I am trying to update an Azure Active Directory Application but I get the error message " Insufficient privileges to complete the operation" as shown below. I have full admin access and I have given the api both delegated and application permissions as shown below and user administrator role as well. I have done search on permissions and roles but still cant get it working.
Here is a screen shot of my permissions configurations.
When you run the Microsoft Graph Powershell Get-MgApplication, you need to login it with the command like below, including the Application.Read.All delegated permission.
Connect-Graph -Scopes "User.Read","Application.Read.All"
It will open a window, then you need to enter the code authenticate, select the account which is the Global admin, select Consent on behalf of your organization option, click the Accept like below.
After login, run Get-MgApplication, it will work fine.
In addition, actually the Microsoft Graph Powershell comamnds call different Graph APIs, to run different commands, you need to Connect-Graph with different permissions, e.g. if you want to run Update-MgApplication, you need to add Application.ReadWrite.All, to run Get-MgGroup, you need to add Group.Read.All.
Iam trying to determine the minimum user rights , roles I can assign a user just so they can pull information from Azure AD, etc.
Currently the commands I am looking into are : Get-AzureADDevice , Get-AzureADUser, Get-MsolDevice.
All documentation I find just lists uses, examples etc. but not rights and I am currently unable to test out a case by case from normal user up to admin to find which rights are required.
Assigned the Global Reader role to the user and tested one of the given commands (Get-AzureADUser) in the Question.
Tried to update the user but not possible due to the role permission restrictions.
Note: Global Reader - Can read everything that a Global Administrator can, but not update anything.
Updated Answer:
Assigned the Directory Reader Role to the user and checked the workflow, able to get the information but not successful to update or do management work like updating/modifying the information using Azure Active Directory PowerShell Commands:
Workaround Result:
Note: Directory Reader Role - Can read basic directory information. Commonly used to grant directory read access to applications and guests.
Depending on your requirement, you can choose any of the above RBAC for the user.
I am unable to fix the "Requesting Consent" status for an azure Data Factory Pipeline querying some Office365 (Graph) simple data (i.e. smtp addresses and UPN of my colleagues).
Can you suggest me something to check ?
I am adding 2 pictures showing where "Graph Data Connect" is easily enabled, and the always empty PAM (Privileged Access Management) portal.
New image: Graph Data Connect configurator
New image: Empty PAM portal
As per the error we could see its a permission issue where you need to be Granted Permission before querying in Graph to pass simple data (i.e. smtp addresses and UPN of my colleagues).
Here, are the steps how you can add permissions:
You have to create a API permissions service, you have to Grant Permission for reporting API, must allow your app the appropriate
permissions based on the API you wish to access.
Next you could navigate to API Permission in the left column under the Manage.
Then you can click on +Add Permission as shown in bubbles in the Snip.
Please grant the permissions Directory.ReadWrite.All and Users.ReadWrite.All.
At last I found what was missing: it was a licensing requirement, but nothing warned me about this in PAM page. Simply nothing was listed in it.
If you like, here are the requirements nowadays.
Have a nice day to everyone !
I have a SPFx webpart which is a form for users to submit requests which will run the group and teams provisioning code.
The code works fine when the user is logged in as a 'Global Admin', but when a normal user with minimum permission levels uses the form, the provisioning is not allowed and is faced with these errors:
Creating group is not allowed:
Tenant admin has not enabled Unified group creation error
Creating teams is not allowed:
Teams disabled in user license admin error
Is there a way to run the code regardless of the user context? or any ways to elevate the privilege of the webpart or block of code with admin permissions?
You will need to specify that specific api permissions your application needs.
basically starting from here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/use-aad-tutorial
specifically, the graph api permissions that you will need is at least Group.ReadWrite.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All in order to create a team.
Hopefully this helps a bit.
Is there a way to run the code regardless of the user context?
Yes. You could implement Get access without a user to use Application permission to create the resources. It will allow you to create a group without a user.
You can also check with your admin if the ability of creation Groups for users has been disabled. See Manage who can create Groups.
And it's strongly recommended to check if the Teams license is assigned to the user.
I am getting the following error or status Not granted for my domain. see the attached document
Is this because my role is User?
I tried to find who is Azure AD Global Administrator?
I followed the following steps:
Log into the Azure Portal (https://portal.azure.com).
Click on Azure Active Directory
Click on Roles and administrators
Click on Global administrator
Under Global administrator it says Microsoft Office 365 Portal
what does it mean?
How can I or someone else in organization become Global administrator?
I want API permissions->User.Read.All Not granted for mydomain
PS: My email is work email.
Update 1
My role is user
Update 2
Global administrator - Assignments say's Microsoft Office 365 Portal is my Admin. How to get these credentials?
I was similiarly frustrated here: it's very hard to spot, however you'll notice that the 'grant admin consent for -' is reset on every update to permissions.
Therefore: simply re-tick this and wait a few seconds for the warnings to disappear.
I too thought I was missing a step elsewhere, very misleading!
For User.Read.All permission you should have Admin Consent which a User cannot avail.
You should have either Global Admin or Application administrator credentials.
Permission Required:
Please refer to this official document Permission details
Admin Credentials:
For Admin credentials details refer to this document
Office 365 Admin Role Assignment:
Hope this will help. Let me know if you have any more concern.
Make sure that if you're the only one or just opened the account that you are an admin on Microsoft 365.
You will need to add a TXT record in your DNS settings (F.e. Route53 - AWS) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/admin/misc/become-the-admin?view=o365-worldwide
Once that is verified you will automatically be a global administrator and then you will have access to all admin features.
Go back to Azure and then just click on the small hard to see in grey here:
First of all, I am no developer. I manage an Office 365 server for my company and I would like to do some heavy reporting using excel.
I have learned of Microsoft Graph and how I could get my data with it.
I created an app in Azure Active Directory, and I tried to set it up.
I added authorizations for Microsoft Graph, including Read All users full profile.
I add one Read directory data permission for Windows Azure Active Directory too.
I clicked on the Grant Permission button.
In the manifest, I changed those parameters to true :
Now from Excel (2016), I am trying to add a new OData Source, and tried
I entered my credentials (as Global administrator) using the Professionnal Account tab, and unfortunately, I only get Resource Access Denied (Sorry if the message is not accurate, I get it in another language).
Could anyone give me a hand in telling me what I have missed, please ?
Thank you in advance.
I had similar issue and found that the problem might be that incorrect flow is being used to authenticate.
Warning: once you change your permission and grant them it may take up to 30 mins for the permission to be granted.
First of all, please check your access token (you can decode it easily using https://jwt.io. As a result you should receive this part in your decoded payload:
"roles": [
If you don't see it it means that permission is not granted properly. As you wrote that you enter the credentials I assume that you use authorization code grant flow.
To resolve this you you can first check whether you granted application permission or delegated permission to your app. You can look at this page to see the difference. If you want to use application permission you can use client credential flow. If you want to use delegated permission you can use authorization code grant flow.
In application settings > Required permissions you can check which permissions you granted and correct it, if needed:
If you are using authorization code flow you can also add delegated permission to your app and check if new access code contains required role (keep in mind that some permissions might be available only in one of the categories - however, Users.Read.All is available in both).