PowerShell script for returning groups assigned to application - azure

Is there a better way to do this? I want to return the AD groups that are assigned to an Azure AD application. I can find a lot of information on looking at the assigned roles, but not the groups.
The code below, looks at all AD groups first and then ultimately checks the application to see if they are applied. Is there a way to check the application directly?
$ApplicationName = "<NameOfApp>"
$ADGroupList = Get-AzureADGroup -All 1 | Where-Object { $_.DisplayName.Contains('<search string>') } #Find ALL groups that contain search text
#Loop through each group in list and output ObjectID, ResourceDisplayName, and PrincipalDisplayName for each that is assigned to the specified application
ForEach ($group in $ADGroupList){ #Each group in list
Get-AzureADGroupAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $group.ObjectID | Where-Object { $_.ResourceDisplayName -eq $ApplicationName }

The cmdlet for checking a service principal application role assignment is Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment.
A sample here:
Get-AzureADServiceAppRoleAssignment -ObjectId $applicationObjectId | Where-Object{$_.PrincipalType -eq "Group"}


PowerShell to remove all AD attributes when matching the specific string?

I wanted to remove smtp:*#olddomain.com in all of my users, but somehow the cmdlet does not take the wild card to loop through the attributes.
$DefaultDomain = 'NewCompany.onmicrosoft.com'
$OldDomain = 'olddomain.com'
$DistributionGroups = Import-Csv -LiteralPath C:\Source-DL.csv
$DistributionGroups | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Set DL: $($_.DisplayName) into [$($_.Alias+"#"+$DefaultDomain)]" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Set-DistributionGroup -Identity $_.Alias -WindowsEmailAddress $($_.Alias+"#"+$DefaultDomain) -Emailaddresses #{remove="$($_.Alias)#$OldDomain"}
The environment is not on-premise AD hence I can only access the Azure AD or Exchange Online cmdlet.

Can't add device to Azure Active Directory because it has two Object IDs

When I try to add the device looping through a txt file, it says its already a member. When I check the members in the group, nothing changes. From what I've researched, this is due to hybrid setup with on-prem and Azure AD, but I would like to add the devices to the Azure group.
$azgroup = "myGroup"
$machines = get-content ".\deviceList.txt"
write-host "Getting Object ID of group.." -ForegroundColor Green
$objid = (get-azureadgroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$azgroup'" ).objectid
write-host "Getting group members (We dont want duplicates!).." -ForegroundColor Cyan
$members = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $objid -all $true | select displayname
foreach ($machine in $machines) {
$refid = Get-AzureADDevice -Filter "DisplayName eq '$machine'"
$result = ""
$result = ($members -match $machine)
if($result -eq ""){
Write-host "Adding " $refid.displayname -ForegroundColor Cyan
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $objid -RefObjectId $refid.objectid[0]
write-host "An error occured for " $refid.displayname -ForegroundColor Red
write-host $machine " is already a member" -ForegroundColor Green
I tried treating the specific ObjectID as an array but neither worked to add to Azure AD group
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $objid -RefObjectId $refid.objectid[0]
If the AzureAD module doesn't work within a hybrid infrastructure, is there any way to bulk add devices to a group in Azure AD?
Here is the working solution. Ok so due to each device having more than one reference IDs, I just treated like an array. This is the part of my code I had to change:
[String]$refid = (Get-AzureADDevice -Filter "DisplayName eq '$machine'")[0].ObjectId
I misplaced the my index ([0]) and placed it after the property, not before it. Then I made sure it outputed a string for good measure, although you can check this with the .gettype() method. Because the on-premise DC and Azure sync, you can use these Device reference IDs interchangeably. It also didnt help outputting a custom error at first, thats what I get for copy-pasting part of someone else's code...

How can I pass a specific item property to a variable in PowerShell?

I'm currently working on a script to manage Azure AD (as opposed to the console GUI) and am having issues at one particular part. I'm trying to do an 'add user to group' module, but with Add-AzureADGroupMember requiring the group ObjectId and not display name, it's not initially user-friendly.
Here's what I tried initially:
>> $UPN = "someuser#domain.com"
>> $Selected = "Group Display Name"
>> $Group = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$Selected'" -All $true | Select-Object -Property ObjectID
>> Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectID $Group -RefObjectID $UPN
The problem I have with this, is that $Group is returning '#{ObjectId=fba435cc-913c-46a0-9932-17c01733e143}' as opposed to '{fba435cc-913c-46a0-9932-17c01733e143}'
Is there a better way I can pass the group's ObjectID to a variable? I'd like for users to be able to select the display name and have the variable return the objectID.
To get just the value of a property, use ForEach-Object -MemberName instead of Select-Object -Property:
$Group = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "DisplayName eq '$Selected'" -All $true | ForEach-Object -MemberName ObjectID

Get device owner from Azure Active Directory group members

Is there a simple way to get the owners of all devices that are assigned to a particular group? I have a Azure AD group that has devices assigned to it and I would like to change all of the assignments from device to user. Is there a way I can find out the owner of the device and assign them as a member in bulk?
You can use the below Powershell Script to get the the device owners of the devices present in the group.
$Members = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId "b446d49b-****-****-****-************"
foreach ($Member in $Members) {
$DeviceOwner = $Member|Get-AzureADDeviceRegisteredOwner
$deviceprops = [ordered] #{
DeviceDisplayName = $Member.DisplayName
DeviceObjectID = $Member.ObjectId
OwnerDisplayName = $DeviceOwner.DisplayName
OwnerUserPrincipalName = $DeviceOwner.UserPrincipalName
OwnerObjectID = $DeviceOwner.ObjectId
$deviceobj = new-object -Type PSObject -Property $deviceprops
$Result += $deviceobj
$Result | Export-CSV "C:\DeviceOwners.csv"
I have tested the above on my environment I have only devices present in a group.
Then to Add owners to the group you can import the csv and add the owners to the Group and then similarly remove the Devices from Group. I tested it only for GetADUser as I don’t want to do the changes in my AAD group.
$Owners = Import-Csv -Path "C:\DeviceOwners.csv"
$Owners | ForEach-Object {
#$Owner = $_
#Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $Owner.OwnerObjectID
$Owner = $_
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId "b446d49b-****-****-****-************" -RefObjectId $Owner.OwnerObjectID
#$Owner = $_
#Remove-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId "b446d49b-****-****-****-************" -MemberId $Owner.DeviceObjectID
Note :
First Add the Owners to the Group . While running the above script to add Owners to Group keep the Remove command commented . After you have added the Owners to the Group then you can comment the Add command and use the Remove command to remove the Devices from the Group.
Install Powersell azuread module :
Command: Install-Module -Name AzureAD
AzureAD Group Module | Microsoft Docs

Recursively list all resource tags within Azure Resource Groups

We have a large number of Azure Subscriptions which currently run into the hundreds.
I'm looking to generate a report (ideally using Azure Powershell or Azure CLI) to recursively extract a list of all tags assigned to every single resource within every resource group, for between 40-50 of the subscriptions.
Currently, I can list all tags assigned at Resource Group level, but I simply can't find a way to list the tags assigned to the individual resources within each Resource Group. The list of subscriptions and resource groups on which I'd like to extract this report, are saved in a CSV file which includes two columns displaying the Subscription name and Resource Group respectively.
Any tips on how to achieve the above would be fantastic and most appreciated.
Not detailed code but the idea here.
1.You should write a loop, in the loop, change the subscription each time by using this cmdlet:
Set-AzContext -Subscription $subscription_name.
2.Then get all the resource group in the specified subscription by using this cmdlet:
$resource_groups = Get-AzResourceGroup
3.Then write a nested loop(loop for each resource group), in this nested loop, use this cmdlet to get all azure resources within a resource group:
foreach($rg in $resource_groups){
$azure_resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName
4.Write another nested loop in step 3, this loop is used to go though all the azure resources within the specified resource group. Then use the code below to fetch tags for each azure resource within the resource group:
foreach($r in $azure_resources){
#the following code can get all the tags for one resource
Based on Ivan Yang's logic. I have built the PowerShell Script;
#---------DECLARE VARIABLES------------------------------------#
$bnsSubscription = Get-AzSubscription
$day = Get-Date -Format " ddMMMyyyy"
$tagPath = "C:\mytempfolder\"+"$day-Tag-Details.csv"
$tagFolderPath = "C:\mytempfolder\"
#---------DECLARE VARIABLES------------------------------------#
function Get-ResourceTag {
foreach ($subs in $bnsSubscription) {
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $subs.Name | Out-Null
Write-Host 'The selected Subscription is' ($subs).Name
New-Item -ItemType file -Path "$tagFolderPath\$($subs.Name).csv" -Force
$resource_groups = Get-AzResourceGroup
$resource_groups_details = Get-AzResourceGroup | Sort-Location ResourceGroupName | Format-Table -GroupBy Location ResourceGroupName,ProvisioningState,Tags
Write-Host 'The selected Resource Group is' ($resource_groups).Name 'and the tag information as follows'
$resource_groups | Select-Object ResourceGroupName,Tags | Export-CSV -Path "$tagFolderPath\$($subs.Name).csv" -Append
$OutputFile = #()
foreach($rg in $resource_groups){
$azure_resources = Get-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $rg.ResourceGroupName
$TestTags = $Resource.Tags.GetEnumerator()
foreach($r in $azure_resources){
Write-Host 'The selected resource is' ($r).Name 'and the information as follows'
$RGHT = New-Object "System.Collections.Generic.List[System.Object]"
$OutputFile += New-Object psobject -Property $RGHT
$OutputFile | Export-Csv -Path "C:\mytempfolder\test22.csv" -append -NoClobber -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8 -Force
#---------CALL FUNCTION------------------------------------#
