Azure Analysis Services versus Synapse Analytics - azure

Can someone explain what is the difference between Azure Analysis Services and Azure Synapse Analytics? Why would one use Analysis Services over Synapse Analytics?

Azure Synapse Analytics is a rebrand of Azure SQL Data Warehouse (GA) with additional Analytics/Streaming/ML enhancements (currently at Public Preview).
Azure Analysis Services (AAS) is the Azure PaaS version for SQL Server Analysis Services.
Please note -
"Power BI Premium is the focus for enterprise BI and the primary
target for future investments. In time, Power BI Premium will provide
a superset of the capabilities when compared to Azure Analysis

Azure Analysis Services - can be used
when small volume of data is to be analyzed,
for detailed analysis,
to form dashboard development,
when concurrency required is high (thousands of users)
Azure Synapse Analytics - can be used
when very high volumes of data is to be analyzed,
when analysis involves complex queries,
when concurrency required is low (128 users or few)
for data mining.


Can we use Microsoft Purview and Unity Catalog together

Unity Catalog is the Azure Databricks data governance solution for the Lakehouse. Whereas, Microsoft Purview provides a unified data governance solution to help manage and govern your on-premises, multicloud, and software as a service (SaaS) data.
Question: In our same Azure Cloud project, can we use Unity Catalog for the Azure Databricks Lakehouse, and use Microsoft Purview for the rest of our Azure project?
Update: In our current Azure subscription, we have divided workload as follows:
SQL related workload: we are doing all our SQL database work using Databricks only (no Azure SQL databases are involved). That is, we are using Databricks Lakehouse, Delta Lake, Deatricks SQL etc. to perform ETL and all Data Analytics work.
All Non-SQL workload: All other assets (Excel files, csv files, pdf, media files etc.) are stored in various Azure storage accounts.
MS Purview is doing a good job in scanning assets in scenario 2 above, and it easily creates a holistic, up-to-date map of our data landscape with automated data discovery, sensitive data classification, and end-to-end data lineage. It also enables our data consumers to access valuable, trustworthy data management.
However, our almost 50% of the work (SQL, ETL, Data Analytics etc.) is done in Azure Databricks where we have significant challenges with Purview. We were wondering if it's possible to keep Purview and Unity Catalog separate as follows: Purview does its Data Governance work for scenario 1 only and Unity Catalog does its Data Governance work for scenario 2 only.
This recently released update may resolve our issue of making Purview work better with Azure Databricks but we have not tried it yet: Connect to and manage Azure Databricks in Microsoft Purview (Preview)
As of right now there is no official integration between Unity Catalog and Purview yet, but it may come in the future. You may join Azure Databricks roadmap webinar that will be tomorrow to get more information.
Regarding the actual question - imho, nothing prevents you from using UC & Purview in the same Azure project.
P.S. You can get metadata & lineage information into Purview by loading data from information schema tables and using Purview APIs to store it in Purview.

Azure Synapse with SSIS package

I have used several Azure services to upload data from on-premises to Azure SQL DW for Power BI.
SQL Server (On Perm) -> Azure Data Factory (SSIS IR, SSIS in Azure SQL Database) -> Azure SQL Database<br/>
2 Azure services used
However, we find that the data size is growing much bigger than design the platform.
We are planning to change to Azure Synapse.
But based on Microsoft Documentation, it seems the Data Factory (Preview) did not come with SSIS IR.
Here is what come up on my mind:
SQL Server (On Perm) -> Azure Data Factory (SSIS IR, SSIS in Azure SQL Database) -> Azure Synapse<br/>
3 Azure services used
I wonder does it have a better way for Synapse with SSIS.
Many thanks.
Azure SQL database now has a Hyperscale service tier.
The Hyperscale service tier in Azure SQL Database provides the following additional capabilities:
Support for up to 100 TB of database size
Nearly instantaneous database backups (based on file snapshots stored
in Azure Blob storage) regardless of size with no IO impact on
compute resources
Fast database restores (based on file snapshots) in minutes rather
than hours or days (not a size of data operation)
Higher overall performance due to higher log throughput and faster
transaction commit times regardless of data volumes
Rapid scale out - you can provision one or more read-only nodes for
offloading your read workload and for use as hot-standbys
Rapid Scale up - you can, in constant time, scale up your compute
resources to accommodate heavy workloads when needed, and then scale
the compute resources back down when not needed.
Since the Azure Synapse Analytics is not supported with SSIS IR, I think scale up the Azure SQL Database service tier is good choice for you.

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) vs Polybase vs Databricks

Today I discovered another Azure service called Azure Data Explorer (ADX). Sorry for such comparison of services, I have good understanding of all except ADX. I feel like there is a big functionality overlay, so want to know the exact role of ADX in Azure infrastructure.
What is the use case when ADX is significantly better than Synapse/Databricks?
My understanding of ADX
AFAIK, ADX is a cluster (with per hour billing, like Databricks or Synapse, not like ADLA) that is handling database for you and is optimized for streaming ingestion and ad-hoc queries at scale. It also supports external tables, that has worse performance but cheaper (you pay for Blob/ADLS storage).
I don't understand why do we need ADX if:
Azure Synapse has similar pricing model (cluster, per-hour), also it supports streaming ingestion and ad-hoc querying at scale. Azure Synapse support querying BlobStorage/ADLS through Polybase external tables.
Databricks is another service that is capable of doing it. Using Databricks Ingest and Delta Lake - you can ingest streaming data and consume them in both: streaming and batching way. Actually you can have interactive cluster that will handle ad-hoc queries for you.
Also if you want a real-time analytics - use Azure Stream Analytics. If you want Athena-like experience - use ADLA (still it doesn't support ADLS gen2).
Azure Data Explorer is focused on high velocity, high volume high variance (the 3 Vs of big data). It provides super fast interactive queries over such data that is streaming in. It supports json and text natively, including full text search and indexing.
It is used in a broad set of scenarios associated with sensing activity and time series in a large set of verticals: IoT, API logs, transaction monitoring and ad hoc data exploration.
Microsoft is offering ADX as a service as it is the major service that Microsoft is using for its own telemetry and all the analytical solutions as a service that we offer in Security, operational monitoring, game analytics, product insights usage analytics, Iot, Connected vehicles is built on ADX. You can find a full list in our docs. For clarity, SQL, Synapse, CosmosDB is storing its telemetry in Azure Data explorer...
SQL DW (AKA Synapse SQL pool) is an excellent data warehouse and implements the modern data warehouse pattern. ETL->Curated data model-> Load and serve via analysis services or power BI.
ADX is for real time analytics, enabling applying schema on read (SOR) on data as fresh as seconds old.
Consider ADX as a fully managed platform when replacing SOLR/Lucine based variants used for logs, time series databases and more.
Try it out in large workloads and you will see it is dramatically cheaper than the alternatives and much more powerful and performant.
Reach out to me if you need help.
Azure Data Explorer alias Kusto is focused on high volume data ingestion and almost real-time query and analytics. It is invented at Microsoft for log and telemetry analytics, but can be used for other purposes e.g. Iot, sensor data or web analytics. Same technology is used in Azure internal services like Azure Monitor and Log Analytics.
Similar capabilities could be build on Synapse or Databricks or HDInsight, but I see these as tools that fit much more broad use-cases. ADX has quite narrow focus. ADX does support queries (”KQL”) but has very limited SQL support. It is good for append only data, not for updates. It is not a data warehouse, database or data lake.
Microsoft material refers to the technology behind ADX with name Kusto. More info on this at A good comparison of services can be found in this blog post:

Distinct difference between Azure Databricks and Azure Synapse Analytics

Can someone explain the distinct difference between these two products in all major aspects? As far as I am aware from reading the official documents, both could host database systems and provide data cleaning pipeline? Both are on cloud?
Azure Databricks is an Apache Spark-based analytics platform optimized
for the Microsoft Azure cloud services platform. Designed with the
founders of Apache Spark, Databricks is integrated with Azure to
provide one-click setup, streamlined workflows, and an interactive
workspace that enables collaboration between data scientists, data
engineers, and business analysts.
Synapse Analytics:
Azure Synapse is a limitless analytics service that brings together
enterprise data warehousing and Big Data analytics. It gives you the
freedom to query data on your terms, using either serverless on-demand
or provisioned resources—at scale. Azure Synapse brings these two
worlds together with a unified experience to ingest, prepare, manage,
and serve data for immediate BI and machine learning needs
they do overlap to some extent, but they are not the same thing. Databricks is pretty much managed Apache Spark, whereas Synapse Analytics is managed SQL Data Warehouse.

Azure Data Factory architecture with Azure SQL database to Power BI

I'm no MS expert - recently hopped onto the Azure train and apologies in advance if I get some information wrong.
Basically need some input in Azure's architecture utilising Azure Data Factory (as the ETL/ELT tool) and Azure SQL database (as the storage), to a BI output - Power BI. My situation is this;
I have on-premise data sources such as Oracle DB, Oracle Cloud SSAS, MS SQL server db
I'd like to have a MS cloud infrastructure solution for reporting purposes.
No data migration needed - merely pumping on-prem data onto cloud and producing a BI reporting solution
Based on my limited knowledge and Google research, Azure Data Factory caters for all my on-prem sources, as well as the future cloud Azure SQL database. If future analysis is needed, Azure Storage and Azure Databricks can be added in to this architecture. I have sketched out the architecture of my proposed solution.
Just confirming my understanding
Without Azure Storage & Databricks (the 2 pink boxes), the 2 Azure component (DF & SQL database) is sufficient to take data from on-premise sources, process on cloud & output into Power BI.
With Azure Storage & Databricks (the 2 pink boxes), processing will be more efficient as their summarised function is to store training data models & act as an analytics processing engine.
Azure SQL database is more suitable, as compared to Azure SQL datawarehouse as my data sources does not exceed 1TB; cost-wise is cheaper AND one of my data sources contain data from call centers, hence OLTP is more suitable. Plus I have Azure Databricks to support the analytical bit that SQL datawarehouse does (OLAP).
Any other comments to help me understand this whole architecture will be great!
I am a new learner of Azure. I was wondering if we have #Query (value="...") kind or any equivalence for DocumentDb (CosmosDB). Because, the documentDB does not take #Query. I am looking to convert the sql query (From jpa to cosmosDB).
Taking data from on-prem or IaaS sources like SQL on a VM, Oracle etc, requires a Self-Hosted Integration Runtime (SHIR).
Please review the Modern Data Warehouse pattern which sounds similar to what you are proposing.
