response)
log.info "Department name from response ${json.data.name}"
assert json.data.name == context.expand('${#TestCase#DEPARTMENT_NAME}'), 'Department name is not matched'
You may also edit the request, and add the value as ${#TestCase#DEPARTMENT_NAME} instead of current fixed value XAPIAS Department. So that you can just change the value of department name at test case level property, the same is sent in the request and the same is verified in the response.
Use JDBC teststep to run query directly into database:
Use Xpath assertion to Validate your Update API
Assertion 1
Expected result
Updated FirstName
Assertion 2
Updated Last Name
In our project we do it in this way:
First we execute all the APIs.
Then we Validate all the new/updated data in database in DB Validation testcase.
Works well in highly integrated environment as well.

How to use nested paramter in SoapUI context.expand expression?

My use case is that I want to do a bulk update of request bodies in multiple SoapUI projects.
Example of request body.
"name": "${#TestSuite#NameProperty}"
"id": "${#TestSuite#IdProperty}"
I want to expand the property ${#TestSuite#NameProperty} through Groovy, and get the value stored at TestSuite level then modify it as necessary.
Suppose I have 50 test steps in my test case and I want to expand the request for each one from Groovy script. To expand a specific test steps, I would pass the test Steps's name. For example:
expandedProperty = context.expand('${testStep1#Request}')
But, how can I achieve the same, if I wanted to iterate over all 50 test steps? I tried to used a nested parameter inside the context.expand expression, but it did not work. For Example:
currentTestStepName = "TestStep1"
expandedProperty = context.expand('${${currentTestStepName}#Request}')
This only returned me the expanded request from the test step right above it (where I am running the groovy script from) rather than the "TestStep1" step. ( Which is madness!)
Also, context.expand only seems to work while executing via Groovy script from the SoapUI workspace project. Is there and other way, or method similar to context.expand which can expand the properties like "${#TestSuite#NameProperty}" during headless execution? Eg: A groovy compiled jar file imported in SoapUI.
Thanks for any help in advance!
You can use context.expand('${${currentTestStepName}#Request}') way to get it.
There are other approaches as well, which does not use context.expand.
In order to get single test step request of any given test step:
Here user passes step name to the variable stepName.
log.info context.testCase.testSteps[stepName].getPropertyValue('Request')
If you want to get all the requests of the test case, here is the simple way using the below script.
* This script loops thru the tests steps of SOAP Request steps,
* Adds the step name, and request to a map.
* So, that one can query the map to get the request using step name any time later.
import com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.WsdlTestRequestStep
def requestsMap = [:]
context.testCase.testStepList.each { step ->
log.info "Looking into soap request step: ${step.name}"
if (step instanceof WsdlTestRequestStep) {
log.info "Found a request step of required type "
requestsMap[step.name] = context.expand(step.getPropertyValue('Request'))
log.info requestsMap['TestStep1']
Update :
If the step that you are interested is REST step, use below condition instead of WsdlTestRequestStep in the above.
if (step instanceof com.eviware.soapui.impl.wsdl.teststeps.RestTestRequestStep) { //do the stuff }
