Selenium WebDriverIE Sending single character as Lowecase - string

I have recently changed from Windows 7 to a Windows 10 machine and, when running a previous Cucumber unit test pack that was working fine, I am now experiencing issues with SendKeys - which is causing all tests to fail unexpectedly. SendKeys seems to be sending the first character of a string as a ToLower().
string User = "ANALYSTUSER"
I am sending keys as:
SendKeys(User) / SendKeys(User.ToUpper())
and it is always populating the field as aNALYSTUSER!
I have rolled back the NuGet Package/driver version through the latest 10 versions and the issue still occurs. (I have also tried the 64-bit driver.)
Does anybody have an idea as to what may cause this and what can be tried here?

Perhaps the issue relates to your website client side JavaScript, it will change the entered value, I have created a sample using the following code, it works well on my side. You could have a try:
private const string URL = #"";
private const string IE_DRIVER_PATH = #"E:\webdriver\IEDriverServer_x64_3.14.0"; // where the Selenium IE webdriver EXE is.
static void Main(string[] args)
InternetExplorerOptions opts = new InternetExplorerOptions() { IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true};
using (var driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(IE_DRIVER_PATH, opts))
var element = driver.FindElementById("sb_form_q");
Besides, you could also try to execute the script to enter a value, code as below.
private const string URL = #"";
private const string IE_DRIVER_PATH = #"E:\webdriver\IEDriverServer_x64_3.14.0"; // where the Selenium IE webdriver EXE is.
static void Main(string[] args)
InternetExplorerOptions opts = new InternetExplorerOptions() { IntroduceInstabilityByIgnoringProtectedModeSettings = true};
using (var driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(IE_DRIVER_PATH, opts))
var element = driver.FindElementById("sb_form_q");
var script = "document.getElementById('sb_form_q').value = 'webdriver';";
IJavaScriptExecutor jse = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
jse.ExecuteScript(script, element);


How to use latest SharePoint PnP Core Online in azure function v1

I just follow the instructions as below:
tried to add new version of newtonsoft.json and then installed the latest SharePointPnPCoreOnline.
It works well in my project and also I could do a unit test for my event-grid trigger locally.
But after I deploy to azure,an error will happen.It seems the function did not load the proper DLL
Method not found: 'Newtonsoft.Json.Linq.JObject Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Extensions.EventGrid.EventGridEvent.get_Data()'.
and executed this code when error
public static void Run([EventGridTrigger] string eventGridEvent, TraceWriter log)
EventGridEvent eventGridEventData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<EventGridEvent>(eventGridEvent);
var siteCreationInfo = eventGridEventData.Data.ToObject<SiteRequest>();
very confused about the issue and made all my solutions but could not find the way.
Under this condition and if we have to use both of these libraries,it seems we could not to convert the object to eventgrid object directly.
EventGridEvent eventGridEventData = eventGridEvent.ToObject<EventGridEvent>();
because of the libraries conflict,we can not use this function directly.
We should get the key and value separately:
JObject eventGridData = JObject.Parse(eventGridEvent);
var eventId = eventGridData["id"];
var siteData = eventGridData["data"];
we should do data conversion in the simple way
The solution to overcoming this issue is by first manually installing a newer version of Newtonsoft.Json via NuGet.
Check the references.
My test project, it has warnings, but code runs successfully.
string webTitle = string.Empty;
JObject jObject = JObject.Parse(#"{
'CPU': 'Intel',
'Drives': [
'DVD read/writer',
'500 gigabyte hard drive'
//Create the client context
using (var clientContext = authenticationManager.GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(authArray[0], authArray[1], authArray[2]))
var web = clientContext.Web;
webTitle = web.Title;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception : " + ex.Message);
webTitle = ex.Message;
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Hello " + webTitle+ jObject["CPU"]);

Copying or moving files around in SharePoint Online

I see so many people struggling to copy or moving files around in SharePoint online, that I decided to write a small demo console app to show how to do it.
We will be using the CreateCopyJobs method, available on CSOM to copy a folder from one site collection to another. This method can be used to copy or move files between site collections or even on the same SC, betwen different libraries or folders inside a library.
The method works exactly as the UI, when you try to copy or move something in a library.
1 - Create new .NET console app. We will be using PnP, so go to your project NuGet manager and add SharePointPnPCoreOnline
2 - add to the usings of your class the following:
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using OfficeDevPnP.Core;
3 - Define the following class to receive the status of the job that we will be checking.
class CopyJobProgress
public string Event;
public string JobId;
public string CorrelationId;
4 - Now add this sample main method:
static void Main(string[] args)
var siteUrl = "";
var userName = "admin#...";
var password = "....";
AuthenticationManager authManager = new AuthenticationManager();
using (var ctx = authManager.GetSharePointOnlineAuthenticatedContextTenant(siteUrl, userName, password))
var web = ctx.Web;
string sourceFile = "<site>/<library>/<file or folder>";
string destinationPath = "<site>/<destination library>";
var createJobInfo = ctx.Site.CreateCopyJobs(new string[] { sourceFile }, destinationPath,
new CopyMigrationOptions() { IsMoveMode = false, IgnoreVersionHistory = true,
AllowSchemaMismatch = true, NameConflictBehavior = MigrationNameConflictBehavior.Replace });
Dictionary<string, CopyJobProgress> eventsFound = new Dictionary<string, CopyJobProgress>();
bool jobEndFound = false;
while (!jobEndFound)
var progress = ctx.Site.GetCopyJobProgress(createJobInfo[0]);
foreach (string log in progress.Value.Logs)
CopyJobProgress progressRes = (CopyJobProgress)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(log, typeof(CopyJobProgress));
if (!eventsFound.ContainsKey(progressRes.Event))
Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now + " - " + progressRes.Event + " - CorrelationId: " + progressRes.CorrelationId);
eventsFound[progressRes.Event] = progressRes;
if (progressRes.Event == "JobEnd")
jobEndFound = true;
if (!jobEndFound)

c# Ftpclient not working and python can retrive the data

I'm trying to use the c# library to download a file from an FTP. The code we are using is straight forward.
static void Main(string[] args)
Connect(true, true, true);
private static void Connect(bool keepAlive, bool useBinary, bool usePassive)
string RemoteFtpPath = "";
const string Username = "anonymous";
const string Password = "";
var request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(new Uri(RemoteFtpPath));
request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile;
request.KeepAlive = keepAlive;
request.UsePassive = usePassive;
request.UseBinary = useBinary;
request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(Username, Password);
request.Timeout = 30000;
var response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse();
var responseStream = response.GetResponseStream();
var reader = new StreamReader(responseStream);
var fileString = reader.ReadToEnd();
$"Success! keepAlive={keepAlive}, useBinary={useBinary}, usePassive={usePassive} Length={fileString.Length}");
catch (Exception e)
$"Failed! keepAlive={keepAlive}, useBinary={useBinary}, usePassive={usePassive}, message={e.Message}");
we also tried to set passive = true with identical results.
When we run it, using wireshark we are getting : Wireshark log c#
Now we tried the same with Python and it's working just fine:
import urllib.request
data = urllib.request.urlretrieve('path')
the wireshark log looks quite different:
So tried different things, but not able to sort this out.
Some ftp servers don't support OPTS UTF8 but still transmit file names in UTF8. (Note that 'OPTs UTF8' is NOT required by the FTP Internationalization Standard, although supporting UTF8 file names is.) The .NET Ftp classes will use the default code page if they don't get an OK response to OPTS UTF8... It's unfortunate that MS didn't provide some way to use UTF8 anyway, since this leaves you unable to transmit international file names to and from otherwise UTF8-compliant servers.
The issue is sorted after using a different library as FtpWebRequest doesn't support it

Image downloaded from Azure Storage not being displayed

I'm new to Xamarin. I'm trying display a list of downloaded images. I am downloading images from an APP API on Azure, where I stored the file on Azure Storage.
My server code is the following:
public HttpResponseMessage Get(string PK, string RK)
//Creating CloudBlockBlolb...
byte[] bytes = new byte[blockBlob.Properties.Length]
for(int i = 0; i < blockBlob.Properties.Length; i++){
bytes[i] = 0x20;
blockBlob.DownloadToByteArray(bytes, 0);
HttpResponseMessage resp = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
resp.Content = new ByteArrayContent(bytes);
resp.Content.Headers.ContentType = new System.Net.Http.Headers.MediaTypeHeaderValue("image/jpg");
return resp;
My Xamarin code is the following:
public MainPage ()
List<PicturePost> list = new List<PicturePost>{
new PicturePost("title", "subtitle", "link/api/Pictures?PK=xxx&RK=yyy")
InitializeComponent ();
listView.ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate (typeof(CustomImageCell));
listView.HasUnevenRows = true;
listView.ItemsSource = list;
And here is the relevant code for CustomImageCell:
var image = new Image ();
image.SetBinding (Image.SourceProperty, "image");
horizontalLayout.Children.Add (image);
I know that my API call works, because when I test it on the browser, it returns the image. I also know that if I use any random links such as the image is downloaded and displayed properly. It is only when I use the API link that it doesn't seem to be working. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
so in my public MainPage(), I added the following:
listView.BeginRefresh ();
listView.EndRefresh ();
I realized at some point that the images would take some time to download. I assume that when the listView was created, the images were not finished downloading, so I added the code above... Pretty sure this is not the best way to do this (probably an await would be better, but I don't know where).

applicationData.current.localFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions); don't work

I excerpt from windows 8.1 sample of StorageDataSource and GetVirtualizedFilesVector sample a piece of code in my project can run successfully, but I changed to this: From ApplicationData.current.localFolder the deposit into my pictures do not show up success
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
var queryOptions = new QueryOptions();
queryOptions.FolderDepth = FolderDepth.Deep;
queryOptions.IndexerOption = IndexerOption.UseIndexerWhenAvailable;
var sortEntry = new SortEntry();
sortEntry.PropertyName = "System.FileName";
sortEntry.AscendingOrder = true;
//var fileQuery = KnownFolders.PicturesLibrary.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions);
var fileQuery = ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileQueryWithOptions(queryOptions);
const uint size = 400; // default size for PicturesView mode
var fileInformationFactory = new FileInformationFactory(fileQuery, ThumbnailMode.PicturesView, size, ThumbnailOptions.UseCurrentScale, true);
itemsViewSource.Source = fileInformationFactory.GetVirtualizedFilesVector();
Commented that the original sample code, comments, following the line of code that I want to be able to run.
thanks a lot!
Do you have accessright for picture library?
To do the programatic access like your code, The app should have it.
You can on/off it from Package.appxmanifest.
