How To Mock Repository, Service and Controller In NestJS (Typeorm & Jest) - node.js

I'm new at typescript. My Nestjs project app is something like this. I'm trying to use repository pattern, so i separated business logic (service) and persistance logic (repository)
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { UserEntity } from './entities/user.entity';
export class UserRepo {
constructor(#InjectRepository(UserEntity) private readonly repo: Repository<UserEntity>) {}
public find(): Promise<UserEntity[]> {
return this.repo.find();
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UserRepo } from './user.repository';
export class UserService {
constructor(private readonly userRepo: UserRepo) {}
public async get() {
return this.userRepo.find();
import { Controller, Get } from '#nestjs/common';
import { UserService } from './user.service';
export class UserController {
constructor(private readonly userService: UserService) {}
// others method //
public async getUsers() {
try {
const payload = this.userService.get();
return this.Ok(payload);
} catch (err) {
return this.InternalServerError(err);
How do i create unit testing for repository, service & controller without actually persist or retrieve data to DB (using mock)?

Mocking in NestJS is pretty easily obtainable using the testing tools Nest exposes is #nestjs/testing. In short, you'll want to create a Custom Provider for the dependency you are looking to mock, and that's all there is. However, it's always better to see an example, so here is a possibility of a mock for the controller:
describe('UserController', () => {
let controller: UserController;
let service: UserService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const moduleRef = await Test.createTestingModule({
controllers: [UserController],
providers: [
provide: UserService,
useValue: {
get: jest.fn(() => mockUserEntity) // really it can be anything, but the closer to your actual logic the better
controller = moduleRef.get(UserController);
service = moduleRef.get(UserService);
And from there you can go on and write your tests. This is pretty much the same set up for all tests using Nest's DI system, the only thing to be aware of is things like #InjectRepository() and #InjectModel() (Mongoose and Sequilize decorators) where you'll need to use getRepositoryToken() or getModelToken() for the injection token. If you're looking for more exmaples take a look at this repository


NestJS / TypeORM: Custom repository method is not accessible in service

New to NestJS and TypeORM, and the similar questions on SO didn't solve my problem.
I have a custom TypeORM repository in NestJS using it in service, but it fails with error:
TypeError: this.tenantRepository.createTenant is not a function.
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
imports: [
controllers: [TenantsController],
providers: [TenantsService],
export class TenantsModule { }
// ...
import { TenantEntity } from './entities/tenant.entity';
export class TenantRepository extends Repository<TenantEntity>{
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
const { name, email } = createTenantDto;
const newTenant = new TenantEntity() = name; = email;
return newTenant;
And here's where the error is triggered (tenants.service.ts)
// ...
import { TenantEntity } from './entities/tenant.entity';
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
export class TenantsService {
private tenantRepository: TenantRepository
) { }
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
return await this.tenantRepository.createTenant(createTenantDto); // <-- ERROR
I can inject entity in service and use it for simple CRUD, but I want to separate concerns and use the repository pattern.
This is a POST endpoint and the error is only after submission from Swagger.
Also, VS Code autocomplete is suggesting createTenant after typing this.tenantRepository
Where am I going wrong?
EntityRepository decorator was deprecated, and as far as I know, you need to define a custom class that extends Repository and decorate it with #Injectable. Hence, you need to have some changes as follows:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { DataSource, Repository } from 'typeorm';
export class TenantRepository extends Repository<TenantEntity>{
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(TenantEntity, dataSource.createEntityManager());
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
const { name, email } = createTenantDto;
const newTenant = this.create({ name, email });
return newTenant;
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
imports: [
controllers: [TenantsController],
providers: [TenantsService, TenantRepository],
export class TenantsModule { }
import { TenantEntity } from './entities/tenant.entity';
import { TenantRepository } from './tenant.repository';
export class TenantsService {
private tenantRepository: TenantRepository
) { }
async createTenant(createTenantDto: CreateTenantDto): Promise<TenantEntity> {
return await this.tenantRepository.createTenant(createTenantDto);
You also have access to built-in typeorm methods like save, create, find, etc. since the custom repository is derived from Repository class.

Trying to use in Nestjs Custom Repository typeorm

by example:
Created custom repository в yandex-ndd-api-client.module:
import { DataSource, Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
// import {Team} from '#Domain/Team/Models/team.entity';
import { TestRepositoryTypeorm } from '../entity/testRepositoryTypeorm.entity';
export class TestRepository extends Repository<TestRepositoryTypeorm> {
constructor(private dataSource: DataSource) {
super(TestRepositoryTypeorm, dataSource.createEntityManager());
async findTest(): Promise<any> { //TestRepositoryTypeorm | undefined
const findTests = await this.dataSource
return await findTests;
Connected in the module::
providers: [YandexDeliveryService, YandexNddApiClientService, ConfigService, SyncService, TestRepository],
Connected it to the service yandex-ndd-api-client.service:
import { TestRepository } from './repository/testRepositoryTypeorm.retository';
export class YandexNddApiClientService {
// private yandexDeliveryApiService: YandexDeliveryApiService,
private httpService: HttpService,
private dataSource: DataSource,
private configService: ConfigService,
#Inject(WINSTON_MODULE_PROVIDER) private readonly logger: Logger,
// #InjectRepository(TestRepository)
private testRepository: TestRepository,
) {}
Called in service:
async testRepositoryTypeorm(): Promise<any> {
try {
// return 'testRepositoryTypeorm';
return await this.testRepository.findTest();
} catch (e) {
console.log('ERROR testRepositoryTypeorm:', e);
As a result:
ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the YandexNddApiClientService (HttpService, DataSource, ConfigService, winston, ?, SchedulerRegistry). Please make sure that the argument TestRepository at index [4] is available in the DetmirApiClientModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If TestRepository is a provider, is it part of the current DetmirApiClientModule?
- If TestRepository is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within DetmirApiClientModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing TestRepository */ ]
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { DetmirApiClientService } from './detmir-api-client.service';
import { DetmirApiClientController } from './detmir-api-client.controller';
import { SyncService } from 'src/sync.service';
import { YandexNddApiClientService } from 'src/yandex-ndd-api-client/yandex-ndd-api-client.service';
import { HttpModule, HttpService } from '#nestjs/axios';
import { WINSTON_MODULE_PROVIDER } from 'nest-winston';
import { YandexNddApiClientModule } from 'src/yandex-ndd-api-client/yandex-ndd-api-client.module';
providers: [DetmirApiClientService, SyncService, YandexNddApiClientService],
controllers: [DetmirApiClientController],
imports: [HttpModule, YandexNddApiClientModule], //TestRepository
export class DetmirApiClientModule {}
Most likely your YandexNddApiClientModule does not add the YandexNddApiClientService to the exports array. Add YandexNddApiClientService to the exports if it is not already there and remove YandexNddApiClientService from the providers array of DetmirApiClientModule. The error is being raised because you have YandexNddApiClientService declared in the providers of DetmirApiClientModule so Nest is trying to create the provider in the new module rather than re-use the module from its original context

How to get name of module, which controller processing request?

I want to get name of module, which controller processing request.
getIndex() {
console.log('name of module');
I don't know exactly the purpose behind your question, but I'll leave you some alternatives.
First one and the dirtier. You can get the instance of the module that your productController is imported by finding it into the modules container.
import { Controller, Get, Query } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ModulesContainer } from '#nestjs/core';
import { Module } from '#nestjs/core/injector/module';
export class ProductController {
private modulesContainer: ModulesContainer,
private productService: ProductService
) { }
findAll(#Query() dto: any) {
let yourModule: Module;
this.modulesContainer.forEach((v) => {
if(v.controllers.has( { // in this condition, you will find your module based in the imports from it, if your controller is importe in some module it will get the module and put in "yourModule" variable.
// Here
yourModule= v;
return this.productService.findAll();
And for a cleaner approach you can get the moduleRef in your controller
import { Controller, Get, Query } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ModuleRef} from '#nestjs/core';
export class ProductController {
private moduleRef: ModuleRef,
private productService: ProductService
) { }
findAll(#Query() dto: any) {
console.log(this.moduleRef) //your module ref
return this.productService.findAll();
But of course depends on what's you're trying to do.

how to unit test a class extending an abstract class reading environment variables

I want to get into unit testing and have some configuration services for my Nest API that I want to test. When starting the application I validate the environment variables with the joi package.
I have multiple configuration services for the database, the server, ... so I created a base service first. This one is able to read environment variables, parse the raw string to a desired datatype and validate the value.
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { AnySchema, ValidationResult, ValidationError } from '#hapi/joi';
export abstract class BaseConfigurationService {
constructor(protected readonly configService: ConfigService) {}
protected constructValue(key: string, validator: AnySchema): string {
const rawValue: string = this.configService.get(key);
this.validateValue(rawValue, validator, key);
return rawValue;
protected constructAndParseValue<TResult>(key: string, validator: AnySchema, parser: (value: string) => TResult): TResult {
const rawValue: string = this.configService.get(key);
const parsedValue: TResult = parser(rawValue);
this.validateValue(parsedValue, validator, key);
return parsedValue;
private validateValue<TValue>(value: TValue, validator: AnySchema, label: string): void {
const validationSchema: AnySchema = validator.label(label);
const validationResult: ValidationResult = validationSchema.validate(value);
const validationError: ValidationError = validationResult.error;
if (validationError) {
throw validationError;
Now I can extend this service with multiple configuration services. For the sake of simplicity I will take the server configuration service for this. Currently it only holds the port the application will listen to.
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import * as Joi from '#hapi/joi';
import { BaseConfigurationService } from './base.configuration.service';
export class ServerConfigurationService extends BaseConfigurationService {
public readonly port: number;
constructor(protected readonly configService: ConfigService) {
this.port = this.constructAndParseValue<number>(
I found multiple articles out there that I should only test public methods, e.g.
so I'm assuming I should not test the methods from the base configuration service. But I would like to test the classes extending the base service. I started with this
import { Test, TestingModule } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { ServerConfigurationService } from './server.configuration.service';
const mockConfigService = () => ({
get: jest.fn(),
describe('ServerConfigurationService', () => {
let serverConfigurationService: ServerConfigurationService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
provide: ConfigService,
useFactory: mockConfigService
serverConfigurationService = module.get<ServerConfigurationService>(ServerConfigurationService);
it('should be defined', () => {
but as you can see in the second code snippet I'm calling the functions from the base service in the constructor. The test instantly fails with
ValidationError: "SERVER_PORT" must be a number
Is there a way I can unit test the configuration services although they depend on an abstract base class and an external .env file? Because I know I can create a mockConfigService but I think the base class breaks this. I don't know how to fix this test file.
The main problem boils down to this: You are using the Joi libary to parse environment variables. Whenever you call validateValue, Joi functions are called that expect actual environment variables to be set (in this case, SERVER_PORT). Now that these environment variables need to be set is a valid assumption for the running service. But in your test cases, you have no environment variables set, hence the Joi validation fails.
A primitive solution would be to set process.env.SERVER_PORT to some value in your beforeEach and delete it in afterEach. However, this is just a work-around around the actual issue.
The actual issue is: You hard-coded library calls into your BaseConfigurationService that have the assumption that environment variables are set. We already figured out earlier that this is not a valid assumption when running tests. When you stumble upon issues like this when writing tests, it often points to a problem of tight coupeling.
How can we address that?
We can separate the concerns clearly and abstract away the actual validation into its own service class that's used by BaseConfigurationService. Let's call that service class ValidationService.
We can then inject that service class into BaseConfigurationService using Nest's dependency injection.
When running tests, we can mock the ValidationService so it does not rely on actual environment variables, but, for example, just doesn't complain about anything during validation.
So here's how we can achieve that, step by step:
1. Define a ValidationService interface
The interface simply describes how a class needs to look that can validate values:
import { AnySchema } from '#hapi/joi';
export interface ValidationService {
validateValue<TValue>(value: TValue, validator: AnySchema, label: string): void;
2. Implement the ValidationService
Now we'll take the validation code from your BaseConfigurationService and use it to implemente ValidationService:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { AnySchema, ValidationResult, ValidationError } from '#hapi/joi';
export class ValidationServiceImpl implements ValidationService {
validateValue<TValue>(value: TValue, validator: AnySchema, label: string): void {
const validationSchema: AnySchema = validator.label(label);
const validationResult: ValidationResult = validationSchema.validate(value);
const validationError: ValidationError = validationResult.error;
if (validationError) {
throw validationError;
3. Inject ValidationServiceImpl into BaseConfigurationService
We'll now remove the validation logic from the BaseConfigurationService and instead add a call to ValidationService:
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { AnySchema, ValidationResult, ValidationError } from '#hapi/joi';
import { ValidationServiceImpl } from './validation.service.impl';
export abstract class BaseConfigurationService {
constructor(protected readonly configService: ConfigService,
protected readonly validationService: ValidationServiceImpl) {}
protected constructValue(key: string, validator: AnySchema): string {
const rawValue: string = this.configService.get(key);
this.validationService.validateValue(rawValue, validator, key);
return rawValue;
protected constructAndParseValue<TResult>(key: string, validator: AnySchema, parser: (value: string) => TResult): TResult {
const rawValue: string = this.configService.get(key);
const parsedValue: TResult = parser(rawValue);
this.validationService.validateValue(parsedValue, validator, key);
return parsedValue;
4. Implemente a mock ValidationService
For testing purposes, we don't want to validate against actual environment variables, but just genereally accept all values. So we implement a mock service:
import { ValidationService } from './validation.service';
import { AnySchema, ValidationResult, ValidationError } from '#hapi/joi';
export class ValidationMockService implements ValidationService{
validateValue<TValue>(value: TValue, validator: AnySchema, label: string): void {
5. Adapt classes extending BaseConfigurationService to have ConfigurationServiceImpl injected and pass it on to BaseConfigurationService:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import * as Joi from '#hapi/joi';
import { BaseConfigurationService } from './base.configuration.service';
import { ValidationServiceImpl } from './validation.service.impl';
export class ServerConfigurationService extends BaseConfigurationService {
public readonly port: number;
constructor(protected readonly configService: ConfigService,
protected readonly validationService: ValidationServiceImpl) {
super(configService, validationService);
this.port = this.constructAndParseValue<number>(
6. use the mock service in the test
Finally, now that ValidationServiceImpl is a dependency of BaseConfigurationService, we use the mocked version in the test:
import { Test, TestingModule } from '#nestjs/testing';
import { ConfigService } from '#nestjs/config';
import { ServerConfigurationService } from './server.configuration.service';
import { ValidationServiceImpl } from './validation.service.impl';
import { ValidationMockService } from './validation.mock-service';
const mockConfigService = () => ({
get: jest.fn(),
describe('ServerConfigurationService', () => {
let serverConfigurationService: ServerConfigurationService;
beforeEach(async () => {
const module: TestingModule = await Test.createTestingModule({
providers: [
provide: ConfigService,
useFactory: mockConfigService
provide: ValidationServiceImpl,
useClass: ValidationMockService
serverConfigurationService = module.get<ServerConfigurationService>(ServerConfigurationService);
it('should be defined', () => {
Now when running the tests, ValidationMockService will be used. Plus, apart from fixing your test, you also have a clean separation of concerns.
The refactoring I provided here is just an example how you can go ahead. I guess that, depending on your further use cases, you might cut ValidationService differently than I did, or even separate more concerns into new service classes.

Dynamic Service Invokation - IOC

how can I invoke a service's method dynamically (looked up from a hash-map) from a controller:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { CacheService } from '../cache/cache.service';
import { LoggerService } from '../../config/logger/logger.service';
export class RegistrationService {
constructor(private readonly cache: CacheService,
private readonly logger: LoggerService) {
async process() {`RegistrationService - testThis - hit!`);
import { Controller, Get, Res } from '#nestjs/common';
import { RegistrationService } from './modules/campaignOne/registration.service';
const SCREENS = {
'start': 'this.registration.process'
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly registration: RegistrationService) {}
async test(#Res() res: any): any {
await eval(SCREENS['start'])();
return Promise.resolve('ok');
When await eval(SCREENS['start'])(); is executed, the method is called but an error is thrown at this.logger.. because it can't resolve the logger.
The idea is to have multiple providers and logic in the controller will determine which provider to invoke dynamically.
I know the problem and solution lies in dependency injection and IOC - but I don't know how to resolve.
Help please?
I would use the factory approach with this.
First create an interface to define the shape of the "dynamic" service you want
export interface IService {
invoke(): Promise<void>;
Now all of your services that you want dynamic can implement this interface.
NOTE: This service is not using the nest #Injectable annotation because this class is not what will be actually injected as you'll see below.
import { CacheService } from '../cache/cache.service';
import { LoggerService } from '../../config/logger/logger.service';
export class RegistrationService implements IService {
private readonly cache: CacheService;
private readonly logger: LoggerService;
constructor(cache: CacheService, logger: LoggerService) {
this.cache = cache;
this.logger = logger;
async invoke() : Promise<void> {`RegistrationService - testThis - hit!`);
return Promise.resolve();
Now create your factory class that WILL be the thing that gets injected by the IOC
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { RegistrationService } from './modules/campaignOne/registration.service';
export class ScreenFactory {
private readonly cache: CacheService;
private readonly logger: LoggerService;
constructor(cache: CacheService, logger: LoggerService) {
this.cache = cache;
this.logger = logger;
public getService(screenName: string) : IService {
switch(screenName) {
case 'start': return new RegistrationService(this.cache, this.logger);
default: throw new Error('No service defined for the given screen');
Now in your module, inject the factory instead
import { Controller, Get, Res } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ScreenFactory } from './modules/ScreenFactory';
export class AppController {
constructor(private readonly screenFactory: ScreenFactory) {}
async test(#Res() res: any): any {
//await eval(SCREENS['start'])();
const service: IService = this.screenFactory.getService('start');
await service.invoke();
return Promise.resolve('ok');
That's a lot of pseudo code but this is how I generally handle the "I need a different thing per request" type of scenario.
