Adding a table that can be edited in a userform - excel

I know this might be a ridiculous question that kind of defeats the purpose of a userform but I have a large userform that I would like to use to avoid the user from having to interact with the sheets.
Here goes...
I would like to add a table that you can edit in the userform which is linked to cells in a certain sheet. As you can see in the image below, each row has an individual name which has to be entered by the user manually.
what I was going to do was create a number of textboxes in the location column and use the lists tool for the other two columns (Probe ID and location number) that you can see in the picture. However, when I do this it is impossible to get the textboxes to line up and the code would be quite long winded. Hence why I am looking for something that can simplfy the task.
I have looked around online but all I have found is the following which can't be edited in the userform, but it does have the beginings of what I would be looking for.
Any constructive suggestions welcome!


Is there a way to enter, save and delete entire row in a scrollable list and reflect the same changes in main data sheet in excel

Fisrt i would like to state that i don't know much about vba other than what i pick up from the internet and forums like this one. I have a problem and i'm hoping some on this forum will come to my rescue.
I'm trying to create a simple equipment maintenance system in excel. I do not want to use the vba user form Because i do not have much knowledge of vba coding.I have two sheets, Sheet1 (called Form) and sheet2 (called Data). So i have craeted an on sheet form on the left of the sheet1 (Form) which i would like to stay visible at all times So to achieve this i picked up a method from the internet of creating a scrollable list (Displaying all data entries from sheet1 (Form), i have also picked up vba code to save and reflect form entries on Sheet1 (Form) on sheet 2, so far so good. Coming to the problem, i would like to make and delete entries directly on to the scrollable list which would also reflect on the data sheet. Another problem i would like to know if possible is how to make the maximum value of the scrollable can increase automatically as data rows increase.
Please HELP!

Auto populating Excel Table from keywords, error checking for defined names, etc

I am attempting to find a solution with either excel or visual basics.
I have an expanding column of remarks on multiple sheets that I need to search through for a keyword (I’m using the word “change” or “chang” to capture “changing” when needed)
When this keyword is found, I need it to give back the cell address, along with a defined name I’ve set up (one for each sheet).
I was able to make a table on a “summary sheet” to include the “new comment”, address, and defined name, and it works well enough. My only concern now is if I add a new row and therefore add a new comment in the column on one sheet, I will have to go back and add a row to my table, and make sure the address and defined name are also corresponding to that “new comment”. This will get very messy and errors can occur, especially since I could have 20+ sheets.
So far all I have been using is excel formulas. But I have also been playing around with excel macros to try and accomplish this (with no luck).
Any help would be greatly appreciated! And I of course can explain this better if need be.
Edit: I added a picture of the general basis of what I’m trying to accomplish. I can’t add the code I’ve been trying as it’s on my work laptop- so I made a simple mock-up of my sheet to include here. I took pictures of the highlighted cell in sheet 1 to show the formulas, and then a picture of sheet 2.1

Use table column header in VBA code for userform

I have built a table with a lot of columns. I would like to create a user form to show a majority of the information in the columns so I can hide the columns in the spreadsheet so there isn't so much to look at. A lot of columns can be overwhelming when looking at it. I know some of the most popular ways to write VBA so that data in the user form makes it into the table. However I noticed that if I ever needed to add a column I then have to edit the vba code to make sure the data still goes in the correct cells.
So my question is this. Is there a way to write the code using the table column headers so the code uses the header label as a point of reference instead of the column number?

Is there a way to automate checking for duplicates in a column and delete/notify as entering?

So I'm working on a google sheet project where I and a few others will be keeping track of every movie we watch and then scoring it from 1-10. Since this is a long-term project, the list of movie titles will get quite long and I'm trying to think of a way to notify the inputter if the movie title they're writing already exists further up in their column. Assuming it's an if-statement of some sort but very new to excel and google sheets.
Anyone have any ideas?
You might try to create validation rule for the range of cells. Right button click on the cell -> Data Validation...
Or see the link below for details
Google sheet value validation
Same solution might be implemented for MS Excel sheets
I have used conditional formatting for this. Lets say movie names are in column A. The below code would highlight duplicate entries.
The only issue is if there is a Typo in the movie name you could still end up whit duplicates. Example

Redesigning an excel table through functions/makros?

I have to work with a large excel sheet that I get as our accounting program output. My job is to make it presentable for the CEO.
I made macros that get me this far but it's still not in the shape he wants it. As it is a very large table I would be very happy to find a way to automate it because it takes me a long time to make it presentable by hand.
The job has some logic to it so I hope someone has an idea how this could be solved.
What I have got so far:
Picture 1
And this is what I want it to be - separated by company name, and summed by saldo.
Picture 2
Your picture1 table is a good start. From that data source create a PivotTable. Put in rows of PivotTable every column name except SALDO, which you should put in values field. Now select PivotTable=>go to Design tab=>Report Layout=>Show in Tabular Form. After you changed layout to tabular, remove all Subtotals except Company Subtotal. If everything done correctly, you should have something similar to picture below.
