How to build openssl for arm linux - linux

I working with Ubuntu x86 and have gcc cross compiler for Arm linux.
I want to build open ssl github project for arm linux.
I read the documents but couldn't understand how to build that.

Assuming here you are building for 64 bit arm Linux system, The self-contained procedure hereafter should work - working for me on Ubuntu 19.10 x86_64:
# openssl
tar zxf openssl-1.1.1e.tar.gz
# a toolchain I know is working
wget "" -O gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz
mkdir -p /opt/arm/9
tar Jxf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu.tar.xz -C /opt/arm/9
# building
cd openssl-1.1.1e
./Configure linux-aarch64 --cross-compile-prefix=/opt/arm/9/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-aarch64-none-linux-gnu/bin/aarch64-none-linux-gnu- --prefix=/opt/openssl-1.1.1e --openssldir=/opt/openssl-1.1.1e -static
make install
ls -gG /opt/openssl-1.1.1e/bin/
total 10828
-rwxr-xr-x 1 6214 Mar 23 23:27 c_rehash
-rwxr-xr-x 1 11077448 Mar 23 23:27 openssl
file /opt/openssl-1.1.1e/bin/openssl
/opt/openssl-1.1.1e/bin/openssl: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (GNU/Linux), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 3.7.0, with debug_info, not stripped
In the case you would want to build for a 32 bits arm system with hardware floating point support, we just need to slightly modify adapt the procedure for three commands:
wget "" -O gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
tar Jxf gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz -C /opt/arm/9
./Configure linux-generic32 --cross-compile-prefix=/opt/arm/9/gcc-arm-9.2-2019.12-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- --prefix=/opt/openssl-1.1.1e --openssldir=/opt/openssl-1.1.1e -static
Update: providing more information upon reading comment.
1) linux-generic32 is, as implied by its name, a generic 32 bit linux target that should work on any 32 bit system. You can find this information at a lot of places on the Internet, like here. The drawback is that the executable may not be optimized for your target. If you read the Configure script, you will see a list of environment variable you can specify for directing the compilation. For example, if your SoC is a cortex-a9, you may pass the option -mtune=cortex-a9 by setting CFLAGS - you will find a lot of information on the Internet, but I would suggest to look at Configure, it does contain a lot of useful comments.
By the way, if you execute Configure with a non-existing target, you get the list of all possible one:
./Configure does-not-exist
2) hf stands for Hardware floating point. Some 32 bit arm SoC do have hardware support for floating-point operations, some do not. Since you did not specify the exact brand/model of SoC you were targeting, I took a guess, and used a toolchain capable of generating code for the arm floating-point hardware, when present.


I'm curious about the directory layout in LFS. Why can't we use lib64 as the default directory in LFS if LFS is a pure 64 bit system?

In Linux From Scratch during the 1st pass of GCC we have a case command that changes -m64 to ../lib instead of lib64. I am aware that this patch is to eliminate a compile time error but why can't we set the -m64 variable to ../lib64? I am also wondering about the LSB compatibility symlink on glibc in chapter 5. There is also a hardcoded path in ldd that we fix after the install of glibc. the path points to /usr/lib. We patch the ldd to point to /lib but we set the default directory path for our libraries to /usr/lib during configure. I am aware of fedoraprojects usr/move and how the developers have been working on the start up of the boot loader. So we put everything in /usr/lib /usr/bin and /usr/sbin. I guess my confusion is why we can't put libraries in lib64 on LFS if LFS is a pure 64 bit system. I am wondering if they're any 32 bit libraries that still come with glibc or 32 bit legacy programs that we build in blfs even though lfs is a pure 64 bit system and that is why we cannot use lib64? Any help appreciated. GLAWMAN

Linux kernel on ARM Cortex-M: how to build proper executables

I need to build a complete linux development framework for a Cortex-M MCU, specifically a STM32F7 Cortex-M7. First I've to explain some background info so please bear with me.
I've downloaded and built a gcc toolchain with croostool-ng 1.24 specifying an armv7e-m architecture with thumb-only instructions and linux 4.20 as the OS and that I want the output to be FLAT executables (I assumed it will mean bFLT).
Then I proceeded to compile the linux kernel (version 4.20) using configs/stm32_defconf, and then a statically compiled busybox rootfs, all using my new toolchain.
Kernel booted just fine but throw me an error and kernel painc with the following message:
Starting init: /sbin/init exists but couldn't execute it (error -8)
request_module: modprobe binfmt-464c cannot be processed, kmod busy with 50 threads
The interesting part is the last message. My busybox excutable turned out to be an .ELF! Cortex-M has no MMU, so it's imposible to build a linux kernel on a MMU-less architecture with .ELF support, that's why an (464c)"LF" binary loader can't be found, there is none.
So at last, my question is:
how could I build bFLT executables to run on MMU-less Linux architectures? My toolchain has elf2flt, but in crosstool-ng I've already specified a MMU-less architecture and FLAT binary and I was expecting direct bFLT output, not a "useless" executable. Is that even possible?
Or better: is there anywhere a documented standard procedure to build a complete, working Linux system based on Cortex-M?
I gave up on building FLAT binaries and tried FDPIC executables. Another dead end. AFAIK:
Linux has long been supporting ELF FDPIC, but the ABI for ARM is pretty new.
It seems that still at this day and age, GCC has not a standard way to enable FDPIC. On some architectures you can use -mfdpic. Not on arm, don't know why. I even don't know if ARM FDPIC is supported at all by mainline GCC. Info is extremely scarce if inexistent.
It seems crosstool-ng 1.24 is BROKEN at building ARM ELF FDPIC support. Resulting gcc has not -mfdpic, and -fPIC generates ARM executables, not ARM FDPIC.
Any insight will be very appreciated.
you can generate FDPIC ELF files just with a prebuilt arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc compiler.
Specifications of an FDPIC ELF file:
Position independent executable/code (i.e. -fPIE and fPIC)
Should be compiled as a shared executable (ET_DYN ELF) to be position independent
use these flags to compile your programs:
arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc -shared -fPIE -fPIC <YOUR PROGRAM.C> -o <OUTPUT FILE>
I've compiled busybox successfully for STM32H7 with this method.
As I know, unfortunately FDPIC ELFs should be compiled with - shared flag so, they use shared libraries and cannot be compiled as -static ELF.
For more information take a look at this file:
Track the crosstool-ng BFLAT issue from here:

How to cross compile a C++ file with LTIB

I have installed LTIB from freescale (by way of Congatec) and would like to compile a "hello, world" program. gcc gives me the native executable. How do I compile for my ARM processor?
You need to install a cross compiler for ARM. gcc on your machine is the native compiler, a cross compiler has a different prefix that determines the target architecture, operating system and libc. In your case, the target system has probably an ARM architecture, is running a Linux kernel with the GNU libc.
arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o hello hello.cpp
Run ./ltib -m shell. In this mode all of the standard tools are setup to allow ./configure and other setups to build for an ARM by default. From this shell gcc -o hello hello.cpp will create an executable for you. It will be setup for your rootfs, be it uCLibc or glibc. You can also take external open-source packages and run the ./configure - make cycle.
The documentation in the LTIB FAQ has much more information on using LTIB. LTIB typically installs tools in the /opt/freescale directory. If you are not using a custom compiler you will find the compiler under /opt/freescale and can use it directly. In this directory, the compiler will be named something like arm-none-linux-gnuabi-gcc. With the ./ltib -m shell, it is aliased to gcc as are many other standard commands for cross-building.
Look at the -march=name option in the gcc man page. The exact architecture you will specify depends on the version of ARM you need to compile for. v5 ARM example:
gcc -o ARM.exe -march=armv5 source.c
First move to the LTIB folder.
cd "ltib folder"
Then enter the ltib shell
./ltib -m shell
then compile using
gcc -static "program name" .c -o "program name".sabre
Then run the command
file "program name".sabre

chroot into other arch's environment

Following the Linux from Scratch book I have managed to build a toolchain for an ARM on
an ARM. This is till chapter 6 of the book, and on the ARM board itself I could go on further with no problems.
My question is if I can use the prepared environment to continue building the soft from chapter 6 on my x86_64 Fedora 16 laptop?
I thought that while I have all the binaries set up I could just copy them to laptop, chroot inside and feel myself as on the ARM board, but using the command from the book gives no result:
`# chroot "$LFS" /tools/bin/env -i HOME=/root TERM="$TERM" PS1='\u:\w\$
PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/tools/bin /tools/bin/bash --login +h
chroot: failed to run command `/tools/bin/env': No such file or directory`
The binary is there, but it doesn't belong to this system:
`# ldd /tools/bin/env
not a dynamic executable`
The binary is compiled as per the book:
# readelf -l /tools/bin/env | grep interpreter
[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib/]
So I wonder if there is a way, like using proper environment variables for CC LD READELF, to continue building for ARM using these tools on x86_64 host.
Thank you.
Yes, you certainly can chroot into an ARM rootfs on an x86 box.
Basically, like this:
$ sudo chroot /path/to/arm/rootfs /bin/sh
sh-4.3# ls --version 2>&1 | head
/bin/ls: unrecognized option '--version'
BusyBox v1.22.1 (2017-03-02 15:41:43 CST) multi-call binary.
Usage: ls [-1AaCxdLHRFplinsehrSXvctu] [-w WIDTH] [FILE]...
List directory contents
-1 One column output
-a Include entries which start with .
-A Like -a, but exclude . and ..
sh-4.3# ls
bin css dev home media proc sbin usr wav
boot data etc lib mnt qemu-arm sys var
My rootfs is for a small embedded device, so everything is BusyBox-based.
How is this working? Firstly, I have the binfmt-misc support running in the kernel. I didn't have to do anything; it came with Ubuntu 18. When the kernel sees an ARM binary, it hands it off to the registered interpreter /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static.
A static executable by that name is found inside my rootfs:
sh-4.3# ls /usr/bin/q*
I got it from a Ubuntu package. I installed:
$ apt-get install qemu-user-static
and then copied /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static into the usr/bin subdirectory of the rootfs tree.
That's it; now I can chroot into that rootfs without even mentioning QEMU on the chroot command line.
Nope. You can't run ARM binaries on x86, so you can't enter its chroot. No amount of environment variables will change that.
You might be able to continue the process by creating a filesystem image for the target and running it under an emulator (e.g, qemu-system-arm), but that's quite a different thing.
No you cannot, at least not using chroot. What you have in your hands is a toolchain with an ARM target for an ARM host. Binaries are directly executable only on architectures compatible with their host architecture - and x86_64 is not ARM-compatible.
That said, you might be able to use an emulated environment. qemu, for example, offers two emulation modes for ARM: qemu-system-arm that emulates a whole ARM-based system and qemu-arm that uses ARM-native libraries to provide a thinner emulation layer for running ARM Linux executables on non-ARM hosts.

How to debug my Cross compiled Linux Kernel?

I 've cross compiled a Linux Kernel (for ARM on i686 - using Cross-LFS).
Now I'm trying to boot this Kernel using QEMU.
$ qemu-system-arm -m 128 -kernel /mnt/clfs-dec4/boot/clfskernel- --nographic -M versatilepb
Then, it shows this line and waits for infinite time !!
Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel.
So, I want to debug the kernel, so that I can study what exactly is happening.
I'm new to these kernel builds, Can someone please help me to debug my custom built kernel as it is not even showing anything after that statement. Is there any possibility of the kernel being broken? ( I dont think so, b'se it didnot give any error while compiling )
And my aim is to generate a custom build very minimal Linux OS. Any suggestions regarding any tool-chains etc which would be easy & flexible depending on my requirements like drivers etc.,
You can use GDB to debug your kernel with QEMU you can use -s -S options. If you want a simple and reliable toolchain, you can use ELDK from DENX (
You can install it like this (It's not the last version, but you got the idea):
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom (if necessary)
sudo mount -o loop arm-2008-11-24.iso /mnt/cdrom
/mnt/cdrom/install -d $HOME/EMBEDDED_TOOLS/ELDK/
The command above should install the toolchain under $HOLE/EMBEDDED_TOOLS/ELDK (modify it if you need)
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/EMBEDDED_TOOLS/ELDK/ELDK42/usr/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
You can then see the version of your ARM toolchain like this:
arm-linux-gcc -v
You can test a hello_world.c program like this:
arm-linux-gcc hello_world.c -o hello_world
And you type: file hello_wrold to see the target architecture of the binary, it should be something like this:
hello_wrold: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, ARM, version 1 (SYSV)
Now if you want to compile a production kernel, you need to optimize it (i suggest using busybox) and if you want just one for testing now, try this steps:
Create a script to set your chain tool
#! /usr/bin/sh
And run your script (source ./
Download a linux kernel and unzip it (Let's assume 2.6.x, it's an old kernel, but there are a lot of chances that it work without compilation errors).
Inside your unzipped kernel:
cd ~/linux-2.6.29/arch/arm/configs
make versatile_defconfig
Here we use versatile chip, you may need to use make menuconfig to modify the option OABI and set it to ARM EABI, this option is under Kernel features menu
After all this steps, you can compile you kernel:
if you want verbose compilation make v=1
After this you got your kernel under arch/arm/boot/zImage.
Hope this help.
I would suggest to build your kernel by activating the option in the section Kernel hacking of your configuration file.
Then you may use kdb or kgdb which is easier to use but requires another machine running gdb.
You can also connect Qemu and GDB. Qemu has the -s and -S options that run a GDB server and allow you to connect to it via TCP to localhost:1234. Then you can load your kernel image (the unzipped one) in GDB and see how far your kernel boots.
