Compiler error on using namespace's parameterized constructor of a class - node.js

I want to initialize a class present in Typescript's namespace. This class has a parameterized constructor, but when I tried to use this class then compiler complains about it and I cannot use this class for instantiation.
**Inside file tv.dto.ts**
export namespace tv{
export class Trial{
private name:string;
Inside my other Jest class file.
import { tv } from "./tv.dto";
import {Graph} from 'graphlib';
it('TestCase1',() =>{
let k=new tv.Trial("WonderFulName");// It flags compiler error here.
Error message which I received was "TS2554: Expected 0 arguments, but got 1."
Screenshot for the same.
Please help me in resolving this issue.
I am able to resolve this issue by importing properly:
import {tv as tv} as './tv.dto'

Don't export the namespace, instead just keep the export of Trial. Then import that instead from the same file reference.
Edit: Alternatively, change the constructor to use the word "constructor" instead of the class name.


Typescript - Dynamic class Type

I'm trying to build a sort of model Factory in Typescript.
I'm receiving a string parameter from an API call and I would like to istantiate a new object depending on the received value.
Here you can find a simple example of what I would like to accomplish:
export class ClassA {
doSomething() {
export class ClassB {
doSomething() {
import { ClassA } from './ClassA';
import { ClassB } from './ClassB';
export { ClassA, ClassB }
Now, I would like to import all classes exported from index.ts (this file will be automatically updated when a new Class is being created) and run doSomething() on a class depending on a variable value:
import * as Classes from './classes';
const className: string = "ClassA";
new Classes[className]().doSomething()
In visualStudioCode I don't get any error, but at compile time I get:
error TS7053: Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expression of type 'any' can't be used to index type 'typeof import("/testApp/src/tmp/classes/index")'.
Even changing className to "any" gives the same result.
If I remove className type
const className = "ClassA";
it works without any issue but I cannot proceed in this direction because received value is "typed" as string.
I know that prepending istantiation code with
// #ts-ignore
It works but I would like to avoid this kind of "tricks"
So, what would it be the correct way to type className getting it's possible values from the imported ts?

Typescript class can only be found if there isn't a reference to its properties?

I am using TypeScript 2.0 in VSCode, however, the errors highlighted are all confirmed by the TypeScript compiler. So I am importing a module:
import * as els from 'elasticsearch';
where elasticsearch has definitions installed, e.g. npm i #types/elasticsearch -S
Now if in my class I have a property with an els type like this:
private _client: els.Client;
There isn't an issue, however, if I have a property with a type like this:
search(term: string): Promise<> {}
then I get the error:
Module 'Elasticsearch' has no exported member 'Client'
How can the class not be found if I'm looking for one of its properties, but not if I just look for it?
You are right, the error message is confusing. It originates from your attempt to use as a type. You get similar messages if you try this:
import * as els from 'elasticsearch';
class Foo {
private _client: els.Client;
bar() {}
error TS2305: Module 'Elasticsearch' has no exported member 'Client'.
error TS2503: Cannot find namespace 'Foo'.
Note how in the second message it complains that it can't find Foo right within the Foo class. You might consider posting an issue for typescript about this.
How can the class not be found if I'm looking for one of its
properties, but not if I just look for it?
The real problem is that you probably want the return type of your search to be the same as the return type of I don't think there is a better way to do that other than essentially copy declaration:
search<T>(term: string): Promise<els.SearchResponse<T>> {}

TypeScript Cannot find namespace despite Variable being in same Class

I'm trying to define Callbackdefinitions to make it easier to work with many callbacks in my Node.js project.
My database.ts file looks like that:
export default class Database {
//Export the enums
public static LoadObjectResponse = LoadObjectResponse;
//Export Callback definitions
public static loadObjectCallback: (resultCode: Database.LoadObjectResponse) => void;//ERROR
enum LoadObjectResponse {
ERROR_ON_LOADING, //"Error on Loading Object.",
OBJECT_NOT_FOUND //"Object not found."
So I want a loadObjectCallback defined, that says that the parameter has to be of the enum Type LoadObjectResponse. But when I try to do it like that, the compiler always gives the error
Cannot find namespace "Database"
I don't understand why it gives me the error, the variable itself is in the definition of Database, why doesn't it work?
It gives me the same error when I try to use it in Classfunction definitions:
public static loadObject(MongoModel, searchObject, callback: Database.LoadObjectResponse) {//ERROR namespace Database not found
Again Error:
Cannot find namespace "Database"
Inside of functions in the Database class calling
works flawlessly, why doesn't it work in variable definitions?
Cannot find namespace "Database"
This is a common learning curve issue. You need to understand and be comfortable with the intutive concept of declaration spaces :
Things are distinct in the type declaration space or in the variable declaration space.
In your case public static LoadObjectResponse is a variable hence cannot be used as a type (error on annotation usage : Database.LoadObjectResponse).
Please don't treat a class as a namespace. The file is a module.
export class Database {
//Export Callback definitions
public static loadObjectCallback: (resultCode: LoadObjectResponse) => void;//ERROR
export enum LoadObjectResponse {
ERROR_ON_LOADING, //"Error on Loading Object.",
OBJECT_NOT_FOUND //"Object not found."
Also beware of export default :
It's because Database.LoadObjectResponse is a property and not a type. You can't use properties as types.
To make this work, change it to use the type of the property:
static loadObjectCallback: (resultCode: typeof Database.LoadObjectResponse) => void;
Or refer directly to the enum type of LoadObjectResponse:
static loadObjectCallback: (resultCode: LoadObjectResponse) => void

Difference between `import from` and `import require` in TypeScript

I use node.js and I recently decided to give TypeScript a shot, But I'm kinda confused on how modules get imported. I see two different syntax that I couldn't find out what's their difference exactly:
import * as a from 'a'; // ES6 standard to import stuff
// OR ...
import a = require('a');
Are these the same thing? and if they're not, where should I use each one of them?
import * as a from 'a'; is the new "ES6 style" import syntax (available since Typescript 1.5).
Whenever possible, this syntax should now be used.
There is one caveat though. The ES6 import syntax can only import modules (as defined by ES6) or objects (classes, interfaces, vars,... ) exported as part of a module.
Some Javascript librairies will directly export a function or class, and the corresponding definition file will typically look like this:
declare module "my-class" {
class MyClass { ... }
export = MyClass
In this case, the "old" import syntax is the only one that can be used
import MyClass = require("my-class");
Failure to use this syntax will result in error TS2497
Check this issue for details and a possible workaround which would be, in the previous case, to add an empty module declaration to the definition file
declare module "my-class" {
class MyClass { ... }
module MyClass {} // <=
export = MyClass

Inheritance TypeScript with exported class and modules

I'm getting crazy with inheritance using typescript. I don't know why but it cannot resolve the class I want to inherit.
///<reference path='./def/lib.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='./def/node.d.ts'/>
export module SharedCommunication {
export class Message{
// Stuff
///<reference path='./def/lib.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='./def/node.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='Message.class.ts'/>
export module SharedCommunication {
export class ValidatorMessage extends Message{
private _errors;
Message cannot be resolved. I tried SharedCommunication.Message too but it's the same. I reference the class so I don't understand at all what's going on. Do you have any idea?
I tried without the module (two class without be in any module) but it's the same. I need to export the class (and the module if I use it) to get them from another node_module: typescript.api, which I use to load the class and use it in node.
var Message = require('./classes/Message.class.ts');
module.exports = Message.SharedCommunication.Message;
What's the trick here? Because I have source code on the same project in a different folder working with inheritance, without module or export. Thanks.
ValidatorMessage.class.ts should look like this:
///<reference path='./def/lib.d.ts'/>
///<reference path='./def/node.d.ts'/>
import message = require('./Message.class');
export module SharedCommunication {
export class ValidatorMessage extends message.SharedCommunication.Message {
private _errors;
It's usually redundant to have a single export module at the top level of a file since the file itself constitutes a namespace anyway.
Bill mentioned this in your other question, but I'd again caution on using RequireTS if you're just starting out with TypeScript - it sounds pretty unmature and is likely to introduce a lot of confusion.
Take out the export from the mododule declaration:
module SharedCommunication
export class ValidatorMessage extends message.SharedCommunication.Message
private _errors;
