How to use Tensorflow 2 Dataset API with Keras? - python-3.x

This question has been answered for Tensorflow 1, eg: How to Properly Combine TensorFlow's Dataset API and Keras?, but this answer hasn't helped for my use case.
Below is an example of a model with three float32 inputs and one float32 output. I have a large amount of data that doesn't all fit into memory at once, so it's split into separate files. I'm trying to use the Dataset API to train a model by bringing in a portion of the training data at once.
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow.keras.layers as layers
import numpy as np
# Create TF model of a given architecture (number of hidden layers, layersize, #outputs, activation function)
def create_model(h=2, l=64, activation='relu'):
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(l, activation=activation, input_shape=(3,), name='input_layer'),
*[layers.Dense(l, activation=activation) for _ in range(h)],
layers.Dense(1, activation='linear', name='output_layer')])
return model
# Load data (3 X variables, 1 Y variable) split into 5 files
# (for this example, just create a list 5 numpy arrays)
list_of_training_datasets = [np.random.rand(10,4).astype(np.float32) for _ in range(5)]
validation_dataset = np.random.rand(30,4).astype(np.float32)
def data_generator():
for data in list_of_training_datasets:
x_data = data[:, 0:3]
y_data = data[:, 3:4]
# prepare model
model = create_model(h=2,l=64,activation='relu')
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam())
# load dataset
dataset =,(np.float32,np.float32))
# fit model, epochs=100, validation_data=(validation_dataset[:,0:3],validation_dataset[:,3:4]))
Running this, I get the error:
ValueError: Cannot take the length of shape with unknown rank.
Does anyone know how to get this working? I would also like to be able to use the batch dimension, to load two data files at a time, for example.

You need to need to specify the shapes of the your dataset along with the return data types like this.
dataset =,
((None, 3), (None, 1)))

The following works, but I don't know if this is the most efficient.
As far as I understand, if your training dataset is split into 10 pieces, then you should set steps_per_epoch=10. This ensures that each epoch will step through all data once. As far as I understand, dataset.repeat() is needed because the dataset iterator is "used up" after the first epoch. .repeat() ensures that the iterator gets created again after being used up.
import numpy as np
import tensorflow.keras.layers as layers
import tensorflow as tf
# Create TF model of a given architecture (number of hidden layers, layersize, #outputs, activation function)
def create_model(h=2, l=64, activation='relu'):
model = tf.keras.Sequential([
layers.Dense(l, activation=activation, input_shape=(3,), name='input_layer'),
*[layers.Dense(l, activation=activation) for _ in range(h)],
layers.Dense(1, activation='linear', name='output_layer')])
return model
# Load data (3 X variables, 1 Y variable) split into 5 files
# (for this example, just create a list 5 numpy arrays)
list_of_training_datasets = [np.random.rand(10,4).astype(np.float32) for _ in range(5)]
steps_per_epoch = len(list_of_training_datasets)
validation_dataset = np.random.rand(30,4).astype(np.float32)
def data_generator():
for data in list_of_training_datasets:
x_data = data[:, 0:3]
y_data = data[:, 3:4]
# prepare model
model = create_model(h=2,l=64,activation='relu')
model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam())
# load dataset
dataset =,output_types=(np.float32,np.float32),
output_shapes=(tf.TensorShape([None,3]), tf.TensorShape([None,1]))).repeat()
# fit model, epochs=10,steps_per_epoch=steps_per_epoch,


Does the sequence length of a RNN/LSTM have to be the same for the input and output?

I have a question about the input and output data in a RNN or LSTM. A RNN expects a 3-dimensional vector as input of the form (Batch_size, sequence_length_input, features_input) and a 3-dimensional output vector of the form (Batch_size, sequence_length_output, features_output).
I know that the features_input and features_output don't have to have the same number while the Batch_size has to be equal for input and output. But what about the middle part sequence_length_input and sequence_length_output. Do they have to be the same? At least in my example (with Keras and Tensorflow) I always get an error if they are not the same. So I am wondering whetever I have a bug in the code or if this is generally not possible.
So can I for example use as input for the training, the data X_train =(1000, 100, 10) and the output Y_train = (1000, 20, 3) such that I have a mapping for each of the 1000 itmes (Batch_size) from a 10-dimensional (features_input) time series with 100 time steps (sequence_length_input) to a 3-dimensional (features_output) time series with 20 time steps (sequence_length_output).
Update: Here is my code with a RNN for time series forecasting that only works if the sequence_length of the input steps_backward is equal to the sequence_length of the output steps_forward otherwise it will throw a ValueError:
ValueError: Dimensions must be equal, but are 192 and 96 for '{{node mean_squared_error/SquaredDifference}} = SquaredDifference[T=DT_FLOAT](sequential_5/time_distributed_5/Reshape_1, IteratorGetNext:1)' with input shapes: [?,192,1], [?,96,1].
In the code I use the 96 past timesteps (or 2*96=192 timesteps) to predict the future 96 timesteps. When the number of past and future timesteps are equal (equal sequence_length), everything works fine. Otherwise (unequal sequence_length) I get the ValueError.
#Import modules
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from tensorflow import keras
# Define the parameters of the RNN and the training
epochs = 1
batch_size = 50
steps_backwards = 2 * 96
steps_forward = 96
split_fraction_trainingData = 0.70
split_fraction_validatinData = 0.90
randomSeedNumber = 50
#Read dataset
df = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/User1/Desktop/TestData.csv', sep=';', header=0, low_memory=False, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates={'datetime':[0]}, index_col=['datetime'])
# standardize data
data = df.values
indexWithYLabelsInData = 0
data_X = data[:, 0:3]
data_Y = data[:, indexWithYLabelsInData].reshape(-1, 1)
scaler_standardized_X = StandardScaler()
data_X = scaler_standardized_X.fit_transform(data_X)
data_X = pd.DataFrame(data_X)
scaler_standardized_Y = StandardScaler()
data_Y = scaler_standardized_Y.fit_transform(data_Y)
data_Y = pd.DataFrame(data_Y)
# Prepare the input data for the RNN
series_reshaped_X = np.array([data_X[i:i + (steps_backwards+steps_forward)].copy() for i in range(len(data) - (steps_backwards+steps_forward))])
series_reshaped_Y = np.array([data_Y[i:i + (steps_backwards+steps_forward)].copy() for i in range(len(data) - (steps_backwards+steps_forward))])
timeslot_x_train_end = int(len(series_reshaped_X)* split_fraction_trainingData)
timeslot_x_valid_end = int(len(series_reshaped_X)* split_fraction_validatinData)
X_train = series_reshaped_X[:timeslot_x_train_end, :steps_backwards]
X_valid = series_reshaped_X[timeslot_x_train_end:timeslot_x_valid_end, :steps_backwards]
X_test = series_reshaped_X[timeslot_x_valid_end:, :steps_backwards]
Y_train = series_reshaped_Y[:timeslot_x_train_end, steps_backwards:]
Y_valid = series_reshaped_Y[timeslot_x_train_end:timeslot_x_valid_end, steps_backwards:]
Y_test = series_reshaped_Y[timeslot_x_valid_end:, steps_backwards:]
# Build the model and train it
model = keras.models.Sequential([
keras.layers.SimpleRNN(10, return_sequences=True, input_shape=[None, 3]),
keras.layers.SimpleRNN(10, return_sequences=True),
model.compile(loss="mean_squared_error", optimizer="adam")
history =, Y_train, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, validation_data=(X_valid, Y_valid))
#Predict the test data
Y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
and here is some test data
Reminder: The code and the data provide a Minimal reproducible example. Maybe you can have a look at it as in this code the sequence_length has to be equal for the input and output data, otherwise I get an error. Unfortuantely I still have not figured out why this this problem occurs
I have encountered the same problems. My input data shape is [512,10,3], and the output data is [512,20,1], which means that the last ten-time time steps data is used to predict the future twenty-time time steps. When I tried to implement it in PyTorch, the same problem as you appeared. Finally, I just used the last state of the LSTM to repeat 20 times and feed into the next fully connected layers. However, I cannot do it in the classic backpropagation (just made up of fully connected layers) neural network.

mse loss function not compatible with regularization loss (add_loss) on hidden layer output

I would like to code in tf.Keras a Neural Network with a couple of loss functions. One is a standard mse (mean squared error) with a factor loading, while the other is basically a regularization term on the output of a hidden layer. This second loss is added through self.add_loss() in a user-defined class inheriting from tf.keras.layers.Layer. I have a couple of questions (the first is more important though).
1) The error I get when trying to combine the two losses together is the following:
ValueError: Shapes must be equal rank, but are 0 and 1
From merging shape 0 with other shapes. for '{{node AddN}} = AddN[N=2, T=DT_FLOAT](loss/weighted_loss/value, model/new_layer/mul_1)' with input shapes: [], [100].
So it comes from the fact that the tensors which should add up to make one unique loss value have different shapes (and ranks). Still, when I try to print the losses during the training, I clearly see that the vectors returned as losses have shape batch_size and rank 1. Could it be that when the 2 losses are summed I have to provide them (or at least the loss of add_loss) as scalar? I know the mse is usually returned as a vector where each entry is the mse from one sample in the batch, hence having batch_size as shape. I think I tried to do the same with the "regularization" loss. Do you have an explanation for this behavio(u)r?
The sample code which gives me error is the following:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.keras.models import Model
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense, Input
def rate_mse(rate=1e5):
#tf.function # also needed for printing
def loss(y_true, y_pred):
tmp = rate*K.mean(K.square(y_pred - y_true), axis=-1)
# tf.print('shape %s and rank %s output in mse'%(K.shape(tmp), tf.rank(tmp)))
tf.print('shape and rank output in mse',[K.shape(tmp), tf.rank(tmp)])
tf.print('mse loss:',tmp) # print when I put tf.function
return tmp
return loss
class newLayer(tf.keras.layers.Layer):
def __init__(self, rate=5e-2, **kwargs):
super(newLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
self.rate = rate
# #tf.function # to be commented for NN training
def call(self, inputs):
tmp = self.rate*K.mean(inputs*inputs, axis=-1)
tf.print('shape and rank output in regularizer',[K.shape(tmp), tf.rank(tmp)])
tf.print('regularizer loss:',tmp)
self.add_loss(tmp, inputs=True)
return inputs
tot_n = 10000
xx = np.random.rand(tot_n,1)
yy = np.pi*xx
train_size = int(0.9*tot_n)
xx_train = xx[:train_size]; xx_val = xx[train_size:]
yy_train = yy[:train_size]; yy_val = yy[train_size:]
reg_layer = newLayer()
input_layer = Input(shape=(1,)) # input
hidden = Dense(20, activation='relu', input_shape=(2,))(input_layer) # hidden layer
hidden = reg_layer(hidden)
output_layer = Dense(1, activation='linear')(hidden)
model = Model(inputs=[input_layer], outputs=[output_layer])
model.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss=rate_mse(), experimental_run_tf_function=False)
#model.compile(optimizer='Adam', loss=None, experimental_run_tf_function=False), yy_train, epochs=100, batch_size = 100,
validation_data=(xx_val,yy_val), verbose=1)
#new_xx = np.random.rand(10,1); new_yy = np.pi*new_xx
2) I would also have a secondary question related to this code. I noticed that printing with tf.print inside the function rate_mse only works with tf.function. Similarly, the call method of newLayer is only taken into consideration if the same decorator is commented during training. Can someone explain why this is the case or reference me to a possible solution?
Thanks in advance to whoever can provide me help. I am currently using Tensorflow 2.2.0 and keras version is 2.3.0-tf.
I stuck with the same problem for a few days. "Standard" loss is going to be a scalar at the moment when we add it to the loss from add_loss. The only way how I get it working is to add one more axis while calculating mean. So we will get a scalar, and it will work.
tmp = self.rate*K.mean(inputs*inputs, axis=[0, -1])

SVM classification - Bad input shape Error

Im having an error bad input shape I tried searching but I can't understand yet since im new in SVM.
# importing required libraries
import numpy as np
# import support vector classifier
from sklearn.svm import SVC
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
X = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
y = pd.read_csv("testing.csv")
clf = SVC(), y)
raise ValueError("bad input shape {0}".format(shape))
ValueError: bad input shape (1, 6)
The problem here is that you are just inserting your entire table with the training data (plus labels) as the input for just the training data and then try to predict the table of the testing data (data and labels) with the SVM.
This does not work that way.
What you need to do, is to train the SVM with your training data (so data points + label for each data point) and then test it against your testing data (testing data points + labels).
Your code should look like this instead:
# Load training and testing dataset from .csv files
training_dataset = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
testing_dataset = pd.read_csv("testing.csv")
# Load training data points with all relevant features
X_train = training_dataset[['feature1','feature2','feature3','feature4']]
# Load training labels from dataset
y_train = training_dataset['label']
# Load testing data points with all relevant features
X_test = testing_dataset[['feature1','feature2','feature3','feature4']]
# Load testing labels from dataset
y_test = testing_dataset['label']
clf = SVC()
# Train the SVC with the training data (data points and labels), y_train)
# Evaluate the decision function with test samples
# Predict the test samples
I hope that helps and that this code runs for you. Let me know if I misunderstood something or you have more questions. :)

Changing batch_size parameter in keras leads to broadcast error

I am running a simple encoder-decoder setup to train a representation for a one dimensional image. In this sample the input are lines with varying slopes and in the encoded layer we would expect something that resembles the slope. My setup is keras with a tensorflow backend. I am very new to this as well.
It all works fine, at least until I move away from steps_per_epoch to batch_size in the method. Certain values of the batch_size, such as 1,2,3, 8 and 16 do work, for others I get a value error. My initial guess was 2^n, but that did not work.
The error I get for batch_size = 5
ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (5,50) (3,50) (5,50)
I am trying to understand which relation between batch_size and training data is valid such that it always passes. I assumed that the training set would be simply divided into floor(N/batch_size) batches and the remainder would be processed as such.
My questions are:
What is the relation between size of data set and batch_size that are allowed.
What exactly is the keras/tensorflow trying to do such that the batch_size is important?
Thank you very much for the help.
The code to reproduce this is
import numpy as np
from keras.models import Model
from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Conv1D, Concatenate
from keras.losses import mse
from keras.optimizers import Adam
# Prepare Sample Data
one_line = np.linspace(1, 30, INPUT_DIM).reshape(1, INPUT_DIM)
test_array = np.repeat(one_line, 1000, axis=0)
slopes = np.linspace(0, 1, 1000).reshape(1000, 1)
data = test_array * slopes
# Train test split
train_mask = np.where(np.random.sample(1000) < 0.8, 1, 0).astype('bool')
x_train = data[train_mask].reshape(-1, INPUT_DIM, 1)
x_test = data[~train_mask].reshape(-1, INPUT_DIM, 1)
# Define Model
input = Input(shape=(INPUT_DIM, 1), name='input')
conv_layer_small = Conv1D(filters=1, kernel_size=[3], padding='same')(input)
conv_layer_medium = Conv1D(filters=1, kernel_size=[5], padding='same')(input)
merged_convs = Concatenate()(
[conv_layer_small, conv_layer_medium])
latent = Dense(LATENT_DIM, name='latent_layer',
encoder = Model(input, latent)
decoder_int = Dense(INTER_DIM, name='dec_int_layer', activation='relu')(latent)
output = Dense(INPUT_DIM, name='output', activation='linear')(decoder_int)
encoder_decoder = Model(input, output, name='encoder_decoder')
# Add Loss
reconstruction_loss = mse(input, output)
if __name__ == '__main__':
epochs = 100

LSTM Model in Keras with Auxiliary Inputs

I have a dataset with 2 columns - Each column contains a set of documents. I have to match the document in Col A with documents provided in Col B. This is a supervised classification problem. So my training data contains a label column indicating whether the documents match or not.
To solve the problem, I have a created a set of features, say f1-f25 (by comparing the 2 documents) and then trained a binary classifier on these features. This approach works reasonably well, but now I would like to evaluate Deep Learning models on this problem (specifically, LSTM models).
I am using the keras library in Python. After going through the keras documentation and other tutorials available online, I have managed to do the following:
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, LSTM, Dense
from keras.models import Model
# Each document contains a series of 200 words
# The necessary text pre-processing steps have been completed to transform
each doc to a fixed length seq
main_input1 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input1')
main_input2 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input2')
# Next I add a word embedding layer (embed_matrix is separately created
for each word in my vocabulary by reading from a pre-trained embedding model)
x = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000,
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input1)
y = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000,
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input2)
# Next separately pass each layer thru a lstm layer to transform seq of
vectors into a single sequence
lstm_out_x1 = LSTM(32)(x)
lstm_out_x2 = LSTM(32)(y)
# concatenate the 2 layers and stack a dense layer on top
x = keras.layers.concatenate([lstm_out_x1, lstm_out_x2])
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
# generate intermediate output
auxiliary_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='aux_output')(x)
# add auxiliary input - auxiliary inputs contains 25 features for each document pair
auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(25,), name='aux_input')
# merge aux output with aux input and stack dense layer on top
main_input = keras.layers.concatenate([auxiliary_output, auxiliary_input])
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(main_input)
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
# finally add the main output layer
main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(x)
model = Model(inputs=[main_input1, main_input2, auxiliary_input], outputs= main_output)
model.compile(loss='binary_crossentropy', optimizer='adam', metrics=['accuracy'])[x1, x2,aux_input], y,
epochs=3, batch_size=32)
However, when I score this on the training data, I get the same prob. score for all cases. The issue seems to be with the way auxiliary input is fed in (because it generates meaningful output when I remove the aux. input).
I also tried inserting the auxiliary input at different places in the network. But somehow I couldnt get this to work.
Any pointers?
Well, this is open for several months and people are voting it up.
I did something very similar recently using this dataset that can be used to forecast credit card defaults and it contains categorical data of customers (gender, education level, marriage status etc.) as well as payment history as time series. So I had to merge time series with non-series data. My solution was very similar to yours by combining LSTM with a dense, I try to adopt the approach to your problem. What worked for me is dense layer(s) on the auxiliary input.
Furthermore in your case a shared layer would make sense so the same weights are used to "read" both documents. My proposal for testing on your data:
from keras.layers import Input, Embedding, LSTM, Dense
from keras.models import Model
# Each document contains a series of 200 words
# The necessary text pre-processing steps have been completed to transform
each doc to a fixed length seq
main_input1 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input1')
main_input2 = Input(shape=(200,), dtype='int32', name='main_input2')
# Next I add a word embedding layer (embed_matrix is separately created
for each word in my vocabulary by reading from a pre-trained embedding model)
x1 = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000,
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input1)
x2 = Embedding(output_dim=300, input_dim=20000,
input_length=200, weights = [embed_matrix])(main_input2)
# Next separately pass each layer thru a lstm layer to transform seq of
vectors into a single sequence
# Comment Manngo: Here I changed to shared layer
# Also renamed y as input as it was confusing
# Now x and y are x1 and x2
lstm_reader = LSTM(32)
lstm_out_x1 = lstm_reader(x1)
lstm_out_x2 = lstm_reader(x2)
# concatenate the 2 layers and stack a dense layer on top
x = keras.layers.concatenate([lstm_out_x1, lstm_out_x2])
x = Dense(64, activation='relu')(x)
x = Dense(32, activation='relu')(x)
# generate intermediate output
# Comment Manngo: This is created as a dead-end
# It will not be used as an input of any layers below
auxiliary_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='aux_output')(x)
# add auxiliary input - auxiliary inputs contains 25 features for each document pair
# Comment Manngo: Dense branch on the comparison features
auxiliary_input = Input(shape=(25,), name='aux_input')
auxiliary_input = Dense(64, activation='relu')(auxiliary_input)
auxiliary_input = Dense(32, activation='relu')(auxiliary_input)
# OLD: merge aux output with aux input and stack dense layer on top
# Comment Manngo: actually this is merging the aux output preparation dense with the aux input processing dense
main_input = keras.layers.concatenate([x, auxiliary_input])
main = Dense(64, activation='relu')(main_input)
main = Dense(64, activation='relu')(main)
# finally add the main output layer
main_output = Dense(1, activation='sigmoid', name='main_output')(main)
# Compile
# Comment Manngo: also define weighting of outputs, main as 1, auxiliary as 0.5
loss={'main_output': 'w_binary_crossentropy', 'aux_output': 'binary_crossentropy'},
loss_weights={'main_output': 1.,'auxiliary_output': 0.5},
# Train model on main_output and on auxiliary_output as a support
# Comment Manngo: Unknown information marked with placeholders ____
# We have 3 inputs: x1 and x2: the 2 strings
# aux_in: the 25 features
# We have 2 outputs: main and auxiliary; both have the same targets -> (binary)y{'main_input1': __x1__, 'main_input2': __x2__, 'auxiliary_input' : __aux_in__}, {'main_output': __y__, 'auxiliary_output': __y__},
I don't know how much this can help since I don't have your data so I can't try. Nevertheless this is my best shot.
I didn't run the above code for obvious reasons.
I found answers from Mr.Philippe Remy wrote a library to condition on auxiliary inputs. I used his library and it's very helpful.
# 10 stations
# 365 days
# 3 continuous variables A and B => C is target.
# 2 conditions dim=5 and dim=1. First cond is one-hot. Second is continuous.
import numpy as np
from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense
from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential
from cond_rnn import ConditionalRNN
stations = 10 # 10 stations.
time_steps = 365 # 365 days.
continuous_variables_per_station = 3 # A,B,C where C is the target.
condition_variables_per_station = 2 # 2 variables of dim 5 and 1.
condition_dim_1 = 5
condition_dim_2 = 1
continuous_data = np.random.uniform(size=(stations, time_steps, continuous_variables_per_station))
condition_data_1 = np.zeros(shape=(stations, condition_dim_1))
condition_data_1[:, 0] = 1 # dummy.
condition_data_2 = np.random.uniform(size=(stations, condition_dim_2))
window = 50 # we split series in 50 days (look-back window)
x, y, c1, c2 = [], [], [], []
for i in range(window, continuous_data.shape[1]):
x.append(continuous_data[:, i - window:i])
y.append(continuous_data[:, i])
c1.append(condition_data_1) # just replicate.
c2.append(condition_data_2) # just replicate.
# now we have (batch_dim, station_dim, time_steps, input_dim).
x = np.array(x)
y = np.array(y)
c1 = np.array(c1)
c2 = np.array(c2)
print(x.shape, y.shape, c1.shape, c2.shape)
# let's collapse the station_dim in the batch_dim.
x = np.reshape(x, [-1, window, x.shape[-1]])
y = np.reshape(y, [-1, y.shape[-1]])
c1 = np.reshape(c1, [-1, c1.shape[-1]])
c2 = np.reshape(c2, [-1, c2.shape[-1]])
print(x.shape, y.shape, c1.shape, c2.shape)
model = Sequential(layers=[
ConditionalRNN(10, cell='GRU'), # num_cells = 10
Dense(units=1, activation='linear') # regression problem.
model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')[x, c1, c2], y=y, epochs=2, validation_split=0.2)
