Equivalent of pandas apply in pyspark? - apache-spark

I really want to be able to run complex functions over a whole column of a spark dataframe, as i would do in Pandas with the apply function.
For example, in Pandas I have an apply function that takes a messy domain like sub-subdomain.subdomain.facebook.co.nz/somequerystring and just outputs facebook.com.
How would I do that in Spark?
I have looked at UDF's but I am not clear how I would run it on a single column.
Let's say I have a simple function like below where I extract different bits of a date from the column of the pandas DF:
def format_date(row):
year = int(row['Contract_Renewal'][7:])
month = int(row['Contract_Renewal'][4:6])
day = int(row['Contract_Renewal'][:3])
date = datetime.date(year, month, day)
return date-now
In Pandas I would call it like:
df['days_until'] = df.apply(format_date, axis=1)
Can I achieve the same in Pyspark?

In this scenario, you may be able to use some combination of regexp_extract (http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/pyspark.sql.html?highlight=substring#pyspark.sql.functions.regexp_extract), regexp_replace (http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/pyspark.sql.html?highlight=substring#pyspark.sql.functions.regexp_replace), and split (http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/api/python/pyspark.sql.html?highlight=substring#pyspark.sql.functions.split) to reformat the date the strings.
It's not as clean as defining your own function and using apply like Pandas, but it should be more performant than defining a Pandas/Spark UDF.
Good luck!

The latest version of PySpark provides a way to run apply() function by leveraging pandas. You can find the example at PySpark apply Function to Column
# Imports
import pyspark.pandas as ps
import numpy as np
technologies = ({
'Fee' :[20000,25000,30000,22000,np.NaN],
# Create a DataFrame
psdf = ps.DataFrame(technologies)
def add(row):
return row[0]+row[1]
addDF = psdf.apply(add,axis=1)


Get second column of a data frame using pandas

I am new to Pandas in Python and I am having some difficulties returning the second column of a dataframe without column names just numbers as indexes.
import pandas as pd
import os
directory = 'A://'
sample = 'test.txt'
# Test with Air Sample
fileAir = os.path.join(directory,sample)
dataAir = pd.read_csv(fileAir,skiprows=3)
The data I am working with would be similar to:
data = [[1,2,3],[1,2,3],[1,2,3]]
Then, using pandas I wanted to have only
You can use

how to convert the type of an object from "pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy" to "pandas.core.series.Series"?

I have a variable of type "pandas.core.groupby.generic.SeriesGroupBy" which I got from grouping various fields of a pandas dataframe. But, I would like to convert that variable into a pandas series which is working but with a lot of errors.
Here is the code which I have tried:
w = data.groupby(['dt', 'b'])['w']
w = pd.Series(w)
When I try to run this code, it's taking a lot of time to execute and also generating a lot of errors.
I am getting a pandas Series as follows:
But, I am expecting something similar to this:
Is there any other way to group the below column of a DataFrame and store it inside a pandas Series:
Pandas groupby objects are iterable. Using list comprehension you can extract the partitioned sub-series. Try:
list_of_series = [s for _, s in data.groupby(['dt', 'b'])['w']]
list_of_series is a list and should contain your desired pandas series.

Using loops to call multiple pandas dataframe columns

I am new to python3 and trying to do chisquared tests on columns in a pandas dataframe. My columns are in pairs: observed_count_column_1, expected count_column_1, observed_count_column_2, expected_count_column_2 and so on. I would like to make a loop to get all column pairs done at once.
I succeed doing this if I specify column index integers or column names manually.
This works
from scipy.stats import chisquare
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv (r'count.csv')
chisquare(df.iloc[:,[0]], df.iloc[:,[1]])
This, trying with a loop, does not:
from scipy.stats import chisquare
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv (r'count.csv')
for n in [0,2,4,6,8,10]:
chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]
The loop code does not seem to run at all and I get no error but no output either.
I was wondering why this is happening and how can I actually approach this?
Thank you,
Consider building a data frame of chi-square results from list of tuples, then assign column names as indicators for observed and expected frequencies (subsetting even/odd columns by indexed notation):
chi_square_df = (pd.DataFrame([chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]) \
for n in range(0,11,2)],
columns = ['chi_sq_stat', 'p_value'])
.assign(obs_freq = df.columns[::2],
exp_freq = df.columns[1::2])
chisquare() function returns two values so you can try this:
for n in range(0, 11, 2):
chisq, p = chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]
print('Chisq: {}, p-value: {}'.format(chisq, p))
You can find what it returns in the docs here https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.stats.chisquare.html
Thank you for the suggestions. Using the information from Parfait comment, that loops don't print I managed to find a solution, although not as elegant as their own solution above.
for n in range(0, 11, 2):
print(chisquare(df.iloc[:,[n]], df.iloc[:,[n+1]]))
This gives the expected results.

Is there a way to add multiple columns to a dataframe calculated from moving averages from different columns and/or over different duration

I have a dataframe with time-series data and I am trying to add a lot of moving average columns to it with different windows of various ranges. When I do this column by column, results are pretty slow.
I have tried to just pile the withColumn calls until I have all of them.
Pseudo code:
import pyspark.sql.functions as pysparkSqlFunctions
## working from a data frame with 12 colums:
## - key as a String
## - time as a DateTime
## - col_{1:10} as numeric values
window_1h = Window.partitionBy("key") \
.orderBy(col("time").cast("long")) \
.rangeBetween(-3600, 0)
window_2h = Window.partitionBy("key") \
.orderBy(col("time").cast("long")) \
.rangeBetween(-7200, 0)
df = df.withColumn("col1_1h", pysparkSqlFunctions.avg("col_1").over(window_1h))
df = df.withColumn("col1_2h", pysparkSqlFunctions.avg("col_1").over(window_2h))
df = df.withColumn("col2_1h", pysparkSqlFunctions.avg("col_2").over(window_1h))
df = df.withColumn("col2_2h", pysparkSqlFunctions.avg("col_2").over(window_2h))
What I would like is the ability to add all 4 columns (or many more) in one call, hopefully traversing the data only once for better performance.
I prefer to import the functions library as F as it looks neater and it is the standard alias used in the official Spark documentation.
The star string, '*', should capture all the current columns within the dataframe. Alternatively, you could replace the star string with *df.columns. Here the star explodes the list into separate parameters for the select method.
from pyspark.sql import functions as F
df = df.select(

pandas group by in parallel

I'm having some trouble splitting the aggregation step of a group-by operation across multiple cores. I have the following working code, and would like to apply it over several processors:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from multiprocessing import Pool, cpu_count
mydf = pd.DataFrame({'v1':[1,2,3,4]*6,'v2':['a','b','c']*8,'v3':np.arange(20,44)})
Which I can then apply the following GroupBy operation:
(the step I wish to do in parallel)
pd.groupby(mydf,by=['v1','v2']).apply(lambda x: np.percentile(x['v3'],[20,30]))
yielding the series:
1 a [22.4, 23.6]
b [26.4, 27.6]
c [30.4, 31.6]
2 a [31.4, 32.6]
b [23.4, 24.6]
c [27.4, 28.6]
I Tried the following, with reference to:parallel groupby
def applyParallel(dfGrouped, func):
with Pool(1) as p:
ret_list = p.map(func, [group for name, group in dfGrouped])
return pd.concat(ret_list)
def myfunc(df):
df['pct1'] = df.loc[:,['v3']].apply(np.percentile,args=([20],))
df['pct2'] = df.loc[:,['v3']].apply(np.percentile,args=([80],))
grouped = pd.groupby(mydf,by=['v1','v2'])
But I'm losing the index structure and getting duplicates. I could probably solve this step with a further group by operation, but I think it shouldn't be too difficult to avoid it entirely. Any suggestions?
Not that I'm still looking for an answer, but It'd probably be better to use a library that handles parallel manipulations of pandas DataFrames, rather than trying to do so manually.
Dask is one option which is intended to scale Pandas operations with little code modification.
Another option (but is maybe a little more difficult to set up) is PySpark
