Using Logic Apps to read Excel from sharepoint online and then inserting into Azure SQL - excel

I am trying to do something that should be fairly simple, but I get no results.
I want to read an Excel file from our sharepoint site (O365) and insert the data from the first worksheet into a table in SQL Server.
Actually quite simple and straightforward. Well, it sounds like that.......
Apparently there is more than reading the file and inserting the file into SQL Server....
Who can provide me with info, tutorials or (even better) step-by-step instructions?
Bonus would be looping through the (online) folder and importing all excel files creating a table for each worksheet.
Edit: I am able to collect the Excel file and email it to me as an attachment.
I just have no clue how to insert it in SQL Server.

This is possible in 4 steps:
Trigger (duh)
Excel Business component - Get Tables
For each component - Value (list of items)
SQL Server component - Insert Row (V2) _ make sure you create parameters for all the columns and map them to the dynamic content offered
(I inserted a SQL Server component - Execute query after step 2 to truncate the destination table)
Not looping yet but this at least enables me to insert rows from an online Excel into a Azure SQL

You can use Azure Data Factory for that, create the connection to your excel file, then to SQL, and use a copy & transform Pipeline


Load data from Excel file with a data validation list to SQL Server Database using SSIS

I have an Excel file with a drop down list that I can choose data to display. I want to use SSIS to load the data into my SQL Server Database.
There is around 55 items in the list to choose from so I don't think I want to manually copy paste data from each selection into a new sheet or file.
I did some research but I didn't find any answer on this topic. I'm hoping a script task can do it?
Any idea will help.

Importing data from excel to multiple tables in Oracle DB

I have an excel sheet with a single workbook with data in it. The data is around 1000 rows and 50 columns. I need to import these data to an Oracle DB every week. Here comes the problem, the columns in the sheet belongs to different tables with some columns go in multiple tables. I use SQL Developer V. Thanks in advance for the help.
Note: I created a temp table and copied all data to it, then wrote the query to push each column to its respective tables. But, I feel its complex and think it won't work. Is there any better way.
PL/SQL Developer has special tool for tasks like this, calls ODBC Importer (Menu 'Tools'-> ODBC Importer).
For use it you have to set Excel File in USER / System DSN field and your domain user and password, and push Connect after.
After connection developer will ask you path of excel file, and after you can create table in heiborhood tab for your dataset.
Or, you can use sql loader. Ask google how to. It's easy.

How to get Excel to interact with .NET or PowerShell or OData

I have a few thousand rows of history data that I want Excel to access. This data will be used in creating a summary report, sparklines, and a table data.
My question is how should I go about adding new rows to the datasource? Powershell is required to extract data from the source (Exchange Server)... but then how do I surface that extracted data to Excel2010?
Here are my ideas:
1) Powershell can run externally and save the data to the XLSX (as long as the spreadsheet is closed) using Open XML libraries
2) Use Excel vb macros to call COM via interop (C# object) to get the data from Powershell. The returned values go to the XLSX (Ugly)
3) ????
(Advanced, not sure if this idea will work with above mentioned features)
If I were to move these rows to an external sheet, or SQL table, then I'd rather use other ways of importing the data into excel. I dont' know if this will work with sparklines, or tables. Perhaps I could use OData since it appears to be the most lightweight and firewall friendly.
If you have the external data in SQL Server, Access or another Excel file, it's trivial to access it using Data>Connections. The data will automatically be formatted as an Excel table with all of Excel's features available.

Save Excel sheet into SQL

Excel has a Get External Data ribbon bar in the Data tab where we can choose to import tables from SQL databases. This process worked out nicely for me. But my question is, is there any way to save this data back into SQL? Does Excel provide some API that facilitates the coding of such a function without parsing everything and doing it from scratch?
It may not be the solution you are looking for, but I posted some VBA code a long while back that will take a range in Excel and convert it to XML and builds the SQL to put that data into a temp table in SQL Server. Here's a link if you are interested.
The easiest way to do this is to use the import function within SSMS. You can select which sheets to use, customise column mappings and so on. If creates an SSIS that you can then manipulate further if required. However that approach is a pull from Sql, not a push from Excel, if you want to do that you'd have to code some VBA to do it for you.
Programmatically - I can only think of the OpenRowSet function in MSSQL:
Using openrowset to read an Excel file into a temp table; how do I reference that table?

Creating a table in Excel

I was working on project for my company. The requirements are to create an excel report at the end.
The way I am currently coding/thinking.
Remote Server ---> Local Access table --> give user a UI to filter data however they want --> Export to excel.
However, one of my analysts asked me if we can stay away from access and use Excel only. So I was wondering, is there a way to create a "table" like access table in Excel? This way, when I import data from remote server, I can put it in a table (IN EXCEL), create a form for UI, and have everything contained in one file.
I can't paste the raw data into a sheet because of performance issues (however, I have not tried it. I just assume that it is a lot faster to query a 'real' table then to search through excel cells).
Can you think of a alternate solution?
One option is to use Microsoft Query to directly access the remote database. In this case, the users would need to use the UI of MS Query (which isn't the prettiest) for filtering, but it would get the job done without needing the intermediate database.
Here is a good reference from the Microsoft site.
