Getting the run_id programmatically from an AzureML run - azure-machine-learning-service

run = Run.get_context()
run_id = run.run_id
pruduces the error
AttributeError: '_SubmittedRun' object has no attribute 'run_id'
But the documentation seems to suggest that as the correct way to glean the run_id from experiment code.
How should I glean the run_id from AzureML SDK code? (N.B. I am using a library that hides the call to submit from me.)

From github here it is a documentation bug, the correct code is
run = Run.get_context()
run_id =


Azure ML Pipeline - Error: Message: "Missing data for required field". Path: "environment". value: "null"

I am trying to create a pipeline with Python SDK v2 in Azure Machine Learning Studio. Been stuck on this error for many.. MANY.. hours now, so now I am reaching out.
I have been following this guide:
My setup is very similar, but I split "data_prep" into two separate steps, and I am using a custom ml model.
How the pipeline is defined:
# the dsl decorator tells the sdk that we are defining an Azure ML pipeline
from import dsl, Input, Output
import pathlib
import os
description="Car predict pipeline",
def car_predict_pipeline(
# using data_prep_function like a python call with its own inputs
data_prep_job = data_prep_component(
train_test_split_job = traintestsplit_component(
# using train_func like a python call with its own inputs
train_job = train_component(
train_data=train_test_split_job.outputs.train_data, # note: using outputs from previous step
test_data=train_test_split_job.outputs.test_data, # note: using outputs from previous step
# a pipeline returns a dictionary of outputs
# keys will code for the pipeline output identifier
return {
# "pipeline_job_train_data": train_job.outputs.train_data,
# "pipeline_job_test_data": train_job.outputs.test_data,
"pipeline_job_model": train_job.outputs.model
I managed to run every single component successfully, in order, via the command line and produced a trained model. Ergo the components and data works fine, but the pipeline won't run.
I can provide additional info, but I am not sure what is needed and I do not want to clutter the post.
I have tried googling. I have tried comparing the tutorial pipeline with my own. I have tried using print statements to isolate the issue. Nothing has worked so far. Nothing that I have done has changed the error either, it's the same error no matter what.
Some additional info about my environment:
from import Environment
custom_env_name = "pipeline_test_environment_pricepredict_model"
pipeline_job_env = Environment(
description="Environment for testing out Jeppes model in pipeline building",
conda_file=os.path.join(dependencies_dir, "conda.yml"),
pipeline_job_env = ml_client.environments.create_or_update(pipeline_job_env)
f"Environment with name {} is registered to workspace, the environment version is {pipeline_job_env.version}"
Build status of environment. It had already run successfully.
In azure machine learning studio, when the application was running and model was deployed we have the default options to get the curated environments or custom environments. If the environment was created based on the existing deployment, we need to check with the build was successful or not.
Until we get the success in the deployment, we cannot get the environment variables noted into the program and we cannot retrieve the variables through the code block.
Select the environment need to be used.
Choose the existing version created.
We will get the mount location details and the docker file if creating using the docker and conda environment.
The environment and up and running successfully. If the case is running, then using the asset ID or the mount details we can retrieve the environment variables information.

Issue with 'HoltWintersResultsWrapper' while loading Azure AutoMl model in AzureML

I am sure this is something basic but I have been banging my head against the wall for a while now and I can't figure it out.
I have trained and registered a model using automl in AzureML. The model is visible in the registry.
When I try to load it in order to do something with it, I use this basic/standard code:
from azureml.core.model import Model
import joblib
from azureml.core import Workspace
from azureml.core.environment import Environment
ws = Workspace.from_config()
model_obj = Model(ws, "ModelName")
model_path = = True)
model = joblib.load(model_path)
And I get this lovely error
ImportError: cannot import name 'HoltWintersResultsWrapper' from 'statsmodels.tsa.holtwinters' (/anaconda/envs/azureml_py38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/statsmodels/tsa/holtwinters/
My statsmodels and automl packages are updated.
I have even tried removing exponential models from the automl configuration to see if it was a specific issue with these models.
I have also tried changing the environment to a curated one but nothing seems to work.
I didn't get anywhere online as well so here I am.
Does anyone know what the heck is going on here?
The issue is with the way we are calling the module. Some of the modules are dependent ion calling, they must be called with their parent package name. In the function calling the HoltWintersResultsWrapper, replace the existing calling method with the function.
Check with the document procedure designed by programtalk
assert isinstance(

Issues Triggering Dataflow Job from Cloud Function: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'functions_framework'

I am doing a simple Cloud Function based on a file upload into GCS, this would trigger a Dataflow job. For the sake of simplicity, my current pipeline simply reads the file from GCS and then writes it to another bucket. While this Dataflow job works well without Cloud Function, Cloud Function does something else. It logs the file details correctly, it triggers a Dataflow job, but then Dataflow fails with a "module not found" error. Hence, while the function executes and triggers the job properly, the Dataflow job does not come through. Here is the code that I have:
def hello_gcs(event, context):
import apache_beam as beam
from apache_beam.options.pipeline_options import PipelineOptions
input_file = f"gs://{event['bucket']}/{event['name']}"
output_path = 'gs://<gcs_output_path>'
dataflow_options = ['--project=<project_name>', '--runner=DataflowRunner','--region=<region>','--temp_location=gs://<temp_location>']
options = PipelineOptions(dataflow_options, save_main_session = True)
print('Event ID: {}'.format(context.event_id))
print('Event type: {}'.format(context.event_type))
print('Bucket: {}'.format(event['bucket']))
print('File: {}'.format(event['name']))
print('Metageneration: {}'.format(event['metageneration']))
print('Created: {}'.format(event['timeCreated']))
print('Updated: {}'.format(event['updated']))
p = beam.Pipeline(options=options)
print_files = (p | |, file_name_suffix='.txt'))
result =
I also have a "requirements.txt" file added in the same directory as my function for the following two dependencies:
I have seen in multiple comments that making a Dataflow template bypasses this issue, but I am wondering if anyone may have an idea why this error is being thrown, if it can be circumvented through modification of the current setup, and if not, how to alternately create a template such that this input file can be fed as a parameter?
Thank you!
This is probably a limitation of the save_main_session approach to staging dependencies. The functions-framework is not needed for Beam or Dataflow, but is just something that is loaded into the interpreter during the execution of your Cloud Function.
I suggest disabling the save_main_session option and/or using the --requirements_file or --setup_file options to provide a specification of the dependencies your pipeline will need at runtime.
Detailed documentation for dependency management is at

Changing subdirectory of MLflow artifact store

Is there anything in the Python API that lets you alter the artifact subdirectories? For example, I have a .json file stored here:
MlFlow creates a 3/ key in s3. Is there a way to change to modify this key to something else (a date or the name of the experiment)?
As I commented above, yes, mlflow.create_experiment() does allow you set the artifact location using the artifact_location parameter.
However, sort of related, the problem with setting the artifact_location using the create_experiment() function is that once you create a experiment, MLflow will throw an error if you run the create_experiment() function again.
I didn't see this in the docs but it's confirmed that if an experiment already exists in the backend-store, MlFlow will not allow you to run the same create_experiment() function again. And as of this post, MLfLow does not have check_if_exists flag or a create_experiments_if_not_exists() function.
To make things more frustrating, you cannot set the artifcact_location in the set_experiment() function either.
So here is a pretty easy work around, it also avoids the "ERROR mlflow.utils.rest_utils..." stdout logging as well.
import os
from random import random, randint
from mlflow import mlflow,log_metric, log_param, log_artifacts
from mlflow.exceptions import MlflowException
experiment = mlflow.get_experiment_by_name('oof')
experiment_id = experiment.experiment_id
except AttributeError:
experiment_id = mlflow.create_experiment('oof', artifact_location='s3://mlflow-minio/sample/')
with mlflow.start_run(experiment_id=experiment_id) as run:
log_param("param1", randint(0, 100))
log_metric("foo", random())
log_metric("foo", random() + 1)
log_metric("foo", random() + 2)
if not os.path.exists("outputs"):
with open("outputs/test.txt", "w") as f:
f.write("hello world!")
If it is the user's first time creating the experiment, the code will run into an AttributeError since experiment_id does not exist and the except code block gets executed creating the experiment.
If it is the second, third, etc the code is run, it will only execute the code under the try statement since the experiment now exists. Mlflow will now create a 'sample' key in your s3 bucket. Not fully tested but it works for me at least.

Keras with Theano on GPU

While trying to run my Keras code on GPU (CUDA installed), I am not able to execute the following statement, as has been suggested on many online references.
set THEANO_FLAGS="mode=FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32" & python
I am getting the following error.
ValueError: Invalid value ("FAST_RUN,device=gpu,floatX=float32") for configurati
on variable "mode". Valid options are ('Mode', 'DebugMode', 'FAST_RUN', 'NanGuar
I have tried the other mode suggested as well from inside the code.
import theano
theano.config.device = 'gpu'
theano.config.floatX = 'float32'
I get the following error.
Exception: Can't change the value of this config parameter after initialization!
Apart from knowing how to make it run, I would also take this opportunity to ask a simpler question. How to know in Windows what is my device i.e. whether 'gpu' or 'gpu1' or 'gpu0'? I have tried all 3 for my case but it hasn't yielded result.
Any suggestions will be appreciated.
The best way is using THEANO_FLAGS before run code, because the config variables cannot be changed after importing Theano, try this:
import os
os.environ['THEANO_FLAGS'] = "device=cuda,force_device=True,floatX=float32"
import theano
