Netsuite - Send Email Action Button Not Working - netsuite

I am working on a workflow that creates a button to "Email All" that emails the customer and then the list of emails in a text field on the invoice. I know the Send Email Action works on its own when tested and the button can be created. i can't to sew them together so that clicking the button performs the action.
I have the workflow set up this way:
State 1
Action Add Button on Before record Load with label "Email All"
Transition from state 1 to state 2. Transition on Entry, and Execute on clicking button in state 1
State 2
Send Email Action. Trigger on Entry
Recipient = Customer > E-Mail. CC {custbodycustbody_cc_emails_to_include} (custom text field)
I'm a bit new to workflows and can't seem to nail this last part. There was a post here
but the steps did not produce the action. The log seems to only show the Add Button. No other errors.

When looking at the workflow logs, did you check the "Show Rejected Actions" option. I think there might be an issue with the CC field. If I recall correctly, it does not support field ids there.


SAPUI5 - Send email via popup dialog box

I'm wondering if it is possible to send an email in SAPUI5 via a dialog component. I have a dialog box that opens on button press and the requirement is to send a query (with optional attachment) to a email address (a possible of 5 different addresses depending on the option you select for the Subject select component).
Is this possible?
As an alternative option, I have seen the URL helper component which when pressed it loads up a mail client (eg, Outlook) but the business wanted it in a contact form style if possible.
On the alternative option is this what you need?
sap.m.URLHelper.triggerEmail("Smith, John <>", "Info Request");

AlertService directive in JHipster

I am using JHipster 3.3.0 and generated code using JDL.
Out of the box, each entity has its own popup dialog page for editing and saving data, i.e. {entity}-dialog.html. And after clicking the Save button, the dialog will close then the entity list page (i.e. {entity}s.html) will display the alert message 'A new <entity name> is created/updated with identifier {primary key}' to indicate outcome of save by using <jhi-alert-error></jhi-alert-error>.
Now I am implementing a one-to-many relationship for 2 entities, say User and Account(i.e. a User can have many Accounts)
such that the editing and saving of both entities happen in the same User page(i.e. User-dialog.html).
All Accounts of the User are displayed in an Account table, each row of the table will have a Save button to save data
of the Account after editing the data in the row.
This is all working fine. However, I noticed after clicking the Save button of Account row, I can see the background User list page
displaying the alert message mentioned above rather then in the current page.
I can't figure out how to display the alert message in the current page as opposed in the entity list page, which is the
default behavior.
I am missing some logic here. Any idea?
Basically, the <jhi-alert-error></jhi-alert-error> in my <entity>-dialog.html page is ignored and won't display message for outcome of successful save except for error message from Form validation.
Thanks in advance,
Ooops,silly me. Just found the answer.
The alert message 'A new is created/updated with identifier {primary key}' was displayed because the tag <jhi-alert></jhi-alert> was used, it was never

NetSuite Renaming Action Button

Is there a way to rename the 'Receive' button on PO record? I thought this could be accomplished by customising the form > Actions > Standard Actions. It seems the action name is used and not the lable. I want action named to be changed to something like Generate Bill.
Add a User Event script to the purchase order and in beforeload event write the below code
var rcvBtn = form.getButton('receive');
rcvBtn.setLabel('Receive Custom'); //Set as "Generate Bill"
form.getButton is a method of nlobjForm and it will get the button
as nlobjButton
setLabel is a method for nlobjButton to change the
You can Change Label from 'Customize form'
Go to
Customization >> Forms >> Transaction forms
Select 'Standard Purchase Order'
Action(Tab) >> Standard Action(Sub tab)
Just change the button Label from 'Receive' to 'Receive Custom'
select preferred checkbox and save

Workflow - Custom Form submitted

I have created a very simple Workflow that contains two activities:
1- FormSubmitted (starts the Workflow, I specify a certain form)
2- Notify (to display a customized message on screen)
Now, when I hit "Submit" on the form, the browser hangs on and keeps on loading and loading, as if the operation is taking time. Nothing then happens,
Any idea?

Sharepoint 2010 and DispForm.aspx and adding custom

I am looking to add either a button to the ribbon or adding a form action button control to a list item display form.
I would like to user to have the ability to email the detail of the list item currently being view.
So far....
I created a new DispForm.aspx ...and then added the form action button control. I set the action to a custom action....then SP2010 created a new Site workflow.
I can edit this workflow..but I do not get fields for the "Current Item". I think this has something to do with the fact that its a site workflow and not a list workflow.
I also tried to edit the code in the DispForm.aspx to change the GUID of the workflow in an attempt to start a list workflow with the button.
What I did to get this setup is first create a list workflow.
All work below is done in SharePoint Designer. And I did not edit any pages just created a custom action that showed up in the ribbon.
You can do this by selecting list and libraries from navigation then selecting the list you want to add the workflow to. Once you select that there should be a "block" for workflows just click add a new workflow. With that you can design your workflow and you will have access to current item.
Once you are done with the workflow find the Custom Actions block on the List page (It is below the workflows block for me). Click some where in the block and on the top ribbon you should see Custom Action. When you open up that menu it gives you the option to select the type of action (Ribbon, DetailView, ...). Now just link it to your workflow you just created. (You may have to refresh the list to get the workflow to show up. If it still doesn't show up make sure you published it).
