See the below screenshot, from the article it seems it's ubuntu but I wonder which theme or settings or desktop environment it is.
Here is the article link.
That looks like Deepin Desktop Environment in one of the Arch variety. If you are the eye satisfy-er try that one too.
All apps like "Steam", "Slack", "Anydesk" and etc. They were all displaying in black/white in a tray at my panel.
The update for POP!_OS was pending for a few weeks, so "what the heck, let's do this!"...
It was an instant regret when the PC rebooted... all GNOME extensions were GONE! I was not expecting this to happen... =/
I managed to remember most of the extensions I had running before, so I installed them all.
Didn't take me too much time to realize that the background apps are not showing anymore. They don't show in the dash, nor the panel or anywhere else besides the System Monitor.
The gnome extension Dash to Panel is active, as it may be related I'm posting this screen shot showing that all possible areas are "Visible".
How can I display the background apps again?
Well, silly me...
I really don't know the reason for it, but seems like the package was uninstalled during the update.
So the solution for the issue was:
Installing this extension: $sudo apt install gnome-shell-extension-appindicator
Enabling it in the gnome extensions manager: Ubuntu Appindicators
I hope it helps someone! =)
the problem I'll be describing might be caused by different reasons:
on linux opensuse leap 15.1 gnome (wayland) I can share e.g. mupdf but not evince or libreoffice in chromium jitsi session with screen share application window
another participant on windows tried to share a pdf document using microsoft office 365 and it seemed to show on his browser, but not on the other conference participants' browsers (one chromium on linux as in 1., the other firefox on windows), so he could not share his screen
I could not find any information on this topic using search machines. So I would appreciate if there is any answer on this out there in the community.
Looking forward to solving this ...
PS: on the setup described in 1. also obs studio fails to screencast, maybe there is something related to this system setup causing this problem, some video driver setting e.g.?
This is probably related to Wayland, which has more restrictions than classic Gnome. Since you are having the same issue with OBS this sounds like this a classic Wayland permission issue.
I know they are working on implementing screen sharing support via pipewire but no idea how far this is.
You might try to switch back to Gnome on the X-Server until this is properly implemented.
I installed the DevStyle for Eclipse and menus are bugged. Anybody has an idea of what is going on?
Workspace Screenshot
This has been seen with KDE. Another user posted a workaround on our forums. The workaround that worked for the developer is:
Changing GTK style options in KDE:
System Settings -> Application Style -> GNOME Application Style
I changed GTK2 and GTK3 theme to Breeze-Dark
I then applied the changes and restarted eclipse.
This was successfully applied on two machines.
Could anyone help me with opening web pages from within Eclipse's internal (embedded) browser? I'm running Linux (tiling window manager) and Eclipse-3.7.2 side-by-side with browser and it's a pain.
I want this to be able to comfortably read requirements from my code and at the same time code. This could be a question for superuser but it's Eclipse related so I guess I have better shot for an answer here.
Thanks in advance.
edit: I'm running gentoo linux and swt-3.7.1 with compiled in xulrunner support.
edit2: adding picture of gui menu in response to answer bellow.
Open Window / Customize Perspective... menu then on "Command Group Availability" tab find "Web Browser" entry and make sure it is checked. Then confirm that "Web Browser" is also checked on "Tool Bar Visibility" tab. Then you should see a web browser globe icon on toolbar that would open a web browser editor in the IDE.
Though you'll have to change settings on your picture to use "Internal Web Browser" then it will be opened as an Eclipse editor.
I know the question is old but I just had the same problem and was able to find the soloution.
The internal browser of SWT is using the webkitgtk browser engine. Because you're running gentoo I suppose you currently have net-libs/webkit-gtk:3 installed which is incompatible with SWT. But this is no problem because you can install the compatible net-libs/webkit-gtk:2 in a new slot.
Just install it like this:
emerge net-libs/webkit-gtk:2
After the package is installed the internal webbrowser is working again (for me)
On Ubuntu 13.04 using Eclipse it automagically worked, I was not sure which webkit I was missing, so I installed all that seemed relevant, if someone has pinpointed which it is, please comment,
Gabriel Medina
aptitude install libqt4-webkit libqt5webkit5 libqtscript4-webkit libqtwebkit4 libswt-webkit-gtk-3-jni libwebkitgtk-1.0-0 libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
Enlightenment DR16 is packaged with openSUSE 11.1 but it's a bit painful to use with KDE apps as there's no obvious (on the Enlightenment site, google etc.) way to provide a systray for KDE apps that require one (e.g., ktorrent).
Anyone know of a way around this?
I'm not using e for the eye-candy - I'm running on a 2.6GHz Celeron and KDE (4.1) performance isn't exactly stellar so I'm trying out a few alternatives.
trayer is a standalone system tray. It should work regardless of what environment you're in, including e16.
Use Docker
I don't know if it works with e16 but it works with Openbox which
is a good window manager for low end machines
Have you tried openbox in your "few alternatives"?