what caused different pattern in hive table partition? - apache-spark

We have spark job but also randomly run hive query in current hadoop cluster
I have seen the same hive table has different partition pattern like below:
i.e. if the table is partition by date, so
hdfs dfs -ls /data/hive/warehouse/db_name/table_name/part_date=2019-12-01/
gave result
however if find data from different partition date
hdfs dfs -ls /data/hive/warehouse/db_name/table_name/part_date=2020-01-01/
list files with different name patter
What I can tell the difference not only in one partition the data files come with part- prefix and the other is like 00000n_0, also there are a lot more amount of files for part- file but each file is quite small.
I also found aggregation on part- files are a lot slower than 00000n_0 files
what could be the possible cause of the file pattern difference and what could be the configuration to change from one to another?

When spark streaming writes data in Hive it creates lots of small files named as part- in Hive and which keep on the increase. This will give performance issue while querying on Hive table. Hive takes too much time to give result due to large no of small files in the partition.
When spark job write data in Hive it looks like -
But here different file pattern is due to compaction logic on the partition's file to compact the small file into a large. Here n in 00000n_0 is the no of reducer.
Sample compaction script, which compacts the small file into a big file within partition for example table under-sample database -
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition=true;
set hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
set hive.exec.reducers.bytes.per.reducer=268435456; --256MB reducer size.
CREATE TABLE example_tmp
STORED AS parquet
LOCATION '/user/hive/warehouse/sample.db/example_tmp'
SELECT * FROM example
INSERT OVERWRITE table sample.example PARTITION (part_date) select * from sample.example_tmp;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sample.example_tmp PURGE;
The above script will compact the small files into some big file within the partition. And filename will be 00000n_0
what could be the possible cause of the file pattern difference and what could be the configuration to change from one to another?
There might be someone run compaction logic on the partition using Hive. Or might be reload the partition data using Hive. This is not an issue, data remains the same.


Spark Streaming to Hive, too many small files per partition

I have a spark streaming job with a batch interval of 2 mins(configurable).
This job reads from a Kafka topic and creates a Dataset and applies a schema on top of it and inserts these records into the Hive table.
The Spark Job creates one file per batch interval in the Hive partition like below:
Now the data that comes in is not that big, and if I increase the batch duration to maybe 10mins or so, then even I might end up getting only 2-3mb of data, which is way less than the block size.
This is the expected behaviour in Spark Streaming.
I am looking for efficient ways to do a post processing to merge all these small files and create one big file.
If anyone's done it before, please share your ideas.
I would encourage you to not use Spark to stream data from Kafka to HDFS.
Kafka Connect HDFS Plugin by Confluent (or Apache Gobblin by LinkedIn) exist for this very purpose. Both offer Hive integration.
Find my comments about compaction of small files in this Github issue
If you need to write Spark code to process Kafka data into a schema, then you can still do that, and write into another topic in (preferably) Avro format, which Hive can easily read without a predefined table schema
I personally have written a "compaction" process that actually grabs a bunch of hourly Avro data partitions from a Hive table, then converts into daily Parquet partitioned table for analytics. It's been working great so far.
If you want to batch the records before they land on HDFS, that's where Kafka Connect or Apache Nifi (mentioned in the link) can help, given that you have enough memory to store records before they are flushed to HDFS
I have exactly the same situation as you. I solved it by:
Lets assume that your new coming data are stored in a dataset: dataset1
1- Partition the table with a good partition key, in my case I have found that I can partition using a combination of keys to have around 100MB per partition.
2- Save using spark core not using spark sql:
a- load the whole partition in you memory (inside a dataset: dataset2) when you want to save
b- Then apply dataset union function: dataset3 = dataset1.union(dataset2)
c- make sure that the resulted dataset is partitioned as you wish e.g: dataset3.repartition(1)
d - save the resulting dataset in "OverWrite" mode to replace the existing file
If you need more details about any step please reach out.

Creating hive table on spark output on HDFS

I have my Spark job which is running every 30 minutes and writing output to hdfs-(/tmp/data/1497567600000). I have this job continuously running in the cluster.
How can I create a Hive table on top of this data? I have seen one solution in StackOverFlow which creates a hive table on top of data partitioned by date field. which is like,
(`col1` string,
`col2` decimal(38,0),
`create_date` timestamp,
`update_date` timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (`my_date` string)
LOCATION '/tmp/out/'
and the solution suggests to Alter the table as,
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD PARTITION (my_date=20160101) LOCATION '/tmp/out/20160101'
But, in my case, I have no idea on how the output directories are being written, and so I clearly can't create the partitions as suggested above.
How can I handle this case, where the output directories are being randomly written in timestamp basis and is not in format (/tmp/data/timestamp= 1497567600000)?
How can I make Hive pick the data under the directory /tmp/data?
I can suggest two solutions:
If you can change your Spark job, then you can partition your data by hour (e.g. /tmp/data/1, /tmp/data/2), add Hive partitions for each hour and just write to relevant partition
you can write bash script responsible for adding Hive partitions which can be achieved by:
listing HDFS subdirectories using command hadoop fs -ls /tmp/data
listing hive partitions for table using command: hive -e 'show partitions table;'
comparing above lists to find missing partitions
adding new Hive partitions with command provided above: ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD PARTITION (my_date=20160101) LOCATION '/tmp/out/20160101'

Spark parquet reading

Our spark program is reading in parquet files. These files are partitioned by date in a directory like structure (e.g month=201703/day=20170313/). The filenames themselves contain a number which reflects the kafka partition they were from originally (e.g. data.232.parquet). The data of a specific user always ends up in the same partition, so it would make sense if one spark executor would read in all the parquet files of the same partition (to avoid shuffling down the road) across all the dates.
How can we accomplish this ? Maybe we also have to put the partition number in the directory hierarchy ? But even then it's not clear to me how we can tell Spark to use this information.

Control number of files written to external Hive table in Spark SQL 1.6

I'm writing to a partitioned, external hive table (format parquet) in Apache Spark 1.6.3. I want to write 1 file per partition (data is small, and I want to avoid the overhead of many small files). Let say the partition column is date. I can achieve this like that:
But this makes me only 1 task for the insertInto stage, although many different file are created. So why isn't spark using multiple tasks to write the files instead of using 1 task to write all files.
On the other hand, If I omit the coalesce(1), I get a huge amount of tiny files per hive partition.
So how can I speed-up the above code? Or more generally speaking, how can I control the number of files created when inserting into an Hive table (without using coalesce(1))?

Need less parquet files

I am doing the following process
rdd.toDF.write.mode(SaveMode.Append).partitionBy("Some Column").parquet(output_path)
However, under each partition, there are too many parquet files and each of them, the size is very small, that will makes my following steps become very slow to load all the parquet files. Is there a better way that under each partition, make less parquet files and increase the single parquet file size?
You can repartition before save:
rdd.toDF.repartition("Some Column").write.mode(SaveMode.Append).partitionBy("Some Column")
I used to have this problem.
Actually you can't control the partition of files because it depends on the executor doing.
The way to work around it is using method coalesce to make a shuffle and you can make how many partition you want but it's not efficient way you also need to set driver memory enough to handle this operation.
df = df.coalesce(numPartitions).write.partitionBy(""yyyyy").parquet("xxxx")
I also faced this issue. The problem is if you use coalesce each partition gets same number of parquet files. Now different partitions have different size so ideally I need different coalesce for each partition.
It's going to be really quite expensive if you open a lot of small files. Let's say you open 1k files and each filesize are far from the value of your parquet.block.size.
Here are my suggestions:
Create a job that will first merge your input parquet files to have smaller number of files where their sizes are near or equal to parquet.block.size. The default block size for 128Mb, though it's configurable by updating parquet.block.size. Spark would love if your parquet file is near before or equal the value of your parquet.block.size. The block size is the size of a row group being buffered in memory.
Or update your spark job to just read limited number of files
Or if you have a big machine and/or resources, just do the right tuning.
Hive query has a way to merge small files into larger one. This is not available in spark sql. Also, reducing spark.sql.shuffle.partitions wont help with Dataframe API.
I tried below solution and it generated lesser number of parquet files(from 800 parquet files to 29).
Suppose the data is loaded to a dataframe df
Create a temporary table in hive.
spark.sql("CREATE TABLE test_temp LIKE test")
spark.sql("INSERT INTO TABLE test_temp SELECT * FROM tempTable")
The test_temp will contain small parquet files.
Populate final hive table from temporary table
spark.sql("INSERT INTO test SELECT * FROM test_temp")
The final table will contain lesser files. Drop temporary table after populating final table.
